"How Deep is to Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

Discussion in 'General' started by Condor, Aug 28, 2006.

  1. virtuaPAI

    virtuaPAI Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    [ QUOTE ]
    Dandy_J said:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If the matter was such a Big deal, Dont you think it would only be right to present this on a board where the origins of the topic took place. Instead of me having to browse the board to see a collective bashing of Doa players and its site.

    -EXM stated that such things as back dashing was not effective (that was not in comaprison to Vf). I said it was effective. Just because he said it was not, do it mean it was true? Within the same breadth, he said Brad wong had no defense against those who use offensive holds. Yet with one sitting I found a Move that not only allow him to escape OH pressure, but gain frame advantage from the situacion. But he pleaded to no end that There was absolutely nothing that could be done. Goes to show you how much effort he actually spent to find a counter strat.

    -EXM also stated that nothing new was being found. I gave some examples. Many of the very stuff found in Vf are 1st found by players, than they are collected than published. Lets stop pretending that many of the stuff found in fighters today are not in manuels. Or maybe you are not used to finding things yourself since you can get the latest arcadia, or Blue/red books from Japan. Stop with this biasnerss . Im well aware that Doa have problems, and I can list every single one. But im not going to go to the extent of EXM and say the game is trash, when the problems do not out weigh the good. Not even close.

    Exm, having to read this here was a big fucking annoyance.
    I hoped you achieved your goal. Seriously. Learn more about the game, get good at it, than tell me stupid shit about Brad wong having no options against OH. Or How bayman is Low Tiered, when The Japanese Guide itself tells us he is High /mid. Im fucking done, shit like this never seems to cease.
  2. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    Well I of course like VF best, but there are some things I like better in Tekken 5 and DoA 4.

    Tekken 5: Every char speaks his own language.
    DoA4: The Levels: the street fighting style, objects that block your path, sourroundings change if you go further into the maps. But I hate that stairs sliding stuff and tackling animals, thats plain stupid.

    What could really enhance VF would be: tournament + street style and some more modes like Tag and stuff.
    And most important :Online mode, even if it needed 5Mbyte upstream. I just have 2 ppl I can play VF with :cry: *sob*
  3. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    [ QUOTE ]
    Tekken 5: Every char speaks his own language.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This amusingly enough is the only thing I'm envious of when I see Tekken.
  4. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    Right, make Lion even more gay by letting him speak French. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  5. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    And Brad Italian and Jacky English for that cause. Oh he speaks English already. Oh well.
  6. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    Don't bash other characters just because you play Lion, czechboy. /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif
  7. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    Look who's talking /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  8. snapz

    snapz Active Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    [ QUOTE ]
    MystD said:

    Tekken 5: Every char speaks his own language.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That can be said about every fighting game.
    Plenty of characters share numerous similarties in tekken, and many things have been adopted by more than one character over the series.

    Every character in every game should and do share the same language...basics.
  9. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    [ QUOTE ]
    snapz said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    MystD said:

    Tekken 5: Every char speaks his own language.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That can be said about every fighting game.
    Plenty of characters share numerous similarties in tekken, and many things have been adopted by more than one character over the series.

    Every character in every game should and do share the same language...basics.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love Basic language!

    ''' Robot Temple Salvation Application '''
    ''' Version 2.0 Alpha '''
    ''' GNU General Public License v2 '''
    ''' Copyleft 2005 - Adam Bailey '''
    ''' www.Digital-Madman.com '''

    DECLARE SUB hell ()
    10 S = SIN(7 / 7) * 0 + 1
    20 I = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 * 1 * 0
    30 N = ((3 * I) * (SIN(I + S))) + S
    40 IF N = 1 THEN GOTO 60
    50 GOTO 10
    60 CALL hell

    SUB hell
    SCREEN 9
    COLOR 0, 9

  10. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    "I did read the critics itagaki made about tekken. he should check the sale number between tekken and DOA before he made those comment."

    Just because something is more "popular" it doesn't mean that its better. Just look at rap music, lol.
  11. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    The only thing that i think would enhance VF is if the game just had more personality in general. Make the characters and stages more interesting. I think Goh and Brad were a step in the right direction.
  12. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    So finally more of us agree, that every fighter is good in his own way, and that we like VF, but wouldn't mind some features of other games put into VF.
    The thread is not about it, but for me the things that might help VF if improrted into it are:
    1)from Tekken series:
    - characters speaking their own language
    - movies, story, even if it had to be a telenovel
    2)from Dead or Alive:
    - I'm not sure, but maybe Tag battles, though it doesn't suit VF IMO
    - Stages, though the ones in VF5 are really great
    3)from Soul Calibur series:
    - some bloody minigame mode:) SC always had good ones /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    - not really, but Music (I know it doesn't suit VF, but it's great) :p
    - What I think most of the VF players wouldn't mind is.... some katas, pumses, or whatever other exhibition/training forms we could have.
    I'd just love about 3 of those per character to watch! Just imagine Brad performing his Muay Thai pre-fight "dance", Akira performing a Baji form, or Blaze.... just running /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    Anyway, you don't have to, but please, try to actually get deep into a fighting game before bashing it. I love all fighting games, and I find much pleasure in playing Tekken as much as DOA, or SC.... though VF is still my favourite and beloved :p
  13. sonicspear64

    sonicspear64 Well-Known Member

    Re: "How Deep is to Deep?" an article on VF5 vs.

    The characters speak their own language for the most part (except Lion speaks English and not French. We also need to have subtitles cause I wanna know what Kage said to me after he killed me with a Ko'enraku juggle combo!)
  14. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Re: "How Deep is to Deep?" an article on VF5 vs.

    This now a wish-list thread?

    1. Native tongues for everyone.
    2. Online (just so it'd shut everyone up)
    3. Top Notch A.I.
    4. 5-10 Costumes for each character or even 4 stock but a create a character mode where you mish-mash whatever you want on your character.
    5. Thousands of items per character (Akira with a Grove cut and a olde timey mustache, monocle)
    6. Ignore story all together (no FG story is worth shit)
    7. Two new characters? (I don't know... one thing I liked about VF4 was that it had a limited cast size)
    8. Maybe kill Lau and meld his style to someone else (Vanessa, Lei Fei)
  15. yuki_daruma

    yuki_daruma Member

    Re: "How Deep is too Deep?" an article on VF5 vs. DOA4 that i found

    what about el mexican? he sounds like a high school jock from cacausanville
  16. SaiJin

    SaiJin Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm originally a SC player and gave DoA4 a chance for a year.
    I have to say that DoA community has some of the worst kind of people I have ever met.

    The game itself is just bad. I can certainly go in deeper and say the bad things, but I'm not going to do that, since most people who are good in fighters know.

    This is my first time playing VF, and it's exciting. It feels like it's a game mashers and beginners can't win, and I like that.
    Too bad it's not online, it rather limits my growth.
  17. SaiJin

    SaiJin Well-Known Member

    Oh one more thing, my jaws dropped, the first 1 hour playing VF5.
    Now I understand why people say that DoA steals from a lot of fighters, mainly VF series... It's disgusting enough that a it feels like DoA is a bastadized version.
  18. yuki_daruma

    yuki_daruma Member

    DOA is cool its fun and its exciting but once it wears off its frustating cheesy and there is no depth to it. the boss fight alone was simply ridiculous.
  19. ViperExcess

    ViperExcess Well-Known Member

    Always gotta hate on something right? How do you even hate on a fighting game's boss? Making a game more accessible to more people doesn't hurt a game (and VF5 is guilty of this). SaiJin, you're just stereotyping on DoA and its players. Both DoA and VF have their redeeming qualities. DoA has basically gone far apart from VF that they're different but share only some things. But here's what I would suggest that VF should adopt from DoA:

    They def need to make it more modern style, with a story, extra modes, some kind of online functionality (which in essence should feel only like a bonus to the game), and other extra tidbits. VF could use DoA's story style, online functions, other modes like tag and team battle, transferable things via mem card, a new spin on environments (square arenas get really old), more reasons to slow escape (DoA involves much slow escaping), different throw speeds to encourage more mindgames and justify the damage for some throws, a little increase in the ability to gamble just for more variety or if one feels like trying to show off and maybe get some payout with more damage (slightly more risk and slightly more reward, not like VF has counters anyway), a way to change the ground game (feels way too old now IMO), and a little more flashiness and appeal wouldn't hurt. Imagine if VF had things that made DoA seem fresh and likable. VF would really get popular very fast and everyone wins.
  20. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member


    Story mode is worthless to a competitive gamer. Sure it'd be nice but it's waste of resources.

    Tag is completely different game. And it's very easy to screw it up. Nobody plays Tag competitively in DoA, I suspect nobody will play it seriously in VF either.

    Team is nice but not necessary, just play team format in tournaments.

    DoA is all about the environment. VF is all about balance opportunity. DoA's environments are retarded, I'm sorry. VF has full wall, half wall, and RO stages. Plenty of factors go on in match ups with just those stages. Also, VF3 technically had different enviroment changes before DoA2, however they removed them cause they just caused too much trouble.

    Also, you don't understand the throw game very well. You are thinking about DoA too much. Throw speeds are different in DoA to justify the insane damage they cause (though I still think it needs a break system).

    In VF, throw directions and throw escape follow ups (aka the situation you are in after you are TE'd) justify the throws damage. One throw might do alot of damage but share the same direction as 2-3 other throws. Akira for example.

    Also, VF is not about stuns. So of course there is no need for any slow escaping. Why are you trying to make VF like DoA? Lol you sound like Vpai in his wishlist threads for improvement (where he lists 90% of VF's features as a wish lmao). VF has a stagger escape system for when you hit walls, get nailed by certain moves, and for when you guard is broken. Read more about it, there is more too it than mashing the stick.

    Another thing is, VF already has risky play. It's called reverse nitaku. You need to play more people Viper, cause if you did you would understand that high risk choices happen all the time in VF too.

    Weither is going for the K ender to a 6P hit confirm, or evading and then using a big damage launcher. Hell, the new OM is an example of High Risk High Reward. Wolf is a character all about high risk high reward. I encourage you to go back and look at the game more.

    Also, have you ever used the ground game in VF? You do understand the OTG game is wayyy better than DoA. If a person does not tech in DoA4, the simply get hit by two moves for like 8-10 dmg extra and then they force wake up naturally.

    In VF if you do not tech roll Sarah's fPK, your opponent can do something like 1K+GK, relaunch you into a combo, and deal 50 extra damage sometimes. If that isn't a suggestion to TR then I don't know what is. Not to mention if you still don't TR he can keep relaunching you till you wisen up. Hell if you can't even tech roll well Wolf can launch for P, P, 4P to 46K+G OTG for like almost 90+ dmg on a normal juggle.

    You need to play VF more often and against more people, if you don't TR in VF some very very very nasty things can happen.

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