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If there was one thing you could modify or add ?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by ONISTOMPA, Jun 10, 2003.


    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Don't get me wrong I think it's a great idea but you know how it is : If A gets weaker then B is overpowered. It never fails, ppl who depend on on the ppp strings will bitch.
  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    1: Is it just a game? Yes -- so WTF is everyone doing here reading/posting frame charts and whatnot?
    2: Is it disrespectful in Japan to spam down attacks after a won match? YES
    3: Can you do it? YES
    4: Is it okay if you do it? Perfectly fine, but don't expect a lot of help from people in the gamecenter you play in.
    5: Does anyone I know do it? Yes, but the guys a recluse, and nobody approaches him. Kind of a VF Black Sheep at Gigo.
    [ QUOTE ]

    1. people post and read frame stats so they can learn the game, I guess. the "whatnot" is completely up to them
    2. again. An arbitrary designation so I disregard it as such.
    3. there you go.
    4. what kind of help does that person require? If he's winning it doesn't sound like he needs help. Maybe someone would like to get him a soda?
    5. and is he the black sheep because you can't stand the interaction of pixels after a game match has been decided or for some other reason.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    1: Yes, they do. But if it's "Just a game" then who really gives a fuck? Point being, most people here take this a bit further than being just a game. I don't think anyone would ever turn away information that might be useful when playing in Japan.

    2: Arbitrary... yes, if you live in the west. Three people in this thread don't (or at list didn't at one time).

    3: Well, you can rape a goat in the ass in front of your family as well - does that make it okay?

    4: Winning one round doesn't mean you win a match. Here, people usually have one game center and stick with it, hence the "My Game Center" on VF.net. You'll see these people again - it's good to be on their good side. I guess "making mates" in the gamecenter would've been a better illustration, which DOES come in handy in a few ways. There's like what... 100 people in the world that really don't need any VF help? Since none of them are on this board. When I started VF4vA, I was a total scrub, and got my ass-kicked. You think I got better from studying frames? Fuck no, as I've never taken more than a glance over a frame chart, and that's recently. I got better from my mates (that I met at the arcades) helping me out... by not pissing them off.

    5: The guys a recluse and not really included for many reasons. Poor VF ettiquitte is only one of them. The other one that he doesn't exert communication skills is another. I personally don't have anything against the guy, although as I said before, repeated pounces indicate (usually) that you're frustrated, and the opponent is getting the best of you. Also - beating the machine is a tip off, which this guy does as well. As odd as it sounds they're closely associated.
  3. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    heh. this is my last hurrah in this thread but it's been fun.

    [ QUOTE ]
    2: Arbitrary... yes, if you live in the west. Three people in this thread don't (or at list didn't at one time).

    3: Well, you can rape a goat in the ass in front of your family as well - does that make it okay?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    2. no. still arbitrary. I don't care where you've localized this "rule". It still exists based on individual preference and not the intrinsic nature of the attack (the down attack).

    3. You've summed up the problem with this whole conversation with that one sentence. The analogy fails utterly and proves, to myself, my point: When rape and a move in a videogame have equal weighting the problem isn't with the move. Get out, get some fresh air, unplug for a couple of years if not forever, you have major issues.

    <font color="green">throw away the worser part of it and live the purer with the other half. </font>
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    GaijinPunch said:

    3: Well, you can rape a goat in the ass in front of your family as well - does that make it okay?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree with GodEater that post victory down attacks are quite different from acts of human animal sex. I still want to address this one directly. I think this falls under the viewers perception: if your family practiced goat ass intercourse regularly, they probably would think it's quite okay, they might even cheer you on.

    The goat might not care for it - but if it did - you'd have a friend for life.

    Because you fucked a goat in the ass in front of your goat riding sister - she looks at you with that much more adoration. Does that make it okay? Looks like it does.

    Okay is another value like right and wrong. I work hard to eliminate this bullshit value assignment thinking.
  5. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    This thread has diminished to incessant babbling and arguing of the abstract degree. The only thing goatlike about VF is the goat battle combo, which unfortunately has been taken out of evo. So as to things I'd modify or add, Jeff needs his [4][3][P][K],[4][G][P] (headbutt, toss) back.
  6. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    You posters spouting off about how VF is JUST a game are missing the point. We're
    talking about a game that is designed so well, and with such a steep learning
    curve, that the skill required to play even marginally well is fairly significant.
    VF is also a very SOCIAL game, meaning it is basically a virtual duelling match
    between two people, strangers or not. As this is a SOCIAL interaction, then there
    should be rules of conduct, and these rules in our everyday lives have been
    bent, brutalized, and goat-fucked by lazy, disrespectful folks who either aren't
    smart enough to follow rules of good conduct, or are simply rebels without clues.
    The best example I can think of is your local movie theatre...when I was a kid, most people
    didn't have such a lack of respect for others that they acted like they were parked in their
    own living rooms, bellowing over the soundtrack or making inappropriate remarks just to prove
    their disdain. You went to the movies with an UNDERSTANDING, that this was a social
    undertaking, and adherance to the rules of conduct at a theatre were taken
    fairly seriously. You got your ass thrown out if you were an asshole.

    Respect for other human beings has taken a goat-fucking in the last two
    decades, and all you "just a game" guys are simply justifying your overall disdain
    for other human beings on ANY level. I'm a misanthrope myself, but it's
    mostly due to the prolifieration of arrogance, greed, and simpering trivialization
    of basic codes of conduct by every generation to come along since I was born.
    I'm even of the mind that the reason for all this is that there ISN'T any consequence for
    acting like a fucking prick in this society. You can go over and pound someone's head in, and
    probably spend time in court; too much court means not enough people getting smacked
    when they shoulder their way into a preganant woman, just because they feel entitled to the sidewalk.
    The woman's PREGNANT, you dumb fucker! Clear the path!
    ...anyway, there's a bigger picture...
  7. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    Come on now. Call anyone who disagrees a "it's just a game" proponent, but that's a very good retort to your long winded, confused ideas. Shouldering a pregnant woman and doing excessive pouncing are not even comparable. And in your ideal world, where the "pregnant woman shoulderer / excessive pouncer" would receive what he deserves, what exactly is that? When you lose do you well up angry thoughts and lose yourself in your frustration with our quickly eroding moral values and want to take action against the victorious pouncer?
  8. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Try to be realistic and rational about this thread please, we are talking about down attacks post KO, not mid round game playing and red necks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Had you read my post a tad more closely, you would have seen where I wrote "post round taunt" & "post round" & "squeeze three in". This means post KO.

    The redneck is Jacky.

    "try to be realistic and rational"? Why? Cause you say so? Pull your dick out your mouth.
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    MrUmenokouji said:

    I'm a misanthrope myself, but it's mostly due to the prolifieration of arrogance, greed, and simpering trivialization of basic codes of conduct by every generation to come along since I was born. I'm even of the mind that the reason for all this is that there ISN'T any consequence for acting like a fucking prick in this society

    ....anyway, there's a bigger picture...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not a misanthrope because I don't want to go down that road. I think the things you're complaining about permeate history... "The kids these days just have no respect." I will add adults to that as well. I don't see much respect in many places. Your movie theatre example is excellent - my experiences have been less and less enjoyable with the proliferation of cellphones and the general "fuck you" attitude.

    I maintain that their behavior isn't wrong. If I said "you're wrong," they could say "No, I'm right." Stalemate. Maybe I could use the bigger fist theory and punch them out. Then they'd still be the same person with the same attitude with a broken face. Wow, big help.

    What can anyone do? Hard to say. I live by the example I'd like to see people adopt - I don't talk during the movies, I don't crash into pregnant women, I don't gloat when I win, I don't freak out when I lose. I don't carry around pre-conceptions. If I get pissed, I say "hey, I'm pissed." If someone near me in a theatre is doing something I don't like and I have the balls, I'll say "hey, I don't like what you're doing." That's their consequence for acting like a prick in my vicinity. How effective is it? I don't know. They certainly can't argue with it. If everyone around them did the same thing as I did, it might work to shut them up.

    Maybe I'll get shot as I exit the theatre.
  10. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    Well, frankly, it's difficult to tell anyone that they're being a moron. A righteous stand is one thing, but in public in this day and age you aren't going to start something over an ideal. People will kill you for the change in your pocket; this isn't 1948 when people'd throw their hats on the ground, box each other's ears a little, and have a nice Irish cop break up the action and send you both on your way. Today you not only have the threat of death, but of the Lawyers. Terrible.

    I don't know what the balance is...we can't live in a world where rules are upheld by violent means, because then everyone gets to abuse it, obviously. But then, living in a world without consequence for acts of arrogance or irresponsible malice (worse than mere down-pouncing in VF, that's an indicator only of a larger breakdown), is just as bad, IMO.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    MrUmenokouji said:

    You posters spouting off about how VF is JUST a game are missing the point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No we're not, it is JUST a game (A fighting game). Whether someone pounces on me 1 time or 500 times after a round don't mean shit. I have so many other, more important shit, I can get upset about in this world. I don't want to play a VIDEOGAME and worry about whether or not John Doe is going to get pissed off if I pounce on him a couple of times. If it's cheating then yes you have the right to get upset and feel disrespected... but if it's not then you do whatever you want with your stick/pad and I do whatever the fuck I want. If you can't take it then bounce, I'll find someone else, who's less sensitive, to play with.

    [ QUOTE ]
    MrUmenokouji said:

    talking about a game that is designed so well, and with such a steep learning
    curve, that the skill required to play even marginally well is fairly significant.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What does that have to do with anything ?

    [ QUOTE ]
    MrUmenokouji said:
    VF is also a very SOCIAL game, meaning it is basically a virtual duelling match
    between two people, strangers or not. As this is a SOCIAL interaction, then there
    should be rules of conduct, and these rules in our everyday lives have been
    bent, brutalized, and goat-fucked by lazy, disrespectful folks who either aren't
    smart enough to follow rules of good conduct, or are simply rebels without clues.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Start a petition, tell Sega that's it's wrong to pounce on someone after a round and that it should be taken out but don't expect ppl living in one area to follow an arbitrary rule made up by other ppl living in an other area that they don't even know. Like someone said before don't hate the player hate the game.

    [ QUOTE ]
    MrUmenokouji said:
    The best example I can think of is your local movie theatre...when I was a kid, most people
    didn't have such a lack of respect for others that they acted like they were parked in their
    own living rooms, bellowing over the soundtrack or making inappropriate remarks just to prove
    their disdain. You went to the movies with an UNDERSTANDING, that this was a social
    undertaking, and adherance to the rules of conduct at a theatre were taken
    fairly seriously. You got your ass thrown out if you were an asshole.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, your best exemple is a bad exemple. In a movie theatre there's a common rule of conduct that you can either respect or not : be quiet and repect those watching the movie or be a dumbass. You'll have the same rule in EVERY country whether it's in China or Norway however there isn't a COMMON rule of conduct for what you can and cannot do after a round in VF.

    [ QUOTE ]
    MrUmenokouji said:
    Respect for other human beings has taken a goat-fucking in the last two
    decades, and all you "just a game" guys are simply justifying your overall disdain
    for other human beings on ANY level.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you serious ? If you are then you have issues. Pouncing on someone (in a fighting videogame) justifies someones overall disdain for other human beings /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif..........And wait there's more : "on ANY level." Guess they're bullies, no no monsters, no no no better yet they're terrorists /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif.

    [ QUOTE ]
    MrUmenokouji said:
    I'm a misanthrope myself, but it's
    mostly due to the prolifieration of arrogance, greed, and simpering trivialization
    of basic codes of conduct by every generation to come along since I was born.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Welcome to society baby !

    [ QUOTE ]
    MrUmenokouji said:
    I'm even of the mind that the reason for all this is that there ISN'T any consequence for
    acting like a fucking prick in this society. You can go over and pound someone's head in, and
    probably spend time in court; too much court means not enough people getting smacked
    when they shoulder their way into a preganant woman, just because they feel entitled to the sidewalk.
    The woman's PREGNANT, you dumb fucker! Clear the path!
    ...anyway, there's a bigger picture...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just love your comparisons, No comment !
  12. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ONISTOMPA said:

    No we're not, it is JUST a game (A fighting game). Whether someone pounces on me 1 time or 500 times after a round don't mean shit. I have so many other, more important shit, I can get upset about in this world. I don't want to play a VIDEOGAME and worry about whether or not John Doe is going to get pissed off if I pounce on him a couple of times. If it's cheating then yes you have the right to get upset and feel disrespected... but if it's not then you do whatever you want with your stick/pad and I do whatever the fuck I want. If you can't take it then bounce, I'll find someone else, who's less sensitive, to play with.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You said someone has the "right" to get upset over cheating, but why would some one get upset if "it is just a game," in your opinion.
  13. American_Pai

    American_Pai Well-Known Member

    Wow, I'll kinda disappointed in VF Mecca if repeated downed attacks is frowned on as it's very scrubalicous. I'm with GE on this one. Instead of worrying how your opponent is molesting you after the rounds over you should be worrying how you got laid on your back in the first place as it's way more constructive to your victory in the long run.

    However, I'm kinda glad I learned this little tidbit because I will definitely use it when the time comes. If something so stupid can take you off your game it'll be even easier to headfuck you. And yes, really good players want to rape your mind (they should at least) because it insures future victories. Once you've had your way with their psyche you can get away with anything, I've seen it happen too many times. It's all about mental composure. It's what seperates the good from the great. The way your opponent feels is no way to dictate your playing style because anybody can feel anything. I don't like low punches,my opponent shouldn't low punch me to death if that's my weakness? Is it his fault I suck at fighting low jabbers? Is it his fault when I see too many low punches I want to scream with anger? No, it isn't. It's my fault and I need to get it together. In fact he should keep low punching me because it's working and I'm not thinking straight.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member


    Because it's CHEATING : whether it's in Japan, US, Korea, Mars, Namek, Klingon...
    Why the fuck would I want to play a GAME if I know the other person is going to cheat to win. That's a common rule no matter where you're from. Pouncing after a round isn't an official or common rule + it doesn't affect the actual game = not important.
  15. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    How can you cheat in VF?
  16. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    Hmm. "Welcome to Society, baby!"

    It's true. No doubt about it. And how depressing is that?

    I'm 32, and I'm addressing the American psyche, not the world. I don't know much about the world, only what I hear. Our American culture is something I'm as linked to as anyone, through the media blitz. The culture is corrupt, and yet nostalgia makes us believe it was better then than now. I fall into that same trap.

    I don't expect anyone under the age of 25 to comprehend how bad this country's social mores have become. When you talk about something inconsequential as a game not having meaning, to justify bad behavior, then you're shirking responsibility to all those small, seemingly meaningless interchanges with other humans that eventually adds up. Those meaningless interchanges are genetic code for human society. One guy's humiliation shouldn't be another guy's good time, in ANYTHING, for any reason. It's small-minded. Be humble and cool. Smack-talkers and bullies aren't worth their weight in toilet bowl cleaners.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    *Sigh* It was just an exemple. Games in general, get it.

    There's nothing to get upset about in VF. Well atleast that's what I thought.
  18. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    Quoting myself,
    "Mind games are one thing, bullying is another, IMO. It's no different than a chess player announcing all the moves you have remaining, and that he'll check you in three or four, win in five, something like that. Sure, the psychological war is important, and you should definitely kill another player at the end of ROUNDS in order to insure they're still thinking about it next round. But the disdain shown at the END by constant down attacks is disrespectful. "

    Read all the posts in the argument. I never said you shouldn't rip a guy's ass out between rounds (continue floating him until the next round loads, whatever), that's fine. Just show your appreciation they gave you a good match, and if they didn't, why rub it in? You've got your winning percentage...be proud. Not a prick.

    And some cat using the same boring shit like low punch isn't even in the same league. Continuous low punching isn't a sign of disrespect, it's a sign of somebody's personal, boring-ass style. Albeit effective.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Don't hate the pouncer hate Sega or hate yourself for losing in the first place. And please save the life was better back in the days talking for an other argument, I bet you 20 years from now you'll be telling you're grandkids how life was better back in 2003.

    "Those meaningless interchanges" are exactly that meaningless. Somebody pouncing on me twice after a round isn't going to ruin my day one bit.

    ''One guy's humiliation shouldn't be another guy's good time, in ANYTHING, for any reason.''

    Of course it shouldn't that's why I think you should start a petition and send it to SEGA.

    I actually prefer when ppl smack-talk, it's a motivator more than anything. If you quit playing the game because of smack-TALK or a couple of pounces then you're a quiter and to sensitive to be playing a FIGHTING game in the first place. You know what you should do ? Go watch a Rocky movie !

    P.S. Especially the one where Apollo was talking shit to the Russian dude and guess what happened to Apollo ? He got his ass kicked, actually he got killed. Moral of the story is smack-talk or pouncing doesn't automatically make you invincible. For some ppl it's not even a factor.
  20. MrUmenokouji

    MrUmenokouji Well-Known Member

    Ha ha. Yeah, I'm sure things WILL have been better in 2003. Unless suddenly we end up in a Utopian society with everyone walking around in flimsy togas. Of course, you know everyone over 30 would be put to death, so there wouldn't be any belly-aching old farts around to complain anyway.

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