If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popular?

Discussion in 'Console' started by ShinFuYux, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. x3mpinoy99

    x3mpinoy99 New Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    any guess when will vf5r be released? im dyin on this one.. playing vf5 ps3 version here /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    i hope it will be release on both consoles.
  2. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    I'm waiting just as eagerly as you are, I feel your pain bro...Unfortunately, there isn't even any word on the arcade release yet...So, it'll be a while before we see this on console...If at all...

    Let's just have hope that Sega will come through for us! ^_^
  3. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    To answer the question in the post title, I believe had the PS3 version online play, the Virtua Fighter series as whole would be more popular.

    That's not to say online is the key factor to determine popularity. There's other factors involved too. Like the marketting of the game, the game itself and the quality of it, and it's accessibility to newcomers.

    I think that had VF5 introduced an VF4: Evolution style training mode that would have further increased it's popularity for newcomers because it's an instant way to understand the game mechanics without having to search on the internet or buy a Brady game guide.

    I suppose those picking up VF5 on PS3 already knew it wasn't going to feature online battles, but it certainly would have helped spread the popularity of the game to casual gamers who like to play online, and to gamers who insist that games without online are "last generation".

    But currently, while the Xbox live online is good/great for the simple fact that it's relatively lagfree depending on your connection, and the fact that "WOW - it's actually online!", in all honesty it's not amazingly good - it's very nuts and bolts basic. There's still plenty of room for improvement. I have higher hopes for where AM2 could take the online game for a hopeful console port of VF5:R. If they would integrate a VF TV style virtual arcade concept, allowing matches to be viewed (downloaded) anywhere in the world and the viewing of online battles from your friends list at your convenience, or those from the best players like other games such as Virtua Tennis 3 (another SEGA title which had a "Online TV") or from racing games like Project Gotham 3, then I'm in no doubt that would catapult it's popularity even further.

    The better the online integration and features, the better the overall game - especially considering we're talking about a niche title because it's "only a fighting game". So when reviewers sum up the game if it ticks every conceivable box and then some, the better the game, the higher the popularity.

    Considering that future 3D fighters like Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur 4 (VF's main competition on console) will have online systems they obviously recognise there's huge demand for online. And if they can get theirs to work they'd do well to improve upon whats offered in VF5 360 "basic" if they want the accolades and impress all kinds of gamers.
  4. KillaKen

    KillaKen Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    If Revolution comes to PS3 then I guess the my total spending for VF5 will be 160$(VF5 on PS3 60$, VF5 on 360 60$, EX2 40$) + whatever they charge for VF5:R...

    It's pretty bad that Sega lied and raped many of us who have both a PS3 and 360 thinking that the game would never be online. But if it does come to PS3 online it better have lobbies. That would make this game WAAAAAAY better and bring in a lot more players alone.

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    wouldn't the online suffer with all those features put in? (lag)
  6. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    In extension to Myke:
    T5DR's online problems are quite probably due to the netcode. The major problem PSN has is random disconnects, not net-speed. You can play Warhawk, UT3 and CoD4 pretty much lag free if you pick up a game on a server you've got good connection with. It's not PSN that's slower by default for some reason.

    The biggest problem is that Sega'll have to host their own servers to go online on the PSN. So they'll have to put something together where players can act as hosts themselves and are allowed to build up a seperate connection to one another without routing it through Sega's servers (after being matched up by Sega probably). Warhawk has a system like this and if you find a user that has a good connection to you you can play some great games on a user-hosted PS3 (these are non-ranking matches obviously as they are decoupled from the main system).

    As far as I know XBL hasn't got a single game that uses this system btw, but then Warhawk is probably the only one on PSN (you can easily check this during gameplay. in CoD4 and UT3 one of the players in a server acts as (virtual) host and if they leave this privilege is transferred to another player. In Warhawk, when a player creates a game instead of logging into the official servers that player is the (true) host and if he disconnects the server goes down).
  7. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    ^ they did that with DOA2U. As far as the hosting goes. You were able to choose who got the host as well.

    VF Online is awesome but it still needs work. Before the update it was like "WTF?! That's Sega for you..." but now it's adequete but there is still work to be done...
  8. MrDiamondJ

    MrDiamondJ Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    I bet that a year or two from now, we'll see a new version of VF5 for PS3 in some shape, form, or fashion. You gotta think that there are are lot of Japanese PS3 gamers that would love to play VF5 online.

    It's the ultimate irony - the 360 market is so bad in Japan that they aren't even releasing Final Fantasy XIII for the console in that territory, yet the 360 has the definitive console version of Virtua Fighter 5. That has to rub a bunch of people the wrong way.
  9. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    Not when they can go down the arcade and play the definitive version of the game, period...

    ...plus, they're all getting VF5:R right about now, so...
  10. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    PS3 VF5 online is unaviodable. The question is not if it had, would it, but when it does, will it.
  11. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    If PSN wants to beat XBL, they should make every game enable the host's PS3 to be a/the dedicated server.

    Like they do with online PC games.

    Does wonders, I hear.

    I'm willing to bet VF5R will be PS3 exclusive because of poor sales on the Xbox 360 version. Despite the fact that online play was exclusive to the Xbox 360.

    I'm happy to be proven wrong, though.
  12. MrDiamondJ

    MrDiamondJ Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    The most important thing about have Virtua Fighter online play is that it builds a community around the game. I don't know anybody that plays VF5, and it's not the kind of game that you can show to a buddy and they'll rush out and get it (unless they're already a fighting game fan). But online is huge for connecting with other VF fans.

    Heck, I just got on here last week, posted in the New Challenger thread, and I've already added one VF player off these boards to my Xbox Live friends list as a result. If there wasn't any online, I'd just be sitting here playing the computer. It's not tournament-level competition, sure, but it at least gets you out there playing against other people.

    Also, the fact that online will be standard in every VF from now on means that the netcode will get better and better.

    I believe that VF is the future, beat them well and let them bleed away...show them all the hatred you possess inside...LOL
  13. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    I think it would have been, I probably wouldn't have gotten into this game if it didn't have online for the 360 (and if my brother didn't push me to try it) and i'm willing to bet money I wouldn't be half as good as I am right now If I have been only playing the cpu this whole time.

    There's alot you can learn about the game n the characters just by playing others that you can't get from the A.I.(not saying the AI is weak or nothin, the AI is really good and very fun to play against but it just doesn't give you that same fun factor when VS a human) I think they missed out on some new fans that only own a PS3 by not having it online. It's pretty hard to get into a fighting game and have a desire to get better with no human competition.

    My brother tells me " you thought this game sucked when you first played it now look at you, bought a arcade stick and this is the only game you play" lol.

    And just to throw out there, This site has also played a big part in my involvment with the game, had it not been for this I wouldn't know bout multiple TE and all that other crazy stuff wich only opened the game up even more for me and many other new players i'm sure, having a place to meet players and vets, have questions answered, movelist, glossary, chat about things,the whole shabang for any player looking to improve and understand VF more.
  14. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Re: If PS3 VF5 had online, would it been more popu

    You could host on the PS3(P2P) or go on a dedicated server. Warhawk and R:FOM are good examples.

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