HOWTO: Mod VSHG single switch PS3 / X360

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by KoD, Nov 6, 2007.

  1. Azusabo

    Azusabo Well-Known Member

    The 360 PCB looks not working. I plug it into the usb after taking off the cover and I try to press a button using the rubber part. Nothing will happen.
  2. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Yes, if you just want to use x360, 2 wires per button will work.

    The joystick only has 1 wire per direction, so you will need to connect the black (ground) wire to the ground point on the x360 pcb, and the red wires to the x360 pcb according to the circles.

    As for the x360 pcb not working, try connecting it to a PC to see if it is detected as a usb device.
  3. Azusabo

    Azusabo Well-Known Member

    I solder 2 wires for G P K to X Y B from the 360 pcb. Then I solder one red wire to each direction on the 360 pcb. Where does the black wire go? Where is the ground on the 360 pcb.

    It looks like there is no power to the 360 PCB. How can you activate it. I am testing with the 360 power on, can I solder one button and test each? Was there short circut? I will post images after step one to help others.
  4. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    The ground on the 360 pcb is indicated by the yellow number 5 (haha, any soul coughing fans in the house?) in the picture.

    The power on the 360 pcb goes to the point indicated by the yellow number 1. If it's getting power, some LEDs should be lit on the pcb.
  5. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    what brand pcb are you using? if it is official microsoft brand then you have to wire 1 wire to the + and 1 wire to the ground for each input including the directions.

    maybe best to desolder all your wiring and check to see if your pcb will even power on and start from scratch.
  6. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    . . . and cut the ground traces on the JLF, no?
  7. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

  8. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    quick heads up. i ran into a gamestop rebranded microcon today that didn't have a common ground. the difference between this pad and the others is that it has an invert switch (i guess for people who play fps) on the back.

    these should be avoided if you are trying to do the the dual mod. be careful since these look exactly the same as the regular gamestop microcons. the only way to tell is on the back.
  9. Azusabo

    Azusabo Well-Known Member

    Now I am confused. It is a microsoft 360 wired pcb. For all directions and buttons, one wire will goto the ground which is #5 (front or back?) in the 360 pcb picture and one will goto the circles. This is the correct way? How do I know which wire is ground for buttons. The directions are only one wire so it is clear.

    Then for power what do I wire?

    "The power on the 360 pcb goes to the point indicated by the yellow number 1. If it's getting power, some LEDs should be lit on the pcb"

    What do I wire to point 1 (also front or back?). Is it part of the USB cable?
  10. Azusabo

    Azusabo Well-Known Member

    What is cut the ground traces for JLF???
  11. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Sucks that microcons are no longer reliable . . . better buy em up while you can - locally they're out. I think the NFL branded ones might work, but they're more expensive.


    Dont worry about power. As long as the usb cord is intact and plugged in, it should provide power.

    It doesn't matter which wire is ground for buttons, because they are all separate ground on the pcb you are using.

    Cut the ground traces means you need to look at the small circuit board on the underside of the JLF joystick. All of the ground points for the 4 directions are connected by lines on the pcb. In order to work on the 360 pcb you are using, you must use a knife or small file to cut the lines.
  12. Azusabo

    Azusabo Well-Known Member

    KoD, I thought plugging in USB will be good enough, but no lights will turn on. I use the original rubber button to test activity and there is no results. It seems I cannot get the 360 to power on from the controller.

    Thanks for helping KoD 001.
  13. Azusabo

    Azusabo Well-Known Member

    Ok I believe I understand the problems and the cut the traces for JLF.

    I read this guide and saw this picture.

    I used a razor to expose copper for the dashboard and power on button of the 360 pcb. I connected one R1 button from the VSHG to the 360 pcb. Same as the picture above.

    When I press this button the 360 does not power on. When I power on from the 360, pushing R1 on the VSHG will do nothing even though connected to the 360 pcb. I would like to test button by button. Is there another solution?
  14. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    It's much easier to test by plugging it into a windows PC, and using the start->settings->control panel->game controllers preferences.

    You need to download drivers for the controller first, I believe from here:

    If it isn't recognized at all, it's probably broken.
  15. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    quick heads up.

    just finished up this dual mod for cowdisease using the madcatz arcade stick controller. thanks to hikaru_t for pointing out that this pcb is also common ground so good news for others trying to dual mod their vshg's.

    i really need one of these damn things for myself. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  16. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Just awesome. So beautiful. Clean. Functional. That's exactly what I want. Now I just need some $ [​IMG]
  17. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

  18. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Hey 001, I've got a playstation custom stick residing in an old saturn virtua stick body that I'd like converted. Any interest? It might end up costing too much to ship but whatevs, worth asking anyway.

    Or: Do you convert the virtua stick low grade as well?
  19. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    Is there anyone in the UK who is offering this service if supplied with parts? I would dearly love to mode my RAP3s and lack the soldering skill.
  20. Cowdisease

    Cowdisease Member

    First off, I want to give HUGE thanks and props to 001 for modding my VSHG and shipping it to me in a timely manner. I am most appreciative and want everyone in these forums to know about the excellent work he does.

    Here's a pic of the modded VSHG.

    and a comparison shot with my GoPodular stick.

    Now, there are a few things that you guys should be aware if you decide to embark (or hire someone) in this VSHG dual-system mod project.

    First, the cord on the VSHG is ridiculously short. If you don't own one yet, and are planning to get one, consider investing in a USB 2.0 extension cable, especially if you don't sit close to your console.

    Second, be wary of buying used Microcon controllers from eBay. Ask the seller if there's a switch in the back on the controller. If the answer is yes, then do not purchase the controller--those PCBs do not have a common ground and will not work for this mod. Your next best bet is the Mad Catz Arcade Stick, since those have a common ground.

    Third, 001 had to use a Radio Shack 2.5mm extension cable since he couldn't place the Mad Catz Arcade Stick PCB close to the left side of the stick due to space constraints. The headset works fine, but if you use a USB 2.0 extension cable with the modded VSHG, the headset port will not work. I'm not sure if it's the fault of the Mad Catz headset port or the Radio Shack headset extension cable when a USB extension cable is used (I'm guessing the latter).

    If I had to do this all over again, I probably would have opted to dual mod a Hori Real Arcade Pro 3 instead, only because of its (I'm assuming) longer controller cord and roomier internal space, which would have given 001 more options to place the PCB for the headset port without resorting to using a headset extension cable.

    At the very least, I have a VSHG that works on both PS3 and Xbox 360, so I'm pretty happy with it. 001 is definitely your man if you don't have the soldering skills to pull this mod off yourself.

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