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Discussion in 'General' started by Aoimaster, May 27, 2008.

  1. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    This is a good post, that I definitely agree with.

    I hope things get better for you in the future, Aoimaster
  2. Gmoney

    Gmoney Active Member

    You Know What guys I'm kinda embarrased to say this but I used to be one of those guys. When I was a teen growing up We were exreamly poor Me and my cousins would only eat like once a day and we only had one tv in the house 21". We had no cpu or and high technology. So after a while of living like this we started see people living great lives and were kinda jeaslous, so we started to steal. Now we never robbed someone at gun point but we'd wait till they left and break into their houses and steal things we could pawn to get money and buy food. sad thing is we mostly did it to people we knew because we'd know their finacial situations what they could afford and how much if any security they had. later in my life I decided it wasn't fair to do this and I eventually stopped. I got tired of being poor so I joined the army and as I grew I started getting things myself and the first thing that happened to me was someone stole my new 2000 acura from my yard. (KARMA) while in the army my cousin never stopped he was addicted he's now serving 10 years in jail for armed robbery (KARMA) I'm not proud of doing these things but my advice would be Think of anyone who you know that would be able take advantage in this situation it always about 75% chance it's someone either of you know. and if not try checking the pawn shops n the area. if you happen to see it there inform them it was stolen from you and the police can get it back free because they aren't supposed to buy stolen merchandice plus they have insurance to cover the lost
  3. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    Terrible situation Aoimaster, sorry to hear about it. Well written sugarman.
  4. Jay David

    Jay David Well-Known Member

    Someone broke into my deceased grandmothers house and stole all of the electronics on Memorial Day. Wtf is that the national "lets steal shit" day all of a sudden?
  5. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    Fuck this I'm moving to Canada
  6. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    Ippo, are you serious bro. Now that sounds crazy! Gmoney, karma is a real bitch but atleast you man up and admit it. Since you turned your life around I suggest you go back and repay the people that you stole from! Just because people are poor or whatever growing up, doesn't mean it's right to steal because you think they can afford to be robbed? Where the hell are peoples morals?
  7. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Steal or starve? I'll steal.
  8. smb

    smb Well-Known Member

    Or get a job at McDonalds. Lets be honest with ourselves.
  9. Alejandra

    Alejandra New Member

    Wait, which best buy did you get robbed?? I was robbed on tuesday may 27th at the best buy at kendall miami fl, just bought a NEW LAPTOP, 2 IPOD SHUFFLES, MOUSE, BAG, had my old camera and my old ipod nano in the car, drove from best buy to a pharmacy 5 minutes away cause i was terribly sick, came back to the car after I SWEAR were less than 10 minutes, and everything was gone, i have never been through something like that in my life, but i have to move on. and to make things worst, it was a rental car so we had to pay for the broken glass.. in total i got robbed 1,600 dollars...
  10. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I'm no angel. I am being honest.
  11. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    You're all lucky. In Australia, the elderly have to steal stuff to stay alive and pressure the goverment to give them a pay rise by taking off their tops.

  12. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    That really sucks man, I live in chicago, I got robbed in niles by golf mill mall. Seriously, they were watching you and waiting for the chance to break in. Well atleast thats what I think happened to me.
  13. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    So your saying you'd rather steal from honest hard working people than getting off your lazy ass and getting a job?
  14. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I'm saying Mcdonalds will not pay my bills. It also won't support
    my family. It won't keep me out of a bad area where there will
    be a lot MORE people prone to crime much worse that stealing.
    Also who says that just because you have nice
    stuff you're "honest" and "hardworking." Haha a lot of the
    wealthiest and well to do people in the world are fucking crooks.
    It's not like people that get stolen from are saints.

    Get off your high horse. Suck it up, buy yourself a new
    laptop and thank GOD you've been lucky fortunate enough to own the horse
    in the first place. This time treat the laptop like it's actually
    worth something and don't just leave it where someone can steal
    it. My laptop? Every time I look at it I think there's 2 grand, I'm not
    leaving 2 grand in my car for nothin.

    I promise you, if it's me or you. The answer is you. If you
    think I'm ass for that I'm perfectly okay with it.

    Simply surviving? Isn't enough. The founders of this great country
    came here with a dream: to live in prosperity and shit all over
    everyone that gets in their way. Me, I've got the RUNS come a
    little closer.
  15. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Well said TWP, I agree completely. Treat your stuff with more respect next time, you learned your lesson now don't ever repeat that mistake again...
  16. Aoimaster

    Aoimaster Well-Known Member

    LOL, get off my high horse. You know what mother fucker I work fucking 2 jobs and go to school to get my fucking masters degree. So fuck with what you just told me bro. I didnt deserve to get robbed and I dont think anyone ever does. I hate that train of thought that "Oh its your fault for leaving that shit in your car for 10 minutes" bullshit.
  17. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member


    I am with Aoimaster on this.... There are a million and one reasons on how he could have avoided it, but then there is the simple fact that stealing is what dumbfucks do because they cant man up, go to school, and hold a job.

    And Gernburgs, really? You make it sound as if this was completely his fault. I don't care how anyone twists this, it was NOT his fault. If a bank was robbed, is it somehow the banks fault? If someone was kidnapped is it their fault? I can go on all day. Leaving something in the car is not a mistake that should be corrected by someone else's thievery.
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    How did you know I fucked mothers? Only single mothers I assure
    you. Congrats on the hard work by the way. Maybe you didn't
    deserve to get robbed but I'm not going to cry for everyone that
    gets pinched. Why? I have bigger things to worry about. Shit the
    country has bigger shit to worry about. The reasons why people
    steal are bigger than "they are just lazy." People don't just
    steal because they want to most of the time. Many steal because
    their situation is desperate. If you can't see that your plight
    is just a result of a bigger problem then well, I'm not going to
    bother explaining it to you.

    I might ask, so what are you going to do now? Except for bitch
    and argue with people who had nothing to do with the theft? Since
    people SHOULDN'T steal maybe you should leave the keys in your
    car. That will show us. I can feel for you since having
    something stolen is a bitch. I'm just not going to sit here and talk
    about how bad stealing is like it's going to go away. It's about
    PREVENTION. I doubt many people on here are looking to steal shit
    at this moment....<span style='font-size: 8pt'>except for maybe RawEmpire.</span>

    You know what's more fucked up? Some people probably saw it and
    didn't report it.

    I don't remember writing that you deserved it. Let me know where
    to job my memory eh? I don't know you well enough to make that
    judgement. Ever kicked a small baby?

    <span style='font-size: 8pt'>.....or a medium sized one?</span>

    What else do you feel you don't "deserve?" Especially since you
    are working two jobs to get your masters degree.

    <span style='font-size: 8pt'>I mean if you want you can fuck my sister.</span>
  19. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    That's just a cheap excuse to be a dick. Grow up, and stop trying to be this bad ass.
  20. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Are you saying that a lot of people aren't THRIVING right now,
    shit even leading this country and others due to their dickness?

    I don't see it as a cheap excuse to be a dick, but a
    substantially money motivated reason for being a dick. Wake up
    and stop trying to be a pacifist.

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