Kamaage: VF5R for console effort

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by kamaage, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. videoman190

    videoman190 Member

    Virtura Fighter is the first 3D fighting game! Now it's up to us to continue the series that gave birth to many 3d fighters! We need to show Sega that outside of Japan that we haven't forgotten about it! Without Virtua fighter we wont have Tekken, DOA, Bloody Roar, or any of those 3D Fighters! Hype or no hype don't make excuses to yourself that the game won't come outside of japan! If we can show that we can still care about this game it will come!
  2. DarK_SuN

    DarK_SuN New Member

    I was told about this effort at another forum, so I'm registering here just to help out!

    I'm Ricardo from Portugal and I've been with Virtua Fighter ever since VF1 came out in the arcades.
    I've always followed the VF series passionately, bought all the games so far (heck, I even bought a SEGA Saturn at the time just to play VF1, then bought VF2 as well, and Fighters Megamix since it was the closest we could get to VF3 at the time) and even played them at the arcades when available, despite having the games at home (it was a good place to meet up with some friends after school back then).

    I COMPLETELY support VF5R for home consoles, I'd buy it without hesitation just like I did with VF5! [​IMG]
  3. ironzen

    ironzen Well-Known Member

    Virtua Fighter has been a major contribution to the evolution of not just only games, but also to the communities and companies that strive off and support it.
    This element is something I greatly appreciate about Virtua Fighter.

    Organizations such as Beat Tribe and Enterbrain have been able to flourish because of Virtua Fighter's role in the early stages of tournament scenes. The success of this series has even paved the way for the recognition of other fighting games in the industry.

    I admire the foundation and prestige of Virtua Fighter almost as much as I enjoy playing the game itself. This feeling continues to drive me, not so much as a gamer, but as a individual. It makes me want to satisfy a sense of achievement in what I put forth.

    Virtua Fighter 5:R would be a great addition to your releases. Many people desire to play this latest version and I surely do too. If it is within your plans and goals to develop a console release, I would love to play.

    Thank you,
    Kenny Wong
  4. VF5R

    VF5R Member

    "I don't understand why the best fighting game is not avaible by now. Before knowing Virtua Fighter 5, I liked to play Soulcalibur but now I can't play it anymore. Tekken is too ugly, has bad animations, is too slow, has too limited moves, while VF is unlimited because you're always learning and progressing and its system is fair, you can just do it or not. Please release VF5R on console with online and an exhaustive tutorial mode."

    "Sega, don't disapoint your fans, please release it with japanese commentary"

    "My cousin T-Bone just make me discover this huge game a few weeks ago. I was so confused that I didn't know this game before that I felt so stupid. I immediately bought a PS3 and two arcade sticks for me and my girlfriend and now we have the best moments of our lives, it's almost better than sex."

    "My boyfriend and I enjoy a lot this game. Now we're waiting for the next level: VF5R."

    T-Bone, C. Morgan, Herbert Von Zouz, Rineka Ducentrèze,
    Bordeaux/Toulouse, France.
  5. Neoryu

    Neoryu New Member

    Dear Sega,

    I am a devout Virtua Fighter fan who has all of the games on console, but my first time playing the series was with the original Virtua Fighter arcade game back in 1994. I fell in love with the series from that day forward.

    From there, I immediately purchased the Sega Saturn console at $399 just to play VF. I remember the day when I received a free copy of Virtua Fighter Remix in the mail. As a result of such great treatment, I have always supported you on your VF console releases.

    Virtua Fighter 2, Fighters Megamix, Fighting Vipers, and Last Bronx for the Saturn.

    Virtua Fighter 3 and Fighting Vipers 2 for the Dreamcast.

    VF4 and VF4 Evo for PS2,

    And now VF5 for the Xbox 360.

    I would surely (without a doubt) purchase VF5R on the Xbox 360 on DAY ONE. I also know most PS3 owners would do the same for a PS3 release.

    I fully support a release of Virtua Fighter 5:R for both HD consoles. Please do not deprive fans like us Sega. I can only speak for myself, but I hope you hear all of our voices in support of this. We will be there on Day one if you are.

    Michael Smithwood
    Raleigh NC
  6. Isoulle

    Isoulle Member

    Dear Sega,

    I have been a long time player of fighting games, mostly 2D ones. I never had time for 3D fighting games as they never seemed to exhibit the depth and sophistication of the great 2D fighters. This changed when I played Virtua Fighter 4: Evo. I was shocked by the depth of the mechanics, the variety of playstyles, the rewarding gameplay and all around excellent design of this fantastic game. This game single handedly got me to play 3D fighting games and indeed the VF series has now become my favorite fighting game series.

    The trend of excellent game design the Virtua Fighter series exhibits has continued in Virtua Fighter 5 and from what I have seen Virtua Fighter 5: R as well. This game looks to be the best in the series but I am dismayed that it has not been released here. Thus I implore you to release this fine game to the North American audience for one of the major console systems so that I can play another game in this fantastic series.


    Matthew Maddocks,
    St. John's, Canada
  7. panzeroceania

    panzeroceania New Member

    Dear AM2

    I started playing Virtua Fighter with Virtua Fighter 2 in the arcades. I was stunned at what 3D fighters could be, and how realistic they were, both in how they looked, but also in how they played. I was very impressed with how well the Sega Saturn port turned out, despite the Saturn being much less powerful than the Model 2. I also remember loving having the option to play the original or 2.1 version of the game on the saturn port, it really was well done.

    I recall being addicted to Virtua Fighter 4, and how it changed the face of fighting games with the customization and how they made it seem like you were actually going to arcades and playing real champions.

    Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution really was an amazing package for fans. I think things like all the art, the pages of what different Virtua Fighter terms meant, and the Virtua Fighter 10th anniversary are the types of things I'd love to see in a home port of VF5R. Even though we didn't get Final Tuned, the fact that you released two versions of the game to home consoles says a lot.

    I was really sad when Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned hit the arcades in Japan, and I could not play it in arcades, or at home where I lived at the time.

    I feel that this is the way things are now with Virtua Fighter 5 R.

    I understand that an arcade release in the United States (While I would love it!) may not be financially possible, but I believe that a home console release would be very profitable, both monetarily, but also for the information you could gather.

    I believe with the state of online play today, they could really see and study how many more players play by bringing Virtua Fighter 5 R to home consoles in Japan, USA, Europe, and Australia.

    I think that such data would greatly benefit the development of Virtua Fighter as a series, but also the fighting game genre. I also believe it would make the Virtua Fighter series more popular in these regions as fighting games are very popular now, and there is an appetite and audience to be had for them.

    This would also be an opportunity to build a new console Virtua Fighter stick. I would buy it! Less expensive Saturn shaped fightpads with Virtua Fighter art could also be released. Virtua Fighter art is very beautiful and this would be another way to generate revenue and fans of the game. Believe it or not there are Arcade Stick collectors that might not have really gotten into Virtua Fighter much before that would if an Arcade Stick was released alongside it.

    Finally, Virtua Fighter 5 R is not just a minor tweak, but includes 2 additional characters. It is sad that no one except Japanese Arcade players get to experience these two characters as that adds a lot of content to the game.

    In fact, if there are other improvements after Virtua Fighter 5 R, you could release those, and then do a home version at the same time.

    Regardless of what content is in the game, if a home port is to be made, it MUST be made by AM2. I believe this is why the Dreamcast port of VF3 was not as good, and I surely hope that if a home port was made, it would be handled by AM2 directly.

    I love the Virtua Fighter games, they are real 3D fighters, not 2D fighters in 3D. they are realistic, no fireballs, weapons, or magic, just real martial arts, and their combat is deep and fair.

    I thank you for all the Virtua Fighting games you have made for us over the years. I grew up in a small country of Papua New Guinea, north of Australia, and I am proud to say that the game is popular even there!

    I greatly anticipate your next title in the series.


    Tim Lawrence,

    currently residing in Salem, Oregon, USA
  8. V_MIRZA

    V_MIRZA Member


    I really hope you guys will hear our calls and release VF5R to the masses. VF5 was amazing and when i saw videos for 5R i was ecstatic but disappointed to learn you guys didnt have plans to relase a major upgrade to your fans. Capcom came out with with SFIV, Namco released Tekken 6, we need you to bring VF5R to the table, and show these other companies whats really up
  9. mitsuruga

    mitsuruga Well-Known Member

    Hello Sega-san,

    I`m pretty new to the Virtua Fighter games as I started with Virtua Fighter 4 at first. I loved the game but never got on a higher level considering gameplay. Things changed with Virtua Fighter 5 Online on the Xbox360. The game became a very important part of my gamer life and is up to now my absolut favorite fighting game on any console. I can`t think of quit playing the game in the next years and I´d love to see a Virtua Fighter 5R release on a home console. There are a lot people out there, including myself, who share the same passion for VF5 and hate to watch VF5R matches. PLEASE MAKE A HOME CONSOLE RELEASE HAPPEN! Dankeschön [​IMG]

    Simon, Germany
  10. Nilakantha

    Nilakantha New Member

    I am rather a huge fan of Virtua Fighter and would like to see Viruta Fighter 5 R on the PS3. I also want to see Sega make the Ringedge a console as well. Thanks

    Nilakantha/Marcus, UK
  11. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega,

    Really looking forward to be able to play VF5:R on the console. I bought a ps3 at launch to play VF5 and it is still my most played game on the console. Hurrah for VF5:R!

    Twan, The Netherlands
  12. Resok

    Resok New Member

    My name is Robert and I would love to have the latest version of VF5 (VF5R) on console (360 is my console of choice).

    I live in Seattle, WA and I've been playing VF since the origional version in the arcades. I play weekly games on our 360 with my co-workers and friends.

  13. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    From shoryuken:

    Been waiting on 5R since the arcade release. I am a bit of a closet VF fan, the other 3D fighters are great but VF is aces.

    Put Paul Thomas, USA
  14. Donne

    Donne New Member

    Donne from Las Vegas NV here in the USA. Been playing VF ever since part one came out in the arcades. VF3 was an obsession as was EVO on the PS2. VF5R is the ONLY fighting game I'm waitin on. Thee is so much support behind this game that it will surely succeed.
  15. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Let's go SEGA!

    Ever since I saw the test site for VF1 in Akihabara I was hooked. I've never stopped playing. I only got to play Final Tuned once. Please don't let the same thing happen with R!
  16. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

  17. Zym_Dragon

    Zym_Dragon Active Member

    Wow, it's been a few months since I've been to this site. How exciting to see this opportunity!

    Dear SEGA:

    I have been playing VF since the VF1 was rolled into the arcade I managed. I didn't get really hooked until VF2 and no fighting game since then has held my attention for very long. The VF series is just so deep! We had a core group of gamers that all loved the game. We even ran local and regional tournaments and many of those players are still active after all these years here on VFDC. After leaving the arcade scene (well after VF3 was released), I didn't play much until I picked up VF4 Evo for the PS2. It was fun and brought back good memories, but with no one to play against, it didn't hold my attention for very long...

    Then I heard about VF5 coming out. I got the itch to play again, but when I first head it was for the PS3 only, I wasn't going to buy it. Then I heard that it would be out for the Xbox 360 and that it would have online play. That sold me. VF5 was THE reason I bought my Xbox 360 when the game back in Nov of 2007. When I first logged onto online play, it was like being back at the arcade again, but better... endless people to play against and I didn't have to wait in line! Even though I take breaks from time to time, VF5 is the only game I consistently come back to, and no console game has held my attention like this for over 2 years.

    As good as VF5 is, I (along with my friends) have been itching to play VF5R since we first heard about it. After 2+ years, we need new blood and in order to get that, we need VF5R! I have done what I can to show my support for the series by purchasing the game and all of the DLC offered (I would buy more if it was offered). Please bring VF5R to the Xbox360 and PS3. I look forward to being able to place a pre-order for VF5R in the not too distant future!

    Brian Rowley,
    Minnesota, USA
  18. TEARO

    TEARO Member

    Hey Sega.The name is Firas, I'm not going to lie and say I've played every Virtua Fighter game. In fact,I've only played 2 Virtua Fighter games in my whole life. Virtua Fighter 2,it was a classic, I had so much memories with that but due to the lack of technology in my home country of lebanon in the middle east, not all new games could come in. So after Virtua Fighter 2,I went on a hybernation in terms of virtua fighter games until I moved to canada in 2005. I own a microsoft console and didn't get the chance to play Virtua Fighter 4 but when Virtua Fighter 5 came out,I stormed the store and made sure I got it,I was impressed.The game was everything a 3d Fighting game is supposed to be,I appreciate your honesty into the fighting styles themselves, as a martial artist I appreciate how close they were to the real martial arts. I even had to show Goh to my Judo black belt friend and he was more than impressed.But I was more impressed because this wasn't tekken or dead or alive.This was a DEEP.Extremly deep and technical fighting game,I played online,I played against the best and I lost,It encouraged me to keep playing.I exploited the game,I drained every thing out of it,I played it over and over again.And to know that there is the slightest new content out there which I cannot lay may hands on,let it be two new characters,tweaked attacks,arenas or even items to collect in Quest mode,I won't be able to sleep well at night.

    My favorite VF moment: I was playing against my girlfriend's brother (VF5) and I was beating him cold with Lei Fei while he used his favorite Kage,and then his 4 years old son said :"Daddy!why are you losing?!@..And then I lost my killer instinct and lost every match until we stopped playing :p
  19. hoshin

    hoshin New Member

    I was a pre-teen playing VF in arcades schooling people twice my age. Now I'm old and get my ass kicked by the next generation. Let's keep it going! My kids need to learn that VF is the king of fighting games, not that Tekken garbage ;D

    Ohio, USA
  20. NinMicroSega

    NinMicroSega New Member

    Dear SEGA Corporate:

    I would love to see this game available in the western hemisphere on consoles. With the release of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing, it would help bring awareness to the franchise, thus making people more interested in the Virtua Fighter games. Releasing this within the timeframe of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing will definitely boost sales. Please take our pleas into consideration. Thank you.

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