Kage: Final Tuned

Discussion in 'Kage' started by Myke, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    Just want say thanks for the info!!
  2. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    f,d,df+P+KPKK: A new string from which can be done after the first hit is guarded or on hit. If you can connect all 4 hits, it will get you a nice chunk of damage.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I just wanted to add that each part of this canned sequence must be guarded or hit in order to proceed to the next - not just the first P following the dragon punch. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  3. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's right, I wasn't specific enough. Will make the change now.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    With A2, Kage does not seem to be weaker. If anything, he may have improved on paper.

    With A1, I'm sorry, Kage is definitely weaker (or at least, harder to play) than Evo. I was surprised at how hard it was to adjust back from Evo to FT while my Jeffry and Goh transitioned smoothly when I arrived Hong Kong.

    I just don't know what AM2 is thinking...A2 is better than A1 in every way that matters. It's gotten to the point that I automatically respect Kage players in Japan who for whatever reason decided to go with A1.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I know this was mentioned before, but I think the A1 upper does indeed float higher now, which is probably it's only redeeming quality.

    I remember getting [2_][3][P] CH - [2][P] - [2][P]+[K][K] against Akira. I know Akira was made lighter, but surely he's not lighter than Jacky, and this combo, IIRC, didn't work on the heavier midweights in Evo.
  6. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Myke said:

    I know this was mentioned before, but I think the A1 upper does indeed float higher now, which is probably it's only redeeming quality.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have a sneaking suspicion that things in general float differently in FT. In one video Chibita manages P+K - D,f+P - KK. This is not a combo I have ever seen, or ever done, in EVO. Not too that mention Llan tells me in the mook there is a Jeff combo v Brad that goes: Threat Stance P Catch Throw - b,df+P+K - df,df+P - P - uf+P+G.

    just my 2 cents worth.
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I agree with that...I did mention that before. A lot of times my [2][P] would actually miss because the opponent floated so higher, something that never happened in Evo. That said, I'm not sure the damage potential of A1 with improved float is significantly better (or even the same?) as A2.

    I guess I wouldn't really care if I was in Japan and had vf.net, but it definitely annoys me that I don't have the flexibility to change moves when the choice is so obvious. I'm whining now.

    Goh's A1 vs A2 is also similar. I can understand the higher damage potential of A1 vs A2, but AM2, at least also make it 15 frames execution...Goh needs a good 15 frame attack.
  8. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    On a completely unrelated note - although it is Kage relevant - I managed to pull off the complete dragon punch combo ([6][3][6]+[P]+[K][P][K][K]) while interupting b4k4's Lei's low rising attack. It was awesome - a ton of damage and completely makes me want to play Kage more just to get his 'DPoD' in matches. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Anyway - something to try that looks incredibly cool - big damage and massive style, imo.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  9. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member

    Like, 1/3 to almost 1/2 of my life bar, it seemed (probably closer to 1/3).

    Llan: "Wooooo!"
    Me: "...wtf... o_O!"
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I keep picking Normal Mode instead of Challenge Mode while playing Kage JUST to practice that damned DP. My accuracy has not improved much, however.

    I don't feel bad though...notice no top tier Kage players bother with it in serious matches?
  11. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Edit: except Kkrrrazy Kyasao...
  12. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't feel bad though...notice no top tier Kage players bother with it in serious matches?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    While I don't think it's necessary to have this mastered, should one be able to pull it off with consistency, their Kage becomes exponentially more deadly. That alone makes me want to master the timing. Think about the intimidation factor to your opponent knowing you have that tool for oki and ideally for reverse nitaku situations, etc. Wow. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Side note - my rate of success for completing the entire sequence is now at 4. Yep, 4 times. That's it. Mind you, Kage is a very casual character for me and I play him maybe 10% of the time. I can get the first three hits around 30% only...it's a whole heck of a lot harder than I thought.

    <font color="yellow">.cheers.</font>
  13. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    man fuck this cheap ass bullshit from sega. now kage gets 100 point combo from nothing? If someone just sit there and practice until he get the timing down, kage will be the shit of the shit. Fuck this imbalanced bullshit, even if you are a japanese character you get the five star treatment. and fuck you ass-9!
  14. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, if the timing can just be a little easier, what Kage has is a SPOD on his hands. That's why I keep persisting on Normal Mode... My rate of success is now 90% for two hits, 40% for three hits, and 5% for four hits. This is against the CPU.
  15. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ice-9 said:
    and 5% for four hits. This is against the CPU.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    man, you suck!
  16. O_o

    O_o Active Member

    i saw this in one vid, i think it was kage vs vanessa. kage reversaled venessa's mid kick from his jumonji stance, then:
    (from jumonji stance) [8] ~ [6][2][3][P]+[K] [P] [K] [K]
    so shortly, he rolled after reversaling the kick, and then did the dragon punch combo. his last kick didnt hit tho /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif looked pretty sick
  17. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    man fuck this cheap ass bullshit from sega. now kage gets 100 point combo from nothing? If someone just sit there and practice until he get the timing down, kage will be the shit of the shit. Fuck this imbalanced bullshit, even if you are a japanese character you get the five star treatment. and fuck you ass-9!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heh! I've been playing wolf lately and GE has handed me my ass so many times with Kage now that I have decide that I must pick him up. Kage seems so deadly.

  18. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    man, you suck!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Tell me about it!
  19. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    man fuck this cheap ass bullshit from sega. now kage gets 100 point combo from nothing? If someone just sit there and practice until he get the timing down, kage will be the shit of the shit. Fuck this imbalanced bullshit, even if you are a japanese character you get the five star treatment. and fuck you ass-9!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The combo in question is difficult to do, and I would have to say the most difficult series to connect in Final Tuned, and probably in the entire series (anyone disagree?). Unlike Akira's specials where you just have a window in which you must complete an input, Kage's combo requires each input at a certain time, and the window for each successive input gets smaller, and on top of that, the delay between each hit isn't consistent (the last hit requires a longer delay).

    The closest thing to this would be Lion's catch throw PPP but the input timings and window are consistent for all hits.

    Where's the imbalance though? For the increased risk (compared to the Upper/Chop it's MUCH more counterable on guard, and harder to input) you get an increased reward, which is 30+8+10+25=73 base damage. In Evo, with an mC upper you could get easy combos to range in the 50-60 pts region. I have no idea where he gets 100pts for nothing? My oh my, what will Shang bitch about next?
  20. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I think this is similar to Lau's [6_][P][P][P][K] combo kind of...

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