Kamaage: VF5R for console effort

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by kamaage, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. blackspade98

    blackspade98 Member

    Vf is my all time fav fighting series because it rewards the player for learning thier character, this is the most satisfying game because you can be uniqe and still play within the engine, im dissapointed that you(sega) have chosen not to put your stamp on the fighing game revival im america, imo vf5 is a great game but the best port was 4evo, quest mode really made me open my eyes to how deep and intricate this game is, getting beat by jap ghost players was never so fun, when you guys port 5r over please have ghost characters, this will be especialy benificial to players like myself who have little or no players in their local community. thanks again


    North carolina
  2. M1N0

    M1N0 New Member


    I've never been much of a console guy but when I liked VF4 so much when I played it at a friend's house when I got the occasion I bought a 360 and VF5. My only other game is Soul Calibur 4 and I barely played it. I just couldn't let go of VF. While I'm no expert, I had fun playing with every character in quest mode and bringing them to the last level.

    I really hope a new version comes out and would without any doubt buy it the very day it would come out.
  3. sparethumb

    sparethumb New Member

    First saw Viruta Fighter in an arcade, it swallowed many coins, it was the main reason I purchased a saturn. I have owned the majority of games from this series including Fighting Vipers and Megamix, if this were released it would certainly join my games collection.


  4. Robin12

    Robin12 New Member

    Hello. My name is Robin Toledo and am in the US military currently in Bahrain. I got word of this petition from a forum member of shmups and had to be counted! While I'm not a hardcore and super skilled VF player, I love the series to death and is probably my favorite fighting game series...certainly my favorite for 3-D fighter. I own just about every home Virtua Fighter game except for the 32X and Game Gear versions. I must brag that I love this series so much I own and played through Virtua Quest for the Gamecube, own multiple copies of VF4 Evo for the PS2, VF 3TB for the Dreamcast and both 360 and PS3 versions of VF5. I believe there is more than enough new material that VF5R offers to warrant a console release. Please, Sega, release a home console version of VF5R. And also why not an arcade perfect version of the VF 4s to include Final Tuned. The fans spoke when VF 5 sales beat Tekken 6 sales, so please don't underestimate the VF franchise's popularity and the dedicated fans' respect for the series. Thank you!
  5. dise

    dise New Member

    Good stuff Kamaage
    i been playin since vf2 cept vf4.
    never seen vf5r here.. /cry
    wtb vf5r for concole~
    coz VF >>> all XD

    thanks !

    Choi, Ui-San in KR
  6. akebueno

    akebueno Well-Known Member


    Virtua Fighter is my favourite game ever since i picked up VF4. in fact, the reason i bought a PS3 the day it was released was so i could play VF5. please release VF5R for the home consoles.

    Ake Hu
    The Netherlands
  7. RLC1984VF4LIFE

    RLC1984VF4LIFE New Member

    Good on you Kamaage, I hope my contribution helps. Virtua Fighter has been a fantastic series since its birth at the arcades (I originally thought Jacky was a female!). Unlike TEKKEN, VF has always been about direct timing, finesse, and balanced - and truly unique feeling - characters. Virtua Fighter 4 was my 2nd PS2 game of a library of more than 80 titles and until VF 4 Evolution came out, it was my most played. I was looking forward to VF4 Final Tuned, and, like most other loyal fans, was more than willing to pay for it to experience the tweaks in gameplay but unfortunately it never got a release date in Australia. I have been constantly viewing VF5 R videos on YouTube and can't wait to play it. So please, port over this version to consoles so us loyal, hard-core fans can participate in yet another terrific chapter of this legendary franchise. Street Fighter IV is currently the best fighting game according to some highly respectful websites, but not me. Super Street Fighter IV is out soon, with a console port. If Capcom can do this, SEGA you guys certainly can. Give us the new fighter(s), backgrounds, music, deep quest mode, addictive unlockable content and online play - the entire VF community will buy this game. Thanks for listening! Richard. Sydney, Austraila.
  8. xnhdyc

    xnhdyc New Member

    Hi, My name is JAir Armatrading.
    I am 37 years old and have bee playing virtua fighter since the forts one came out in the arcades in the USA.
    That's a long time. I own every virtua fighter game ever made for the home console. In fact, I have both PS3 and XBOX 360 version of the game complete with joysticks to go with them. I believe it woud be a diservice to the VF fan base for VF5R not to be made for consoles. I know here n the US the sales for VF5 where not that great, but there was no Online play on the PS3 version, and I think that hurt the sales. Needless to say. Bring it home. The fans deserve to play this game outside of the arcade. Where I live the arcade business is dead and can't find the gae anywhere. I hope You decide to make it happen. Thanks.
  9. Euclid

    Euclid Active Member

    I play many fighting games, but at any given time I play only one of them with any attempt at seriousness. That series, since I started playing it on the Saturn, has been Virtua Fighter.

    As I grew up and moved away from my family my Virtua Fighter playing was reduced to when we visit each other for holidays. However with the release of the online enabled Virtua Fighter 5, I was brought back into the game in a big way. Not only can I play against my family even as we live thousands of miles apart, I have been introduced to many more players around the world, and have improved my playing immensely.

    I would encourage Sega to release an online enabled Virtua Fighter 5 R, so that I can continue to improve, and continue playing with my family and the many friends I have met online.

    Thank you for your time,
    Paris Chávez
    Seattle WA
  10. ODA

    ODA New Member

    Thank you Kamaage.

    And thanks to Sega for the best Fighting Game ever created!

    My Main language is not English. I hope you Guys excuse my language. I write in German.

    Ich bin jetzt an die 30 und erinnere mich noch gern an die Zeit wie ich VIRTUA FIGHTER das erste mal gespielt habe.

    Seit ich klein war trainiere ich schon Kampfsport. Mittlerweile kenne und behersche ich eine vielzahl davon.
    Als Kind sah ich gern Martial Arts Filme mit den ganz großen wie Bruce Lee und Jackie Chan. Jet Li war ja damals noch eher unbekannt bei uns.

    Ich bin mit dem Kampf quasi aufgewachsen. Nebenbei intressierte ich mich auch für Videospiele und damals war ich ein glühender Street Fighter 2 Fan. Auch Mortal Kombat spielte ich gern.

    Mit meinem Schulfreund damals besuchte ich gerne eine Automatenhalle in der Stadt wo wir wohnten. Dort spielten wir gerne Street Fighter oder anderes Zeug. Natürlich waren wir noch keine Achtzehn;) Aber zum Glück war dies dem Aufpasser ziemlich egal.

    Eines Tages, mein Freund und ich gingen nach der Schule in die Spielhalle, stand da ein neuer Automat. Darauf stand ganz Groß "VIRTUA FIGHTER" von Sega.
    Natürlich kannten wir Sega, doch was wir dann sahen sollte unsere Auffassung von Spielen vollkommen ändern!
    Wir sahen eine Demo von den Charakteren, den Vorspann sozusagen! Und das was wir sahen lies uns sprichwörtlich die Kinnlade runterfallen.

    Noch nie zuvor waren Figuren so groß, so plastisch und bewegten sich so butterweich über den Bildschirm! Wir hatten damals nicht viel Geld mit, verspielten aber alles an diesem einen Automaten.

    Von da an war für mich klar, Videospiele würden irgendwann gleich stehen mit Filmen und würden irgendwann als Kunst angesehen werden. Denn das wir damals in dieser kleinen Spielhalle sahen war Kunst. Und zwar ganz große!

    Yu Suzuki, wie glaube ich hier alles wissen sollten, war der Erfinder von Virtua Fighter. Leider hat er heute nur noch recht wenig mit VF zu tun. Aber sein ehemaliges Team steht heute immer noch für grandiose Spiele.

    Ich konnte mir nicht oft leisten, in die Spielhalle zu gehen um VIRTUA FIGHTER zu zocken. Wann immer ich aber gelegenheit hatte, an Ort war und das nötige Kleingeld hatte, spielte ich Virtua Fighter. Und nur wenn es für einmal reichte!

    Die Zeit verging, Sega brachte den Saturn heraus, mit Virtua Fighter 1, Remix und VF 2. Und ich besorgte mir natürlich den Saturn mit Virtua Fighter 1,2 und Remix, das nach Virtua Fighter 2 rauskam. Natürlich auch in verschiedenen Sprachen! Denn als Fan...hat man nicht allzugroße Wahl;)
    Aber die 32X Version hatte ich und wollte ich nicht! Mein Freund hatte sie. Eben jener Freund mit dem ich damals in der Spielhalle war.

    "VIRTUA FIGHTER 2" kam als Automat niemals zu uns, und die besagte Spielhalle gab es nicht mehr:(
    Aber am Saturn Gerät spielte ich es Stunden um Stunden, Tag und Nacht! Mit meinem Freund! Wir hatten schon Blasen auf den Fingern!! Aber egal da mußten wir durch. Unsere Augen verformten sich zu schlitzartie Visiere. Wir Aßen und tranken kaum etwas. Es gab nur noch VF2.
    JA VF2 war ein geniales Spiel!! UND EINE SCHÖNE ZEIT!!

    Ich hatte auch eine PLAYSTATION!! Ja, die hatte ich! Mit TEKr...Tekks...Tekzu...ach egal. Mit so einem komischen Prügelspiel das heute sich großer Beliebtheit freut! Und das obwohl die Steuerung damals verkorgst war, und die Bewegungen mich an Puppentheater erinnerten. Zum Glück sind die Bewegungen heute bei TeKr...ehm...räusper, bei diesem Spiel mit der Nummer 6 dahinter ein wenig verbessert worden.

    Es gab viele Spiele in der Zwischenzeit. Da gab es Toshinden, eben Tekken, Dead or Alive, Bloddy Roar, Soul Blade und noch andere nicht so bekannte 3D Prügler. Sie alle waren gut! Soul Blade, das eine ähnliche Steuerung wie VF hatte war von den da oben genannten wohl das Bessere.
    Aber dabei handierten die Kämpfer mit Waffen. Also konnte man es nicht direkt mit VF vergleichen.
    Es ist gut das es verschiedene Prügelspiele gibt! Wehre ja ziemlich Fade immer nur das gleiche zu spielen!

    Aber vergleichen möchte ich VF mit den anderen nicht! Meiner Meinung nach, kann man das nicht vergleichen! Denn dazwischen liegen Welten. Aber ich will hier nicht die anderen Spiele runtermachen. Sie haben auch ihre Fans, und das ist gut so;)

    Dann, Jahre später lass ich einen Bericht in einer Videospielzeitschrift über VIRTUA FIGHTER 3. Man sah Yu Suzuki wie er auf einer Messe seine 2 neuen Charaktere vorstellte! Aoi und Taka, beide aus Japan. Man sah Screenshots die zur damaligen Zeit jedes andere Spiel ziemlich Alt aussahen ließen.
    Ich feute mich darauf! Doch es dauerte noch ca. 2 Jahre bis ich es spielen konnte. In einem großen Einkaufszentrum ca. 35 Kilometer weg von meiner Heimatstadt sollte es angeblich einen VF 3 Automaten geben!
    Ich und mein bester Freund, genau der, fuhren mit meinen Eltern und deren Auto zum Einkaufszentrum. Sie wollten ein wenig shoppen. Mein Freund und ich wollten nur schauen, ob wirklich ein VF 3 Automat dort sein würde.
    Wir betraten die Spielhalle, liefen kreuz und quer durch die ganze Halle. Und da stand er!!! Groß, weiß, glänzend! Wir blickten ganz erfürchtig auf dieses schöne Stück Plastik-metall Gehäuse. Nach wenigen Sekunden großen Staunens, wechselten wir Geld in Token und zockten! Ich hatte damals umgerechnet 60 Euro mit. Und davon gab ich ca. 30 Euro aus!! was damals eine menge Geld war! Mein Freund gab ca. genausoviel aus. Natürlich verstanden das meine Eltern überhaupt nicht. Zuhause meinten sie, ich hätte soviele Konsolen zuhause, warum gebe ich dort soviel Geld für ein Automatenspiel aus!
    Ich aber erklärte ihnen warum VF so toll war. Warum man es mit einem echten Kampf vergleichen könnte!
    Ich erklärte, ich zeigte die Stiele vor, ich agierte durchs Zimmer. Erzählte wie wichtig der richtige Abstand zum Gegner sei. Verglich Spiel mit Wirklichkeit!

    Meine Eltern schüttelten den Kopf, sie verstanden nur Bahnhof. Aber es war mir nicht wichtig ob sie es verstanden, ich war überglücklich jenen Tag, das ich VF3 gespielt hatte.
    Es hatte zwar Bodenunebenheiten und eine veränderte Seitenansicht, aber es spielte sich genauso Genial wie immer.

    Danach kam der Dreamcast, Segas letzter Versuch an die erfolgreiche Mega Drive Zeit anzuknüpfen.
    ...Mir gefiehl VF3 Tb sehr gut. Von der schlampigen Pal Anpassung mal abgesehen.

    Danach vergingen wieder Jahre, bis VF4 rauskam. Mein damaliger bester Freund und ich gingen getrennte Wege.
    Ich bekam mein erstes Auto, ich fuhr zum großen Shopping Center wo ich damals VF3 das erste mal gespielt hatte!

    Als ich in der Spielhalle ankam, ging ich wie ferngesteuert in die Richtung wo damals der Dritte Teil stand. Und neben dem dritten Teil stand der 4 Teil. Nicht mehr ganz so groß aber ebenfalls glänzend. Ein Freund war ebenfalls mit und wir spielten ziemlich lange Virtua Fighter 4.

    Die Zeit verstrich, Sony war Konsolenmarktführer und auf der Playstation 2 kam Virtua Fighter 4 Raus. Es war toll, bis auf die Anti-Alaising probleme. Es spielte sich Traumhaft!! Und ich zockte mit meine Freunde wieder Tag und Nacht.

    Auch die bessere Version davon Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, ebenfalls für Sonys Playstation, spielten wir bis zum Umfallen.

    Mittlerweile gibt es Virtua Fighter 5 für PS3 und 360. Und es ist wieder Genial geworden. Ich weiß das sich die Virtua Fighter Serie nie so gut verkauft hat wie Tekken zum Beispiel.
    Vieleicht liegt es daran das Sega nie die großen verkaufszahlen bei den Geräten hatte, um auch Virtua Fighter groß verkaufen zu könnte.

    Aber es wird besser, überhaupt hat der 5. Teil der Serie ziemlich gut getan! Auf der Playstation und der Xbox sind wieder andere Spieler als damals auf den Sega Konsolen. Eine breitere Masse ist nun zugänglicher als zum Beispiel damals auf dem Dreamcast;)

    Ich hätte fast vergessen, mein Freund, mit dem ich meine Jugend geteilt habe hat mittlerweile schon eine Familie. Ich traf ihn vor nicht all zu langer Zeit.

    Nun sind auch schon einige Playstation 3 und 360 verkauft. Auch wenn VF 5 nicht der große Verkaufsschlager war, sollte man nicht nachlassen, und den Spieler vielleicht bis zum 6 Teil warten lassen. Wenn dieser dann überhaupt für Konsole rauskommt!!!!

    B I T T E

    S E G A

    Bitte veröffentliche "Virtua Fighter 5R" für Konsole!
    Mit all seinen Items, Kämpfern, Leveln und was es sonst noch gibt. Aber bitte als komplettes Spiel und nicht als Download;)

    Danke im Vorraus! Daveman, Austria
  11. systalis

    systalis New Member

    I have benn playing VF since i was six years old, and i have played every one of them up to 5. i have seen the videos for VF5R and Jean is the only Character i haven't played as. i really would like you to put VF5R on the console. it would be a great addition to the world of VF.

    Eliyah Zachery

    Murfreeseeboro TN. USA
  12. Flare

    Flare New Member

    Sega: I would love to be able to play this game with my fellow gamers be it online or offline since VF5 me and my brother have made people feel the VF bug thus we started having game nights even tho a lot of us feel that to keep up with this game and it many changes we should get VF5R now. Especialy during this time of fighting game rival. So please realse this game I been wating for this game since it came out in arcades.

    Omar Velez, Puerto Rico
  13. Black_Ant

    Black_Ant Well-Known Member

    Message to Sega:

    My name is Antonio Britton and I live in Dallas, Texas(US). I have been playing Virtua Fighter since VF2 on the Sega Saturn. I have always been a fighting game fan and Virtua Fighter has always been #1. I've purchased every VF since then and would gladly purchase VF5R if it were brought to the states. In addition to our enthusiasm, the point should me made that this last year and the current one has been great for the fighting game community. We are one of the strongest communities in the US at the moment and launching VF5R can take advantage of this.

    Our community here at Virtuafighter.com is a strong dedicated group that strives to educate the fighting game community and have been noted by many as the definitive source for VF information. With the release of VF online numerous people requested help from our community and quickly took to the game. The game is greatly respected and with the overall enthusiasm for fighting games at the moment and the strength of our community(VF.com) this game should be a hit.

    Basically...I want it and I can watch youtube videos for hours at time to prove it. Pleeeease.
  14. SyliaStingray

    SyliaStingray New Member

    I'm a long time Virtua Fighter player from Pennsylvania in the United States. Back when arcades were prevalent, I played Virtua Fighter 1,2, and 3 and it became my favorite fighting game series, despite playing many other fighting games.

    I was quick to pick up a Saturn and a Dreamcast to further my VF playing. Unfortunately, the arcade scene died out long before Virtua Fighter 4 hit the arcades, so I ended up getting VF 4 and VF 4 Evo on the PS2.

    I now have Virtua Fighter 5 for the PS3 and the 360, and I would love to see a console release of VF 5R. I would buy it in a second. I also went out on a limb and imported a Virtua Stick High Grade solely for playing Virtua Fighter 5.

    The fighting game scene on consoles has recently blossomed, and fighting games are getting much more attention than they used to. I really think it would be a great time to release Virtua Fighter 5R on home consoles, or the PC. I can assure you that I will go against my usual convictions and pre-order the game as soon as I can.

    I would like to add that I've been cruising around on the internet for years and years, and this is the first time I have EVER signed an online petition. Mainly because I truly believe in what the petition stands for, and I think it would be wonderful to bless the gaming world with the best version of VF5 available.
  15. deeFive

    deeFive Active Member

    Hi all

    Long long time VF player (since VF 2 @leeds center4 good times) spent as long ghosting here watching replays and checking strats. bought my PS3 on the JP release of VF5 with a high grade!

    I would love to see VF5R on one of the home hi-def consoles or pc i would also pre order the game ASAP!

    Long live VF!
  16. NFlamezV

    NFlamezV Member

    Dear Sega, my all-time favourite video game company. My name is Nikyle McIntosh, I'm 18 years old and I'm from London, England.

    I'm relatively new to the Virtua Fighter series; I only really became interest from VF5 when it was available for the Xbox 360. Their are Virtua Fighter fans in the Western world, not just in the States but in Europe as well such as myself.

    Like I said, I relatively new to the series and have still yet yet to have a clear 'main character'. I playing a lot of fighting games and have clear main characters in each of them. (Street Fighter = Vega, Tekken = Marshall Law, DOA = Jann Lee are some example.) At first I tried Akira, (I know not the best choice for a beginner but I love him as a character) but I felt moderately good with him but not good enough. Then I tried Sarah, again I got good with her but she was too simplistic for my liking. I then decided to try Vanessa. I really liked practicing with her but then my game broke.

    Now I've get to the point. I want to main Jean! He moves looks so painful and damaging. I think he's awesome. Now gimme VF5R! Fighting games have become really popular again. Virtua Fighter should cash in on the action.

    Here's a list of features I would like to see in the console versions of Virtua Fighter 5 R.

    1 It can be difficult for beginners to play and appreciate the deep gameplay of Virtua Fighter. An extensive training mode in required. VF5’s Dojo is not enough. A step-by-step guide would better. Including beginner tactics, intermediate tactics and expert tactics such as Juggling, High, Mid and Low hits, etc.

    2. Firstly, the console versions never received those pre-pre-fight animations that are seen in all Arcade versions of Virtua Fighter 5. I would like them to also be featured in the console version. They should only be seen during Online VS mode to avoid being repetitive.

    3. I notice that in VF5R not all stages are square-shaped. Some are rectangle and even hexagon. A new feature could be customized stages. After choosing from a set default backgrounds, player could should the type of flooring, shape of flooring and whether the stage has no fence, low fence, high fence, etc. This would be the "Customizable Stage" feature not found in any 3D Fighting game.

    4. I know the VF series doesn't focus upon the games story and I'm not expecting a "Story Mode" but you could include a "Gallery Mode" displaying artwork of the characters and "Character Bios" given their stories.

    5. Bring back the Team Battle mode from Virtua Fighter 3TB.

  17. DancingDragon

    DancingDragon New Member

    I feel that Sega should release every edition of Virtua Fighter to the console as it hit the arcades. VF4 Final Tuned should have been released to the PS2 just as VF5 R should be released for the PS3 and Xbox. Sega could do a TON with downloaded content and online tournaments. A lot of money could be made if they guarantee the next port to be online capable. I've play Virtua Fighter since VF 2, and I've enjoyed the realism and the in-depth game play for years and even though Sega has stopped making systems I still expect to see more from Virtua Fighter, which is one of Sega's longest running game series. PLEASE GIVE US VF5R!!!

    Donald , United States
  18. Setsuna_Goh

    Setsuna_Goh Well-Known Member

    Hi sega, i live in el salvador, a small country in central america, don't get me wrong, we are small, but large in our love for virtua fighter, king of all fighting games, the pinnacle, the one all the kids aspire to get good enough to play, i for one got myself a next generation console just to play virtua fighter, got a ps3 at launch, and an xbox when it came out for xbox, i think that you should release VF5R for console, it gives us people outside of japan a chance to enjoy something only japanese people are getting to enjoy in the arcades, the joy of competitive virtua fighter

    thank you

    Xavier Luna
    San Salvador, El SAlvador
  19. Glacier2030

    Glacier2030 Member

    Hello, my name is Euly Bower. I live in New York, N.Y.

    Sega, I got a few things I wanna share with you...

    Sega...man, how long have ya'll been around? Virtua Fighter became one of my obsessive favorites from you. This is one hell of a game you have, that you can really call as 'unique'. A fighting game among others. When I played my first Virtua Fighter game, it was for Sega Saturn. Well..it was called Virtua Fighter 2 then but I liked the game. Course I was a sucker for ANY game at that time but hey, it made me realize how much effort it needed to beat the game. And I still enjoyed it alot.

    Of course, some time passes and I come across Virtua Fighter 4 and Evolution. At this time, Street Fighter was the main thing for me. I always like the street fighter games because little strategy was needed to claim your victory. It was never out of my reach, even for a second. But then came virtua fighter....

    Holy hell, was my world turned upside down! Since when has any other game would you need to calculate fricken frames of movement to help decide the proper action needed for your retortment in a fighting game with mere seconds to even think about it!? And the technical strategies themselves were mindblowing! Is this REAL!? Well, yes it is. And you made it possible! I thought I would NEVER in my life get into something like this!.... You can already tell how fucking wrong I was.

    My God, I could never be able to count the many times I played this game, trying to develop my own strategies, while learning others, looking for so much detailed ways to gain an advantage or to get out of a disadvantage or how...to do ANYTHING! I was crazy about it! Literally! I loved everything about it! Each and every character was good enough for me to pick up on without so much trouble. Even the many rewards of going through quest made me feel sooooo good. It was one of those feelings where I wasn't just playing some game where button mashing gets you wins easily. It made me feel I was ABOVE that. And the character creation mode? Where else did you think Glacier2030 came from?

    Please, I really want VF5R, I got VF5 just so I can rekindle that feeling again! ....Nevermind, it's here. That's just nice it is! YOU SHOULD KNOW!!!

    Besides, you'll be able to gain profit from Japanese, Europeans, AND AMERICANS. I think it's a win/win situation here...
  20. panayoto

    panayoto New Member

    hello sega! please please please bring VF5R to the consoles!!! :)
    greece wants VF5R too!!!!^^

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