Jean Q and A

Discussion in 'Jean' started by Izuna_Shoryuken, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    Umm, jean has so many options when it comes to fast mid attacks... you have 6p at 14f you have 4k and followups at 15f (very very very strong option as you can just do the first part and keep the pressure on with the advantage) Then you have the move of all moves 66p... 15f and maybe top 5 move in the game. from this move you have such a large choice of moves to use as you get a "stagger". Mid, launcher, low, guard break, wait and throw... the possibilities are endless as all moves land as a CH during the stagger caused by this move. Next at 17f you have big knee, for big combo.
  2. Rez

    Rez Member

    yep but i cant do shit when opponents attacks are faster, not even with 6p, when i try i just get obliterated

    i play better when the pace of the fight is slower, but when shit hits the fan i cant do shit, its one of the main issues i had with this game since starting out, i just suck against fast people
  3. Rez

    Rez Member

    what is "f" btw?

    it appears i didnt do my homework
  4. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    6p should beat everything but 11f jabs from +2 and 66p everything but 11f jabs from +3. Most things are - when blocked as im sure you know. As for being able to do them when necessary, thats just something that will come along with practice and being able to react
    Rez likes this.
  5. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    f as in frame, the measure of speed for moves. Game runs at 60f / sec.

    As for the actual question it would be easier to answer if there was a bit more specific scenario or a vid. Are you getting hit with frametraps or do you have specific characters that are giving you trouble?
    Rez likes this.
  6. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    Yeah, sorry about that. I didnt see this message.
  7. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Never too late to start. Read the first half of the wiki entry on attacks. It explains how the frames work and how you can use them to not get hit.

    This only works if you buffer perfectly. I'd advise sticking with [6][P] and [4][K] to begin with at +3. If you have a little bit more advantage, then go for [6][6][P].

    @Rez , you mentioned not being able to do anything when your opponents are faster, but they aren't actually faster. All characters all have at least 2 of the 3 same basic tools, 12f high punch, 14f mid and 12f crouching punch. Some characters have a faster high punch 10 or 11f but your crouching punch will always beat either anyway.

    Usually when people have problems with "fast" characters they're either; attacking from disadvantage unknowingly, wasting time (frames) by not buffering their attacks correctly or simply using moves that are too slow.

    If we can get you buffering correctly and using the right attacks at the right time you should be alright.
    Rez likes this.
  8. Rez

    Rez Member

    -"wasting time (frames) by not buffering their attacks correctly"

    -"frame traps"

    i need explanation for this, does buffering thingy means im not responding fast enough? sorry, english is not my first language

    -frame traps, i need some examples for this, can i find them in wiki?

    and about attacking from disadvantage, soooo i must learn frame data for all characters?

    there is too much stuff that i dont get, but i guess i should stop spamming this thread and start with some decent reading and watching, i will ask questions in the other thread since my questions are obviously basic and not related to specific character

    thanks everyone, i appreciate it
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Yes, the wiki answers all that. Now read it.

    And no you don't need to learn frames and stuff, but it can help. More important is just knowing advantage/disadvantage and then later roughly how big your advantage or disadvantage is, so you can make informed decisions. This is the same with every fighting game.
  10. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    I've played him a bit now, and two big things I would point out are:

    1) get a better controller, if you keep fluffing half bar combos after landing 6K. Jean is a high damage dealer for sure, so when you get that opportunity, you really don't wanna miss it, especially vs the lighter cast members (females, Shun etc.)

    2) stop doing 6P over and over into one single throw. Any half decent player will use an obvious and unbroken pattern against you if you don't change things around. The throw can be broken, or worse, they can just launch you big out of the throw attempt.

    Jean has a guard break string. Practice it heavily if you seriously want to main this character, so if players lock up blocking and throw escaping, you can smash through their defense with this. Think about the low game more as well, in blocking rival sweeps, and also throwing some out yourself.

    It goes without saying... try and watch the old Gent Thief matches from when the game was new, to emulate a highly dominating manner in which to run a game down with this character (Jean).
    Rez likes this.
  11. Rez

    Rez Member

    pai i can do around half bar damage on lighter characters after 6k but yea i mess up the execution sometimes, i think its not just the pad, i can get better with practice, there is stuff that i couldnt even do when i first started and i managed to do it later, i just need some exp, i felt good yesterday just managing to do my first over 120dmg wall combo against some guy lol

    about the throws and elbow, yeah it became a habit because i profited on that quite a few times, about the guard break i definitely agree, im already mixing it up more since yesterday, but since i know about my execution problems i get some bad habits, just like that elbow throw stuff, my mind is going for what is a "sure thing" against my will

    we should have more matches if you agree, especially since you didnt saw all i can do, i was pretty repetitive that time, partly because of my break and because you are a good player, so i was somewhat cautious
  12. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Yeah, sure, if I see the cape tag again I will challenge it, as it comes up 3 bars (rare on PSN), and I never even played much against Jean. I noticed vs Lau, the matches were more even, but when I used Pai, you seemed overwhelmed. Like Marly says, it's not so much the speed, but knowing the moves facing you, and when you can respond or interrupt them safely.
    For example with Lau, he has the two big spinning kicks just with KK, but you can duck this. If you block it, he can then carry on attacking. Study Jean's move-list to see if he has any plus on block stuff, as these type of moves can really screw people up who aren't used to them.
    With Pai, she can go from high to mid to low pretty quick, but most blocked lows in the game can be punished with the biggest launchers.

    Regarding attacking from disadvantage and learning all the frames, well, if you have been hit, generally, start blocking or maybe evading. If you feel you can't press a button when the other guy is constantly attacking, try your PK move, which in Jean's case, is excellent to start an offense with.
  13. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    This is probably the worst advice one can give to a beginner, there's no point in trying to imitate a top player's strats since you don't understand why said player did what he did in that situation and why it worked or didn't work.
    leftylizard, Kamais_Ookin and DK like this.
  14. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Well, I've played GT, and after 20 or so minutes, I gleaned some combos and set-ups for various characters, which even now, aren't listed on here.

    Thanks for the contribution though YOMI, as these type of threads are just never the same without your unique input.
  15. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    Yomi is right. You are trying to tell a toddler to become a doctor by memorizing Grays Anatomy (the book). Start hella simple. Like if he cant even fit an elbow in somewhere at minor advantage, there is no reason to be doing set ups
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  16. DK

    DK Well-Known Member Content Manager Jean

    right, but thats implied... I think it is anyway :D
  17. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Agreed on watching GT or other top players. The is literally no point if you don't already have a good grasp of everything you would be seeing. Knowing a top player does something with no idea of the reasoning behind it will build bad habits and generally get you killed. They're playing a different metagame. You have to know the rules before you go about trying to cheat the system.

    Yay for you. Maybe you should post specifics in the appropriate forums and threads about how you use thus stuff.
    Kamais_Ookin likes this.
  18. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    I was in dojo controlling Jean with Jacky set as my opponent,and i wanted to know how i was able to get a minor counter after punishing Jacky's 46k+g with Jean's 6k??? How did I punish a -15 move with a 17 frame
  19. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    It didn't really punish it. Some moves retain minor counter properties after being blocked even though the opponent could block them. There some other moves with this glitch but I can't remember any from the top of my head.

    You'll only get minor counter if they actually don't do anything so it has no use in matches.
  20. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    Thank you. I didn't think that would work if they blocked,but I needed someone to explain.

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