Interrupt Throws

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by MrWhite, Dec 27, 2001.

  1. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > It's the same things over and over

    No shit. Always the same: you avoid at all costs giving a lucid answer or reasoning to any questions or points made (and/or say I'm just a pedant yabbering on about semantics), and then try to bow out with some high-school snotball comment. Business as usual.
  2. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    I think ice-9 and MR.bungle should make love until they reslove their differences. How about it?
  3. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    I think I its about time I updated this thread /versus/images/icons/smile.gif:

    New confirmed IT'able moves ( to remind everybody, these are moves that are throwable during execution) :
    - Jeff's drop elbow "b + P" ( animation shows elbow over Jeff's head and opp. throwing before it comes down )
    - Pai's "double palm lift (?)" (move in which she crouches low then lifts opp. with a double palm, then usually converts into a kick). I kept doing a grasping mind to my opp. when he was going for that.
  4. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    - Pai's "double palm lift (?)" (move in which she crouches low then lifts opp. with a double palm, then usually converts into a kick). I kept doing a grasping mind to my opp. when he was going for that.

    Do you mean the pull-in throw (f, b+P+G) or the shini ha (db, f+P+G)? If you mean the pull-in throw, that's a catch throw, if I'm not mistaken. Do catch throws interrupt attacks?

    If it's been mentioned before in this thread, I apologize for not seeing it.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I think he means Pai's f,f+PK. The f,f+P can be thrown during execution (according to Mister White).

    I think we should drop the term "Interrupt Throws" and just talk about moves that can be thrown during execution, or interrupted with a throw (subtle difference). "Interrupt Throws", to me, implies a special property applying to throws which allow them to interrupt some attacks. But in fact, it's the property of the attack which is allowing it to be thrown (subtle difference again).
  6. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    - Jeff's drop elbow "b + P" ( animation shows elbow over Jeff's head and opp. throwing before it comes down )

    I believe its correct. Did a few throws on Jeff after b+P.
    Pai's "double palm lift is f,f+P anyone to confirm it?
    Oso, has anyone interrupted lau's b,b+P b4? Juz checking if its possible... The animation looks 'slow' when Lau turns around b4 the 'reverse lifting palm' excutes...
  7. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Its a "grasping mind" on Pai (d/b, f+P+G), no catch throw.

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