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israeli-lebenon. what a mess..........

Discussion in 'General' started by KS_Vanessa, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. yoomazir

    yoomazir Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    tonyfamilia said:

    "Oh, and by the way, Dissmaster, you sound like that guy that says "I'm not racist, I have Jewish friends, I like Jewish comedians." In case your "Jewish friends" havent informed you, "Neocons" is a racial slur, just like nigger, spic, cracker, etc."

    is that a subtle way to tell Dissmaster he's a racist?..what? it wasn't what you mean? oh...allright...
    By the way did you know that before when I was talking about japaneses games or people I used the term "jap"? then people said it was racist to say that.Really? I always said "jap" only because it was shorter and faster to say.But no matter what I told to justify I was considered a racist.

    "I'm not taking anybody's side but these places that are getting bombed, in case you didnt know, get warned ahead of time and many of these people flee, after all it is a war and as much as the media tries to make it seem like Israel is aming for areas full of civilians for no reason, know this, there's video footage of Hezbolla firing rockets from the same area that they COUNTER-fired upon."

    I your father builded a house with his bare hands and now he's old and weak and unable to move ...would run like a coward from your family's house? What I want to say is this: those people have families (right tonyFAMILIA?) that means women and children.Do you think they stayed right under the bombs because they wanted? I don't think so.Maybe they thought the missile was for the neighbors houses right?right?

    "As much as anybody hates anti-Muslim rhetoric, their teachings state that it is ALRIGHT to KILL the infidel, what other religion (aside from Satanism) says THAT?! "

    Buddhism had something like that way back....
    Tonyfamilia you are a smart guy, I think YOU already know that EVERY religion have/had unofficial ways to say things like that.

    Meh,anyway,it's not my war,so I suppose I should stay away from these kind of topics.

    P.S. : about the japanese thing,I made it up,sorry.
  2. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    [ QUOTE ]
    yoomazir said:

    P.S. : about the japanese thing,I made it up,sorry.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL, that was funny, thank you for your honesty.
    Now, the serious topics: I know that there are certain people that may not be able to evacuate a hostile area and that is truly sad, may God help those poor, defenseless, innocent bystanders and bring comfort to their familiy members and friends.

    I was just trying to point out that the fact that certain media doesnt talk about the warnings these areas got before they got bombed (which, btw, it's a very nice thing to do when you're in the middle of a war), certain media doesnt cover the fact that rockets were fired from that area and another thing I've noticed is that these areas and buildings that are being bombed by the Israeli army is usually full of "women and children" and the areas that get hit dont get reported right away /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif if your people got hit would you wait 7 hours for daylight and a camera crew to show up to report it and get help for the victims?... just a little bit suspicious, if you ask me.

    [ QUOTE ]
    yoomazir said:
    Buddhism had something like that way back....
    Tonyfamilia you are a smart guy, I think YOU already know that EVERY religion have/had unofficial ways to say things like that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Where? Please, tell me where.
    Buddhism? Kill your enemy? The inner peace and balance of the ying and the yang religion? Yoomazir, did you make that up too? /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif (just messing with you, man, I dont know all that much about Buddhism)
  3. yoomazir

    yoomazir Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    I remember to have read it somewhere that in the first "version(s)" of Buddhism it was ok to kill anything that wasn't following the path of Buddha,not that it was needed nor obligatory but if it happened ,well,it was ok.
    but they quickly removed it when Buddhism was sarting to be attract the curiosity of the rest of the world,especially the Occidentals.

    And Tonyfamilia,please forgive me for my rude attitude in my previous topic,I hope I didn't have hurt your feelings,it wasn't my intention.
    I was just a little bored about this whole topic,and since I told before ,it's not my war so I should really start to shut up my mouth .
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    [ QUOTE ]
    tonyfamilia said:
    "Neocons" is a racial slur, just like...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know if I agree with this. Neocon, I believe, is short for Neo-Conservative. I agree it sounds uglier because it emphasizes the "con" in a way to imply con-artist (maybe), or con as opposed to pro. I don't see it any differently than the negative spin given to the word liberal.

    I'm under the impression that if you take traditional conservatives (concerned with fiscal frugality) and add morality, religion, and righteousness, you end up with neocons.

    The word identifies a group. I don't think it carries the defamation associated with typical racial slurs.
  5. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    [ QUOTE ]
    Oh, and by the way, Dissmaster, you sound like that guy that says "I'm not racist, I have Jewish friends, I like Jewish comedians." In case your "Jewish friends" havent informed you, "Neocons" is a racial slur, just like nigger, spic, cracker, etc.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oh holy jesus shit-eating christ ahahahahahah that's the most retarded thing i've read in this thread, and that's saying a whole lot

    so tell me tony, not knowing the proper, non-pejorative term for them, where do the proud race of "neocons" originate from, geographically? what is their native language? oh wait let me guess, "reaganese", perhaps? what are the typical identifiable characteristics of a neocon? please do tell me...
  6. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    So when I refer to the Naruto fanbase as "Narutards," is that a slur, too? Because then I'm a terrible racist /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  7. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    the "tard" part of narutard is arguably a slur but i don't think it's remotely racial so i'd recommend holding up on pinning up those SS death's head flags all over your walls
  8. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    [ QUOTE ]
    tonyfamilia said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Supid said:

    As much as anybody hates anti-Muslim rhetoric, their teachings state that it is ALRIGHT to KILL the infidel, what other religion (aside from Satanism) says THAT?!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As a Muslim this is new to me, gee I better start soon then.
    Silly me thinking those lines saying that killing one human is akin to killing mankind, those talking about the sanctity of all life and respecting man, animal and nature etcetera actually meant something.

    Thanks for showing me the errors of my way, I mean here I was being all pacifist and stuff when I could have spend all these years killing infidels.

  9. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    [ QUOTE ]
    tonyfamilia said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    yoomazir said:

    P.S. : about the japanese thing,I made it up,sorry.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL, that was funny, thank you for your honesty.
    Now, the serious topics: I know that there are certain people that may not be able to evacuate a hostile area and that is truly sad, may God help those poor, defenseless, innocent bystanders and bring comfort to their familiy members and friends.

    I was just trying to point out that the fact that certain media doesnt talk about the warnings these areas got before they got bombed (which, btw, it's a very nice thing to do when you're in the middle of a war), certain media doesnt cover the fact that rockets were fired from that area and another thing I've noticed is that these areas and buildings that are being bombed by the Israeli army is usually full of "women and children" and the areas that get hit dont get reported right away /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif if your people got hit would you wait 7 hours for daylight and a camera crew to show up to report it and get help for the victims?... just a little bit suspicious, if you ask me.

    [ QUOTE ]
    yoomazir said:
    Buddhism had something like that way back....
    Tonyfamilia you are a smart guy, I think YOU already know that EVERY religion have/had unofficial ways to say things like that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Where? Please, tell me where.
    Buddhism? Kill your enemy? The inner peace and balance of the ying and the yang religion? Yoomazir, did you make that up too? /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif (just messing with you, man, I dont know all that much about Buddhism)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you an infidel?

    I need to know, I might want to reward you for opening my eyes.
  10. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member


    [ QUOTE ]
    tonyfamilia said:

    Dissmaster, you sound like that guy that says "I'm not racist, I have Jewish friends, I like Jewish comedians." In case your "Jewish friends" havent informed you, "Neocons" is a racial slur, just like nigger, spic, cracker, etc.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My point was that if I have more of an affinity for one "side" or the other in the Israeli-Arab/Jewish-Muslim conflict, it is for the Jewish side. You might think I sound anti-Semetic, but I think it is because you missed the jist of what I was saying.

    I like Jewish people, but I have big problems with Israel's policies. I resent the fact that powerful lobbying groups like AIPAC have hijacked our government to the point that no one dare stand up to the Israel lobby, or publicly denounce various unjust policies that we support with our tax dollars. And it bothers me that when anyone criticizes Israeli policy, they run the risk of being called a anti-Semite by groups like the Antidefamation League.

    Tonyfamilia, you really show your ignorance when you write that "Neocon" is an anti-Semitic slur. The neoconservatives gave themselves that name. They belong to school of "thought" that came out of a handfull of largely Jewish, former Trotskyists. Irving Kristol, father of that weasely fuck William Kristol, is usually considered that founder of neoconservativism. They differ from traditional conservatives in that they in theory promote the aggressive spreading of democracy and freedom (as oppossed to the isolationism of traditional conservatism). In practice they support death squads, economic shock therapy, emisserating austerity measures, overthrowing governments,etc. They are influenced by, among others, an obscurantist professor named Leo Strauss who, to oversimplify a bit, said in 100,000,000 words what Machiavelli said in The Prince.

    In short the neocons are duplicitous, scheming criminals. Google "Office of Special Plans" if you want to read about their handiwork.

    Also the BBC Documentary "The Power of Nightmares" is a geat intro for the uninitiated.

    The neocons are lying swine, many of whom would be hanged for treason if I were running things and believed in capital punishment.
  11. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: Neocons

    Remarks of Brigitte Gabriel, delivered at the Duke University
    Counter Terrorism Speak-Out

    I'm proud and honored to stand here today, as a Lebanese
    speaking for
    Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. As someone who
    was raised in an
    Arabic country, I want to give you a glimpse into the heart of
    the Arabic

    I was raised in Lebanon, where I was taught that the Jews
    were evil,
    Israel was the devil, and the only time we will have peace in
    the Middle East is
    when we kill all the Jews and drive them into the sea.

    When the Moslems and Palestinians declared Jihad on the
    Christians in
    1975, they started massacring the Christians, city after city.
    I ended up living
    in a bomb shelter underground from age 10 to 17, without
    electricity, eating
    grass to live, and crawling under sniper bullets to a spring to
    get water.

    It was Israel who came to help the Christians in Lebanon.
    My mother was
    wounded by a Moslem's shell, and was taken into an Israeli
    hospital for
    treatment. When we entered the emergency room, I was shocked at
    what I saw. There
    were hundreds of people wounded, Moslems, Palestinians,
    Christians, Lebanese,
    and Israeli soldiers lying on the floor. The doctors treated
    according to their injury. They treated my mother before they
    treated the Israeli
    soldier lying next to her. They didn't see religion, they
    didn't see political
    affiliation, they saw people in need and they helped.

    For the first time in my life I experienced a human quality
    that I know
    my culture would not have shown to their enemy. I experienced
    the values of
    the Israelis, who were able to love their enemy in their most
    trying moments. I
    spent 22 days at that hospital. Those days changed my life and
    the way I
    believe information, the way I listen to the radio or to
    television. I realized I
    was sold a fabricated lie by my government, about the Jews and
    Israel, that
    was so far from reality. I knew for fact that, if I was a Jew
    standing in an
    Arab hospital, I would be lynched and thrown over to the
    grounds, as shouts of
    joy of Allah Akbar, God is great, would echo through the
    hospital and the
    surrounding streets.

    I became friends with the families of the Israeli wounded
    soldiers: one
    in particular Rina, her only child was wounded in his eyes.

    One day I was visiting with her, and the Israeli army band
    came to play
    national songs to lift the spirits of the wounded soldiers. As
    they surrounded
    his bed playing a song about Jerusalem, Rina and I started
    crying. I felt out
    of place and started waking out of the room, and this mother
    holds my hand
    and pulls me back in without even looking at me. She holds me
    crying and says:
    "it is not your fault". We just stood there crying, holding
    each other's

    What a contrast between her, a mother looking at her
    deformed 19 year old
    only child, and still able to love me the enemy, and between a
    Moslem mother
    who sends her son to blow himself up to smithereens just to kill
    a few Jews or

    The difference between the Arabic world and Israel is a
    difference in
    values and character. It's barbarism verses civilization. It's
    democracy verses
    dictatorship. It's goodness verses evil.

    Once upon a time, there was a special place in the lowest
    depths of hell
    for anyone who would intentionally murder a child. Now, the
    murder of Israeli children is legitimized as Palestinian "armed

    However, once such behaviour is legitimized against Israel,
    it is
    legitimized everywhere in the world, constrained by nothing more
    than the subjective
    belief of people who would wrap themselves in dynamite and nails
    for the
    purpose of killing children in the name of god.

    because the Palestinians have been encouraged to believe
    that murdering
    innocent Israeli civilians is a legitimate tactic for advancing
    their cause,
    the whole world now suffers from a plague of terrorism, from
    Nairobi to New
    York, from Moscow to Madrid, from Bali to Beslan.

    They blame suicide bombing on "desperation of occupation."
    Let me tell
    you the truth. The first major terror bombing committed by Arabs
    against the
    Jewish state occurred ten weeks before Israel even became

    On Sunday morning, February 22, 1948 , in anticipation of
    independence, a triple truck bomb was detonated by Arab
    terrorists on Ben Yehuda
    Street, in what was then the Jewish section of Jerusalem.
    Fifty-four people
    were killed, and hundreds were wounded. Thus, it is obvious
    that Arab terrorism
    is caused not by the "desperation" of "occupation," but by the
    a Jewish state.

    So many times in history in the last 100 years, citizens
    have stood by
    and done nothing, allowing evil to prevail. As America stood up
    against and
    defeated communism, now it is time to stand up against the
    terror of religious
    bigotry and intolerance. It's time to all stand up, and support
    and defend the
    state of Israel, which is the front line of the war against
  12. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

  13. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Neocons

    [ QUOTE ]
    tonyfamilia said:

    Remarks of Brigitte Gabriel, delivered at the Duke University
    Counter Terrorism Speak-Out

    I'm proud and honored to stand here today, as a Lebanese
    speaking for
    Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. As someone who
    was raised in an
    Arabic country, I want to give you a glimpse into the heart of
    the Arabic

    I was raised in Lebanon, where I was taught that the Jews
    were evil,
    Israel was the devil, and the only time we will have peace in
    the Middle East is
    when we kill all the Jews and drive them into the sea.

    When the Moslems and Palestinians declared Jihad on the
    Christians in
    1975, they started massacring the Christians, city after city.
    I ended up living
    in a bomb shelter underground from age 10 to 17, without
    electricity, eating
    grass to live, and crawling under sniper bullets to a spring to
    get water.

    It was Israel who came to help the Christians in Lebanon.
    My mother was
    wounded by a Moslem's shell, and was taken into an Israeli
    hospital for
    treatment. When we entered the emergency room, I was shocked at
    what I saw. There
    were hundreds of people wounded, Moslems, Palestinians,
    Christians, Lebanese,
    and Israeli soldiers lying on the floor. The doctors treated
    according to their injury. They treated my mother before they
    treated the Israeli
    soldier lying next to her. They didn't see religion, they
    didn't see political
    affiliation, they saw people in need and they helped.

    For the first time in my life I experienced a human quality
    that I know
    my culture would not have shown to their enemy. I experienced
    the values of
    the Israelis, who were able to love their enemy in their most
    trying moments. I
    spent 22 days at that hospital. Those days changed my life and
    the way I
    believe information, the way I listen to the radio or to
    television. I realized I
    was sold a fabricated lie by my government, about the Jews and
    Israel, that
    was so far from reality. I knew for fact that, if I was a Jew
    standing in an
    Arab hospital, I would be lynched and thrown over to the
    grounds, as shouts of
    joy of Allah Akbar, God is great, would echo through the
    hospital and the
    surrounding streets.

    I became friends with the families of the Israeli wounded
    soldiers: one
    in particular Rina, her only child was wounded in his eyes.

    One day I was visiting with her, and the Israeli army band
    came to play
    national songs to lift the spirits of the wounded soldiers. As
    they surrounded
    his bed playing a song about Jerusalem, Rina and I started
    crying. I felt out
    of place and started waking out of the room, and this mother
    holds my hand
    and pulls me back in without even looking at me. She holds me
    crying and says:
    "it is not your fault". We just stood there crying, holding
    each other's

    What a contrast between her, a mother looking at her
    deformed 19 year old
    only child, and still able to love me the enemy, and between a
    Moslem mother
    who sends her son to blow himself up to smithereens just to kill
    a few Jews or

    The difference between the Arabic world and Israel is a
    difference in
    values and character. It's barbarism verses civilization. It's
    democracy verses
    dictatorship. It's goodness verses evil.

    Once upon a time, there was a special place in the lowest
    depths of hell
    for anyone who would intentionally murder a child. Now, the
    murder of Israeli children is legitimized as Palestinian "armed

    However, once such behaviour is legitimized against Israel,
    it is
    legitimized everywhere in the world, constrained by nothing more
    than the subjective
    belief of people who would wrap themselves in dynamite and nails
    for the
    purpose of killing children in the name of god.

    because the Palestinians have been encouraged to believe
    that murdering
    innocent Israeli civilians is a legitimate tactic for advancing
    their cause,
    the whole world now suffers from a plague of terrorism, from
    Nairobi to New
    York, from Moscow to Madrid, from Bali to Beslan.

    They blame suicide bombing on "desperation of occupation."
    Let me tell
    you the truth. The first major terror bombing committed by Arabs
    against the
    Jewish state occurred ten weeks before Israel even became

    On Sunday morning, February 22, 1948 , in anticipation of
    independence, a triple truck bomb was detonated by Arab
    terrorists on Ben Yehuda
    Street, in what was then the Jewish section of Jerusalem.
    Fifty-four people
    were killed, and hundreds were wounded. Thus, it is obvious
    that Arab terrorism
    is caused not by the "desperation" of "occupation," but by the
    a Jewish state.

    So many times in history in the last 100 years, citizens
    have stood by
    and done nothing, allowing evil to prevail. As America stood up
    against and
    defeated communism, now it is time to stand up against the
    terror of religious
    bigotry and intolerance. It's time to all stand up, and support
    and defend the
    state of Israel, which is the front line of the war against

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Cute, now how about addressing the isseus instead of spouting propaganda?

    Like what happened in the years prior to 1948?

    As for your link, why are you people so quick to dismiss people like Noam Chomsky who is Jewish yet says the things the hardline expansionist zionists and even most moderates dont want to hear yet hail this woman who is seen as an Arabic version of Noam Chomsky, only more crazy as a voice of reason?

    The video is nicely edited for maximum propaganda effect, she does have a lot of her facts wrong even when there are things i agree with her on.
    She says not a single Jew has killed innocents because he did not agree with them,no Jew has ever commited terrorist acts etcetera.
    Gee what about organisations like Chai, what about individuals like baruch Goldstein, what about the Israeli deadsquads before 48, how about the misspend youth of he who is in a coma and his complacency with the massacres in sabra and Chatilla, what about the fact that they dont have to resort to terrorist acts since they have a millitary aparatus that has killed almost 4000 civilians in the ocupied teritories since the second Intifada?

    Seriously man.

    You frighten me in the same way the hilltop youth frightens me, you frighten me in the same way those who idolise Bin ladin and those who celebrate Baruch Goldstein's acts frighten me.

    When we should be coming together and finding common ground to overcome our differences people like you frighten me in your efforts to further drive a wedge between us.

    We need to overcome the endless circles of violence.
    Violence begets violence and talking about a clash of civilications and talk off the others as inferior creatures is counterproductive.
    The us versus them, the black and white with no middleground ideologies need to go.
  14. Supid

    Supid Well-Known Member

    Re: Neocons

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fishie said:

    We need to overcome the endless circles of violence.
    Violence begets violence and talking about a clash of civilications and talk off the others as inferior creatures is counterproductive.
    The us versus them, the black and white with no middleground ideologies need to go.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know who's more "justified" or whatever and I don't particularly care. But the killing of non-combatants has to stop. As I said, before, sent those guys who want to fight to the middle of the desert and let them kill each other off ... the world have enough problems already (natural disasters, depletion of resources, etc). If there were no fighting, we could hav redirected all the resources for warfare into bettering peoples' lives.
  15. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fishie said:

    As a Muslim this is new to me, gee I better start soon then.
    Silly me thinking those lines saying that killing one human is akin to killing mankind, those talking about the sanctity of all life and respecting man, animal and nature etcetera actually meant something.

    Thanks for showing me the errors of my way, I mean here I was being all pacifist and stuff when I could have spend all these years killing infidels.

    Are you an infidel?

    I need to know, I might want to reward you for opening my eyes.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Alright, alright, let's not start decapitating anybody just yet /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif j/k.
    Seriously, you've opened my eyes to another paradigm. Thank you. I kept getting most of my info from this/that source and from my Jewish friends who were filling me in on things that I had never heard of and they did back up a lot of their statements with what seemed like straight up facts. I'm not blaming them, I take full responsibility for not getting a Muslim's perspective before I wrote. It's good to read an intellectual Muslim point of view.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fishie said:You frighten me in the same way the hilltop youth frightens me, you frighten me in the same way those who idolise Bin ladin and those who celebrate Baruch Goldstein's acts frighten me.
    When we should be coming together and finding common ground to overcome our differences people like you frighten me in your efforts to further drive a wedge between us.
    We need to overcome the endless circles of violence.
    Violence begets violence and talking about a clash of civilications and talk off the others as inferior creatures is counterproductive.
    The us versus them, the black and white with no middleground ideologies need to go....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're absolutely right, but what do you propose? How can we co-exist with those that wish to kill us? The US is a major threat to those who hate democracy because most of us do not envy or want to live the way they do but most of them want what we have and when their oppressed people look to us for hope then their oppressors want to shatter that hope.
    I dont mind admitting that I was wrong but I hate that I allowed myself to be brainwashed by the acts of violence performed by Muslim extremists and not taken the time to get a peaceful Muslim's point of view.

    It's gotta suck that a lot of these terrorists claim your religion and the media gives them all the attention. I think that peaceful Muslims such as yourself should rise up and show the side of your religion that America doesnt get to see.

    Oh, and the statement I made about the term "neocons" was taken straight out of a conversation I had with 2 of my Jewish friends they were very upset that I even mentioned the word and asked where did I hear it and I told them, that's when they recommended that I inform this thread to not use that word because it was a racial slur and disrespectful towards Jewish people.

    Thanks to everybody that replied intelligently.
    Dissmaster, I never called you a racist, it was just kind of funny that you reminded me of a racist guy I heard before, thank you for your insight.
  16. Darrius_Cole

    Darrius_Cole Well-Known Member

    Darrius Cole HD
    Re: Neocons

    [ QUOTE ]
    tonyfamilia said:

    Remarks of Brigitte Gabriel, delivered at the Duke University
    Counter Terrorism Speak-Out


    The difference between the Arabic world and Israel is a
    difference in
    values and character. It's barbarism verses civilization. It's
    democracy verses
    dictatorship. It's goodness verses evil.

    ......Jewish state occurred ten weeks before Israel even became

    On Sunday morning, February 22, 1948 , in anticipation of
    independence, a triple truck bomb was detonated by Arab
    terrorists on Ben Yehuda
    Street, in what was then the Jewish section of Jerusalem.
    Fifty-four people
    were killed, and hundreds were wounded. Thus, it is obvious
    that Arab terrorism
    is caused not by the "desperation" of "occupation," but by the
    a Jewish state.

    So many times in history in the last 100 years, citizens
    have stood by
    and done nothing, allowing evil to prevail. As America stood up
    against and
    defeated communism, now it is time to stand up against the
    terror of religious
    bigotry and intolerance. It's time to all stand up, and support
    and defend the
    state of Israel, which is the front line of the war against

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's what I said. One side is clearly righteous and the other side is downright evil. If you can't tell which is which, I can help you. It's so easy; the side that looks like you is righteous, the other side is the devil incarnate.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fishie wrote:

    The video is nicely edited for maximum propaganda effect, she does have a lot of her facts wrong even when there are things i agree with her on.
    She says not a single Jew has killed innocents because he did not agree with them,no Jew has ever commited terrorist acts etcetera.
    Gee what about organisations like Chai, what about individuals like baruch Goldstein, what about the Israeli deadsquads before 48, how about the misspend youth of he who is in a coma and his complacency with the massacres in sabra and Chatilla, what about the fact that they dont have to resort to terrorist acts since they have a millitary aparatus that has killed almost 4000 civilians in the ocupied teritories since the second Intifada?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fishie you still don't get it. It's not terrorism when that Jewish guy targeted Arab civilians. It's only terrorism when the other side does it. So for example, I could shoot a rocket into a town and that's not terrorism. If you shoot a rocket into a town then that's terrorism.

    It's always worse when the other guy does it.
  17. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: israeli-lebanon. what a mess..........

    Kinda difficult to be heard when a billion of us peacefull Muslims get ignored by most western press.
    Polarising is easier and attracts more viewers.
    Newsmedia ia big biz and as such is not interested in providing NEWS, their bottom line IS the bottom line and the first casualty in that is the truth since the truth is not really a lucrative bussuiness.

    There are plenty of sources out there for you to educate yourself so I advice you to please do so and look at all sides of the isseu before spouting one sided propaganda.

    And i can assure you you wont be spouting one sided propaganda once you actually take the effort of looking at all sides.
  18. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Re: Neocons

    [ QUOTE ]
    Darrius_Cole said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    tonyfamilia said:

    Remarks of Brigitte Gabriel, delivered at the Duke University
    Counter Terrorism Speak-Out


    The difference between the Arabic world and Israel is a
    difference in
    values and character. It's barbarism verses civilization. It's
    democracy verses
    dictatorship. It's goodness verses evil.

    ......Jewish state occurred ten weeks before Israel even became

    On Sunday morning, February 22, 1948 , in anticipation of
    independence, a triple truck bomb was detonated by Arab
    terrorists on Ben Yehuda
    Street, in what was then the Jewish section of Jerusalem.
    Fifty-four people
    were killed, and hundreds were wounded. Thus, it is obvious
    that Arab terrorism
    is caused not by the "desperation" of "occupation," but by the
    a Jewish state.

    So many times in history in the last 100 years, citizens
    have stood by
    and done nothing, allowing evil to prevail. As America stood up
    against and
    defeated communism, now it is time to stand up against the
    terror of religious
    bigotry and intolerance. It's time to all stand up, and support
    and defend the
    state of Israel, which is the front line of the war against

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's what I said. One side is clearly righteous and the other side is downright evil. If you can't tell which is which, I can help you. It's so easy; the side that looks like you is righteous, the other side is the devil incarnate.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Fishie wrote:

    The video is nicely edited for maximum propaganda effect, she does have a lot of her facts wrong even when there are things i agree with her on.
    She says not a single Jew has killed innocents because he did not agree with them,no Jew has ever commited terrorist acts etcetera.
    Gee what about organisations like Chai, what about individuals like baruch Goldstein, what about the Israeli deadsquads before 48, how about the misspend youth of he who is in a coma and his complacency with the massacres in sabra and Chatilla, what about the fact that they dont have to resort to terrorist acts since they have a millitary aparatus that has killed almost 4000 civilians in the ocupied teritories since the second Intifada?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fishie you still don't get it. It's not terrorism when that Jewish guy targeted Arab civilians. It's only terrorism when the other side does it. So for example, I could shoot a rocket into a town and that's not terrorism. If you shoot a rocket into a town then that's terrorism.

    It's always worse when the other guy does it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am sure that your sarcasm is lost on most here
  19. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: Neocons

    So, Fishie, any ideas on how to handle the situation or is all hope lost?

    BTW, Darrius, I like your replies, they are good................
    for me to poop on! Just kidding, I dig sarcasm.
  20. KS_Vanessa

    KS_Vanessa Well-Known Member

    Re: Neocons


    sounds like a bunch of decepticons too radical for the show

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