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Justice for Trayvon Martin

Discussion in 'General' started by Jerky, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Like I said Tengu trying to draw things into a general race thread. The circumstances are still different. Carry on, why I replied to you. No idea. And yah coon is still used...and yeah...your right there.

    Trayvon, kid, skittles, tea, killed, murderers known, cops appear to be covering it up.

    British guys, drunk, in the projects, killed, murderer known, two life sentences.

    Second...FL...go to florida and expect stupid shit to happen. "Crackers" is probably rarer than Coon hah! You know where crackers is derived from? People feeling oppressed by someone cracking a whip on their backs. It's practically NOT an insult. White Devil or white trash has way more bite..indicates evil or garbage at least.

    back the fuck up, hope they ban you again and people say we don't have our share of bullshit in VFDC.

    Honestly if Trayvon was in the projects (where there are white people by the way) drunk, and was shot and killed by a white thug while being mugged?

    Guaranteed less media attention.

    Please, try harder.
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    The murder took place one year ago. The person accused of the crime is being tried - that is a major distinction between this incident versus the topic issue.
  3. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Rather than respond to this, i'll just say, didn't you promise not to get into this again?
  4. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Crackers is more of a term used born out of oppression (describing someone who's whipping on you.) Hateful? Yes. Nigger, is a term describing someone who you should be whipping. Hateful? Yes, but because you believe your ABOVE someone.

    The two cases are still night and day.
    The European guys weren't killed because they were white. They were killed because the guy wanted their money, when they didn't give it to him he killed them. He probably would have killed my ass if I went into his neighborhood. Black on
    black crime is way more prevalent than black on white so back the fuck up.

    People getting killed during a mugging? Motivation...money. Not uncommon. Person getting killed for walking. Once again your standing a platform trying to trivialize this case.

    Fuck you. Not because your white, but because you're a fucking idiot for comparing unrelated scenarios.
  5. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I'm going to ask everyone to stop right now, focus and respond to Jerky's original post but NOT respond to Tengu or his post.
  6. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    No offense to the mods here but if he's ok to post stuff like that then you've got to expect people to respond, right?

    I agree that it's best to ignore the guy but us all having to walk on eggshells while he's free to post bigotry in every thread seems a bit wrong, it would be better to remove the problem, no?
  8. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    It's not asking much to stay on topic. That's what is expected of users of any forum.

    Now back to Zimmerman. Get this over with so the family can begin to move on please. Sanford PD? You're a fucking disgrace.
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Warning! Alert! Wall of Text from MasterPO to follow. If you're tired of reading his BS. please skip to next post.

    Racism in all of its forms is matter of ignorance, lack of education and knowledge. Racism is never justified. Here is a radical idea. Civilized societies should have laws against ignorance and willful lack of education. It should be against the law to be stupid, uneducated, and ignorant unless there is a true biological or psychological impediment. Every citizen in a civilized society should be required to take and pass with an A
    8 years of University level courses the first four years should

    Philosophy 1,2,3 Political Science 1
    Sociology,1 2, Physics 1,2
    Algebra 1,2,3 Chemistry 1,2
    Geometry 1,2 Biology 1,2
    Trigonmetry 1,2 Calculus 1,2
    World History 1,2 Cosmology 1,2
    World Religions 1 Anthropology 1,2
    Earth Science 1,2

    Nothing short of an A should be acceptable in all of the above courses. And the content of next 4 years should be up to the student. Successful completion of 8 years of University should be a prerequisite to remaining in the country as a citizen or for gaining entrance into country with hopes of becoming a citizen.

    There should be state and federal fines every time a citizen is caught using faulty reasoning or fallacies.

    Anyone wishing to be a public servant, or leader, or congressman, must demonstrate impeccable logic, knowledge about the world, demonstrate mastery of sociology,cultural anthrolopolgy and human psychology. Said person should be demonstrably free from any ancient superstitions, beliefs in medieval deities or magic.

    We should not be entitled to our own opinions if those opinions are based on ignorance, falsehoods, false propositions, or anything that is provably false.

    For instance, a civilized society should not allow its members to believe the world is flat, or believe that the moon is made of cheese, or believe that epilepsy is the resut of demon possession or that black people have tales. Through observation, measurement, testing, and reason we all know these things are not true. And if you walk around believing them anyway you are ignorant in which case education is the solution, or you are mentally ill, in which case you need medical attention or choose to believe falsehoods even after being exposed to the facts in which case you are willfully uncivilized and you should be separated, outcast, or treated like the animal that you are.

    It should be a crime to ignore facts and sound reasoning. It should be a major felony to disregard the results of thousands of experiments, measurement, and observation.

    NO YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO BELIEVE SOMETHING THAT IS PROVEABLY FALSE! because you live in a world with other people and a irrational invalid mind is the number one threat and crime in a civilized society.

    Racism, Greed, War, Violence in the general case are motivated by ignorance, lack of education, faulty reasoning, logical immaturity. The whole of human population needs to spend
    more time in a good University somewhere and far, far, far less time

    in Churches
    in prayer
    Klan Meetings
  10. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    In reply to Jerky and Denkai's police harassment, I had a similar run-in with 3 cops one time.
    I was living in the South Bronx at the time, it's where I grew up and I walked out of my building to go visit a friend of mine who lived down the block and across the street from me. I had borrowed a magazine from him and I was on my way to return it when all of a sudden this unmarked sedan pulls up quickly right in front of me like it was going to go on to the sidewalk and run me over. Tires screech, doors open up and 3 burly white cops hop out with their gats aiming at my head.
    One gets on my right, one gets on my left and the last one right in front of me and he says "POLICE! HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!".
    While all of this was happening I didn't freak or panic 'cause that's just not my style, I'm very analytical. When the car screeched to a halt in front of me I thought "ok, what is this about? If they're trying to rob me, I ain't got any money". Then when I realized that they were cops I quickly realized what they were trying to do before they even circled me. They were trying to make me shit my pants. I wasn't trying to be brave, I was being defiant. They WANTED me to look and act scared or nervous and I wasn't going to give them that even if I was a bit nervous.

    All of this happened in mere seconds but I saw right through their game NOT because they didn't look like they were going to blow my head off but because of my logic. I wasn't breaking any laws and all I did that day was wake up, eat breakfast, watched some cartoons and decide to go visit my friend.
    So I'm surrounded by 3 cops, each with a gun out aimed at my head. All I had was a rolled up magazine in my hand. The cop in the middle says "What do you have in your hand?" I responded like a typical annoyed 17 year old "umm, a magazine...". Then he says "Unroll it! Slowly..."
    With both of hands still up in the air, I release a little on the magazine so it unfolds in my hands while I'm still holding it, meanwhile they're aiming their guns at me like a grenade is about roll out this tiny little magazine.
    I must have ruined those guys' fun 'cause after they saw that they couldn't get me to shake in my boots, the one in the middle says "Alright, you're not who we're looking for. Sorry about that, you fit the description of somebody we're looking for." As he's saying that, they're all getting back in the car looking like little kids who were denied candy before going to bed. Fucking pathetic.

    How did I look at the time? I was a teenager and this was back in the Onyx days so I had my head shaved, hoody, baggy pants and Timberland boots so you could say I looked like a typical "hoodlum". The thing was I wasn't doing anything illegal at the time or during the time leading up to the incident so it wasn't like I was being watched and then they dropped in on me to make a bust.
    It's crazy 'cause even with all my training and all the crazy stuff I've seen I would be a lot more fearful of getting shot if that were to happen to me now than back then. Ah, the impetuousness of youth.

    Sad that it took the life of a 17 year old for all of America to really take notice of something that's been a problem for centuries.
  11. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

  12. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    @Masterpo I agree with all that you said. Your posts have always made more sense to me than tengu's anyhow.
  13. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    No Tengu, you posted it in an attempt to turn the tables and point out that black people have killed white people; but it's so see-through because A, it's your post, and B, you're so clearly a bigot and a racist.

    I wish you were IP banned from this site forever cause you're truly a clown in every way. Just a complete clown with his head shoved deeply up his own ass.
  14. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Amen Feck, I could not agree more.
  15. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    everyone has moved on. I suggest you do the same. either post something relevant to Jerky's thread or make a new thread for your commentary.
  16. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Ah, what a beautiful day today [​IMG]
    Hopefully we see justice soon or at the very least an arrest.
    In the meantime check out this "C'mon Son" vid addressing the Trayvon Martin case:

    Ed starts talking about the case @4:27
  17. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

  18. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    The Koch brother are swine. They are the personification of everything that is wrong with the power structure of the world. I first read about them in Greg Palast's Best Democracy Money Can Buy. He's written a lot about them since. They are capitalist gangsters.

    The Trayvon thing is a tragedy. Hopefully Zimmerman will rot in jail.

    Whatever happens, the bigger overarching issue, imo, is the utter absence of the rule of law in the US.

    Bush/Cheney launch aggressive illegal wars, torture people, and eavesdrop without warrants. They overthrow a democratic government in Haiti, and try to do the same in Venezuela.

    Obama bombs countries without congressional approval. And he murders American citizens with no due process.

    John Corzine steals $millions from customers at MF Global.

    All the major banks are guilty of fraud on such a scale that it boggles the mind. If a black kid knocks over a 7-11 he can expect to spend years in jail. Jaimie Dimon, Lloyd Blankfein, and John Paulson can steal billions and the worst they can expect is to pay a fine that isn't anywhere near the amount they stole.

    The world is run by gangsters.

    And Tengu is an idiot. The "cracker" thing is so fucking stupid it's unbelievable. Why not just ban the dude?
  19. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    The Koch brothers are two of the most evil people in all of America, if not the entire world. They're billionaires who spend their money making sure others are poor and that they stay as poor as possible.

    I can't imagine having billions of dollars and then spending huge amounts of that money to abolish the minimum wage, basically just to make sure other people are getting poorer and suffering more. It's so deeply sinister, miserable and sick it hurts to think about.

    These monsters will then try wrap themselves in the flag and claim they love Americans, all while they do nothing except pull the support system out from under their fellow citizens. They have billions but they want to weaken the EPA and poison our air and water so they can make a little more $ cutting environmentally safe corners.

    What WON'T these soulless monsters do for another buck?
  20. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    This whole thing is sad and was so blown out of proportion it's crazy.. If he'd only of stopped pursuing him when the cops told him to...

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