I'm as new as it gets

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Kohlrak, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    So your xbrick refuses to run what you bought or what?

    I noticed. They say they want to gain people like crazy, but refuse to do what is actually necessary. They just refuse to listen to outsiders, yet say that they're trying to get more people in the game. Let's face it, the majority of people out there don't know tournaments even exist, so why are you trying to invest entirely in tournaments? People aren't going to leave their fighters to join yours if they aren't watching it, let alone if they don't even play fighters. It's the lunkheads playing CoD and minecraft that you should aim at, not constantly trying to take Street Fighters' crowd.

    iHajin is one of those guys that doesn't getting, but is slowly realizing that he doesn't get it. Mr. Wah just feels like he is too busy with life and keeping the site running than to help out on the ground.

    Last i heard they're arguing about what is and isn't considered piracy and whether or not mods for the PC game should be allowed on the site.

    I'm not familiar with sega's investment except the in game 20 lesson tutorial (i feel that something in game should always be given attention and perfected first). TN did that, too, but it was horrible. Cow did a series of videos teaching mechanics, but it felt more like a video reference material rather than learning material. When i pointed that out, he wasn't too pleased with me. They're complaining that online players are mashy and spammy and only seem to think combos matter, but those same people are the ones spitting out the combo videos.

    I hear ya.

    I'm just analogy happy.
    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  2. AngryFlyingChop

    AngryFlyingChop Well-Known Member

    The word low appears? Brad has a [P] [P] [2] [K] string from Slipping. Are you holding down after you do a Slip?
  3. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    Not exactly.... its not the Xbox its self.... when I first got DoA5U it worked just fine..... its only when it needs updates that things become problematic.

    The XBL Market Place in South Africa is different than the one in the US..... only one third of the items in the US are actually available here....

    You can got to XBL website and see for yourself.... if you change your location at the bottom of the then suddenly the whole website changes...... first of all in the 360 Section.... the entire Indie Games category dissappears..... then one third of all the Games, DLC and Avatar items dissappear aswell along with a few other features.

    DoA5U and all its DLC happens to be one of the things that isn't available here, yet if I go online the game can still update itself with regular patches. When you run DoA after it updates itself it completely locks itself down and requests that you download specific DLC.... the Costume Catalogues. Thats where I initially got stuck.... DoA5U isn't avaliable in XBL South Africa so I couldn't download the necessary DLC the patch was asking for..... I could remove the Patches and Disconnect my 360 and the game would run again. And that seemed like a sucky idea..... so instead I just changed to region on my XBL Account then I was able to download the DLC.

    I don't get what the point of all this region nonsense is if it can just be easily Circumvented by lying about where I live..... sigh. I expected nothing less from Microsoft..... I mean just look Windows 8.... they clearly have no clue what they're doing. :confused: Ofcourse I contacted them and they told me it was up to the Publisher to decide what content appears in which Region.... so it seems like Tecmo Koei shares alil bit of the responsibility.

    BTW DoA5 Vanilla is available here and works just fine.....

    Yep pretty much.....

    Interesting...... I don't know moderators on DoA work or how they are selected. Shouldn't one person.... The Mod Overlord.... ultimately decide what should be done about stuff like this.

    As for the topic of Piracy..... well as long as they bought the game then I don't think its piracy..... regardless of if they sneak into the game's files to access things that are suppose to be DLC.... hell I would do it myself considering my situation. But TN Said they would drop the PC if people started doing that.

    LoL.... wow I didn't notice that. That is some seriously warped Irony. Its as sad as it is funny.

    Have you been to the TN Youtube Channel.... they have this short Series called "Get Ready Fight" which is suppose to be some sort of inspirational video to understanding DoA and Fighting Games In general...... however what it actually is just one dude encouraging one girl to keep dealing with the Execution Barrier in order to play the game..... he didn't teach her about Blocking or throwing or spacing.... you know.... shit that you need to know to not get your ass kicked. Atleast the Sega managed to get that part right.

    Oh and the AI in DoA cheats.... not cool !!!
  4. Mold_Monkey93

    Mold_Monkey93 Well-Known Member

    No, lie BS I see SCV tourneys and go, I can fucking win and I just know a few tricks. SC isn't hard at all lol I get disgusted watch scv tournaments. Granted you have to respect more shit in v but older ones are more mashy. However after playing VF, it has expanded my thinking in terms of other FGs. I believe this will help you out, OP. VF is not as fancy looking as other fgs. However, it can teach raw skills for any fg more so than starting off with any other, imo
  5. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    There's also a PPK(wait)K. That was the one, but i've got it pretty well down at this point.

    Wouldn't it work to login to the other account before updating? If not, try... Well, i have another idea i don't want to say publicly, because awareness of it to people who aren't ready for it can sometimes cause major issues for mods, so if you need it, add me on skype and we can talk about it in a skype call or something where i help you set it up proper (it'll allow you to mask your region with a major speed sacrifice).

    Doesn't surprise me. Most companies are like this, but my experience in dealing with MS is that they can even be jerks to non-customers. Me and MS have a long unhappy history.

    Nah, console makers offer choices regarding region protection to affect pricing (some things you can get away with pricing higher in some regions than others) and copyrights and such. My guess is, they didn't feel your region worth hiring a lawyer for, so they kept the option. Governmental red-tape is a thing for devs when the option to restrict region is available. I throw that all on the console makers.

    Only if it becomes a known enough issue to step in. Obviously they needed to make a clearer policy on the matter.

    It's piracy of the DLC that's going on. Reverse engineering is also illegal.

    I had high hopes for it, but you hit the nail on the head: it's nothing more than "keep trying, pretend you're not screwing up on purpose while i tell you nothing and you magically know everything." Some tutorial.

    Yeah, the unavailable frames just makes no sense and shows they're have little investment into the AI, which is understandable, seeing as they want people to stick to online, so when others upgrade, so do you if you don't want stuck with the crappy AI.

    I don't know much about SCV, but i think there is more going on there than meets the eye. It does seem to narrow down to horizontal vs vertical, however. I think it's more along the lines of risk vs reward for which attack you use out of the type you choose (which is basically street fighter's method). However, i haven't played that much.

    I don't want fancy: i want realistic. I don't want to throw fireballs, because i cannot throw fireballs in real life. I want to be able to practice things that i cannot practice with gloves once a week.
    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  6. AngryFlyingChop

    AngryFlyingChop Well-Known Member

    Seems like you were having trouble with the other one cause you were holding down or something. Cause you Low instead of Mid.
  7. Kohlrak

    Kohlrak Active Member

    Specifically, the issue was, i was letting up before the next button was pressed, however that doesn't mean that the button sprung back fast enough, nor does it mean the interrupt rate of the controller was fast enough to register the two separately. Thus, the keydown message was still in the queue as i was pressing the G+P+K, and both were let up at the same time. The simple fix is to slow the hell down. My brain doesn't want to since there are some cases where you can hit a throw escape while guarding, and i practiced that to death, too, so now my mentality is to do that. At least it's not a 1-frame move.

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