Kamaage: VF5R for console effort

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by kamaage, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. morphost

    morphost New Member

    Dear SEGA

    I discovered VF in 2003 with vf4 evolution and i have seen a game very technic to compare the other 3D game. And since I love this game for this defense and strategy but too for this fighting art style Ex : aiki ju jitsu, muay thai etc…

    I think that the virtua fighter community is longer with help to live (xbox 360) and that the fight games are well recognized. This is the moment for u to make the VF Final Showdown on consoles. The community and fan are waiting a release date but too the new gamers.

    I hope that you’ll make the game better 3D of all the time, including a completed dojo as vf4 evo. Because if u don’t make a good dojo (training and lexicon), the new gamers will be lose the head because this game's complicated. they will not understand the game system and you'll lose some gamers.

    I think that you can do it.

    Thank you for your attention, should you read this.

    Sorry for my bad English !!

    Frederic chauveteau from france (Savoie)
    Gamertag: morphost
  2. jefs4real

    jefs4real New Member

    Firstly, thank you Kamaage/Myke and all VFDC contributors for your hard work.

    Dear Sega Representative,

    Much like the many other individuals who have commented on this thread before me, I have become enamored of your Virtua Fighter game series and look forward to playing its latest incarnation on my home console. In all honesty, prior to playing Virtua Fighter 4 evolution on the Playstation 2, I believed that all 3D fighters were clones of Tekken and vastly inferior -in game mechanics and graphics- to 2D fighting games. Admittedly, I was grossly mistaken and became addicted to Virtua Fighter while completing the tutorial/challenge modes of VF4Evolution. I then went on to purchase a PS3 on the day that I discovered that VF5 would be released for the system. My PS3 purchase was followed by the acquisition of a 46inch 1080p television to enjoy the full beauty of VF5. These two electronics purchases were, initially, a source of strife in my marriage but all that is a thing of the past because my wife now plays Lei Fei with conviction [​IMG]. Yes, I was disappointed with the lack of online functionability for the PS3 version of VF5, but I'm more than willing to "let by-gones be by-gones" if you'd release VF5R or Final showdown for the PS3 (with a great tutorial/challenge mode to bring beginners up to speed on to the depth and enjoyment to be had in playing VF5). Thank you for reading this message.

    J. Augustus, Los Angeles, CA, USA
  3. Fumetsu

    Fumetsu New Member

    I have been a fan of Virtua Fighter since the series first hit the united states arcade scene and have followed loyally ever since.
    It is a series that NEEDS to continue and needs to be out there for the players who have followed it for so long.
    I will definitely buy day one for the Playstation 3

    Signed KMM, St Petersburg, Florida
  4. Tobz

    Tobz New Member


    I hope this petition has the desired impact, getting the latest VF on a console. It's true what many posters are saying on this forum, for most of us on VFDC there is no way to play VF aside from the consoles.
    Many of us want to continue playing this superior fighting game and its frustrating to know that there is an updated version with new characters and moves, only in Japan or some other country that still has a viable arcade scene.

    I truly believe that with the merits of VF, it can be a success on the console. But people want the latest version!!
    In addition, as other posters mentioned, the fact that this is not a game for the masses, gives SEGA a lot of credibility in a very large market of gamers. Those of us who appreciate the depth and technical challenges of playing a game like VF. SEGA make the right move and release this latest version on a console!!
  5. jorge

    jorge Member

    Hope to see this game in console, to me this is the best fighting game of all. It was great to see an icon fighter from my country in the series (EL BLAZE)whit great set of moves(VIVA la lucha libre). Other than that i love every single char in the game and the movesets they have and how well they are animated.

    I play fecuently whit some friends in the PS3, and i really hope to see this version on the console so please make it happen.

    tnx for listening.

  6. Sektah84

    Sektah84 New Member

    Hey Sega!!

    I first played the orginal virtual fighter on the Saturn when a buddy of mines bought it in 1995. That was the first time I had played a 3-D fighter and I was amazed at the age of 10. I had played street fighter,mortal kombat and every other 2-D fighter at the time and this was a step above. It was literally a fighting game with real fighting styles and moves. Ever since then I've owned every copy that came out and have been hooked.
    I think 5 was an incredible game and I'm sure if you guys release R on ps3/360 you'll def have a hit on your hands and give fans of the franchise like myself a chance to play another one of your great virtua fighter games.
    Hector ,New York City
  7. truesioux

    truesioux New Member

    Dear Sega,

    I am a huge fan of Virtua Fighter, especially after the original VF4 was release for the Playstation 2. To me it was a revelation of gaming, the best expression of what a fighting game or any other video game can be. It and its subsequent sequals that have been released in the US have all ranked umong my most played games in the past decade. I am a huge supporter of the series and am constantly singing praises about it to my other gaming friends. I am a fan of fighting games in general ( Soul Calibur, Tekken, Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, and others) but virtua Fighter is easily my favorite fighter, and continues to get better and better with each update.

    I would definately purchase a brand new copy of a VF5 update immediately upon release, and might even buy some copies for my friends to play with, just because I support VF that much. I would also be willing to buy any downloadable content if possible. I only ask that we get an current edition of VF5 with a meaty quest mode with at least VF Evolution-level AI, and an online mode competent enough for casual low level players. Sega has already proven compable of doing these things before, so I don't think it would be too much to ask.

    I really hope Sega doesn't give up on Virtua Fighter on console, as that is the only possible avenue of play here in the west. It is the crown jewel in Sega's crown, and can still live up to it in the west if Sega gives it a chance. With a little marketing push, and bigger current gen instilation base for the PS3 and 360, many potential buyers and fans can only hope Sega makes the right choice. Please Sega! Ride this little fighting genre revival, or it may get left behind. Bring VF5 Final Showdown to the West on PS3 and 360!!!

    United States
  8. aznpikachu215

    aznpikachu215 New Member

    Hey Sega!!

    I've been playing Virtual Fighter since 1993 as a young kid. And the first time I played, I don't know why, I was so addicted to the game, every single day after school I wanted to go to the local arcade to play, and to compete! Since that, I've gotten all the consoles and played every single version. I hope you guys can release it to the 360, it would mean a lot to me as one of the biggest fan for this franchise.

    Hardy - Los Angeles, California
  9. smb

    smb Well-Known Member


    2-3 year veteran of VFCD here. Been playing VF5 since i bought my xbox. really the only game i play. When you bring the next version of the game to us, I will definitely purchase it.


    Sean M. B.
    Anchorage, alaska

    p.s. i also wouldn't complain if there was a fully customizable create a character option [​IMG]

    p.p.s. this is my 1012th post on this site.
  10. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    NOTE TO OP. This is a new letter that sounds better worded and is updated. Thanks in advance.

    Dear Sega,

    I just saw the trailer for Final Showdown and pretty excited to see some that a new VF revision is on the way. Hopefully this game is the reason R wasn't released on console. I've been a long time supporter of all your consoles and hit games and have always felt that VF was your one jewel that stood out among the rest despite it not being as popular here in the U.S. as it is Japan. I've always made my choice of what system I bought based on what console VF was coming to after the Dreamcast stopped being manufactured. Please release Final Showdown, as a lot of players like myself in Seattle, Washington are looking forward to playing this game in tournaments and for fun. We would love to see how we stack up against the competition in Japan once this is released in the U.S. and around the world for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3!

    Thank you for your time.


    Michael Bartling Jr.
    Seattle, WA
  11. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Dear Sega,

    I belong to part of the new generation of VF players, starting with VirtuaFighter 5 in 2008.

    Rewinding 6 months back to late 2007:

    One day while I was going to my friend’s house, which I will refer to as his Xbox Live Tag AyuFanb0y, had bought Virtua Fighter 5 and was playing it. At the time when I was watching him play I was not very interested, but then he decided to stick with the game. He had an EX2 arcade stick and was learning to play Akira. He showed me this website, VirtuaFighter.com, where other people were also playing this game. He mentioned to me that some of these guys were really good like Myke and adamYUKI. He also told me about how the Japanese players were really strong, in a whole different league even, but that they play in the arcades in Japan. When I saw VFDC, it showed me just how deep the game really is, I never even knew there was such thing as frame data, I came to an understanding that this game is very deep, but more importantly unique compared to the other ones I've played like Tekken 5 for example.

    As I watched him playing more and more, slowly getting better and better, seeing him play against these guys from VFDC, I tried the game out. I was interested in Jeffry, he was really big which is something I tend to go towards in a fighting game, and I felt a connection with him. I went into command training, I still remember how I always used to get stuck on his Toe Kick to Splash and I'd always ask for AyuFanb0y's help on doing it, but the difficulty didn't deter my interest at all, in fact it made the game all the better for me. I played versus for the first time offline against him, I was outclassed badly. I realized that this game is much harder then it looks, and I started to build respect to those that could handle this game, especially at the higher levels. When I played I was like a statue, and I just spammed not really knowing much about frame data, I was shut down.

    From then on I started to play offline more and more frequently with AyuFanb0y, and eager to watch him play against people from VFDC. I started to get by the tiniest amount better and better, getting more comfortable moving around the ring, not repeating triple p strings anymore, and making a game-plan for myself when going into a match.

    After a month or two passed, I got the chance to play online as well. I was really nervous, not knowing how I would do against other people, also getting used to a new element, lag.

    As bad as I was, playing in lag made me all the worse because it was such a strong contrast compared to playing offline, but I soon found out each opponent was laggier then others so I got used to it pretty quickly and I came to appreciate how well online was compared to something like Tekken 5 on the PS3.

    My first memorable experience playing online was against a member of VFDC who goes by the name SDS_Overfiend. Whenever someone joined my games in player matches I would always ask AyuFanb0y if they were good or not, or if they were from VFDC or not; I view people from VFDC very highly. When AyuFanb0y saw SDS_Overfiend join, I remember vividly hearing him say that he was a really good player from VFDC and I was really excited and my heart was pumping. Of course, he beat me pretty badly and I knew I didn't have a chance to beat him much or at all, but I remember I executed a stomach crumple with Jeffry into his [2][6] low throw and it landed, as simple as it is I was so proud of myself because I got to show him something more then just spam. That was my favorite moment in VF for a while and after when I finished playing with him he sent me a message saying good games which was also really exciting.

    The problem was, I didn't have an Xbox 360 at the time so I could never play back at home and was limited to the days where I could come over to my friends house. This was not going to stop me from playing VF. While in a store my friend pointed out VF4EVO for the PS2 which was only $10. My friend said that it contained a very good training tutorial and that the actual game is really good. I was stubborn and said that it was for the PS2 and there's no online capability, it has to be inferior. I had such an urge to play VF though that I decided to give it a try; one of the best choices I've ever made.

    With VF4EVO, I learned combo's of which some could be transferred to VF5, and I played so many hours of the game that it made me stronger in general. One notable experience I got out of it though was watching the disk replays; this was when I really started idolizing Japanese players. I watched Dippy Jeffry playing against the mighty Kyasao and Kurita and I was mesmerized. He quickly became my favourite player at the time and I really felt an urge to get better at this game to the point that maybe I could play against these types of people.

    For my birthday several months later I finally got an Xbox 360. The first and almost only game that I really wanted was VF5, and my friend AyuFanb0y happily donated one of his copies to me. During this time I also signed up to VirtuaFighter.com and began making friends in the community and adding them to my list in Xbox Live to be able to play; everyone in my friends list is from VFDC. AyuFanb0y and I decided that it would be a good idea if we made a video thread where we could both upload our matches; I was really scared after uploading our matches against each other for the first time because I thought that people were not going to like it. When I saw that one of our moderators Shag posted along with everyone else, but especially SuddenDeath who I had high regard for as a Jeffry player from watching his videos, and the admin Myke himself, these were my favourite and most uplifting posts ever.

    So I started reading over Frame Data, reading Jeffry's dojo section, reading his wiki strategy, playing countless hours, uploading videos when I could, watch videos of players online on how I could improve, most notably my new favourite player including presently Magnum and others such as HighKickRadio and the best American Jeffry player adamYUKI, taking my beating from other players and taking their advice. I do all these and more just for this game, I’ve played so many 10-12 hour sessions a given day that sometimes it boggles my own mind.

    Playing Virtua Fighter 5 I knew I started late since the game was already released a while before I started, so when Virtua Fighter 5R came out I was pretty excited, but I was confident it was coming to consoles shortly after so I didn't pay much mind to it and just continued playing VF5. It was great being able to compare the changes between the two and know that I would get to try it out myself. In anticipation, I started watching lot's of VF5R videos, particularly ones from high level players and seeing the differences between the two with my own eyes.

    It was unbelievable, it was perfect.

    But alas, days passed by and no sign of a release date. Weeks passed by and no sign of a release date. Months passed by and no sign of a release date. Year(s) passed by and no sign of a release date.

    Fast forward to present day:

    I still am as dedicated as I was in the past, in fact the more I get better the stronger my bond. I've made a few friends that I can legitimately call friends, true friends.

    VirtuaFighter has been very kind, but now things have changed from the time I first started playing; the game is dying and it's only a matter of time before it draws its last breath.

    There are already people who have retired and quit from VirtuaFighter from this situation and some even switch over to other games of the same genre such as Tekken or Streetfighter.

    I on 2 occasions got tired of waiting and got brainwashed by people's relentless complaints of the lack of an announcement. The first time I went ahead and bought Streetfighter IV on release date. It lasted me a good 2 weeks before I realized the game is trash compared to VirtuaFighter 5. The second time I bought Tekken 6 on release date which is much more recent and even more restless, waiting over a year for R at that point. With Tekken 6 I thought I could play it until something gets announced for consoles, as it turns out I only played for a month before I figured out that it was also not in VirtuaFighter 5's league.

    The lesson I learned from these two games is that Virtua Fighter is way ahead of them even if it's older, and that there are no viable alternatives except just playing Virtuafighter 5 until the even better version comes out.

    It breaks my heart to see people leaving this game, if I had the power to give everyone VF5FS in exchange for me not being able to play it I would do it without regret or second thought. Sadly, the reality is that online is a ghost town and the only people left are the hardcore guys; even they are fading.

    I made a group called the "Jeffry Clan":


    The way I starting seeing things people were starting to leave in an alarming rate, hard to blame, but I won't ever do that unless I'm the only person left online. My goal with the Jeffry Clan was to stir up some competition and bring some life into VF, some type of attempt is better then no attempt. It started out well in the beginning, but when it came right down to it I saw that most of the members were not really... motivated and didn't do their part. It was quite depressing actually. I came to understand that If I were to continue with the Jeffry Clan, it would only be possible when people are actually active and lively; VF5FS.

    I have Faith that you will release VF5FS to consoles:

    Sometimes doing what you would most like to do can be the very worst thing you can do. Sometimes to accomplish what you want in the end, you have to hold back in the beginning.

    Taking this quote into context, which is one of many that I try and memorize, it makes sense to me that perhaps Sega did contemplate releasing VF5R to consoles at one point, but decided that it would be best to instead release their final, polished product (VF5FS) and held back releasing VF5R in the beginning and instead release VF5FS now.

    If you release VF5FS to consoles, justice to the best fighting game ever will be served. I, along with a handful of others would forgive you for the past 2 years and instead would even be redeemed in my eyes. I would buy both Xbox 360 and PS3 copies of the game, collector's edition if there was one. I'd pay $200 for the game, cash.

    If you don't release VF5FS, know that I am so loyal to VF that I would still be playing online, but eventually there would be so little people left that, with a heavy heart I would finally have to say "I quit" for good. Just the thought of that day makes me sick to my stomach.

    At this point I start to get really emotional on this topic so I will stop here.

    I trust that you will make the right choice Sega, not just for me or people from VFDC, but for everyone because it would be a shame if the best fighting game was only available in one location; don't forget your fans and the foundation you built with VirtuaFighter, we believe in you.

    Siamak Nikoo
    Victoria B.C. Canada

    Thank you Kamaage and Myke, if this works I will make a poem for you guys. [​IMG]

    Sorry if it's sloppy as well, the deadline is tuesday and I did all this in one day because I won't have time, I should have talking to Libertine sooner. [​IMG]
  12. Kaizen

    Kaizen New Member

    To Sega,

    I still remember my first experience with Virtua Fighter, it was VF3 way back when I was in middle school and I chose Lau just because he looked like he knew kungfu and I actually beat the game on my first try with him. Fast forward a bunch of years and I bought VF4 for my PS2 and followed up by playing VF5 on the arcade and PS3 while I was in Japan for college.

    Now I'm here in Japan again working and finally have my own PS3, but I can't play VF5R on it. Sure it's in the arcades, but there's no time to take the time to practice and truly enjoy the game and new characters (especially Jean Kujo, I do karate as well so I really want to master him).

    Please bring this game to consoles, the rejoicing from us fans will be enormous. Onegaishimasu!

    Andrew Schaeffer
    Kamisu, Ibaraki-prefecture - Japan
  13. Kagamura

    Kagamura Well-Known Member

    Dear Sega

    I have been a virtua fighter player for years. I live in the west and the biggest impact VF had on me was the understanding and familiarisation of Japanese and asian cultures. This is due to me finding the different items/wallpapers in VF4 Evolution. While there are many other games that lay on the Japanese culture heavily, VF was a good introduction for me.

    Actually, i think that the item customisation is the best part of VF to me, and the ability to be creative with what you have brings out my imagination, and i think that is lacking in alot of todays games (though i have noticed a considerable increase.)

    While this is a major point in arcades, i feel that i simply would not play on the arcades unless i had proper practice on a console. Yes, gamers do spent alot of time researching characters online, but the best part is actually having a game to play at home, i personally would not like trailing to an arcade after a hard days work, just to be beaten until i understood my character.

    I am aware that arcades bring good income, though if more publicity and chance was given to VF, then more people would want to go to the arcades, knowing their own fighting style from playing on the console.

    I hope to see the latest Virtua fighter on console, and hope that your descision benefits everyone.

    Ben, Britain, United Kingdom
  14. Puyoakira

    Puyoakira New Member

    Dear sega please release the vf5r console for most console players
    we're all foreign players but love this game
    and buy the soft even pay more money to get arcade sticks by every way we can , just for this game
    we sonsole players hope you can realease this great game for us, please

    then, thank you Kamaage san
  15. redtiger

    redtiger Member

    Dear Sega

    Virtua Fighter is my favourite fighting game series. I fell in love with Virtua Fighter 4 many years ago because of its amazingly deep gameplay, its well balanced and varied roster, its quality of animation, and its over-the-top graphics. And since then those qualities never ceased to increase and amaze me.

    In my opinion, the reason why VF is so incredible is because it is designed like a Martial Arts simulator. Not only because of the large panel of fighting styles or the fidelity of animations, but because of the infinite possibilities of the game mechanics. There is so much to learn in this game !
    In this game I truly have the feeling of improving my skills as I am training. When my rank goes up, I truly feel my that my work paid of and that I am stronger than before. There is no luck, only hard work just like in martial arts. VF has the subtle difference between "playing to win" and "playing to get stronger".

    Most of people think of Virtua Fighter as a difficult and technical game. This idea is widespread even in the press. The truth is that VF is not more difficult that any other fighting game, and a first step would be to explain that VF is not difficult to play and enjoy. The tutorial mode from VF4 evo was perfect for that matter. But I think that it should be emphasized even more and be integrated in the quest mode. Just like taking courses in the local dojo.

    The second point you should consider is that fighting games are -thanks to the success of Street Fighter IV- more popular that 4 years ago when the original VF5 came out. Many more players now possess a fighting sitck and are interested in fighting games actuality. This is an unprecedented opportunity to recover the honnors that the series desserve.

    I really hope that you understand how much we want Virtua Fighter Final Showdown to be realeased on consoles. I know that Sega believe that games quality is the most important aspect in this industry, you proved it realeasing games from talented studios like Platinum Games or Tri-Ace. The quality of Virtua Fighter series is obvious so PLEASE realease a new game !

    Reynald A., FRANCE
  16. Xint

    Xint Member

    Dear SEGA

    Please bring Final Showdown to consoles, so we can bask in its awesomeness for years to come.

    Jonas, Umeå, Sweden
    Virtua Junky
  17. areeku

    areeku New Member

    Big fan of Virtua Fighter, played it since the first one on the Sega Saturn. Bring Final Showdown to consoles please.
    Adam Hewitt, UK
  18. zer0kage

    zer0kage Member

    Name:- Ee Shane Goh
    Location:- Brunei

    I have appreciated how beautiful and intricate the fighting system in Virtua Fighter is thanks to Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution. I have been playing the series since then.

    I really want Virtua Fighter 5 R especially Final Showdown to make it to consoles overseas. I was saddened that the latest version of console Virtua Fighter is still Virtua Fighter 5 version C.

    I personally feel the players who have loved this game outside of Japan should be able to play the latest version of this beautiful masterpiece which is Virtua Fighter Final Showdown!

    Go for it Sega!

    OT:- Time is getting close please I pray for success for this game to come out.
  19. CO_Andy

    CO_Andy New Member

    Was a Tekken fan, now i'm a Virtua Fighter convert. Virtua Fighter 5, despite being older then the lastest Tekken, looks and plays SO MUCH better than that game. It would be a shame if you guys didn't at least try to reclaim the 3D fighting crown after the recent boom in fighters.

    Andy (Lawrenceville, GA)
  20. Sowen

    Sowen New Member

    I live in a house full of VF players, and over the last year or so have picked it up and have a great time with this very deep game! Living with championship players, watching them play, gives me a deep understanding of the game and I don't really feel it fair to exclude ANYONE that wishes to play this game in their home from being able to do so.

    Since fighting games have become so popular, why not give American console gamers something to play that is balanced, fair, and the best representation of a fighting game that anyone has ever seen?

    Bring it to the states!! I want it in my house!

    Erin, Colorado - USA

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