Jean combos

Discussion in 'Jean' started by Reno, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    I thought id post a few setups from [6][6][P] that Ive found to be usefull. They arent technically combos, but I guess this is the most fitting place. So here goes:

    [6][6][P] puts you at an advantage of +18 frames on normal hit. However, even if you do an attack that has an execution time of less than 18 frames (like [6][6][P]) you wont get a combo, but a counter hit if it connects. The only option for your opponent is to block. Evades, attacks and throws wont come out before the 18 Frames have passed.
    A special case which should be mentioned is [1][P]. Its 21 frames, but still CHs if its not blocked after the [6][6][P].

    Now that this is done, lets go for some follow ups ordered after attack height:

    Not very advised since ducking seems to be the first reaction right after mashing buttons for most people. Anyway:

    -[P][P][P](charged) sets up for charged moves follow ups, but is easily ducked

    -[6][6],[6][6][P]+[G] -throw, covers exactly the right range, but is pretty telegraphed. Use only against intimidated opponents.


    -[6][6][K] the knee. Launches high on Ch and allows great wallcombos. On lightweights even midscreen combos can rack up stupid damage. Relatively bad on block though, so use sparingly.

    -[6][P][P][K] elbow with chain. Starts up in 14f. Last two hits are high, first two hits are a natural combo though. So in case you fear you opponent will duck it, go for an unexpected throw after the second punch. Its +1f on hit, so you have a small advantage and the surprise moment.
    If blocked go into defensive though.

    -[4][K][K][K]/[P] same as elbow, but one frame slower. Used to mix things up with [6][P] etc. Can also be stopped after second hit for a surprise throw. Also the last [P] can be charged.

    for the above two you can also go into a string that starts with a mid after the second attack of the first string to counter crouching or [2][P]s.

    -[6][6][P] fast, knocks down on CH. Only -8 on block.

    -[3][K][K] exactly the right distance. -8 on block, knocks down.

    -[K](charged) or [6][K]+[G] usable on intimidated opponents. Good on block (+6f), good damage if you can follow up.


    -[2][K][K] knocks down, covers good distance and moves you forward. So if you connect the first kick, which is +4 on CH, you can move in for an easy throw setup ala: [3][K],[6][6][P]+[K]

    -[1][P] as mentioned before. Is negative on hit though.

    Thats it for now, I hope its usefl for someone.
  2. dDissAa

    dDissAa New Member

    Hi guys, I'm a newcommer in vf and I just saw this thread and tried all the combo's, altho the [4][6][P]+[K] ender doesnt work for me...

    Anyways why don't you guys use [4]+[P][K] in your strings?
    The combo i've been doing is the following
    [6]+[K],[9]+[K]+[G],[4]+[P][K],[3][3][P][K] and grants me 95 dmg

    if you add
    [4][6]+[K]+[G] the total goes up to 125 dmg

    and the combo is alot easier. Am I missing something ???

    It doesn't work on jacky with the [4][6]+[K]+[G] added.
    another combo I've found is not a practical one but hey :p
    chage [K],[6][6],[3][3]+[P][K],[9]+[K]+[G],[9]+[K]+[G]= 79 dmg

    after a hit [4][6]+[P]+[K] you can do the same thing as above
    [6][6],[3][3]+[P][K],[9]+[K]+[G],[9]+[K]+[G]= 74dmg (so the momentum isn't all that dead ^^)

    same with [P]+[K]
    [6][6],[3][3]+[P][K],[9]+[K]+[G],[9]+[K]+[G] = 91 dmg

    here's a vid I just made [​IMG]
  3. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Nice effort.

    However, when you check out combos and do combo vids, it's best to go into the settings and set the opponent to tech rolling, this way you can see if your combo is actually a combo or if it's escapable.

    The game also helps by turning the hit counter to green when a combo is escapable.
  4. dDissAa

    dDissAa New Member

    Ah that's why those weren't listed i presume.
    Sorry like I said I'm new to VF and into 3D general. Not going to make that mistake again hehe ^^
  5. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    So what exactly decides what you can follow up with on the 6K+G crumple?

    It seems really inconsistent, I can't tell if it's stance specific, weight specific, distance specific.
  6. aseomoc

    aseomoc Member

    A simple combos:

    f+k,uf+K+G,B+KKP, 72 dmg, works on everyone up until Wolf/Jeffry(doesn't work on Taka).

    On Wolf/Jeffry just replace the ending string with df+PP.
  7. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Can someone explain what's going on here??
  8. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I have no idea. I thought it was an open closed stance thing but they're going heavy on the frame talk and he clearly does it in both stances. That combo is insane off of 3P+K too, wow, lighter weights, doesn't matter, that's nuts. Sometimes he's getting 12 frame jabs, sometimes 13. I noticed this earlier with Jacky too.

    So yeah now we need an explanation on that and I'd still like my post addressed if anyone figures that out haha.

    EDIT: I -THINK- what it is, if you hit the jab at max range, you get the 13 frames, and hitting it max range gives you enough pop up to bound with the 3K+G. At least that's what I'm seeing when I get it. DOUBLE EDIT: Errr, this is working this way in open, I have no idea what's going on in closed, I can't seem to mimic it in closed. Need someone who can read JP better [​IMG]
  9. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I also have a difficulty to do 3K+G in 23f. Most time it came out with 24f or 25f.

    About that 13f P, I think that's why JP Jacky players like to evade steeping after 236P CH.
  10. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    NINJA EDIT In reply to the above video. I'm pretty sure it just means the 13f jab = hitting with jab in the latest possible hit frame. Meaning you recover 1 frame sooner, giving you time to land a 3K+G. And yes, being further away does tend to make your moves hit with later frames, so that would be why. 1 frame combos here we come [​IMG]

    Not technically a combo but I'm gonna post some new technology that I borrowed [​IMG] and developed something for.

    If you've ever played GT you'd know this. If the opponent is sideturned and guards a fully charged move, the [K][K] follow up is guaranteed. I "think" it's because technically it hits your back, not positive on that though.

    Anyway, to the meat of the post. Sometimes hit checking this situation is difficult. Instead of guarding the opponent will get hit, and if you pressed [K][K] to get the kicks follow up, you'll just get a fucked combo.

    So something I tested, to work for BOTH situations, it's kind of like an option select.

    Try this: Get sideturned advantage, fully charge [6][K]+[G], and then right as the kick hits, input [K][3][K]+[G][K].

    It looks weird, but trust me it works. the first [K] input is in-case the opponent blocks, it'll start the low high follow up if they block. This input is completely lost if the move hits, since you're still in recovery from the [6][K]+[G].

    The [3][K]+[G] is obviously to start a combo if they get hit. The game ignores this if they block since you already started the low high follow up.

    The third input, [K] is just for finishing the low high after a fully charged move.

    I'm pretty sure you can just hit check if you're quick enough, but this eliminates the need to.

    Looking back, that was probably the most confusing post ever, so I'm gonna make a video of it tonight [​IMG]
    But if you wanna see before then, do Jean vs. Jean in Dojo (or just make sure Jean is 2nd player) Then go to record and do the following: OM to side, charge [6][K]+[G], then right as it hits or is blocked [K][3][K]+[G][K]. Then play it back and let Jean do it to you.
    Situation 1) Guard the fully charged move then block low, and watch yourself get hit with KK follow up anyway.
    Situation 2) Get hit by it. And watch Jean follow up with [3][K]+[G] to restand you, in which case you would start a bigger combo.

    Recording function is like magic for testing this stuff [​IMG] Guarantees that it works since the inputs are never timed differently.
  11. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    He's making the [P] hit on it's 2nd active attack frame instead of the 1st, hence why it reads as 13 frames in execution.

    Similarly, he makes [3][K]+[G] hit on the first active frame of the attack to give the bounce.

    Trying it out and it's quite hard to make it 13 and 23.
  12. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Yeah I can't seem to get the 3K+G to be 23 frames in closed stance. Tried using G to cancel recovery on the jab, spacing, not really sure how to do it.
  13. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    Uploaded a video showing off / explaining the goofy long post I made a bit ago. Hope you guys enjoy !

    Sozos likes this.
  14. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    That option select of sorts is pretty slick actually. Video totally helped me understand what you were saying.
  15. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Thanks for sharing that, very sweet option select!
  16. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Awesome, works like a charm.
    On a sidenote:
    Does anyone have some good setups for 6K+G on wakeup, so that it counters wakeup-kicks?
    I did it today when I was messing around online, but couldnt replicate it, since im not quite sure how youd practice that on a dummy.
    Any ideas?
  17. tenren

    tenren Well-Known Member

    nice video Johochef

    @ seyu
    any move will counter blow a wakeup kicks. They just have to be more powerful & timed correctly. In VF when 2 moves hit at the same time the stronger one wins. Dandy J explains this in detail in his tutorial video on the front page. Basically wake up kicks are 20 damage on hit. Jeans 3k is 21/22 damage so if timed right it will hit and crush out the wake up. In his video he brings this up @56mins in. Also something with more active hit frames ups your chances or something like that.
  18. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    I think I worded my post wrong. I was more asking for specific setups to do this.
    Like knocking someone down and charging an attack, so that it hits axactly on wakeup.
    The info about the wakeup kicks is valuable though, I didnt see that in dandys vid.
  19. Skkcrc

    Skkcrc Member

    I toyed with it quite a bit to get a consistent wakeup crush, and I just don't think it's possible to have one set of inputs always work. I've had the most success with knockdown, offensive move, [6][K]+[G] (charge). However, I set a recording dummy to knock me down and then perform tons of variations of that, and each time I found I could screw it up by varying the time I stayed on the ground. I don't know that beating the wakeup attack is going to be consistent enough to do every time you knock down your opponent.

    Anyway, best test I've found for these setups is to record a dummy doing it to you, then try to screw it up by mashing (or not) and hitting [K] as you wake up.
  20. 2ndFace

    2ndFace Well-Known Member

    I found that the best way to crush rising attacks are moves with a long active phase. [4][6][K]+[G] for example has 4 active Frames and comes out fast enough for You to watch what the opponent does on the ground and react.
    [3][K]+[G] works good as well especially if the opponent gets up and blocks, because You will keep the advantage and can stuff many options with [1][P]+[K] afterwards.

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