Is it just me or are there not many Brad players out there?

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Lightning, Jul 20, 2003.

  1. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Whilst everything is a matter of opinion I try not to refer to characters as "cheap" or "cheat" ones any more , even if I do feel frustrated by them when I play against them. Whilst some maybe easier to pick up and play than others, at high level play, as shown on EVO DVD disc replays and the many vids available at this site the difference in characters levels off to give a fairly balanced game.

    Like others have said Brad can be played to high level well such as by Mask DU HT and Ohsu Akira ( no doubt Myke too and a few others ) .I actually decided to start using him solely on the strength of reading this thread a while back.If there are few high level players who use him then surely people will be less aware of his damage potential he poses to an opponent in general.

    At first I found the transition to him awkward from the chars I usually play and didn't rely a great deal on his slipping technique.Whilst no means a VF expert I am of the opinion that all VF chars can be played relatively easily with a few moves and with Brad I think this is no acception.Having only played as him for a very short time leaves me without much more to say , suffice to say that it is dissapointing to to see him go to waste as a character and certainly hope he does not and that this thread may hopefully inspire other players to begin using him as it did me.
  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]

    Like others have said Brad can be played to high level well such as by Mask DU HT a

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Totally off topic, but has anyone ever seen Hijitetsu write his name Mask Du Hijitetsu?
  3. madman1313

    madman1313 Member

    Brad is my best character. I have most of his items and my record is close to 900 wins and a 110 losses.

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