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[Hydra] VF4 in Florida, what a wonderful thing!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by UnCauzi, Feb 10, 2002.

  1. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    What's up dude. I didn't know until you just typed it out that there was going to be a tournament at Pompano Beach for some games. If I am not in Taiwan, I will go and check it out as a specator also. Don't worry about your game being a distraction, it was cool to see some Soul Calibur. I only wish I could play that game to give you another player to play against. I was distracted by watching you guys play SC. lol. So are those the only three games in the tournament? Where exactly is this going to be at?
  2. coffee_gum

    coffee_gum Member

  3. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Sup everyone, I was thinking about having some people over my house during the week for some VF4. It would more than likely have to be at night after 6:00 but we can go all night. I have two tvs in my house if someone wants to bring another ps2. But one needs an rf adapter. anyways, let me know if you wanna get together. Just PM me
  4. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Ladies and gentleman I posted this on Shoryuken dot com and will post it here as well. Plans for OD6 my game tournament are underway. I would like to add VF4 and whatever games people want to play to the roster.

    The date? April 21st this is a Sunday, the time? Tournaments will begin at 3:00 most likely. What games? Any game more than 5 people want to play for money. Where? Park Central at by John Young and I4, at my all but empty former apartment. I will be moving out of my current apartment so there will be nothing in it but TV's/VCR's and 3 computers with DSL connections spread between 3 seperate rooms. There will be MvC2, CvS2, various 2D games and various 3D games played at this h00plah, along with traveling competition from outside of Orlando.

    OD6 stands for OverDose 6 or Orlando Domination which was the popular term when it began. I hope you all would like to participate, it will also give you a chance to mingle with "other" gamers.

    There is no set money amount for the game tourneys, HOWEVER MvC2 and CvS2 will have a money amount and a pot beyond a shadow of a doubt. Hopefully we can pull enuff people to have a decent showing on games like VF4, Tekken 4 and TTT also.

    If you don't like all those "other" games who cares, this is about seeing Floridas best gamers go at each other tooth and nail and giving it their all despite the game. I know you all can appreciate that if not the games others may choose to play.

    All I know is, I have the time killers tourney in the bag /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  5. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the updates guys. Yeah, I will try and make it to both if I am not out of the country by then. I don't even remember the characters of Time Killers. That will be a blast to see you play that game. Off to work.
  6. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Wolf is so badass! You've got to see what he can do! I can take off, in 7 hits, 123 points of damage, gaurenteed! It's even practical, and adds up all the damage points in Training Mode. Akira is practically nasty too! I'd explain, but it would be best to see it.

  7. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Hopefully we'll get to see it soon enk =). You'll be a stranger by the time you actually make one of our gatherings seeing as how your missing this Sunday also. Off to work =). Later guys. Try to make this Sunday enk.
  8. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    I found another VF player. I was in Gamestop in East Orlando(near ucf) looking for a stick, and the guy that works there said hes a really good vf player. I gave him the website and told him to check it out. He says he plays jefferey, which would really balance out the Orlando crowd, cause I dont think anyone of us plays jefferey.
  9. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Try it:

    A fully charged p+k for a stagger, b+p to make them stagger harder and abolish the struggle, hcb+g+p----g+p (the throw mircaulously grabs from any distance, and chains in the combo), Turn toward, d+g+p for a face down pickup into a wall (in the combo it's done close to a wall), stunner from behind.

    Or if they like to throw escape you can do instead: fully charged p+k, b+p, stunner

    Gimmie props

    BTW how will I be a stranger if I don't make it to the gatherings? Ghostdog hasn't been to one, would you consider him a stanger? How am I obligated to show? You know I play capcom games too.
  10. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    BTW how will I be a stranger if I don't make it to the gatherings? Ghostdog hasn't been to one, would you consider him a stanger?

    You live in Orlando. I live at least two hours away in Jacksonville./versus/images/icons/tongue.gif/versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  11. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    There are Capcom tournaments all over the place on Sundays.
  12. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I met a few guys but I don't think they are serious vf 4 gamers. I posted a note on my friend's game store in Kissimmee with my email address about Virtua Fighter 4 gatherings but no one has emailed me yet. OH well. Hey if that guy uses Jeffery that will be two people I know who are good with Jeffery. What do you mean by balance of players used? You haven't played us all yet. Most of us are using a good 4-5 players now a days. Ever since we got the home version.
  13. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member


    after my trip to ma, i am finally back to fl. got in some ok t4 play in cape cod, but no vf4. i apologize to all for my not making it to ANY of the gatherings. again, my bad on not going. if things are still going on this sun. i will print up said posted directions and show up. forgive me......
  14. Enkindu

    Enkindu Well-Known Member

    Yeah! You tell em Florida is badass! Be more honest though! Tell them they are going to scrub out on thier first night!
  15. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    Nevermind enk, was just messing. Your not obligated at all, I have no problems with you playing capcom games if thats what you wanna do. No probs here. =)
  16. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    he heh, you said scrub.....yea yea....../versus/images/icons/crazy.gif
  17. Akebono

    Akebono Well-Known Member

    Ok, Here it is

    Everyone is invited to my place on Thursday night for some VF4.

    First things first, you need directions. For those of you using map quest, here is the street address.

    10829 Bellamy Ct.
    Orlando, FL 32817

    If you need verbal directions, you can call me at work, 407-823-5603 and ask for Pablo. Or call me at home and Leave a message with you number.

    SEcond, I have two tvs, but only one PS2 so if someone wants to bring another PS we can hook it up to the little tv, but you will need an RF adapter.

    I hope everyone can make it out. I know Blondie, IMF, and the dude are going to try to make it. Hopefully Cappo can come but he lives really far from me.
    Enkindu, Im really good friends from high school with you roommate brandon. I told him about the thing at my house on the bus to work today, so i know you dont live far from me at all,and he said he will try to come. You should too.
    Uncauzi, Stomp, and all the other people on Hydra are invited as well.

    Well thats it.

  18. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Well I won't be there, I have $$$ clan match later that evening and work earlier. Maybe some other time.
  19. YuniYoshi

    YuniYoshi Well-Known Member

    I would just like to tell you guys that I spoke with Blonde_One and I will more than likely be there at Blondie's place on Sunday to hand my fair share of ass with Lion!

    I don't go easy on the elderly either! /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
  20. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    okie here goes. i can make it to jedi's place. i know right where it is practically. who alls going??? vanessa will own someone, maybe.

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