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Kamaage: VF5R for console effort

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by kamaage, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. petitpat19

    petitpat19 New Member

    Dear SEGA,

    I'm an old school VF fan, who grew up playing VF since the days of VF and VF2 on the Saturn.

    Hell, I got a Dreamcast just for VF3!!!

    VF4 was the 1st game I bought for the PS2 and it was not long before the upgrade VF4 Evo was released!!!

    3 years ago, VF5 was again my 1st game on PS3 and I'm still playing it today:)

    When I heard that VF5R was due for an arcade release, I just could not help but wait for the home version to come out... However, no such thing has happened until today:(

    I truly do not understand why VF5R still has not been ported onto home consoles. It's not like 10-20 years ago when people had to re-program a game from scratch to make it playable on the limited home consoles of the good old days...

    To me, it would seem that SEGA has lost interest in the VF series...

    Instead, they are focussing all their effort on:

    i) exploring new genres and succeeding... like with Bayonetta

    ii) butchering old franchises... Oh poor Sonic:( What have you become??? From 3D to racing to olympics... What next??? And that new 3D Golden Axe on PS3... Oh my god:(

    iii) exploiting compilations, which is not a bad thing but come on, just release all your old school games on ONE single compilation!!! And how about a VF compilation??? VF 1-4 on PS3 and X360???

    iv) ignoring their fans... Not bothering with VF4 Final Tuned and VF5R on home consoles are perfect examples of this!!!

    Hope this message reaches you...


  2. ScorpioMagnum

    ScorpioMagnum New Member

    I've loved playing VF in the arcades, but I really starting getting into it when I purchased VF4 (and eventually got VF4:EVO) for the PS2. Of course, I also love VF5 for my XBOX360

    Out of all the game's competitors (both 2-D and 3-D fighters) , VF gives the most accurate representation of real life martial arts with the fun, speed, and intensity of an arcade fighting game. It's fighting engine is brilliant and it's perfectly complemented with it character balance. A big part of the reason why it's so great to me is because its the one game that is so rewarding to learn and makes me want to get better and improve. Just about every single technique in a fighters move set has a viable use in a real match and the fact that every fighter is vastly different then the next is other representation of brilliant character design. VF does these things better then any fighter out there today.

    I would love a VF5R port to the next gen systems. It's a game that has a very loyal fanbase and with the right promoting can capture the casual gamer (I think a training mode like in VF4EVO would help).

    Jason, United States
  3. cloudcut

    cloudcut New Member

    Please SEGA give us this new version of the legendary, mighty, wonderful Virtua Fighter serie.

    Claudio Castiello
  4. The8WayLocoFist

    The8WayLocoFist New Member

    I (like all of us here) have been intensely captivated and extraordinarily fascinated by the Virtua Fighter franchise and all things VF for a long time now-

    For me personally, I grew up playing the first game in arcades and many arcade and console iterations later, am even more obsessed and hungry for all of the glory the VF world brings. Now lets be real for a second if we can- the thing that drives decisions like this is: is the market large enough to warrant the decision? The answer is in the The Fan Base: everyone posting their love and desire for this game, showing great numbers of fans that would buy this game and trade their hard earned dollars for a great product.

    I'd like to throw out a blanket statement here: Lets think for a second in terms of Virtua Fighter 1 thru 5R as a concept. Every iteration/ update included into one idea- games that are compelling, strategic, innovative, stylishly realistic, challenging, responsive, visually astounding and above all FUN! Can you the question be asked...how can we not make yet a great addition like this available to EVERY loyal and passionate fan...Please make VF5R available to us- we are your fans- Thank You, that is all.
  5. kakaruto

    kakaruto New Member

    Dear SEGA....

    my name is adi gunawan from indonesia.PLEASEEEEE bring this game to home console. you just brought your official mobile games here to our country, so i'm really looking forward to see this game in my xbox360 too....thx SEGA.

    nb:please try not to dissapoint your fan from the rest of the world.
  6. pjay

    pjay New Member

    I have always liked the Virtua Fighter series. Even though I suck at fighting games in general, I can still see and feel the care and quality that goes into a game like Virtua Fighter 5, and I assume Virtua Fighter 5R is even better. Even if you don't bring it out as a retail disc, maybe it could be a downloadable game like After Burner Climax is going to be.

    My name is Phillip Hankin from West Palm Beach, Florida, US
  7. Barrientos

    Barrientos New Member

    Hi all,i wanna join the VF5 R effort,My name is Barrientos Georges,i live in France,I'm a Xbox 360 player who'd like to play VF5 R on his console.

    Best 3D Fighting Game series,so why can't we get the last jewel on our consoles?

    I really hope that one day we will have the opportunity to taste this game on our consoles.(Xbox360 and Ps3 release.)
  8. lostfonzi

    lostfonzi New Member

    I'm always excited about a new (or upgraded) VF game. I even imported a Japanese PS3 to play VF5 as quick as I could. I also have the 360 version just to play it online.

    Just like every VF game, I would buy VF5 R. So come on SEGA, what are you waiting for.
  9. Burning_Typhoon

    Burning_Typhoon Active Member

    I'm doing this mostly out of support for you guys, because I personally haven't owned a Virtua Fighter game since SEGA Saturn. Although, my sister owned VF4 on PS2. I enjoyed that game a lot until my A.I. character got more skilled than me and started perfecting me. [​IMG]

    Lol, it would get to the point where it was more fun to watch my AI go against the uh... AI in ranked matches, because I really sucked at the game.

    I played the VF5 demo on 360, and I liked it, but, never actually bought the game. I did, however, buy Tekken 6 on PS3... and I can say wow... I was not amused. I need my fighting game fix, and at the moment, the only game doing it right now is Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (PS3) (I completely forgot I own the collectors edition of BlazBlue when I made this post).

    I remember how much fun VF1 was, way back when, I played VF2 one time in an arcade at Geauga Lake, which was something similar to 6 flags... It had even been renamed 6 flags for a while...

    Anyway, I completely skipped out of VF3, as my Dreamcast collection was limited, I liked VF4, but, I was admittedly complete garbage in that game, and I would love to get VF5R, as it must obviously be good to gain so much attention, and I need a good 3D fighter to play.

    I'd be extremely happy if the game had the A.I. sparing mode like VF4. I don't know if this mode was left in as I've only ever played the demo of VF5.

    I however, believe that if this game was released only to the PS3 it would help the game. There's nothing too terribly wrong with the 360, but, games produced on a single system as opposed to being multi-platform turn out better. And, for example, we all know that the split in production caused Tekken 6 to turn out the way it did.

    Besides, most of the people who play, or want this game already have a PS3, and a 360, and they'll either get it on one system, or the other, or maybe even both, in some cases, and, unless they buy the same game twice, the community will be torn apart. The game sold more on PS3, despite no online, and, I'm sure the cell, if coded correctly, would enhance the game's overall image. With one system to port the game to, productions faster, and, you get to take more of an advantage of the architecture, thus having a much better looking game, and the team doesn't have the trouble of supporting two different systems, that wont have dedicated servers to keep online free of lag.

    Again, the PS3 version of VF5 sold more, PS3s are selling more than 360 by the week, having one platform to develop for makes things easier, and will more than likely have the game being of much higher quality, and then there's the extra recognition of being an exclusive. In all honesty, I don't see how the 360 version could over-come it's sales, when most of that community is interested in FPS games, not saying there's something wrong with that, but, the majority of fighting game fans have a PS3, and more people are buying PS3s than 360s, and I'm sure if someone wanted to, they'd buy a PS3 specifically for VF, I was going to do the same for Tekken, but it was taking too long to be released, and I wound up getting a PS3 before Tekken was released.

    I've just read that the PS3 version outsold the 360 version despite not having online play because of the version being dated. That should in itself tell you that the community (most of them if not almost all) is on PS3. I'm sure the game would do much better on a single console.

    I don't care if the game is 60 dollars, considering how much I wasted on Tekken 6 when I don't like the game, and still haven't taken it back, nor do I plan to. But, then again, I've never owned VF5. I don't think I'd want to download a huge 20+ GB game online, when I could have went to the store, and bought it before it finished downloading.

    I'll gladly get this game, it's something that I kinda forgotten about, yet, still remember.. I don't want to see VF go or anything like that, and, again, I would gladly buy this game for PS3 as soon as possible. I would also love to see a fighting game that took the complete power of the Cell and used it well, although I do have my doubts that VF5R will do this, I have no doubt it will be loads greater than Tekken 6.

    Good luck SEGA, I'll be getting Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (PS3) in the Summer on release day.

    Walter, United States, Ohio.
  10. SolRahlX

    SolRahlX New Member

    I usually lurk around here, but after reading about what you guys are trying to do I'm gonna hop on board and show my support

    Sega please don't deprive us of this awesome fighter. I've been playing VF since my parents bought me a Saturn in 1995. To this day I own Virtua Fighter 1, Remix, 2, Kids, 3TB, 4: Evolution, and 5: Online.

    Every since you guys showed the first trailer for 5R I've been sitting here waiting on this to hit American shores. Out of all the fighting games I've waited for Virtua Fighter 5 R was and still is number 1 on my list.
  11. sogdt

    sogdt New Member

    Listen Sega I am not a vf vet in fact vf5 was my first but I absolutely love it.And after seeing only a small glimpse of vf5r I was just salivating to get my hands on it only to find out it wasnt coming to us consoles.Im proud to be a new vf fan but I must say if this were street fighter,tekken or even blazblue they would have and HAVE brought their updated games to console.So Im a little dissapointed that my favorite fighter seems "afraid" to do the same.Get out of the shadows and into the fight.Fight for us and we will definetly fight for you PLEASE bring this to consoles US consoles too.
  12. pinballsnowboard

    pinballsnowboard New Member

    My name is Kevin Ryan and I have missed playing taka-arashi for years now. I loved him in VF3 (arcade)and would love to play with him again. Sign me up for a copy of the new VF5on my PS3!

    Boulder, Colorado.
  13. Eddie_Schweitzer

    Eddie_Schweitzer New Member

    Name's Eduardo S. Schweitzer. From Brazil, living in Joinville.

    I've seen footage of the game and it amazes me that this game has been kept arcade exclusive for so long. The game looks like a great and solid updated version just like VF4 Evolution was for VF4 on the PS2 which made a great game even better.

    I'm not a regular here, I lurk around here sometimes, so I don't have any history here in the boards, but when I heard about the petition I thought of joining.

    I've been playing VF since VF2 came out on the Saturn (first game on that system btw) been a fan ever since. And there's nothing more i'd like to see than VF5R released on home consoles such as the PS3 and 360 or maybe even portable systems like the PSP.

    It would be quite a shame if this game stayed arcade exclusive, i'm very confident that VF5R deserves to be released on home consoles worldwide.
  14. WhiteCredo

    WhiteCredo New Member

    Hello. The name's FLERET Fabien. I'm from Martinique, to confort you all to how this port is worldwide important. I don't actually like 3D fighting games, HOWEVER, I can say that this Virtua Fighter utterly needs a PS3/Xbox360 port.

    I hope the developers will promptly consider our whole efforts after achieving their own harsh requirements.

    Take care.
  15. Tawan1122

    Tawan1122 New Member

    ok i think my first time i every played virtua fighter was the 3rd one my cousin had the game and i really didnt get to play it like that cause i guess he thought i was to young at the time or he was just being mean to me the first game i own was VF4 that game was so awesome and then Evolution came out and i got that one to and next VF5 was coming out for only the PS3 i was like what and at the time i only had a 360 and wii i was kind of pissed then i heard it was coming to 360 i was like yes and i believe i got it the 2nd day it launch now IT'S TIME FOR ME TO CLAIME VF5R im waiting SEGA you can at least realease this (ever since you stoped making systems)and i still have my dreamcast and still play it to

    also i hope they put a least one more character in the game because we have one completely new player and the BIG MAN is not really that new to the series dont get me wrong im glad sega decided to bring him back but im asking for another brand new player even though they wont do it i will still get the game because it's VIRTUA FIGHTER

    Shawn, United States (Jacky YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  16. evilbuu

    evilbuu Member

    I've been playing VF since I was a kid (VF2)
    But picked up more seriously with VF4 which was one of the reasons I first bought a PS2.
    Since then I've been playing amongst my friends here.
    I only recently got into VF5 properly because I've had no Ps3,360 or local arcade.
    I've been loving it,the game is really well made and you can feel the love.
    I heard about VF5R a couple months ago and seeing Taka Arashi in the game has made me really want to play it.
    Unfortunately without a console release that won't happen.
    I play Shun,Lion,Aoi and Eileen as my mains and dabble with all the others.
    I really hope that VF5R will come to my home.

    Ashley,Queensland Australia
  17. Muggshotter

    Muggshotter New Member


    I have always wanted to try out Virtua Fighter 5, and finally got to try the Demo of it at my friend's house for X360.

    Since I have a PS3 (not X360) and the X360 version of Virtua Fighter 5 seems to have more content and such, I'd like to get Virtua Fighter 5 R for my PS3 instead of the original one. It's an enhanced version of the original one, is it not? Want even more.

    Even though I am a Virtua Fighter beginner, I want this to happen, because I simply want to expand my fighting game knowledge.

    Mirko Peltomäki, Finland.
  18. Di_PL

    Di_PL Member


    Virtua Fighter has been one of my favourite fighting game series ever since I've started playing it 'seriously' around the VF4:Evo times. I highly respect VF5's system and enjoy playing it very much. I'm looking forward to seeing VF5R being released on consoles and will buy it ASAP if its released.

    Jakub "Di" Dudkowski, Warsaw, Poland
  19. SolBadguy

    SolBadguy New Member


    I have been playing Virtua Fighter for several years now. I have been hooked since VF4:E and look forward to all new releases. I have been aching to try VF5R but unfortunately arcades in the United States are a very rare thing now. This forces we fighting game enthusiasts to pray that Japanese fighting game developers take risks to port their games which, sadly, doesn't always happen (I am still hoping for Hokuto no Ken for PS2 to come out on some platform.).

    Having said this, if you would be so kind as to release VF5R you would make so many of us very happy.

    Thank you so much,

    Christopher Gillham, Arkansas, United States
  20. Morikage

    Morikage Member

    For me, the whole "VF thing" started back in 1996, when I visited with my friends a local Burger King restaurant, with arcade center in it. The GAME I fell in love with, was Virtua Fighter 2(btw it was my first contact with any 3D fighting game). Since then, I not only became a huge fan of the series, but also thanks to VF2, a couple of months later, I finally decided to practice martial arts in real life(wow, It's almost fourteen years now....)
    Anyway, now I have PS3 and spent probably hundreds of hours playing AI opponents in VF5's Quest Mode. After seeing AOU trailer for VF5R, i really hoped that the game will soon be released on consoles, mostly because "we"-PS3 owners, cannot play online in regular VF5 version. So I feel a bit awkward, writing a message to support a console release of VF5R...I mean, c'mon the game is perfect, to me it's still the best fighting game on the market, both visually and in terms of gameplay/ fighting system - does such a huge game, really need a petition, to decide whether to release it or not?
    Please SEGA(AM2), try not to kill this great fighting series. There's still a lot of devoted fans outside of Japan, and with the proper marketing I'm confident, that a new generation of gamers would also want to check the game, instead of other fighting games on the market(which are good, but still no match for VF). Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope this time we're gonna get the game, and enjoy it's every pixel;)


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