"How good is jerky?" PA (public apology).

Discussion in 'General' started by Shang, Mar 6, 2019.

  1. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    Hahahahaha GG goes to @Shang man GGs. Tape confirmed.
    Jacko likes this.
  2. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Ok, before this thread goes out of hand we need to examine the facts:
    1. We have recorded video of a rape session between 1FK(Raper) vs. @Tricky(Rapee). The video has been confirmed to have been played by 1FK, and someone using the XBL nickname: Tricky_VFDC.
    2. @Tricky has denied he was behind the stick during the above alleged assault, and has instigated @Mold_Monkey93 as the actual Rapee.
    3. @Mold_Monkey93 has since denied the above allegation and furthermore indicated he has never been to @Tricky residence, nor had ever witnessed the alleged assault in question.
    4. We have text messages documenting @Tricky's delusionary behaviors after he has been raped in other instances.
    5. We have video evidence of @Chief_Flash doing flappy bird while @Tricky instinctively prepare to enter the position of performing fellatio.
    At this point we ask the adjudicators of VFDC ( @Myke and all the VFDC mods) to make a final decisions on who was actually in the "It ain't me" tape.
  3. Mold_Monkey93

    Mold_Monkey93 Well-Known Member

    Well looks like @Tricky going to need to...

    (Btw on mobile is why I sent it as a file.)

    Attached Files:

    Jacko and Chief_Flash like this.
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    You SoB. We ain't talking about lately. This was years ago when you were coming over to my place to train. You wanted to play against Shang when he invited me to play on xbl. I even told you they wouldn't believe it wasn't me if you get bodied. You best stop playin' games son
    kungfusmurf, Shang and Chief_Flash like this.
  5. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    LISTEN, you're both delusional AF! honestly, it doesn't matter who it was, the results would have been the same! NEXT!!! @Mold_Monkey93 he called you SOB i fucking died hahahahaha
    Mold_Monkey93 and Shang like this.
  6. Mold_Monkey93

    Mold_Monkey93 Well-Known Member

    In that case, no arguing with Shang. I would love to play some VF again but sadly has to be on PSN. Lol I know, I heard him say it in that squeaky voice of his.
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  7. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Look at these scrubs, talking about it aint me. It doesn't even matter here is the reality:
    Jacko, Chief_Flash and Mold_Monkey93 like this.
  8. Mold_Monkey93

    Mold_Monkey93 Well-Known Member

    In my defense I was still learning the game and I didn't have my pad.
    Chief_Flash and Shang like this.
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Mofo, this aint about your defense son. You defending me as a witness. Worst trial ever.
    Jason Elbow and Chief_Flash like this.
  10. Mold_Monkey93

    Mold_Monkey93 Well-Known Member

    Oh and just so you know....Tricky took control of the game later on so his, "cred" wouldn't be diminished.
    Chief_Flash and Tricky like this.
  11. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    So after all this, we still don't know who was behind the stick during the rape. Jesus guys, step up already. Who was playing those matches on the tape, @Tricky or @Mold_Monkey93? I'm pretty sure is @Tricky.. The flappy bird was in full swing there. Flap Flap!
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    After backing out and plugging in my controller. I can't use that pad like you.
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  13. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Controller gate...
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  14. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I've certainly opened over 8 gates by now [​IMG]
    Chief_Flash likes this.
  15. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    This meme is wrong. I wouldn't lose to flash today
  16. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    @Tricky are you OK? I'm concerned about your mental health. i mean, should i be flattered that whenever the character Wolf Hawkfield rapes you, you automatically default to thinking it's me behind the stick? I've seen this behavior before, but not to this extreme. have you seen the movie, American Psycho? something aint right here. @Mold_Monkey93 what say you?

    here's a recap:

    1. Wolf Hawkfield rapes Tricky_VFDC Eileen badly
    2. Default thought process - it must be Chief Flash playing. THERE'S NO OTHER WAY!
  17. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Jacko and Chief_Flash like this.
  18. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    This is basically @Tricky FS career...
    Jacko and Chief_Flash like this.
  19. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3

    HONESTLY @Tricky , if we play now the results will be similar, @Mold_Monkey93 or not...

    Jacko likes this.
  20. Jacko

    Jacko Well-Known Member

    Chief_Flash likes this.

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