LA, the wait is over...

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by akiralove, Nov 6, 2001.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Regarding layout....

    DoA2 machine distributed by Capcom (well, the one that was sent to Loyd Center a year ago) had this awful layout which was basically like this:

    P K

    Trust me, it sucked and killed your hand unless you played it like SF style. It was a Street Fighter layout that simply replaced jab, short, strong.

    If you were to use a SF style layout, then at least go:

    x P K

    like Chris mentioned SVGL has.

    However, when I looked at the VF4 technical manual (US), it suggested the following layout (which nobody will probably use, but I would like):


    There's a little bit of a bigger gap between G and P than indicated here (the G is a bit lower), but you get the idea. I'm sure this is closer to the layout that Spotlite would want.


    Thanks Chris for pointing out that.... damn... first pluses get "edited out" but nowadays it's abnormal indentations getting killed.
  2. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    You might want to substitute 'x's where the spaces are, otherwise nobody can tell what you're talking about =P
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Remember this board is html based, so hopefully you can appreciate how whitespace is handled.

    If you want fancy indenting, surround the text with pre tags.

    <pre> RTFM K THX</pre>
  4. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I was just explaining the very same thing to Chanchai re: HTML interpretation and <pre> tags... =P
  5. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    so how is it?

    I won't be able to make it till Saturday afternoon... how is it?

  6. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Er, what I meant was

    x P K
    G x x

    I think that's what Chris meant too.
  7. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: so how is it?

    it rules!

    First, the bad news. 75 cents to start. I know that sucks, but it's just 50 cents to continue. So, once you're on a roll with vs. play, it's just 50 most of the time.

    The other thing that sucks is the 1P joystick. Most of the sicks at UCLA are nice, relatively positive US style sticks. But this one is really old. All the switches work, but the throw from back to forward is really far, and Crouch Dashing is hard. I got used to it after a while, but once I got on the 2P side, the difference was huge. Guys, now that I've managed to get the good buttons, I'll leave it up to you to pester guijermo to change that stick ;) !

    Regarding the buttons, I think the layout is perfect. I'm even starting to prefer this style to the Japanese one! The buttons are nicely spaced with not much room between them, and the whole thing just feels so tight and close. I love it. I can't imagine why you didn't like it, Nick.

    The sound is really loud, and I can finally hear the BGM! I think that while T4 gained something from being on the projection screen, VF4 looses something, like most games. A nice monitor would've been better, I think. But those speakers in your face make up for it.

    I'll probably be back saturday morning to about 5/6-ish. Hopr to see you guys then!

  8. zerom

    zerom Member

    Re: so how is it?

    I went to x-cape at 3:00 pm. But I couldn't find vf4 there.

    I saw one machine which is next to tekken4 machine.

    Is it vf4 machine. spotlite.? Hum. If it is right, 1p stick is

    not good. I checked 1p and 2p sticks. 2p stick is more tighter

    than 1p. 1p stick is feels like old.

    well.. I spent 30 min to find x-cape and walk from where I

    parked my car. I found several space to street parking.

    Gayley ave is not good for parking while daytime. I'm not sure

    at night time. I parked my car at strathmore dr. there is a good

    space for parking. No parking on friday 11am, and 2hours limit

    I parked my car around 3hour there , but I didn't have a ticket.

    Anyway, I really apreciate ur effort for setting vf4 machine. ^ ^

    spotlite. I have a test on friday and saturday. I can't go there

    on weekend. maybe I'll go on sunday afternoon. I'm expecting

    to fight again with u guys(spotlite , grib kiu bro..) .

    Before go to my bed, I was imagining about u guys fighteing

    style. Unfortunatly I just have few memory about spotlite, and

    grib. anyway hope to see u guys again.

    p.s: spotlite they turn on the volume while opening is


    I heard from my country's vf4 website. when akira hits

    214p, can hits bodycheck criticaly. Damage is around

    110 points.( when machine was setted by 240 points)

    214p critical hits point is halt(50) and bodychek point is

    around 60 points. The point is when other character hit

    by 214 p ;he fell down his head. When his head lmost

    close to the ground, hit the bodycheck.
  9. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: so how is it?

    Well... what is the layout at UCLA really like?

    In retrospect, some Tekken machines in the US were converted Mortal Kombat machines and those would have huge spaces between the buttons.

    However, what I was talking about, the layout I hated.... the layout used for Portland DoA2 was basically (and literally) short, jab, strong. I never wanted to use two fingers for that layout and I pretty much insisted on using three fingers, but it would always cause my hand to cramp when I would use three fingers. They were just so close together that I had to approach the buttons at awkward angles.

    Is that what the layout is like at UCLA? Is it literally Short, Jab, Strong? Perfect right angle? Literally next to each other?

  10. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Re: so how is it?

    Zerom heheh next time I'm not sure I would take that chance, the parking enforcement guys are real bastards there. But the streets around there, Gayley, Strathmore, Glenrock, Midvale, Kelton, Veteran, Ophir are good places to look for street parking.
  11. zerom

    zerom Member

    Re: so how is it?


    Ur right yamcha..

    where are u living..? Are u living in l.a ?
    anyway thanks for information...
  12. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Re: so how is it?

    Nah I went to UCLA, just graduated in June. I'd seriously like to come down and play someone sometime though.
  13. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    Re: so how is it?

    >I'd seriously like to come down and play someone sometime though.

    It looks like Monday nights are going to be the regular night, at least for me. I played for a couple of hours with spotlite and zerom today, and had a bunch of fun. I believe they'll both be at X-cape on Monday night, so that would be a great time to come down.


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