Jean Disadvantage from evaded strings

Discussion in 'Jean' started by Tricky, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I updated the first post to clarify the meaning of the frames and noted the fact that if someone dealys you will have more adv than reflected in this post. It's not obvious so I added it for clarity sake.
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    To calculate:
    Total frame data column - (successful evade + the frame in which you evaded the strike) = frame difference

    The "total frame" data column, is the total frame from the first frame of execution to completion of the attack when it misses (unless there are errors from those guides, which is not uncommon). This column is only relevant if the character is not entering additional inputs for successive attacks from the string.

    For example [P][P][P] of Jean.

    1. Jean's first [P] when it completely misses opponent will take 27 frames total animation (no followup attacks from the attack string is inputted).

    2. If the Jean player input the second punch in the [P][P] string, the 27 frames total animation listed for the first punch is irrelevant. In addition, the frame advantage/disadvantage data from the Guard/Hit/Counter Hit column is irrelevant for evade calculations also. The total frame data shown in the command list for the second punch (36), is the total frame of when the second punch begins its execution to completely animating when it misses an opponent. Again, this data is only relevant if the third punch was not inputted. Also, the execution/total frame data columns does not change if you delay your input or immediately entered the input for the second punch.

    3. Likewise, if the third punch input is entered the, the 36 total frames data for the second punch is irrelevant for evade calculations. You would only look at the 39 total frames.

    Hope that makes sense...

    I don't understand the discussion about the unblockable strings though (more details?)
  3. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    I have something to add here since it relates to what you guys are discussing.

    When calculating frame values for strings it's important to note that recovery frame values for all attacks within a string do not factor into the equation except for the final one. For example, in a 3-attack string you calculate:

    start-up + active frames of first attack of string, then add...
    start-up + active frames of second attack of string, then add...
    start-up + active frames + recovery frames of third attack of string

    Knowing this info would give you an idea if an evade > attack of choice could possibly interrupt a string with a counter hit, assuming the first attack of that string is successfully evaded.

  4. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    All this is really good info. One thing all players should more often is GE Guard evade. Usually the last hit on a string more frames so its more punishable for a low dmg counter hit and GE eliminates tracking giving you a perfect evade. But this risky though because of players mix ups. For ex jacky's 1PPP is very punishable like GT said. But if they stop and do a throw, you'll do a failed evade. Plus there wont be any time for you to failed evade cancel so the only thing you can do is ETE. Still risky though but worth it if you guess correctly.
  5. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Not true. If you evade after Jacky 1P+K or 1P+K,P and they stop for and immediate throw not only can you avoid it with ECD, it actually times itself as a fuzzyattempt in that framesituation.
  6. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    Nice job tricky.

    I still need to read all this frames debate you had with Akai and understand what's the problem.

    What follows it's partially wrong (the part about the delayed followup)
    Look at Akai's ad Drift's post for the right analysis.

    Most (haven't checked all) mid-mid strings have the first blow to be -6 on guard.
    This value it's not random because, as Combolammas already pointed out, you can ECD to make the throw whiff and most of the time also guard the followup (it depends on the string)

    For example Goh's 3KP.
    3K is -6 on block and followup P is 18 frames.
    In this case after blocking the 3K an ECD will make the throw whiff, successfully evade an immediate followup P and block in time a delayed one (after an ECD you can guard a mid after 17 frames)

    Then there's Kage's 46P+KP.
    46P+K is again -6 on block while the followup P is 16 frames.
    In this case after you guarded 46P+K an ECD will lose against an immediate followup P but that is balanced by the fact that Kage is -1 when this P connects on NH (while in the same situation Goh with his 3KP gets a +5)

    Another example is Jacky's 1P+KPP.
    If 1P+K is block Jacky is at -6 with the followup being 18 frames: after blocking 1P+K you can avoid the mixup throw/mid with an ECD.
    Instead after blocking the second blow of this string Jacky is at -5 with the last P being 15 frames.
    In this case an ECD will lose against both throw and mid but this is due to a balance factor because the last hit on NH vs opponent standing or crouching is -2 (thanks Pana).
    In this case the best thing to do is just to crouch most of the time and kill the throw attempt or the followup high kick.
    Mixing it up stand or low guard will make the risk/reward for Jacky very bad (especially versus charachters with big damage on whiffed highs like Lau)

    Thanks to Pana who made me look in details this type of situations.
    akai and Sozos like this.
  7. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    G0d3L - if you are going to do the subsequent attack in the attack string, the preceding attack frame difference data (in the guard, normal hit, and counter hit column data) is not relevant. The frame difference data listed in the command list is equal to the (guard stun frames) - (recovery stun frame). Guard stun and recovery stun frame data is not readily available. The preceding attack's recovery stun is basically "canceled" with the execution of the subsequent attack. There appears to be no system wide pattern on how long each guard stun or recovery is for each move.
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Doesn't , Total frames - startup frames + advantage on guard = frames of guardstun?
  9. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    What follows it's partially wrong (the part about the delayed followup)
    Look at Akai's ad Drift's post for the right analysis.

    I really can't find where in my post I said something that could lead to a different idea of block stun/static difference/cancelling/etc.

    I'll try to explain myself better.

    The static difference (i.e. the -6 of Goh's 3K) matters ONLY when you take in account the throw case: the string is interrupted and there isn't any cancel involved.
    From -6 Goh goes for the throw that will connect, from the opponent's prospective, 10+6=16 frames later.

    If Goh decide to go immediatly with the followup the opponent's ECD will result in a successful evade (the dash/crouch dash cancel will not come out because it's an option select)

    If Goh does a delayed followup (even a 1 frame delay) then the evade will result in a failed one because the attack has not started yet but it will cancel itself with a CD the will let the opponent guard in time the 18 frames followup.

    I don't wanna sound like the first of the class guy but what you get in every frame data is the static difference and it is calculated in this way:

    static difference = (guard stun frames) - (recovery frames) - (active frames) + 1
    Mister likes this.
  10. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Marlyjay - That would be how I would calculate the guard stun frame, but the total frames in the command list data is the total frames of a move that does not make contact against an opponent. A move can have a different total frame on contact (which confused the hell out of me a long time ago when posting about active frames effect on guard/normal hit/counter hit frame difference).


    G0D3L - I reread your original post and explanation later and I understood what you are writing about. I think my confusion was from your original post, saying that you can ECD and still press G at the end to defend against a delay P attack from Goh's 3KP string. From my experience, most attacks in a string can't be delayed so much after guarding the preceding attack that you would get a failed evade animation (I tried delaying Goh's P in the string and I always get a successful evade attempt with immediate input after guarding the 3K).
    pana and G0d3L like this.
  11. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    Delaying a string follow-up actually makes ECDing it easier. You will not get a failed evade and then NH by the 2nd hit. You will evade it just fine. The only time you should get a guard after ECD is if the opponent stopped the string entirely and started another attack; eg If Goh does 3K, 3KP, and you ECD after guarding the first 3K, you will fail+cancel your evade, guard the 3K and be evade-jailed and thus have to truly guess whether Goh will finish that 2nd 3KP or stop and go for throw.
    pana, Tricky and G0d3L like this.
  12. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    just tried it in the dojo.
    Thanks Akai didn't know about it.
    I did my homework only on paper looking at the frame data and I was wrong.
    What I said about a delayed followup and a failed evade canceled in a CD works only if the first hit doesn't make contact (so it's mostly not useful)

    you and Akai are completly right
  13. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Bolded part. I don't quite get what you are saying here. ECD in this situation evades throws right fine. You also can get up in time to guard even the fastest 6P from Jacky and no matter how much the last string P is delayed it'll get successfully evaded.
    G0d3L likes this.
  14. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    yeah that's an error.
    -5 with a 15 frames to crouch dash after an evade will make the throw whiff.
    In addition to a wrong analysis I also failed a simple sum...I'm on a roll :)

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