I am sorry, but you have to realize. . .

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Hyun, Nov 22, 2001.

  1. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    And also, if all you other people hate this place so much, go out, learn some web language and build a new site and prove Jeff and all us other people who frequent this site wrong by action, not complaining.You think you can make a site that is so superior (or you think you know what makes a superior site) GO OUT AND BUILD IT.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Do you ever read a fucking word that's written? He asked you to butt out. In plain english, that means he DOESN'T want your two cents. I thought that was pretty clear. Instead you not only chip in with airheaded garbage, you do it *twice*.
    First, Jerky never attacked anyone's site, including this one. Pay attention.
    Second, Don't just blindly forge ahead and click that reply button, try thinking about what you're going to write first. Don't spit out a random opinion at anyone who doesn't give a shit. If somebody flames you, there's usually a reason. Try to think about what that reason is, and consider the possibility that it's a good one.

    If there's a flame war going on, the very first thing you want to do to GUARANTEE it lasts longer and gets uglier is say something like:
    "you people take this shit way too seriously. Why don't you all chill and get out some more. Can't we all be buddies and have a Bud together?" - that doesn't help anyone or resolve the argument, it's just gasoline. You will never, ever, ever, ever see a flame war stop because some dumbass stepped in and said that. It's like whining at the referee in a pro basketball game. They never reverse their decision, but if you're unlucky you'll get called for another foul. In any case, I'm sure that if Rich and Jeff ever decide to drop everything and toss a goddamned frisbee around, they will. Without your help.

    As for swearing fouling up the board - have you ever noticed how swearing drops in direct proportion to bullshit posts?
  3. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    CreeD sez: "As for swearing fouling up the board - have you ever noticed how swearing drops in direct proportion to bullshit posts?"

    Nope... in fact, most of those posts contain swearing themselves. Cough cough.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Yes, yes, I'm wrong! Creed and Hyun are part of the VF3 community for the past few years. I am out of the IRC #vfhome loop, where Creed and Hyun may have spent an inordinate amount of their time. The nature of IRC doesn't suit me well.

    As for the SE -> DP "quirk," errr, I believe that's what you were flaming me the hell out of me for. Too bad you were wrong, eh?
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    You're right Robyrt.

    What you've just described is the cascading bullshit effect. For every pointless and inane post I see, another two or three foulmouthed posts usually crop up. That's why people who immediately fire off replies without thinking are dangerous. Every kneejerk dumbass "Here's what I think@!#!" post generates two or more kneejerk swear-laden flames in response. So every time someone posts without thinking, it quickly doubles or triples the number of posts in that thread. Then people complain that the board is all noise.
    You might think that people who make crappy posts should be left alone to learn better on their own. The funny thing is that it doesn't work. However there's solid evidence that flaming the crap out of people sometimes works - there's a poster who I won't name who chalked up something like 30 posts his very first night on the board. They were all "me too!" posts. People got on his case, most of them polite but firm. Since then the poor guy has managed to contain himself.

    It would be nice if people thought before they posted, then the cascading bullshit effect could be avoided. Your post was a classic example. Following the principle that says 'brevity is the soul of wit' you have wasted the time of dozens of people with an inane two-liner. Now I feel the urge to bitch at you about it, because [pay attention here] this isn't your argument. It wasn't Shadowdean's either. Now that I've duly noted your two cents, please do me a favor and bow out. I'm sure Shadowdean's able to cook up a response on his own. Ideally he'll just get the point and let Rich and Jeff's discussion peter out on its own.
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    This is probably the first time I've seen you admit you're wrong. It's refreshing.
    But, you still have to qualify it by defensively saying "I don't keep up on IRC, so what?!" - who the fuck was talking about IRC? Rich is talking about RGVA. Have you heard of it? It was the primary place to gather VF info for a long time, something that shouldn't need explaining.

    Also, re:
    where Creed and Hyun may have spent an inordinate amount of their time. -

    You called me condescending? Inordinate? You're being an ass in a couple of ways here.

    1. While I understand that you're merely expressing an opinion, who are you to judge what's "inordinate"? Quit trying to bolster your argument by attacking other people's online habits. I don't sit around and comment on your kiddie porn habit, do I?

    2. If IRC doesn't suit you, how can you possibly know whether I go on for one hour a week or one hundred? You're talking out of your ass, most likely.

    3. Hyun is almost never seen on IRC, I'd gladly bet that you've been on IRC more than he has. You're definitely talking out of your ass.
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Creed, I've admitted I was wrong a ton of times...this is probably the first time you've noticed it (or acknowledged it). And this instance is not a good example, as I was partly sardonic, trying to give up on the "argument" more than anything else.

    The IRC thing was qualified by a MAY...of course I don't know how much time you or Hyun spend on IRC. Maybe I should've boldfaced it for trigger happy posters roaring for another chance to flame. As far as I know, the common VF3 community being discussed here is VFDC or IRC...yeah, RGVA was around waaay in the beginning. Please, let's not argue any more semantics, I really don't care how "community" is defined and whether you want to include RGVA into it; obviously I don't (maybe what I've been talking about is a VFDC community). I've already written what I wanted to write; I can't fully control how people interpret it.
  8. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member


    Josh my name is Andrew. Not that I think you care, just telling you that I'm not "who ever you are". I leave my first name
    in my signature for a reason. Like Creed said, you can't just walk up to two people in the middle of an arguement and say

    They are disputing over something that's between themselves. Anyone not directly involved wouldn't know of their situation.
    Your post is simply overlooked because it means NOTHING.
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: Understand

    They are disputing over something that's between themselves. Anyone not directly involved wouldn't know of their situation.

    You're right. Rich and I should probably move this discussion to PM. I hate seeing dirty laundry like this get so much airing...makes this forum look bad.
  10. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > The nature of IRC doesn't suit me well.

    I think it's become pretty clear to those who think clearly that msg boards don't suit you, either.

    > Too bad you were wrong, eh?

    If the book is right about 1P side quirk, you were just as wrong as I was.
  11. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    We're not the ones responsible for your posts. You're the one who has to be as specific as possible. You come off as vague, arrogant, wishy-washy (RGVA wasn't a VF community, but VFDC is? What the fuck! How the FUCK do you explain that?) and pointless in so many of your posts. And guess what - this isn't an accident, or a problem on the part of people reading your posts, as you suggest - it's YOU, fuckwit.
  12. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    Just a quick couple questions:
    ---- Rich is talking about RGVA. Have you heard of it? ----

    I've never heard of it, maybe cause this is the first year my family was able to afford a pc.. Next year we are planning to get a 56K modem. Not that I matter of course, anyway.
    Point is, who knew who was when?? I mean , i played VF since 1 , and does anyone care or know?? I only started having VF conjugal friends until HG boards with VF3. Then did I only meet a few people. I don't even know who's on the west coast besides one guy. So who knows who?

    --- Quit trying to bolster your argument by attacking other people's online habits. I don't sit around and comment on your kiddie porn habit, do I? -------

    Is that a bad thing? i've been trying to hunt down all the amsterdam kiddie porn w/ beastiality availalbe, and yet no one at work seems to think anything critical of me. Shoot, I trained my younger cousin how to masturate, is that bad??

  13. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    >> The nature of IRC doesn't suit me well.

    > I think it's become pretty clear to those who think clearly that msg boards don't suit you, either.

    At this point I'm beginning to think life doesn't suit you well.

    >> Too bad you were wrong, eh?

    > If the book is right about 1P side quirk, you were just as wrong as I was.

    What are you talking about? I knew it wasn't 100% guaranteed, I just wasn't sure in what situations. You said it was. You flamed. I tested and proved you wrong.

    > We're not the ones responsible for your posts. You're the one who has to be as specific as possible. You come off as vague, arrogant, wishy-washy (RGVA wasn't a VF community, but VFDC is? What the fuck! How the FUCK do you explain that?) and pointless in so many of your posts.

    Rich, did you ever go to school?! Explain to me how you are unable to understand the concept of different communities. I.e. the community at RGVA, community at VFDC, community on IRC, etc. Obviously some of that is common. It's impossible to clarify every single word every time; thankfully, people are able to usually put things in context. Some people, like you, take things way too literally and nitpick on every single thing...every single thing I write that is. I guess I should be flattered, to having my posts read so carefully.

    > And guess what - this isn't an accident, or a problem on the part of people reading your posts, as you suggest - it's YOU, fuckwit.

    Hahahaa, that's classic. "It's not me, it's YOU...you, you fuckwit!"
  14. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    **Explain to me how you are unable to understand the concept of different communities. I.e. the community at RGVA, community at VFDC, community on IRC, etc. Obviously some of that is common.**

    I can understand that just fine - buy you said you didn't consider rgva to have been a community at all. Explain that to me.

    **I guess I should be flattered, to be reading my posts so carefully.**
    **Hahahaa, that's classic. "It's not me, it's YOU...you, you fuckwit!" **

    Get over yourself, freak. It not a matter of me taking the things you post too literally, it's me being angered by your total inability (or your resistance) to make clear, logical statements. Like Yupa said to you in another thread...why would anyone want to be vague? If you post vague, wishy-washy or potentially inflamatory shit, it's not a matter of semantics, it's a matter of simple communication - and you fucking SUCK at it.
  15. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    > I can understand that just fine - buy you said you didn't consider rgva to have been a community at all. Explain that to me.

    If people were to ask me, "What do you consider the English speaking, online VF3 community to be?" I will answer, "The regulars at VFDC and #vfhome." Why not RGVA? Because no one goes there any more and the community only existed at the beginning of VF3's life.

    Of course, that is a simplification of things...there may be pockets of a VF community elsewhere, on other websites, on HG for example, etc. How freaking precise do you require people to be?! Wait, don't answer, as I'm trying to wrap this thread up.

    > Get over yourself, freak. It not a matter of me taking the things you post too literally, it's me being angered by your total inability (or your resistance) to make clear, logical statements. Like Yupa said to you in another thread...why would anyone want to be vague? If you post vague, wishy-washy or potentially inflamatory shit, it's not a matter of semantics, it's a matter of simple communication - and you fucking SUCK at it.

    Who said I want to be vague? In that particular thread that you're involving Yupa in, it was in reference to the SE -> DP "quirk" that you were wrong about. I wasn't sure how exactly the SE -> DP was not guaranteed, so I was deliberately vague. You thought you knew your stuff, and flamed accordingly.
  16. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: an example

    Here's an example:

    Why not RGVA? Because no one goes there any more and the community only existed at the beginning of VF3's life.

    To be more precise, I should write that as:

    Why not RGVA? Probably because not very many people who play VF3 frequent the arcade section there or post things pertaining to VF3. There were people who used to go to RGVA to specifically discuss VF3, and thus a community, but that was limited to the first two years of VF3's life.

    I can go even deeper to clarify EXACTLY what I mean but most people will read both of the above the same. The only difference is that the latter is longer, more boring, and errr, wishy washy.

    I could turn the tables on you and start dissecting every single thing you write. For example, how are my posts wishy washy? To prove your point, you would have to define wishy washy, bring up examples, argue why certain posts are wishy washy and others aren't, etc. Why don't I bring it up? Because frankly, half the time I don't care what you think, and I don't spend the time analyzing your every word.
  17. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: an example

    Trying to end this discussion, my fucking ass. You'll only end when you think you get the last word.

    It's a bit absurd that you accuse me of nitpicking when you have the reading and writing comprehension of a five year old - this answer you've given is totally unrelated to the question I asked. Go back and read it and try and figure it out, if you can, freak.

    Otherwise, I'm really fucking sick of this thread. Arguing with you is like playing with water and cornstarch - it can be neat at first but it just gets messy and aggravating later. Your mind is pure (tragi)comedy, indeed. And since you do such an excellent job of digging your own grave deeper with each and every post on your own, I'll bow out, and also refer you to CreeD's Posting NoNo's Level 2 Section 3 and Level 3 Section 3.

    I've given up! Now Jeff can dance the <a target="_blank" href=http://tarddance.com>Tard Dance!</a>
  18. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: an example



    I guess this is about as close to a resolution as we can get.

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