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Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by cartman325, Apr 2, 2002.

  1. Mirkan

    Mirkan Well-Known Member

    Was the test version voice entirely different, pitch and all?

    I believe I've heard some samples from the test version, such as Jacky saying; "Come on boy!" after a successful kickflip/flipkick/whatever (we had that discussion abt kickflips already, hehe) Can't recall if it was lower pitched or not though.. Refresh my memory please. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Speaking of which, did he call the female combatants 'boy' too? Or was it like.. "Come on bitch!" ?

    Err.. yeh.. /versus/images/icons/blush.gif
  2. slimshady0116

    slimshady0116 New Member

    If i swung that way, Lei's bald head is dead sexy, but I'm gonna hafta say Sarah, due to her lack of midriff-covering clothing.
  3. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Well Lion has that opening animation where he calls eveyone an old man, including Aoi and Pai if he's fighting them at the time... oops.
  4. teenmachine22

    teenmachine22 New Member

  5. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member

    <font color=blue>PAI CHAN, SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE CAME FROM THE INTERNET</font color=blue>

    <font color=yellow>I don't know what that means but I do know this... If Pai is supposed to be Chinese, she doesn't look remotely like any of my Chinese lady friends. Cute? Yes. Chinese? Nope. The clothes might be authentic but those eyes are not almond-like enough to pass the "is she Asian" test. Even if AM2 used Aoi's eyes, I'd be cool with it. At least, Aoi looks more her part facially. On that note, Akira has the same problem that Pai has. He has way too European features to be nihongin. Japanese he is not. Even Jacky's face is more Asian than Akira's.

    FYI: I'm Filipino and I live in LA in a suburb that has the largest concentration of Japanese in the US. My best friends from elementary through high school were Japanese. They often kid me that I am more like them than I am Filipino. Two of my girlfriends growing up were Chinese. I also had three Japanese girlfriends. All of them were and are babes...</font color=yellow>
  6. nxw0016

    nxw0016 Well-Known Member

    No body mention Dural? Her boobs sway so nicely when she is knocked down --- uh better say: forced to lay down:)
  7. clash103

    clash103 Member

    Video game characters are not attractive. But if you're asking...Pai is the most "attractive" set of pixels.
  8. Akhet

    Akhet Member

    i agree - pai and akira just dont look the part-they went a bit far with the eyes. Not that they have to be slits or anything, but a little shaping would be more representative-this isnt racist, its just mo
  9. NeverEnd

    NeverEnd Member

    Ok why did Sega have to model such ugly ass characters? I mean Akira and Pai are the only decent looking ppl in the game. VF has to one of the ugliest fighters out there. I mean I can't stand looking at Jacky's grille or Aoi's eyes, or Wolf in general. The charcters in DoA, Tekken, are so much more appealing, they look kool. The cool characters in VF imo, are Akira, Kage, Lei-Fei, and Pai, but she needs a new outfit. The others are pathetic. Look at Sarah, her feet are huge!! Is Aoi supposed to be Japanese? If VF had the character appeal of Tekken or DoA, I have no doubt it will be the most popular fighter in the block. But despite all this, nothing beats the game play of VF.
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think Pai' s the hottest /versus/images/icons/grin.gif /versus/images/icons/wink.gif /versus/images/icons/crazy.gif
  11. Edgecrusher

    Edgecrusher New Member

    I just wann know what's up with the way Sarah's nipples stand out from her bodysuit- she must be pretty f'n cold /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  12. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: hottie's!

    Chinatownfair ( 8 Mott St) is not airconditioned so, when the action on the half dazed dance machine babes /versus/images/icons/grin.gif heats up each Saturday morning you are faced with dozens of shimmering hotties in pants and sweat suits that defy gravity. You will also find a few that can kick it w/ Pai, Sarah and Aoi!
  13. KyoukanFactor

    KyoukanFactor Well-Known Member

    Re: hottie's!

    Nope your all wrong its Sayows Genjuro Gif...Genjuro is the hottie outta all of them /versus/images/icons/grin.gif Lol anyway..i Think its either Aoi or Pai...Aoi...but its prolly cause i have a "Thing" for Asian Women...mmmmm there tingies fit right in my palms...oh dammit....foget that....all of it.... /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  14. BakuBaku

    BakuBaku Well-Known Member

  15. Lemonspawn

    Lemonspawn Member

    How is it possible that with all these replies NOone likes Vanessa the most? She's the best looking by far!
  16. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    I wish people played VF!!!
  17. Slayer

    Slayer Well-Known Member

    Usagi-San rules you all! /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  18. DarkBlaze

    DarkBlaze New Member

    The hottest should be Sarah because Sega probably made her out to be the game's sex symbol (a bad one at that). She's blond and wears tight stuff.
    I like vanessa because of her large as...er, Her strong thighs. But don't you think Sega made Vanessa as a reality check? C'mon, all the other little girlies wouldn't really survive in an open weight cross gender tournment...
    And another question, why are the Asian girlies all conservately dressed and the Westerners all wild...
  19. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member


    good point, the asian girls are really conservatively dressed. such a pity. What I'd give to see Pai in some of Kasumi's (from DOA) kinky little outfits. yummy
    especially that naughty school girl uniform.

    And Sarah is THE sex symbol tho. And since I have a thing for blondies, she's the hottest one for me. Altho, I think that AM2 kinda went a bit sloppy with her looks. At full potential, she'd look more like Nina Williams(Tekken), who I think is the hottest game girl. period.
    Why cant Sarah have a kinkly little catsuit?? that'd be purrrfect for her! yummy.

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