Kage Combos

Discussion in 'Kage' started by WillieDick1, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Vs. Taka TFT>[4][P][+][K][P] (green)[2][P][+][K] 60 dmg before green follow up. 85 after
    If they are used to the normal taka TFT combos , there is a good chance you can land the full 85 dmg.
  2. Thiry

    Thiry Member

    Some combo to do ring out :

    46P+G 66 ( dash ) 2P+K P 66P+K 46K+G KK ( 67 dmg )=> to do ring out behind kage. After the dash , the 2P+K must hit so as to opponent falls behind Kage. I had tried that on Shun and Wolf. It s possible to do ring out if there is no wall or barrier.

    46P+G 2 or 8 P+G+K ( step offensive ) PP4PK ( 43 dmg )=> to do ring out to the right or left. It s hard to do ring out like that if opponent is heavy on ring with barrier.
  3. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    I didn't see this listed. Jin (KA) uses this alot on light-mid weights.

    [3_][P] MCH > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6_][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 82
  4. Thiry

    Thiry Member

    What means MCH ? Counter hit ?

    So maybe it s working if opponent fails the destun as : SH K , Jump K ...
  5. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    on light-mid weights there's another one that does one point more damage

    [3_][P] MCH > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6][6] > [2][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 83

    Most of the extended combos with [6_][P] or [2][P] don't work on Eileen (btw you can do better on the monkey :) ).

    Here are some other combos

    [9][K][+][G] > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6][6] > [2][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 78 (doesn't work on Pai, Shun)
    [9][K][+][G] > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6][6] > [6_][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 77 (doesn't work on Aoi, Shun, El Blaze, Vanessa)
    [4][6][K] MCH > [2][P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6_][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 83 (doesn't work on Aoi, El Blaze)
    [4][6][K] MCH > [2][P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [2][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 82 (doesn't work on Pai, Shun)
    SH [6][P] > [2][P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6_][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 76 (doesn't work on Aoi, El Blaze)
    SH [6][P] > [2][P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [2][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 75 (doesn't work on Pai, Shun)
    SH [3][P] > [6][6] > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6][6] > [2][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 73 (doesn't work on Pai, Shun)
    SH [3][P] > [6][6] > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6_] [P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 72 (doesn't work on Aoi, El Blaze, Vanessa)
    BT [K][+][G] > [6][6] > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6][6] > [2][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] =85 (doesn't work on Pai, Shun)
    BT [K][+][G] > [6][6] > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6_][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] =84 (doesn't work on Aoi, El Blaze, Vanessa)
    JU [K][+][G] > [K][+][G] > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6][6] > [2][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] =84 (doesn't work on Pai, Shun)
    JU [K][+][G] > [K][+][G] > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6_][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] =83 (doesn't work on Aoi, El Blaze)
    JU [P][+][K] SABAKI > [2][P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6_][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 77 (doesn't work on Aoi, El Blaze)
    JU [P][+][K] SABAKI > [2][P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [2][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 76 (doesn't work on Pai, Shun)
    BT [7][K] MCH > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6_][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 98 (doesn't work on Aoi, El Blaze)
    BT [7][K] MCH > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6] [6][6]> [2][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 98 (doesn't work on Pai, Shun)
    [2][3][6][K][+][G] > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6_][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 73 (doesn't work on Aoi, El Blaze)
    [2][3][6][K][+][G] > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6][6] > [2][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 73 (you can swap the 66 with 6_) (doesn't work on Pai, Shun)
    [2][3][6][K][+][G] > [P][G] >[3][3][P] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 73 (works up to El Blaze so it's a light weight combo but it's easier than the others, on Aoi do 66 before 46K+G)

    Could be some errors on who works and who dosen't so check them out (never made a full chart).

    Loooking back at my Eileen's combos post I saw again Ytpme's post
    to make that damage the [2][3][6][K]+[G] must hit in MCH (first time I read it I thought it was in NH) and you can put in the dragon kicks

    [2][3][6][K]+[G](no charge) MCH > [P][K] > [P] > [6][6][P]+[K] > [6][6] > [4][6][K]+[G][K]![K] = 93 (cancel the 66 with 46K+G asap or swap the 66 with 6_)
    cobratron likes this.
  6. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    GOd3L, you had me scratchin my head, cuz I knew i did the eilleen combo on NH, so I went to dojo and..
    I was right!..sorta.. combo works on NH but from open stance only, must have bben why I thought it was so strict,cuz sometimes I wouldnt land it. Try from open stance, it will work.
    P.S. Pretty sure you are right about the damage though, I get 81 off of it, not 91, not sure where I made the mistake. :( musta been set to counter, cuz that explains the need to dash., still, good 81 NH combo :)
  7. Thiry

    Thiry Member

    Versus Taka

    some natural combo :
    -KPK deals 48 dmg ( instead of 39 versus other characters ) . i15 => very good to punish
    - BT P+K K => Bt P+K K 46K+GKK =>71 dmg
    -SH PPP => 42 dmg, +5 on hit

    Fake combo :
    -near from a wall : 46P+G KPK 46K+GKK => 97 dmg but taka can roll after the KPK
    -9 K+G 4P+K P 46K+GKK => 83 dmg but taka can roll after 4P+K P

    Other combo :
    6P+G 1P+K KPK => after 1P+K ( +15on hit ) , the KPK is guaranted ( i15 ) => 63 dmg
  8. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    VS. Taka or anyone
    After [6][P][+][G] , [1][P][+][K] is not guaranteed. It can be ducked, if you set the CPU in dojo to crouch and turn under the turn around category, you can test this out. It ducks because 1p+k is 15 frames and you only have a 12 frame advantage, but since he is backturned, there is an additional 3-6frame penalty(which one is sideturned?)since ducking while BT doesnt get penalized, so he can still duck a high move slower than 12 frames, even though he cant guard it.
    From sideturned [6][P][+][G] you have +16 frames so [1][P][+][K] IS guaranteed.
    Final note.. aftter[6][P][+][G] > [1][P][+][K] hits, I follow with another 1p+k(if first one is minor counter hit(+15), than you get guaranteed second one(+12) so my flow is.. especially from sideturned throw...
    this is all guaranteed on SideTurned , or regular if they dont crouch the first 1p+k
    It does 59 dmg, and leaves you at +4 frames, so it allows for a continued assault.
    You must use the punch kick where you hold forward first or else it wont reach.
    Personally I recommend transitioning to shippujin with the final PK ([P][K]~[P][+][K][+][G]) where you are now at +4 or +5 and in shippujin, perfect for the SH [3][P] to immediately stuff any attack they try coming out of it.
    And if they often stay guarding after the final PK~P+K+G , then SH [P][+][K] breaks guard and lets you start the single [1][P][+][K]>[6_][P][K]~[P][+][K][+][G] all over again. This is known is some circles as the "Jami San" :)
  9. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    This is my most used bread and butter. I usually start this with [6][P][+][K] which leaves opponent sideturned. You have to make sure you start on the first frame or two after he gets sideturned.

    One thing is it doesn't seem to work on Jean. He has less side-turn disadvantange after [6][P][+][K] than other characters from what I tested and he can get a [P] in before you get the initial [6][P][+][G] throw. In other words &@#$ Jean lol.
  10. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    off the [6][P][+][K] you are at +5 sideturned, so the throw is not guaranteed on anyone, however if 6p+k lands a counter hit,you are at +8 sideturned, I believe your throw attempt from this situation is all but guaranteed(i think they can still duck the throw attempt), maybe this is where the difference is, or just plain old bad coincidence that Jean is attacking when you are not in a guaranteed throw situation.
    Throws come out in 10 frames but the side turned adds at least 3 more as penalty, so +8 sideturned can act like +11 with a small difference in that ducking from BT or ST does not have penalty(?) so they would be able to duck a 10 frame move but not 8. Same reason after 6p+g, 1p+k is NOT guaranteed, unless you get the extra frames from a sideturned version of 6p+g
    P.S. after reading your reply below, I will go into dojo, and see if i can learn anything about it.
  11. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Well I usually always land the 6P+K on CH. But I'm basing this off fighting Jean in Special Sparring mode. I can land the above combo on every character (as long as they dont throw break) except for Jean. I NEVER get the throw. He just attacks before I get my hands on him unlike every other CPU character in Special Sparring so I figure Jean has some kind of special property. I want to do more testing since this is something I just discovered last night. It really threw me off.
  12. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    Ok, so after some Dojo work, this is what I found... I used the record feature to set up the initial counter hit 6p+K imediately followed by a ppp from the opponent. And even on counter hit at +8 , even with the sideturned penalty, the side throw is NOT ever guaranteed on anyone . I tried Jean first, and you were right that I couldnt throw cuz he beat it out with a punch, but then I switched characters and it was the same story.
    So I can only guess that on special sparring, the CPU shows more(habits), so probablly why on the other guys they either blocked after 6p+k or tried too slow of a move, but the Jean kept using jab to beat the throw.
    But all characters seem to be able to beat the throw with a punch, even on major counter. Hope this helps.
    Oh yeah, but the good news is that if you know they are gonna try attacking out of the throw attempt after 6p+k, use p+k to cause a counter hit side crumple, or 3k.
    spyder0080 and cobratron like this.
  13. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    The first one dosen't work on Lau and the second one need a [6_][P][P][4][P][K] to connect always on Lau.

    Btw I found a better combo
    JU [P] [+] [K](SUCCESSFUL SABAKI) > ~ [2] [P] > [6][6][P][+][K] > [4] [6] [K] [+] [G] [K] ! [K] = 75

    For light-mid weight
    SH [3][P] > [6][6] > [P] > [K][+][G] > [3][3][P] > [4] [6] [K] [+] [G] [K] ! [K] = 84 (difficult, P must connect the first frame possible)
  14. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    The second combo is near impossible online , it requires a 12 frame punch, and even then it only works on some lights. The first one after the sabaki requires a pause before the [2][P] in order to work. Also you can sub [K][P][K] instead of the dragon kick for more reliable online combo.
  15. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    Yeah it's difficult (I wrote that) and it requires the P to connect on the second active frame to have less recovery and let the 22 frame K+G "became a 21 frame" kick and get the bound.
    Didn't tested on who works. Just tried it on Van.
    the "~" means a delay and sorry just saw you posted the combo with the KPK ender some time ago.
    We need to organize all the combos we came up with in some way.
    If you do the 46K+GK!K ender against the light/medium-light weights you can add 66 > [6_][P]/2[P] according to the combos I posted a few posts ago and avoid the the critical timing of the delay (a lot of times it becomes techable)
  16. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    sorry god3l I didnt notice the ~ and also didnt realize what it meant, thnx.
    I am not sure what you mean exactly at the end there, if i use drgn kick as my ender, what are you saying i can do? dash in after the drgn kick and 6p/2p ? Or is the 6p/2p before the drgn kick ender?
    P.S. We should play, I dont get to play many Kage's , just reconwolf, eurokage, and dention.And I dont see them very often
  17. Ytpme_Secaps

    Ytpme_Secaps Well-Known Member

    Jami San
    And since I mentioned the difficulty of that one combo allow me to provide an alternative(this is what I do)

    SH [3][P]>[6][6](dash)>[2][P]>[P][P][4][P][K]

    note- this works on every character (but Taka) however, sometimes the last kick in the string whiffs, I have tried stance specific scenarios, but can not definitively figure out why it whiffs sometimes, It might be the speed in which I dash in and hit the [2][P] that is varying. Any info yall find on this would be great.

    P.S. If you can learn to land the other SH[3][P] combo, it is far superior.
    P.P.S. If the 12f punch can let you land [K][+][G] , shouldnt a regular 11f punch at least allow for the [6][6][P][+][K] to land? why doesnt this work?
  18. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    last kick can whiff due to distance combined with it's high hitbox. Try

    SH [3][P] > [6][6] > [2][P] > [6_][P][P][4][P][K]
  19. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    I meant to add the [6][6] > [6_][P]/[2][P] like as you can see in this post.
    The [6][6][P][+][K] bound in the SH [3][P] combos works up to light-medium weights.
  20. EastBayKage

    EastBayKage Well-Known Member

    Modified wall combos:
    When your opponent's back is near a wall.
    [9][K][+][G], [P][P][4][P][K] (wall slide), [4][6][K][+][G][K]![K], [3][K][+][G] [93 Damage]
    -Works on super light weights, light weights, and middle weights, and Akira (but not other middle-heavy weights). Foot stance does not matter. Against light weights, it's only 3 extra damage than the normal combo off [9][K][+][G] with a wall slide, but more damage is more damage.

    [6][6][P][+][K], [P][P][4][P][K] (wall slide), [4][6][K][+][G][K]![K], [3][K][+][G] [85 Damage]
    -Works on all but Aoi, Pai, Shun, and Taka. Foot stance does not matter.

    I don't think these have been posted before, sorry if they have. Also, I'm pretty sure you can use [1][P][P][4][P][K] instead for 2 points more damage, but I didn't test those. I do this combo with his back turned launchers as well, but I've never tested the weight classes for those.

    This is what I've been using, but I don't know if it's max damage. Are there better options out there?
    Koenraku and Dennis0201 like this.

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