Jacky Combos

Discussion in 'Jacky' started by Cozby, Jun 6, 2012.


    HARD_BREAD New Member

    Some CH to wall combos dealing over 200

    There are more combos on the player's page.
  2. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez

    213 CH wall combo. Gonna push for 100%
  3. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Some of the earlier ones seemed so situational with being in the right stance for 3K+G, which made them really exciting haha. That one Chibiya is way fresh.
  4. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    Combo cannot be shaken out of, If the first hit lands, the rest of it lands.
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    After the 66K wallsplat, try [4][P]+[K]+[G]~[P]+[K][P] -> [4][K]+[G]. The SS P+KP tends to float high after wallsplat and they get 'stuck' in the wall after it.

    edit: I cant get P+KK -> SS P to work.. Have you done this with fastest stagger recovery? :3
  6. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    yes and it is guaranteed. I tested it on all recovery settings. Test it for yourself. All of my combo works 100%

    66k is 15 frames. SS P is +16. There you go
  7. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    edited afterwards sorry, I noticed I made a mistake with the speed of 66K, but the problem for me was the link between P+KK and SS P. I couldnt get that to work.
  8. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    The [P][+][K][K] SS [P] link will only work if they are REALLY close to the wall. The timing is also tight. The kick has to hit them against the wall(not spat) in order for the SS [P] to link.
  9. Mr_X

    Mr_X Well-Known Member

    If anyone is like me and has a hard time hitting the [6_] [P] -> [6_] [K] : [G] (even hitting [G] after [6_][P] I'm not consistent on yet), you can swap them around and the combo will still work the rest of the way through.

    Not sure how many combos this switch combos for

    CH [6] [P] [+] [K] -> [6] [K] -> [6_] [K] : [G] -> [6_] [P] ...
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Regarding this combo, it works if [K]+[G] hits as side counterhit.

    From the front the ways to combo into SS [P] seem to be at least:
    - backturned [K] counterhit
    - Third hit of [3][K][P][K] hitting as counterhit
    - Succesful slideshuffle entry [4][P]+[K]+[G] midpunch sabaki.

    CH [​IMG][3][P] combos:

    -> dash [P] -> Iai -> [3][P][P][P]+[K] 83 closed, tested on Lion

    -> dash [P] -> Iai -> [7][K] 82 both stances, tested on Lion

    -> dash [P] -> Iai -> [6][P][P][P] 80 open stance, tested on Lion

    -> dash [P] -> Iai -> [1][P]+[K][P][K] 84 open stance, tested on Lion

    -> dash [K][P][P][P][K] 73 both stances, tested on Lion

    maniac: [​IMG]

    -> Dash [P] -> [4][K]+[G] (HB) -> Iai -> [2][P]+[K](LB)~[2][P]+[K]+[G] [P][P] 99, both stances, tested on Lion

    -> dash [P] -> [4][K]+[G] (HB) -> Iai -> [2][P]+[K] (LB) -> [P] -> [7][K] 102, both stances, tested on Lion

    The timing of the dash punch is such that when opponents legs start to swing forward, the punch hits.

    CH [P]+[K][P] combos:

    -> Iai -> [2][P]+[K] (LB) -> [P] -> [7][K] 97 both stances, tested on Lion

    -> Iai -> [4][K]+[G] (HB) -> [P] -> [7][K] 100 open stance only, tested on Lion

    -> Iai -> [2][P]+[K] -> Iai -> [7][K] 101 both stance, tested on Blaze, superlightweight combo?

    Slide shuffle [P]+[K][P] combos: (all normal hit)

    -> dash [2][P] -> Iai -> [3][P][P][P]+[K] 87 closed stance, tested on Lion

    -> dash [2][P] -> Iai -> [1][P]+[K][P][P] 87 both stances, tested on Lion

    -> dash [2][P] -> Iai -> [6][P][P][P] 84 both stances, Lion

    -> dash [2][P] -> Iai -> [9][K] 74 both stances, Lion

    -> dash [2][P] -> Iai -> [6][P][P][2][K] 82 both stances, Lion

    -> dash [2][P] -> Iai -> [7][K] 86 open stance, Lion

    If someone wants to test these combos on other characters, I appreciate it [​IMG]

    ps. Some of these combos wont work without the iaigeri, its needed for the refloat, sorry chaps.
  11. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    Manji: I will test your combos on other characters to make sure they work and whatnot. I want to make a Jacky tutorial video but i dont have capture equipment =(
  12. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I want to make a combo/tutorial vids but I dont have equipment either [​IMG]
  13. Sashaz

    Sashaz Well-Known Member

    Dont know if anyone has said this but its really easy and does good damage (from memory over 80) and if you can bang a punch in before the p+k it goes close to 90.

    [6]k (float) [6], p+k p, [7]K+G. good damage and for light weights change p+k p to p+k k.
  14. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Unfortunately the slam from Jackys P+KP is exact recoverable Im pretty sure.
  15. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    Yes it is manji
  16. Sashaz

    Sashaz Well-Known Member

    Sorry so if you know what your doing you can tech at the point you hit the ground on that? If not then what do you mean?
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    yes, you can avoid the combo after P+K hits you into the ground.

    edit: Go to CPU settings -> details -> and set fall recovery to "in place(exact)" to see for yourself.
  18. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    I will be posting a video of a few wall combos in a little while. A few practical combos
  19. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    CH [6][K]+:[G] Combo concepts and ideas

    Flip kick combo Concepts and ideas

  20. Sashaz

    Sashaz Well-Known Member


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