Jacky's Version C Command List Errata

Discussion in 'General' started by Deniz, Apr 29, 2002.

  1. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    There are two missing Turn Away Attacks; both are HP reversible and hit high; neither will combo into Px. One was reported by SummErs in another thread: (back turned) D+P. It does 20 damage. The other is (back turned) f+P (or df+P), which does 10 damage.
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The range for the b+Pd+K Spinning Low Spin Kick is 20~35.
    The following all have a range of 20~25: Pd+K Punch Low Spin Kick; df+(PK) Slant Low Spin Kick; KPd+K Combo Knuckle Low Spin Kick; P+KPd+K Beat & Knuckle Low Spin; (back turned) Pd+K Turn Knuckle Low Spin Kick; (back turned) d+(PK) Turn Slant Low Spin Kick.

    Updated range dependent attacks.

    The one attack whose results I am not yet comfortable with is the K+Gd+K+G Spinning Kick Low Spin Kick. So far I've achieved an interim range of 20~23; this may yet end up being my final conclusion, but for now I will continue controlled experimenting in an attempt to achieve a 25. Yeah, I know -- for some this will seem an incredible waste of time. But it's precisely my nature to be precise. "De tail is de anal eyes."

    I'm having trouble getting 25 pts from this as well. I'd be interested to hear if you manage to get it eventually. For now I'll leave it at 20~25.


    I believe Jacky's PPu+P Jab Double Straight needs to be updated to an H* special high attack.

    Updated. Also added "Head Over Heels" note.


    Myke, you must have hit some wrong buttons. The sober note for the PPu+P is still there, the KP has a note saying it sobers on an air hit, and the f,f+K still has its original sober note that doesn't reference air hits.

    I'm at a loss to explain what happened /versus/images/icons/smile.gif but it's correct now.


    There are two missing Turn Away Attacks; both are HP reversible and hit high; neither will combo into Px. One was reported by SummErs in another thread: (back turned) D+P. It does 20 damage. The other is (back turned) f+P (or df+P), which does 10 damage.

    I've added the [BT] D+P and called it the Turn Back Knuckle. Shame on all the VF books for missing this move! Anyway, I had to work out the frame stats, obviously, and came up with the following. The execution is the hardest to work out, but I'm going to estimate it's 15 frames because it looks very similar to the Spinning Back Knuckle (b+P, 15fr) although it does 2 pts less damage. I worked the Frame difference on Guard to be -13 fr. It's P counterable (12 frames), but not Elbow counterable (14 frames). On Hit and MC it knocks down. I've also found it to be full circular, which means it cannot be evaded.

    If anyone picks up errors with my observations, then let me know.

    I won't be adding the [BT] f or df+P for the same reason I won't be adding all the other alternate commands for the same move (even if they have a built-in cancel).


    A few other notes:

    My note on the Iaigeri kick isn't entirely correct, and I'm a little surprised that nobody picked up the error. The note currently reads "Press G during Hit". That assumes that the Iaigeri can only be performed if it Hits, which is incorrect. You can do it when it's guarded and even when it whiffs. However, after some more tests with Motion Information displaying, it's appears that the G button must be pressed during Hit Detection (the yellow bar). So, I've updated the note to read "Press G during Hit Detection." For the Step-in Sword Cancel, I've added the note "Press G before Hit Detection."

    So that's my best technical description for how the Iaigeri works, but most will find it easier to use the audio queue of Jacky's yell which seems to coincide with the start of hit detection.
  3. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    1. The following attacks need a Crouch Stagger note: PPf+P Combo Elbow; (reverse stance) PK Punch Sidekick; f+P Rising Elbow; df+K Middle Kick; (back turned & reverse stance) PK Turn Knuckle Side Kick.
    2. The following attacks need a Crouch Guard (or Low Guard) Stagger note: df+(KK) Step-in Middle Second; P+K Beat Knuckle;
    3. The b+P Spinning Knuckle and the b+(PP) Double Spin Knuckle cause a Head Crumble on MC.
    4. The Hit & MC column data for the uncharged version of the df+PP+K Smash Back Knuckle are missing.
    5. The charged version of the df+PP+K Smash Back Knuckle does a Stomach Crumble on MC.
    6. The (from crouching position) df+P Smash Upper results in a Stumble on MC.
    7. Myke: I noticed you removed the Trip note from the d+KP Fake Toe Start. As I mentioned in the Lion thread (with regards to his back turned d+P Low Swipe), I think a Trip is equivalent (in effect) to a (brief) Force Crouch, so shouldn’t the Trip note have remained? In any case, the db+P Slant Back Knuckle still has a Trip on MC note, but (if you decide to keep the note) no MC is required.
    8. Shouldn’t the d+P+KKKKK Lightning Kick 5 and the db+P+KKKKK Lightning Storm 5 each have a “Head Over Heels†note?
    9. The following are low attacks which recover high: db+P+KKKKd+K Lightning Low; d+K+G Leg Slicer; (slide shuffle) d+K Step-in Low Crush.
    10. The following cause a Stumble on hit: df+K+G Head Hook Kick; (slide shuffle) K Step-in Sword; (slide shuffle) KG Step-in Iaigeri.
    11. The (slide shuffle) df,df+P Heavy Body causes a Stomach Crumble on hit.
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    1. The following attacks need a Crouch Stagger note: PPf+P Combo Elbow; (reverse stance) PK Punch Sidekick; f+P Rising Elbow; df+K Middle Kick; (back turned & reverse stance) PK Turn Knuckle Side Kick.


    2. The following attacks need a Crouch Guard (or Low Guard) Stagger note: df+(KK) Step-in Middle Second; P+K Beat Knuckle;

    Updated. I'll use Crouch Guard Stagger.

    3. The b+P Spinning Knuckle and the b+(PP) Double Spin Knuckle cause a Head Crumble on MC.


    4. The Hit & MC column data for the uncharged version of the df+PP+K Smash Back Knuckle are missing.

    They're missing from the Blue and White Books too!

    5. The charged version of the df+PP+K Smash Back Knuckle does a Stomach Crumble on MC.

    It Stomach Crumbles on normal hit actually. Updated.

    6. The (from crouching position) df+P Smash Upper results in a Stumble on MC.


    7. Myke: I noticed you removed the Trip note from the d+KP Fake Toe Start. As I mentioned in the Lion thread (with regards to his back turned d+P Low Swipe), I think a Trip is equivalent (in effect) to a (brief) Force Crouch, so shouldn’t the Trip note have remained? In any case, the db+P Slant Back Knuckle still has a Trip on MC note, but (if you decide to keep the note) no MC is required.

    That's like saying the Stumble is equivalent to a Force Crouch because high attacks will whiff over their head while they're on their behind. A Force Crouch is strictly reserved for attacks that force the opponent into a crouching state. The "trip" nor the "Stumble" do this. Again, I don't see any value in noting this particular hit animation. If I wanted to go to this level of detail, then I'd have to note the hit animation from other attacks, like sidekicks on MC. Anyway, I've removed the Trip note from the db+P.

    8. Shouldn’t the d+P+KKKKK Lightning Kick 5 and the db+P+KKKKK Lightning Storm 5 each have a “Head Over Heels†note?

    These are actually "Side Knockdowns". Updated.

    9. The following are low attacks which recover high: db+P+KKKKd+K Lightning Low; d+K+G Leg Slicer; (slide shuffle) d+K Step-in Low Crush.


    10. The following cause a Stumble on hit: df+K+G Head Hook Kick; (slide shuffle) K Step-in Sword; (slide shuffle) KG Step-in Iaigeri.


    11. The (slide shuffle) df,df+P Heavy Body causes a Stomach Crumble on hit.

  5. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    1. The (asc) P Elbow hopping attack Slams on an Air Hit.
    2. The Hit column data is missing for the KK Double Spinning Kick.
  6. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    Reversal levels for Jacky's rising attacks:
    All of Jacky's low rising attacks are SW; however, he cannot do a low rising attack from face up head towards, no roll (no delay).
    Midlevel rising attacks:
    Face up feet towards: All are MCR.
    Face up head towards: All are SK, except for face up heads towards, no roll (no delay), which is a handspring kick that is not reversible (it also comes out if you try to do a low rising attack).
    Face down feet towards:
    1. no roll (no delay): MK
    2. delay: SK
    3. longer delay: MCR
    4. sideroll: MK
    5. backroll: SK
    Face down head towards:
    1. no roll (no delay): MCR
    2. delay: MCR
    3. sideroll: SK
    4. backroll: MCR
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Added Rising Attacks for Jacky (omitted longer delay for now due to lack of frame stats).

    1. The (asc) P Elbow hopping attack Slams on an Air Hit.


    2. The Hit column data is missing for the KK Double Spinning Kick.

    It's missing from the Blue and White Books too.

    From my own testing I found:

    After Jacky's KK (normal hit), Jacky's F+P (12 frames) will lose to any attack that is 17 frames or faster but will beat any attack that is 18 frames or slower. This means Jacky is at a 5 frame disadvantage on hit! Updated accordingly.
  8. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    From a previous post:
    Okay, this one I post with some trepidation. Back in the "Sarah's Move List" thread, Myke quite emphatically stated that Akira can reverse Jacky's b,f+K+G Middle Spin Kick, and in response to a query from Yupa, SummeRs said Pai could reverse (and Inashi) it as well. I've got to say this has me all perplexed, since my testing shows this is not true -- neither Akira nor Pai can reverse it; but Aoi can, as a mid-crescent reversal. The reversal level of this attack should thus be corrected from MK to MC.


    Myke, the move is still erroneously listed as being MK reversible.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Myke, the move is still erroneously listed as being MK reversible.

    Sorry about that. Corrected now.
  10. Deniz

    Deniz Well-Known Member

    New comment: The "Just Break Fall damage = 50" note for the [3][3][P]+[G] Sadistic Hanging Knee is incorrect and should be replaced with an "IR possible" note.
  11. Kali

    Kali Well-Known Member

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    I've added the [BT] D+P and called it the Turn Back Knuckle. Shame on all the VF books for missing this move! Anyway, I had to work out the frame stats, obviously, and came up with the following. The execution is the hardest to work out, but I'm going to estimate it's 15 frames because it looks very similar to the Spinning Back Knuckle (b+P, 15fr) although it does 2 pts less damage. I worked the Frame difference on Guard to be -13 fr. It's P counterable (12 frames), but not Elbow counterable (14 frames). On Hit and MC it knocks down. I've also found it to be full circular, which means it cannot be evaded.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It can be executed also while [BT] crouch dash towards opponent (buffered during TA attacks) - it's simply [P] without any direction... It's much more useable than [BT] [2_]+[P], when you want to perform it right after TA attacks (you have to wait till Jacky completely turns away and start ducking)... Mike, maybye you could give a short note to this attack in "Notes" collumn?
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The "Just Break Fall damage = 50" note for the [3][3][P]+[G] Sadistic Hanging Knee is incorrect and should be replaced with an "IR possible" note.


    Kali, thanks for your suggestion, but I don't feel that advice on practical methods for executing moves belong on the Command List. If that were the case, then I'd do the same for Akira's [2_][6][P]+[K], Kage's [2_][6][K], etc, etc. Astute readers will pick up that any move with a [2_] input can be done from a crouching state, and there are a few ways to enter this state other than simply holding down.


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