Info abt VF4 Ver C

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by SummAh, Jan 10, 2002.

  1. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    hehe...I was just rechecking a movie to confirm what I thought of the struggle stick and realized that it's gone after the ST. Yeah, totally - although I normally have no trouble with this combo, the times that it's been blocked, I must've been too slow.
  2. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Okay... so, the verdict is that Lau's ST ~ b,f+P is guaranteed? Or no? Was trying this out with Akira T. yesterday, and he mentioned that if Lau delays the b,f+P a split second after the ST, it (seems) to be guaranteed? (Or was your followup post referring to Akira's ST ~ single palm?)
  3. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    See thats the crap I get. Dblplm gets blocked. Or maybe its just cuz I'm fucking up...
  4. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > Akira's d/b,f+p+g and b,f+p+g are both TRable

    The b,f+P+G is deadly near the wall, though. Easy combo with a bodycheck for a stupid amount damage. I don't think TR/QR'ing takes away that much damage, anyway.

    Anyone know if the db,f+P+G is as combo-able as the b,f+P+G near a wall?
  5. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I was talking about ST, SgPm, DbPm.

    However, did you see my other post regarding Lau's ST, b,f+P? Like I said before - do zippola. :)
  6. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    If you do zippola Lau gets bb+P good luck guessing I suppose :)
  7. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Yeah, he does. But when the question is how to escape ST, b,f+P it's not a question what other options does Lau have, is it? /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  8. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    No, course not.

    Just thought I'd mention that there are risks involved. You could avoid something like ST - b,f+P - P - f+K+G by doing zippola. The flipside is you could eat a bb+Pd+PPPK float or worse uk+K - PPPK... for 40 - 50% of your life bar!

    Still it is kinda brave to 'put your balls out there everyonce in a while', and when it pays off you get a big "I'M A YOMI KING" grin ;)

  9. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Err...Wolf's GS into wall-->pounce does even more damage,
    and let's not forget that Lau's f+p+g, Kage's TFT and a
    couple of other throws are wall-comboable as well.

    Akira really doesn't have many throw options, take away his
    d/f+p+g and he is left with what? ST?
    A character like Kage or Lau's got much better options.
    Kage's got TFT, d/f+p+g(+stomp) and b,d+p+g. Lau's got
    d/f,d/f+p+g and b,f+p+g(+stomp). All these throws do at
    least 60 pts damage, anywhere in the ring, and that I would
    say is pretty good for a non-grappler.

    Btw, I think TR takes away 15 pts from b,f+p+g.
  10. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    lol, you must not seen Akira's wall comboable throws. b,f+pg, b,d/f+pg and b,d+pg into wall are all quite deadly, some up to if not beyond GS damage. Also f,b+pg, d/b+pg and d/f+pg into wall also gives additional damage combos. I'd say Lau has better options than Kage, but neither are near as Akira's. Kage's throws just SUCKS in vf4. b+pg is the only thing he has that's noticeablely good. b,d+pg is nice but it's side throwable if escaped. Reverse double throwescape owns Kage nicely. Top that, you can struggle out of the d/f+k after all of his throws. Also you have to realize Akira has combos that will remove 100 points without having to relying on throws. Assuming you are double escaping d and d/f, Akira can qcb+p your escape attempts. Basically anytime he thinks your gonna throw he'll do up to 100points to you. If you are close to the ring he can D,f+pk you. If he wants to reverse the ring, he can SPoD you. Therefore in a throw counter situation where one is throwescaping vs Akira guarding at the end is very important. Otherwise, dodge throw escape can save Kage's lacking of mid reversal. yea?
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    lol, you must not seen Akira's wall comboable throws. b,f+pg, b,d/f+pg and b,d+pg into wall are all quite deadly, some up to if not beyond GS damage. Also f,b+pg, d/b+pg and d/f+pg into wall also gives additional damage combos. I'd say Lau has better options than Kage, but neither are near as Akira's. Kage's throws just SUCKS in vf4. b+pg is the only thing he has that's noticeablely good. b,d+pg is nice but it's side throwable if escaped. Reverse double throwescape owns Kage nicely. Top that, you can struggle out of the d/f+k after all of his throws.

    Just to be ornery

    1. RBC (b, d/f+P+G) into wall - is this really worth anything? I think the opponent must NOT hit the wall for this to be strong, but if they end up right in front of the wall without hitting, that's excellent.

    When they hit the wall, they go straight into the 'struggle' phase of the reverse bodycheck. Normally they'd be stunned for maybe 1.5 seconds, then they see the wiggling joystick. When they hit the wall they're only stunned for 1 second, then go straight to the wiggling joystick. See what I'm getting at? The wall gives them the chance to struggle out of followups earlier than they normally could. I base all of this, naturally, on a movie where shinz does RBC into the wall vs. moonsuk, and moonsuk struggles and turns around before akira even has time to try an attack.

    I still agree akira has great throws. f,b+P+G, headbutt, sgpm/dbpm must be fairly damaging, 60 points or so, correct? And ST, sgpm, dbpm is good damage.

    2. Are you sure you've ever seen someone in your whole life struggle out of kage's d/f+P+G, d/f+K?

    3. This is an unrelated note, but I noticed in the recent chibita clip that the wolf player doesn't try ANYTHING after d/f, d/f+P+G - shows how much he respects chibita's ability to struggle out of followups. Unless he felt that such a win was cheesy :p
  12. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Err..where did I compare the b,f+P+G to the Giant Swing, or any other throw, for that matter? My point that it's a very nasty throw near the wall is perfectly valid.
  13. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    **ANYTHING after d/f, d/f+P+G - shows how much he respects chibita's ability to struggle out of followups**, actually, it just shows that Wolf can't do anything after the throw. df+P is really easy to avoid.
  14. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    b,d+p+g, d/b+p+g, f,b+p+g wall combos do up to GS+pounce
    damage? Tell me about it.
    Neither Kage nor Lau has better throw options? The rings
    are not 4X4 for gawds sake, I'm talking about GUARANTEED
    damage here, its just not possible to wall-combo every
    single time.

    What's all these Akira qcb+p and spod talk for? I never
    said that Akira has weak attacks, I was talking about
  15. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Btw, I've never seen anyone struggle out of Kage's
    d/f+p+g-->stomp as well. Looks guaranteed to me.
  16. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    I was just implying that Akira's throws(wall comboable
    throws or not) isn't as strong as some characters.
  17. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    In the little time that we played.... Your Akira's wall combos WERE really scary/versus/images/icons/wink.gif

  18. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    b,d+pg > D,f+p, D,b,f+p. maybe DJK if range allows. b,f+pg, p,k, b,ff+pk. b,d/f+pg > fff+p > D,f+pk, AS3. if you want more go to some Japanese site, they list wall shit that does up to 130 points of damage. And you are right though, it's not guaranteed 100% and won't work all the time.
    If you are only talking about wall combos off a throw, ok Kage's b+pg will probably ringout/do alot damage etc etc, but you were talking about throwing options no? I say this because you will probably rarely get a b+pg off on a decent player with your back facing the wall, therefore in reality gameplaying wise, kage's throwing option / wall options are very limited. And you should try to struggler harder after d/f+pg, it works for me.
    ya ya Chanchai, fear my wall combos and knees!
  19. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    I agree with Alucard, Kage's drop kick (d/f+K) after d/f+P+G seems guaranteed. I've never seen anyone struggle out of it myself.

    "**ANYTHING after d/f, d/f+P+G - shows how much he respects chibita's ability to struggle out of followups**"

    Bungle's right about Wolf's drop elbow after the driver -> easy to get out of. Though he could of landed a b,f+K+G, he made the choice not to. The problem is not so much hitting with the followup as it is damage taken in the recovery period for Wolf. I doubt he wanted to risk getting up next to Chibita's Lion doing a rising kick and be damaged with such low energy and possibly end up face to face in a serious yomi situation with someone who's obviously been very succesful the entire game at it.

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