I Pull Plugs!

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by CiscoRey, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. anbujustin

    anbujustin Active Member

    in all the times ive played only had one guy dc on me. I had him first round to like 90 percent and as i did my ground throw to finish him the game dc'd haha
  2. ZenRabbit

    ZenRabbit New Member

    It's pretty lame that this entire thread has been spent with one dude trying to justify why it's okay that he pulls the plug. It's pretty unsportsmanlike in my opinion and shows no honor.
  3. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    If he pulls right a way when the fights starts but is crazy laggy, I really don't see the problem.

    As for teh second reason.... yeah wellllllllllllll
  4. OneHitCombo

    OneHitCombo Well-Known Member

    Cisco, you're a scrub. And you will continue to be one while you play by your own set of rules instead of the ones established in the game.

    You're crying because people low p, then mid? GTFO.

    If you don't play by CiscoRey's rules, he's taking his ball and going home. After all, he's a pretty man who's running fiber optics. Clearly it is everybody else's fault.
  5. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I once played against this French Akira user who did nothing but low punch and throw me. Long story short, i beat him and he sent me a message that read "Good game!"

    It was kind of embarrassing. I was really tempted to reply back with a "not at all."</div></div>

    Eileen has powerful strings... people /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif to break those strings. That or they're unsure of how to counter the particular attack and /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif because they're panicking.

    Oh and one more thing: Fuck everyone's precious online record.

    Seriously, if I've never heard of you or met you in person to see what you're capable of then don't expect my panties to get moist because you have a 88% w/l ratio.

    Leave the noobs alone.

    If the people on here played only their peers no fucking body would have a ratio over 75% except maybe Adam because he's that damn good.

    No disrespect to my friends who certainly are in the top percentile online. I'm just speaking the truth. Peace.

    *Heres a fun fact: Even top players in Japan have padded w/l ratios. They don't sit there deathmatching each other all day. How do I know? Been there to witness it firsthand. It doesn't make them any less stronger than we know them to be, but understand that their wins also come from those obviously less skilled than them challenging them to get better or attempt to best them.

    Most of them just hang out and play maybe 5 or so matches against each other and watch one of their peers go on a tear while challengers of all walks attempt to dethrone a famous player.
  6. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    I am new to XBL, I had no idea people took it so serious. I am just glad that I can play someone in VF anytime I want to now.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    nobody would employ lp, lp into mid strategy unless they're being pressured. if an aggressive player is constantly rushing in with fast high or mid attack strings this is a valid way of holding them back.

    so maybe YOU should think about what you're doing to make these 8th dans react like that in a match. why this annoys you in the first place is beyond me.

    as for disconnecting, i don't see any excuse for that. maybe if it's in the first few seconds of the round AND you send a message apologising and explaining why you quit...but from the tone of your post i have doubts whether you'd throw anyone that sort of courtesy.
  8. ThePrince

    ThePrince Well-Known Member

    Couple of things.

    CiscoRey, I understand your frustration in both situations you have described. I have a crap W/L ratio but I'm 10th dan. I try to only play players that I can rank up off. I hate losing coz of lag and coz of lp spam, two players that come to mind instantly are "GFA VF" and "Seijuro Hiko666", for me Seijuro is the worst, I hate that guy's play style chronically, but I don't disconnect. My way of defeating that shit now is AS SOON as you see the first low jab, just do a DM, dodge, p+k.

    I know this isn't a really nice thing to say but I've played you a few times and you're not even that good, your tatics are very limited, we all started off pretty crap, so you're not really in much of a position to criticise other people's play. That's just my opinion now. For all I know in a few weeks/months you could turn into a really good player.

    W/L ratio doesn't mean shit online, everyone knows that it's not a true representation of how good you are. Pay more attention to the rank, you'll find that as time goes by the higher ranked players will be the ones that are better. Some of the not so good highly ranked players have found a way to get wins, a flow which is really hard to beat if you're not used to it is, akira's f,f,p+k,p > lp, p+k,p+k > lp, throw/double palm, I hate that shit. I use Eileen and I haven't found a move that'll beat lp properly, all she has is b+p+k+g, but it does no damage.

    Add CiscoRey to the list in the cable pullers thread /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  9. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    Not too sure that pulling the plug is a great way to get people to play you =\
  10. Chunbelievable

    Chunbelievable Well-Known Member

    In all fairness Prince, I don't think he was pulling the cable to save his win loss record. I think it's more just that he doesn't have to fight in what he considers a non optimal position.

    Personally if someone pulls really early in the fight because of lag I really don't think it's a terrible thing. I have never pulled a cable but really, what harm is done here?

    I think everyone agrees the second reason of pulling is difficult to swallow, but once again in all fairness, I don't think he does it chronically. I am not being devil's advocate here, this is just the impression I get from this thread.
  11. Gallows_AGUT

    Gallows_AGUT Well-Known Member

    You got someone using what you see as cheap tactics, then you learn the moves that beat those tactics. There are no cheap tactics in VF as there's a move to beat everything. You don't like Vanessa's long range attack? Quit yer bellyaching and duck her guard crush tornado.

    I would hate to see how you'd react to top class players that use a style you're not used to.

    Figuring out how to beat the lesser tactics is every bit a part of growing in the game as beating stronger tactics.
  12. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    OMG! Seijuro is the worst! I've played him countless times too and just about every time I come across the guy I end up shaking my head at my television screen. Yeah, I figured the best way to beat him is to throw the occasional evade attack.

    Despite what others think, I can't even acknowledge techniques of this sort as actual "style." Perhaps it is politically correct in the wonderful world of fighting games to say that everyone has a style. But in my opinion, that's not style at all. To me that's just someone who refuses to incorporate a player's move list in favor of running universal bullshit for winning's sake. Regardless, of what rank they hold when I see this it comes across as someone who just found a cheap exploit and rolled with it.

    Perhaps it is a little overkill to pull plugs on these individuals. I guess my patience for the lackluster play is something I can work on. But that doesn't mean I have to respect it as a "style". Me and my sibblings grew up on fighting games and we were very strict about game behavior. Cheap play usually resorted to random bickering and one person refusing to play another. In the end everyone would play nice. As stated by someone earlier, Online is a another "beast."
  13. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I think people aren't giving you the gg message because they want to keep playing, and typing out a message is wasting time.

    I just try to not complain when someone cheeses me. I'll learn how to beat it eventually.

    I just wish I played more people using my char online. Yesterday, played someone who used a combo I was able to add into my limited moveset. (I've learned quickly- messing around with too many moves on good players= not good. Stick to basic stuff.)
  14. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

  15. Gallows_AGUT

    Gallows_AGUT Well-Known Member

    You forget something Cisco. Advertising a certain annoyance to such a degree. If we were to face each other in a tournament, I now know to stop doing my standard style and turtle up on you.

    If this is how you react to every person with a style you find distastefull, then you lose the psychological edge.
  16. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    From what I've read in various forums around this site, "low punch" is an effective tool that SHOULD be used.
    This is the only VF I've really played- and I tried ranked matches for the first time today. I play with Lau, and of course I try to use some of the "black book strategies". However, against more experienced players, I throw out sporadic low punches-- to keep them from advancing and pounding on me relentlessly.
    I'm sure my pressing "low punch" is a lot less difficult than some high level Akira players crazy combo- but the point is is works.
    On the flip side though, I found that really the only people I lost to were ones that were excessively using either low punch, or simplified tactics. (I won against most dans I played, but lost to a lot of kyus)
    A little off topic--- but what IS the best way to get around people who turtle and low punch?
  17. Gallows_AGUT

    Gallows_AGUT Well-Known Member

    Turtle is easy, so is low punches. So that's why you shouldn't make an entire strategy around it. Since turtles do nothing but block with a bare bones attack, you can use them for throw practice. And some moves do mid hits that outframe low attacks over all.

    Plus there's Sabakis which push the opponet's attack to the side and hit them. Vanessa has quite a nice low punch sabaki when she has her back turned to them.
  18. Air Jacky

    Air Jacky Well-Known Member

    this is so simply to figure out its called UNRANKED matches. if your that scared about going down in rank then dont play ranked matches. stop all your bitching and either be a man and execpt the lose or play on the unranked matches.
    the only problem with online is all the wining bitches on it. too bad we cant go back in time to the good old days of playing vf in japan with an unlimited amount of great players with out all the wining and bitching, just good old fun.
    well that is all the bitching i will be doing about this LAME subject.
    so get a life ciscorey and stop unplugging and be a man and SUCK IT UP!!! and just play
  19. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    Apparently someone came in on the ass-end of this conversation. I think it's already been established that loss records aren't the focus here (I have well-over 300 losses, most of which I have accepted). I think perhaps my biggest gripe is that not everyone was as fortunate as I was to gain a sincere love for social gaming.

    Once again, I grew up with sibblings and friends who learned how to love and cherish move lists. We would practice these move lists in their entirety, even if it meant losing matches. I guess you can say we had that much appreciation for what developement put into our games. So when we had this whole concept of differing "styles" thrown at us, we just rolled our eyes. We knew it was just another politically correct way of saying "some people don't truly care for movelists or constructive play. They just want to win."

    Granted, many advance players may not say anything when they encounter these type of people. But that definitely doesn't mean they're not thinking poorly of those players. Common etiquette tells people to handle situations accordingly and finish up matches the right way. Unfortunately common etiquette doesn't lend itself out to why it's good to play fair. I honestly believe that most gamers have tossed the notion of social reciprocation out of their windows. The "fuck friends, I'd rather win" approach is far more popular in gaming today.

    Of course, this is no argument for the rare act of pulling cables. But then again, neither is my manhood or my player skill suitable factors for this argument. It's nothing more than simple frustration for lackluster gaming--something that I admit I have to work on. Now respecting it... I don't know. If it were up to me, I'd have these peoples' TVs explode once they touch their pads. But then again, that's just me.
  20. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    Wow, I sure can type. I think I need to throw up a Gaming Psychology column. This surely would make some use of my otherwise pointless domain name.

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