Japan Vs NA?

Discussion in 'General' started by MAtteoJHDY, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

  2. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Hey Happy, I like how you didn't put Lau in that list of spam-happy characters [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Jeneric, if you disagree with my logic, fine. I think I know a little about the subject of American gamers. Unfortunately for you, the disparities between American and Japanese game players actually involve factors outside of the knowledge that one acquires from studying frame data and/or googling wise-ass pictures of kitty cats.

    Yes Tony, Lau can open powerful cans of Spam, especially for those who never played vs. him in other versions. That is part of the reason I try to play other characters. I know that there are some American players who can't even cope with ppp2k and it is possible to get quasi-cheap wins from range with 33pp4p-> whatever, especially against players who are not very experienced... I know this.

    I feel he is more straightforward than the others I mentioned (I forgot Eileen), but I also can't be objective because I have played him so long.

    Anyway, like I said, that is part of my motivation to play other chars; it is pretty easy to overwhelm people with the Lau rush and the other characters (JE JA AK) provide more challenge.
  4. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

  5. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Jeneric has made the only worthwhile points in this thread.

    Happyfriend you've said before that you find strong defensive play tedious, if I recall correctly. So yes, of course you're going to say outright that Japan has an intrinsic cultural advantage, because you've already defeated yourself. Note that I'm not criticizing what you can do as a player, but the level at which you've chosen to abandon improvement and the way you characterize the advantage the Japanese supposedly have.

    The truth of the matter is a lot of the top guys spend 6-8hr A DAY playing. That is the real, objective disadvantage. We don't really have that option here, but hey, we can work on making it count more by studying, like Jeneric said. I think there's a tendency that this thread exemplifies that I don't really like -- people setting the benchmark at being able to beat certain people and not being able to improve your game as much as possible. The difference is subtle but I've seen the latter in action and the results impressed me. You can play the role of "virtua assassin" all you want but honestly the inward looking players will always be a step or two ahead, if that makes any sense.
  6. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Actually EMX, it isn't exactly defense that I find tedious, it is the study of overly abundant counter-intuitive arbitrary strings that I find tedious.

    Believe it or not, I am finding it more fun to try and work on getting out of things with defense, so I do not think D is bad per se... but I can get frustrated by super good defensive players who seem to live to get people to whiff or otherwise be at mid dis or worse before they do something. I do not aspire to be a martial arts matador, but to each his own.

    Again, not saying that all Tekken players are dumb, just that:

    1) VF (moreso in older versions than now) caters to a more cerebral fighting game player who is uncommon in the US. A recent peer reviewed study proves this by showing that a player is 400% more likely to be told that he is gay whilst playing T6 in comparison to VF5 online.

    2) Whatever depth Tekken possesses, it is not this depth that makes it so popular in the US imo. I think that it is the spamability factor that explains why Americans PREFER TEKKEN'S GAMEPLAY TO VF (unless all those people playing T6 are really into the super technical side of the game).

    Maybe I am wrong. I certainly am not the Tekken expert, but I just seriously doubt that all the Tekken players are really playing at a super technical level.

    I am talking about the mass appeal of each game. Even pandaguy the tekken proselytizer iirc said vf was unpopular because it has no masher appeal. He is prolly right.

    Jeneric is like the guy at a Coca-Cola fansite getting offended because someone said something bad about Pepsi.

    Whether it is good or bad for a game to aspire to be both spamfriendly and satisfying on a technical technical is a subjective thing. As is the question of whether or not Tekken is is full of Colossally Bad Art.

  7. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member


    LOL, Sums it up all in that sentence.
  8. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member


    Sums up that you're idiots and didn't get a thing from this thread. It isn't the first time you're talking useless shit cja anyway, although it is the first time I'm saying something like that in a thread.I also can't believe I'm actually replying to this, but I've been temtepd to use this pic for some time now [​IMG]

  9. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    Wow there chief,slow down.Was i supposed to learn something from this thread,u a funny dude.But no!!. Seriously calm down step away from said key borad and grow up!!!! VFDC fucking full of cornballs that take this game to the ass
  10. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Whoa, you brought out the big guns! I bet that your laptop was glowing and rumbling ominously as it tried in vain to contain such a powerful jpeg.

    Forget letters and words and sentences. They are forgotten relics of centuries long past Today, one must adapt and learn to harness the power of the snarky jpeg...or become obsolete!
  11. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    You don't need to learn something from a thread. You don't need to post in one if it's as pointless as your post was. I actually directed my post more at Happy_Friend than anyone else, so sorry for catching anyone in the blaze [​IMG]

    Still, you say VFDC is full of cornballs taking this game to the ass. What does it mean? That ppl take it seriously? Wow... that would actually be good, it would make many players into even better players, don't you think? Isn't that what seperates casual crowd from the hardcore one... and further the hardcore one from the competitive one?
    I don't intend to discuss that with you any further anyway. I'm just bored at the moment so thought it be a good way to waste some time replying.

    As for some people. I actually wanted to post about things important, like devotion to the game, learning it, and training, but fuck, guess what? Already done that, and hate repeating myself. I guess the thread could be locked by now anyway.... I however lack the power or the ideas to force such an action upon this thread... without getting myself banned at least [​IMG]

    Soooo..... will this thread be closed before it changes into a flame and shit war?
    'Cause honestly... how much mroe does it take? 2 pages? 1 page? 3 posts?
  12. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    Yo Griever, Happy Friends post was funny period.Repeat calm down and step away from said keyborad and grow up.
  13. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    It wasn't that funny "comma" but this thread is hella useless.
  14. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    I found it funny as shit "comma" but we can go on all day wit this.
  15. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Troll on sir!
  16. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    No!!!! can't u tell im trying to get my posts up [​IMG]. Ok im done here
  17. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    That would be a lovely thing to witness...Too bad i don't have tounament skills.

    @CJA - Wow!!!! VFCD is full of Cornballs but somebody took time out of their busy schedule to register and become part of this "Cornball-ish Society" and Type(Or laugh) some of the most corniest shit i ever read.I feel special now.
  18. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    This is what VFDC becomes when the latest revision of VF fails to leave Japanese arcades.

    Who else is going to leave VF permanently if 5R doesn't come to consoles? I don't think I can take a third time through with getting VF6 and not VF6:EVO or whatever.
  19. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    I do believe we are already at that stage. I mean, it's been a year and a half since R was released, not like Sega would start making plans now...

    No, I'm like that guy on a VF forum being offended by stupid posts.
  20. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Sega is dead to me. I consider any more decent games we manage to wring out of it's lifeless corpse a bonus at this point. If we get another VF for consoles, great. If not, I'll just keep on playing the best fighting game I can for which there is still decent competition. At this point VF5 is hanging on by a thread as that game, but who knows what the future may hold?

    At any rate, it is pointless to hold a grudge against the dead. Not playing something good "Sega" releases is just a meaningless act of spite.

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