If your favorite character could get 3 new moves...

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Psyckogod, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Oh..for Shun's hit throw, I would give him 2..one regular hit throw, and one that is part of a combo. Having hit throws during combos is something that is not part of VF yet and I think it would be a great addition.
  2. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    well isn't that sort of what his auto hit throw is? it's integrated into a combo and you dont even need to press throw! it's the lazy mans hit throw! i love it, it doesn't seem as "drunken" without the little low attack step, but it's definitly more useful.
  3. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    I'd give Goh the following moves.

    1. Instant K.O. , unthrow-escapable, throw which sabakis any attack thrown during it's execution time.

    2. Instant K.O. unblockable low punch which sabakis any attack thrown during it's execution time.

    3. Instant K.O. auto-throw that activates on a succesful/unsuccesful guard attempt or succesful/unsuccesful throw escape attempt.

    Another off-topic alteration to Akira's movelist would be to take away ALL his moves except the true knee and reversals. Rendering him unusable to scrubs (or anyone else)
  4. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    why dont we just give goh wings and laser eyes while we're at it....
  5. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Good idea, non of that pussy assed "for aesthetics only" crap though. He should actually be able to shoot people and fly during matches.
  6. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    LOL i would just like to see Goh with more moves that "kill" like Vanessa's throw or something when she snaps your neck.
  7. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Great idea, and everytime it lands, your opponent's character data is wiped from the memory card as punishment, as well as the actual character they pick. The goal of VF5 Goh should be to erase all the other characters leaving Goh as the only playable/non-playable character left on the game. Sounds great eh?
  8. Cloud

    Cloud Active Member

    For Goh, I would like to see him use the Guard.... how can a Judo character not have the Guard in his movelists. I would love to see a Rumina Sato flying armbar or triangle choke for Goh or Vanessa.

    Back to the guard, when in the Guard, you would have the opinion to do multi throws. Say in the Guard you would have the chioce of 4 holds, you opponent have the time to enter in two escapes so you have a 50 50 chance. If the hold works then the struggle sign should come up like when Vanessa chokes you after her [6][K] (same idea about 30 point taken with a max of about 50). When they struggle out , it would be cool if you could transfer over to another hold (say if you choose an Armbar and they struggle out, you then transfer over to an Triangle choke or a mount postion or an Kneebar). Same idea as before, you get like 3 or 4 holds to choose from your opponent only gets to enter 2 escapes and it becomes a mind game. You would only get a max of 3 multi throws with each hold does less and less damage of course or else this would be way too powerful.

    If anything, give me the Guard. His [3][P][K][G] doesn't count either, its a nice Judo move though.
  9. Aeon

    Aeon Well-Known Member

    You'll likely never see anyone in the guard in this game. Watching fights that end up on the ground for 30 minutes is boring IRL... i'm not going to pay to do it in VF, that's for sure.

    The only moves i'd add to the game for my man Jeff are:

    1. an inashi stance of some sort (similar to Aoi's YY, but not nearly as good), or maybe have his threat stance auto-reverse punches like Lei Fei's crane-ish stance.

    2. a *useful* charge move

    3. ground throws that don't end up in a lousy 50/50 guessing game.
  10. Cloud

    Cloud Active Member

    What I was thinking was that I reed a couple of posts where people complain that Goh is a little boring to use and maybe a Guard mutli throw system would give Goh that something special that players are looking for. I agree that if you were on your back for the entire match, every match... that would by far suck. I would only want the whole thing to last 5 to 7 seconds.
  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    I'd give him a "stance" in which he moves his feet about (like some muay thai before throwing hard midkicks) in which he had some options from.
    The stance itself would only be considered active during the feet movement (think leifei's slam on the ground "stance").
    From it he would have a few options;
    1) A hard jumping back midthrust kick that worked as a gaurdbreaker.
    2) A low kick to the inside of the opponents leg, giving you a big advantage (crumble?) on CH and on MC a hard chopping right from it was doable as a hitthrow.
    3) His charging move (he's the only character who doesn't have one). Which would be solid elbow right into the chest of the opponent with full body weight (which you could cancel).

    Then I'd make it so you can link between his slips and that stance easily and gaurd cancel it aswell.

    And just to make me hella happy; give him more options from his slips (and maybe a way to cansel them or atleast punish someone who tries to lp you when you do them), more options from catch as it's weak, and a totally new catch throw that isn't dependent on a hit from him with hits and stumbles from (tripping by kicking his own leg straight into the lowerleg of the opponent). And make his second hit of [3][P][P] gaurd cancebal as well and ffs give him wall throws (so there's a point in pressuring your opponent up against the "Ropes") and his own stage.

    I'll be quiet now -_-

    On a sidenote; hell yeah... I want Goh to have a ewgf variant - I don't care if it's a blatant ripoff - I want it. Good one Omnistompa.
  12. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Make akira's low punch execute in 11 frames...change SPoD damage to 105pts...and give him some low throws.
  13. Psyckogod

    Psyckogod Member

    While we're covering less practical wish lists such as flying and laser eyes and instant kills, lemme say that if I could add three more moves to Lion's list, they'd be instant no-button-necessary escapes to Wolf's leg-spin and arm-spin, and automatic parries to any kick from Sarah's flamingo stance. These throw escapes and parries would look super badass and take about 100 pts damage.

    I'd also like a pony. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  14. SenoB

    SenoB Well-Known Member

    - cancels!!! He needs to be able to cancel his moves (they're so slow!!!) This would set up for even better mind games.
    - More low throws! That or some better reversals (knees, and all mid kicks especially!) since his [4][6][P]+[K] is so slow and has like no range without parrying a knee (which so few characters actually throw out - making the move nigh useless except against Brad and maybe Jeffry).
    - A better float finisher than just that stupid[P] [K] or [3][3][6][P]+[K] buffered shoulder ram (which I found out isn't a shoulder ram, cause I found that, I think it was either Akira or Vanessa, can counter it, I think... either that or I've had too many spicy burritos. Anyway, yeah, it should be like a quick mid to a hard mid (with decent recovery) Also, if this isn't done, then maybe better poking options, say like a "punch rush" cancelled to a low kick, or a knee, you get the idea.
  15. pkg_inc

    pkg_inc Well-Known Member

    1- give Vanessa a combo that goes real low, so that you can use it otb (which I REALLY miss)

    2- a powerful low strike (see nr1)

    3- give Aoi a slow, powerful striking attack for killing newbs
  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    pkg_inc said:

    1- give Vanessa a combo that goes real low, so that you can use it otb (which I REALLY miss)

    2- a powerful low strike (see nr1)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not sure what you mean by "combo" but she has moves that hit OTB. DS [K] and OS [6][6][K] for example.

    Both are mid-level attacks too.

    [ QUOTE ]
    3- give Aoi a slow, powerful striking attack for killing newbs

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think [4][6][P]+[K] is slow and powerful enough already, but I don't know if slow attacks are suited for newb-killing. *shrug*
  17. pkg_inc

    pkg_inc Well-Known Member

    I was thinking of a more powerful option than just [K], since it doesn`t do much damage.
    About Aoi, of course your right, I just wished she had something like Goh`s charge (although unlikely, but that`s what I would like, anyways)
  18. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    For Aoi,I hope she will do auto-throw when she escapes any throw's opponent.in Aikido,there are "throw reversals",when you ennemy tries to throw you,you can reverse it and throw him back.......

    so whenever you succede in throw escaping with Her,she will do a different throw depending on the type of the opponent's throw(he grabs your hands,your shoulder,your head....)..it will very cool and makes you opponent fear of abusing throw...hhehehehe /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  19. Kurenai

    Kurenai New Member

    it would be nice to see some kicking combos for goh.
  20. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I really like Cloud's ideas about what to do with Goh (give him more throw-based stances). I actually think this is the way VF needs to head in general: more variety to what kinds of fighting can happen, instead of just standing fighting, knockdown/combo, rise and repeat. I also agree about making it so that certain characters could turn this kind of grappling to their advantage (Aoi, Jeff, Wolf, Goh, Vanessa, maybe Kage a little). Tekken already did this, and I think it's pretty cool.

    At the same time, I hate the idea of turning Goh into Kazuya (EWGF, PP2K). IMO he needs to be more Judo-esque, not less.

    Anyway, the 3 moves I'd like to see for my character, Akira, are:

    1. Anti-Dodge attack where he steps forward slightly into a crouch, then extends both arms out the the side with open palms, (like b, fP+K+G or P+K+G) striking dodgers to either side, but leaving him open to straight attacks, throws and counter attack (since a miss would basically be like whiffing right in front of the oppt).

    2. a low throw that functions as a Guard Break (kind of like Vanessa's OS d+P+K+G) into struggle-able stagger, like the current guard breaks. note: while the existing d+P+K+G will hit crouchers, it doesn't guard break, as there's no stagger, and you cannot buffer moves into the hit animation, and hitting a crouching guarder like this actually gives the oppt Middle P counterability.

    3. New Akira special that begins with Elbow Reversal. (elbow reversal) hu HA!


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