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Isreal corners the market on concrete!

Discussion in 'General' started by replicant, Aug 4, 2003.

  1. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    (which is made extremely hard due to the fact that they like to hide amongst civilians and use civilians as cover, which in my mind, makes those civilians combatants).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ic so if a murderer hides in youre house unbeknownst to you the police have a right to shell youre place?

    Youre sick.
  2. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    In the Jewish religion, there is no lucifer, or hell. So from the jewish perspective (I should of stated that from the start), the treet of life/knoweldge was placed there so that they would eat, grow knoweldgeable about the world around them and go on to populate amongst the people.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    heh. yeah, that would have given us a common ground for our conversation. However, it was my understanding that Judaism allows for the concept of Gehenom and that Satan does appear in the Hebrew Scriptures but he is nothing more than an angel without free will.

  3. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Your a fuckard, you know that? I made a simple fucking mistake al-jazeer confused with another one of arafats factions. The fucking Palestinian people had a chance for peace and through a miracle, have a second one now. IF the palestinian people could fucking learn to either
    1) fight like warriors and not cowards, hiding behind CHILDREN and WOMEN
    2) Actually show some fucking initiative this time, unlike the last time when arafat through away BB's offer because he thinks (thought?) that he could get all of Jerusalem.
    And again, I can speak from experince of having been to Israel and from people who have direct experince? Lemme guess, you also deep throat noame chompsky?
  4. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Nope, no devil. My I will ask my best friends father tomarrow, who is a Orthodox Rabbi, though, just to make sure.
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    So a 14 year old throwing a stone at an Israeli tank shows less courage then an israeli jet pilot who missilebombs an appartment block thus killing fourteen innocent people becouse some terrorist might be hiding in that building, nevermind the fact that no trial took place, no evidence was presented and the IDF was going on information that previously was proven to be notoriously unreliable?

    Yeah fair fight dude.

    Oh and you confused Al Jazeera with another one of Arafats fractions, so Al Jazeera is an Arafat fraction now?

    Spelling dude spelling, its All Jazeera and not Al Jazeer and its Noam Chomsky and not noame chompsky.

    That being said i dont agree with Noam on a majority of isseus but one thing is for certain and that is that he is way better informed then you are, oh and he is a Jew as well.
  6. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Throwing rocks at tanks, just shows retardation.
  7. Daniel Thomas

    Daniel Thomas Well-Known Member

    You know, there's more than enough blood on everyone's hands at this point to make such finger-pointing useless. Yes, terrorists hide behind civilians, and they also cruelly target civilians with bombs, etc. The Israeli army retaliates by sending in tanks and dropping bombs into ghettos. Sure, they kill their terrorist, but they also killed a number of innocents, mostly children. And the whole damned cycle continues.

    At this point, I think the US is really the only player who could bring a serious halt to the killing. Unfortunately, our government is dominated by right-wing neocons, as well as Protestant fundamentalists who want the Holy Land in Jewish hands so the apocalypse can come about (and wipe out all the Jews, but that's another issue altogether).

    Depressing, huh?
  8. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you know, who is the idiot? The guy in the tank or the people throwing rocks? What you DON'T hear about are the daily missle attacks and morter attacks that are launched..
    Oh yeah, you can lick my spellings scrotum. You, me, and everybody else knew exactly what I was talking about. Naom has defended people who thought the holocaust didn't happen. He should stick to communication, cause he does not know jack nor shit about much else.
  9. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    The tank versus the rock thrower IS this conflict in a nutshell and yes I know what you mean thats why I said there is a lot about Noam that I disagree with profoundly.
    Its nice to see that youre unable to conduct an intellectual debate and instead have to resort to mud throwing tough.
    You lack the intelectual capacities, the background knoledge and emotional detachment yet YOU feel you have the authority to lecture me abouth this?
    Get real boy.
  10. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Oh please, what experince do you have with this conflict? What background knoweldge? You've thrown around a pathetic assortment of half facts for this entire conversation. No, the Palestinians use morters, granades, guns, RPG's, and a homicide bombers. Tough shit, thank god they do not have the military budget Israel has.
    FACT - The palestinian military movements purposely target CIVILIANS.
    Fact - Israel purposely ONLY targets military people and do their BEST to minimilize casualties.
    Guess what, those rocks hurt and kill, a friend of mine lost a cousin to a rock going through a windshield.
  11. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I don't think Isreal is as sweet and honorable as you are trying to pen them as. They have killed *many* innocent Palestinians in their attempts to assassinate prominent Hamas and Islamic Jihad members. Not too long ago they missiled a car that they suspected to have 2 Hamas members in it. Then they purposely missiled it again after people had started to congregate around the car to help and see what had happened in hopes of killing more Hamas members. Isreal has just as much blood on their hands as the Palestinian Islamists. I'm not pulling sides on this argument, because I think Isreal and Palestine are both morons.
  12. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Oh please, here you go again with anecdotal evidence while the cold hard numbers paint a totaly different picture.
    Youve already proven to everyone here that youre factual knoledge is none existent and that youre opinions are highly emotionated.
    Believe whatever you want to believe, im trough with you.
  13. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    ok i just read a lot of this and i'm with shadowdean all the way! this isn't vf4 so all that statistical crap really doesn't mean anything, in real life there are always casualties of war, including innocent ones because it's not taking place in some abandoned area.
  14. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Over 2200 innocent people dont mean anything?
    Millions of people being collectively punished for the actions of a few dont mean anything?
    So you would be fine with it if the LAPD would level a neighborhoud becouse gang members use it to gather there?
    Tell me what do YOU know about the conflicts in the region, what is YOURE background and whats youre stance on human rights?
  15. SoundWave

    SoundWave Well-Known Member

    well since you're the spelling/grammar master you should know that it's your not you're... i've been to israel once and i'm jewish so i've obviously heard all about this stuff for my entire life. I didn't say anything about police bombing houses or whatever the hell you try and make an analogy about. It's pretty much a war over there and there are going to be casualties of war until it is over. Because they are fighting in a very small confined area(compared to the size of the world) that is obviously populated by a good amount of people you cannot expect there to be no civilian casualties!
  16. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    A war?
    One side has weapons of war and mass destruction, including chemical and nuclear weapons, has tanks, jets etcetera, the other side lives in the middle ages.
    Thats no war, if anything this should be a policing action, one not by Israel but by International peacekeeping forces wich keep BOTH sides in check.
    Somethingt I might add has been requested several times by the Palestines and has always been veto´ed by the US on Israels request at the UN security council.
    The conditions Israel places upon ordinary Palestines breed hatred and people desperate enough to do the undefensable.
    Go read what BTselem writes, go read Haaretz and what some other more secular Israeli newspapers write.
    The conditions these people live in breeds terrorism and until the breeding grounds on wich hatred and desperation thrive in are aliminated the hardliners on both sides will find plenty of victims to play their morbid games.
  17. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Oh my dear mis-informed friend, again you totally ignore (new glasses maybe?) what I have said about these terrorist HIDING and FIGHTING amongst civilians? Did you happen NOT to fucking read that? Israel has plenty of blood on their hands, but they are fighting against a sect of a people who only wish to see the destruction of Israel, not a peace, lets not loose sight of that.
    This all being said, look at what has happened as of late? Israel has shown increadible restraint during the last 2 weeks of "peace", during which numerous attacks were made on Israelies by palestinian terrorists.
    Israel does not use chemical, biological, or nuclear weapon, btw, and they only possess nuclear. The conditions the Palestinians live in is by their own egineering. They invest NOTHING into their infrustructure. Read above to my previous posts about how their conditions have come about.
  18. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    The conditions the Palestinians live in is by their own egineering. They invest NOTHING into their infrustructure.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And I suppose those stuck living in the slums of LA and NY, unable to go anywhere else by societal and economic conditions, are there by their own EGINEERING too.

    Please get a sense of morality and human dignity.
  19. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Zero you couldve talked about the fact that what Infrastructure is there is destroyed by Isreal.

    From the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 57/110: Expressing its grave concern at the tragic events in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, since 28 September 2000 and the continued deterioration of the situation, including the rising number of deaths and injuries, mostly among Palestinian civilians, the deepening humanitarian crisis facing the Palestinian people and the widespread destruction of Palestinian property and infrastructure, both private and public, including many institutions of the Palestinian Authority

    Palestine airport destroyed by Israel, waterways and roads controlled by Israel, civilian adminsitration destroyed by Israel, police force deminished(hunderds killed) and offices bombed on regular basis by Israel(after wich Israel complains that the Palestine police dont do their jobs), agriculture largely destroyed by Israel or seized(stolen) by settlers with olive trees uprooted and farmers prohibited from harvesting their crops, manufacturing plants destroyed by Israel, constant closures of roads wich cause products to be late and undeliverable etcetera.

    But hey what do I know, im misinformed.
  20. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Have you been anywhere on the Gazaa strip?
    Here is a simple example of priorities, for comparison:
    Saudi-Arabia, which donates the most amount of money to fund homicide bombers, produced under 100 books in 1999, compared to Israel, which produced something around 400,000.
    The analogy made between the slums in L.A, or anywhere else in the United States and the predicament in Israel does not hold water because it is a completely different situation and the situation has come about in a completely different manner..oranges and magnolias.
    Israel lets Palestinians (with the right permits), work in Israel. If the Palestinians would stop the sucide bombings, Israel has stated time and time again that they would work with them. Untill that time, Israel has no obligation. Israel's saftey comes first. Maybe the Palestinian people would realize that by ceasing the infitada they would improve their situation...Get a sense of reality.

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