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KOF XIII Announced

Discussion in 'General' started by Emerald_Wolf, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Just so you guys know, the side tournament was a success. At least 32 people were expected, but it ended up being a 50 man tournament. Anyway, here are the results:

    Top 6
    1. BALA
    2. Romance
    3. Mr. KOF
    4. Reynald
    5. El Rosa (Mex)
    6. Xian from Singapore (He placed 4th in SBO for KOF XIII)

    This is dope, especially since the US placed top 4. Hopefully we can become a more dominant force in KOF. I mean were a force in other games, but hopefully this stigma gets crushed with the release of XIII. I do wish the same for VF, too. Hopefully for VF6 there can be enough hype for major side tournaments, and eventually something "EVO-esque"...

    Oh yeah, not sure if this was put out yet, but sadly, Iori(flames) is DLC only... [​IMG] I'm still getting it though!!!
  2. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    pretty awesome! I'm going to get this for sure.
  3. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    These games usually suck! like the last failed attempt.
  4. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    They messed up in a lot of ways with XII but that doesn't make the whole series bad. There's been some really good ones. KOF 2002UM has been 1 of the best fighters released for years. I've been lucky to have some sort of offline scene for the game here which has given me a chance to appreciate how good it is.

    XIII is supposed to have tutorial, challenge and much better online play which should help people figure the game out. Don't know if the core gameplay will be as good as 02UM's was though.
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Not sure if i trust SNK with online. Garou:MOTW burned me pretty bad. Hopefully the rest of the game will be good though. I look forward to trying it out at SVB. I'll probably buy it when it gets released.
  6. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I'm playing KOF95 for the ps3, and I'll tell you its a huge jump between 94 and 95 in terms of online netplay. It's even better than 02UM in terms of netcode!!! So best believe they're doing big things to compensate for the lack of a good netcode in XII...

    Oh yeah, this:


    (Team Select for Ash's Campaign)



    Shoutouts to Jed Possum and TheGreatOldOne from DreamCancel for the info.
  7. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Garou's animation quality and art was S++ tier. Nothing could come close for ages, even Guilty Gear and its derivates didn't feel that smooth to me. Me and a few pals played the HELL of that game, and Terry never looked better. Freeman's smooth movements were crazy but "believable", something that Mature and Iori never managed to be (his dp+P is a joke in comparison, no power in that movement at all, and Mature feels sluggish rather than fierce).

    Opinions, sure, but I swear no other game so far felt so natural... every move seemed to have just the *right* amount of frames. There was love put in that game, that is certain. What burned you so bad, Marly?

    ...and Jinxhand, wtf is that screen? It's not about Vanessa and Mary coming back to XIII, right? Because you almost had me crying tears of joy there.

    (that Van looks like a Japanese "beautiful boy" here, sup with the chest nerfage? ...but still amg.)
  8. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Well, this is all speculation, but I seriously think 98 Iori won't be the only DLC character. Either they're gonna be DLC, or there's plans for them to be in the game from jump... Here's hoping, since with screen shot doesn't even have any members of Team Ikari (Heidern is apart of the Boss Team, so...). However, there is Blue Mary, which people are assuming will be with Billy and maybe Yamazaki, since it just looks like he might very well be the character teamed up with him...

    I personally would like Vanessa in XIII, since she's basically a Rick Strowd clone, and I don't expect Heavy D! to make anything more than a background cameo... I'm happy with my Muay Thai characters, I just hope my Boxing fix is met, eventually...
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I loved Garou, which is why the xbl version pissed me off so much. It was a straight rip of the neo geo version (training mode and all), which would have been ok if the online was half decent. Problem is, i'd say it's got the worst netcode i've ever experienced, console, PC, or otherwise, in my entire life. Long promised updates either didn't do anything or didn't materialise.

    Then i hear from everywhere KOFXII had similar problems...Maybe they're just incapable of doing netcode well? By now i'd have liked then to have come out and said they're using GGPO.
  10. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I brought that game and was let down big time especially with the NEtcode. I got my truerank up to 27 forcing myself to play knowing the online was horrible. I think that was the last time SNK really put thier all into a video game. The character Moves and body language were beautifully animated and the moves was on poiint. Gato was the best new character i seen in ages with his Raw Kung fu style.
  11. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    jinx, is there kof'95 for Xbox360 version? I was a huge fan of '94 and '95!!
  12. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    [​IMG] Those pics, Damn, I didn't even know Seth and Vanessa were still in the KOF storyline in XIII, got me hyped, with the character roster being as small as it is more DLC is a very likely possibility, I just hope at least one of the two makes it in.
  13. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    For now, '94 and '95 are only for the ps3, apart of the NeoGeo Station.

    I too am a huge fan of '95, as that's what introduced me to the series way back when arcade machines were at every corner store and carry out place. Plus combos actually took skill because of inputs, and there were no combo counters in the game.
  14. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    KOF '95 was my first KOF game too, still my favorite.

    I haven't played much of '98 or '02. [​IMG]
  15. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Those 2 are actually the most played KOFs til this day worldwide (98 and 02), which kills me because its looked down upon here in the states by those who truly haven't witness how good and deep the game can be (a la VF). Both versions display the depth in each character, and the system itself. 98UM takes it a step further and gives you the option to choose the specific subsystem from both Extra and Advanced modes. You'd be surprised how each character plays different and how certain aspects of both systems can help your character effectively. 02 got revamped with 02UM, and I'll just simply say this:

    If you wanna truly prepare for XIII, get 02UM for either XBLA or PS2, especially if you are in an area with other players nearby!!! Online mode is doable, too...

    The system basically plays exactly like XIII minus a few addins. There's custom combos, which was expounded on in XIII. No one can complain about balance or glitches anymore either, because they've been fixed this time around, and I'm sure they're ready with the hammer to iron out any other issues that come out in the future.

    With this console release coming rapidly, alot of tourneys and things of that nature are being planned as of now. I'll try to keep you guys up to date. Atlus is really doing alot with SNKp in terms of making sure that our prayers are being answered with a strong KOF, with a good netcode.

    I really hope that there will be a gangload of strong players born from this game... I'm expecting to see some Wolfkrones and Noahs of KOF come out of America, and start taking names!!!
  16. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    KOF SYSTEM TUT By GunSmith at Orochinagi.com


    Sorry, this site doesn't support e-live pro... It's too new probably...

    But here's the youtube version, which isn't the upgraded version though...

  17. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    98 and 02 are 2 of my favorites fighting games ever.. 1999, 2000 and 2001 was off track with that striker bullshit trying to match the marvel series but 2002 took it back to the essense and thats what made it special to me. This game looks to follow suit and i will give it a try for a lil bit.
  18. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Eolith was to blame for the striker systems. I don't think they were particularly trying to compete with Marvel 2, they just mentioned a long time ago that they wanted to try something "different". I played 2001, then 2000, EX and EX2 and saw how it was supposed to play out. 2002 was a dream match, plus 2001 was mad unbalanced, and people wanted the older system back, so 2002 went back to the "original" technically.

    KOF XI is pretty good. I feel outside of 98 and 02, its a pretty unique experience that everyone should try. I used to play this non-stop in Hawaii, since there was lots of comp in the area for this game then. It also had alot of characters that were brought back like Eiji.

    I personally wish that when they do decide to make a dream match, that all the characters from the KOF universe get put on the roster with the XIII style graphics. Sure, there's a ton of characters in the KOF universe, but think of all the possibilities that could come out of it... Anyone who wanted to could literally make teams based on charge moves, or even have an all EX character team.

    Anyway, speaking of EX, XIII has definitely made meter management even more in depth this time around, especially with the HD bar, and EX move options. Considering that you already have guard cancel roll (GCAB), guard cancel blowback attack (GCCD), and in some cases you could cancel an attack with a roll, and they all cost meter, its even more imperative now to know what you need to do, what its gonna require, the risks (or benefits), and what situation(s) you need to be in to execute whatever you need.

    I also wanna see who really sticks with Raiden now that he's been balanced.
  19. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    My estimate: pretty much no-one.

    FG community is a bit like grade school at times: no-one likes the fat kid unless they're OP. In turn the developers make fatties super-powered to make the time developing them not feel wasted - you "diversify" the cast by including someone besides cool guys and always-popular aryan supermodels, and you ensure people actually play them.

    It's all a conspiracy [​IMG] .
  20. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    OK Im going to say this one more time,

    I hope this game bombs and they go back to the drawing board at SNK. I hate K', I hate Kula, I hate everything between 99 and 2002. The only reason I would buy this game is exceptional online play. I dont play 2D fighters online because MOTW is bad and nobody plays KOF12 anymore. it could be something else to play with VF5, if nothing else.

    I KNOW this game will sell poorly. I just want this go to away and start looking forward to their next game. Please be it MOTW2, or a new last blade, or anything. Please let KOF rest in peace, if all they can do is some rearshing of past glories.

    PS: I bought KOF12 brand new for 40 british pounds, and I dont regret it a little bit. If only online was better, and if MOTW online was better, I would not even think about getting this game.

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