Lag Sucks

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by Xzyx987X, May 25, 2011.

  1. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    This thread has inspired me to start a petition:

    "Please release VF5FS on console WITHOUT online play"
  2. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    You go for the same setups, Spam 2p after you setups fail. Walk around all day then when you get lit up you play dead and don't tech roll. You don't Throw escape... Your shit is just all wrong bro Sorry. And your Connection is Bondulu! Nothing to learn here i mean You don't punish properly to make someone correct there mistakes and you stay attacking at disadvantage.
  3. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Sds is absolutely, unequivically exactly right. May I suggest long hours in quest mode?
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Set to expert. Everyone should do it. CPU to expert and play high ranked opponents. If you make a point of out playing rather than fooling the CPU it's near guaranteed to tidy anyones game up.

    In short, expert CPU >>> Online play for leveling up. Offline is way better than everything though.
  5. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    I wanted to remain an innocent bystander but couldn't help but laughing at Konjou's statement, "Trust me if you could see all the yellow flashes from him trying to abare after getting hit by a standing you would think I was doing a super move or fireworks was going off."

    This is the funniest thing I've read on here in awhile.

    Xzyx987X I don't mean any disrespect but if you have passion for this game, which I think you do, there are some truths being told here. As blunt as SDS is with his most recent post on this page, he summed things up pretty well. I'm not saying that people don't have the right to play this or any game however they want, but I don't think that is the debate here.

    I can see that sometimes online play is condusive to certain things that wouldn't necessarily be done offline, heck even I fall victim to things that I feel are lame after I do them, but I never am abusive. I'm not labeling you as this, but I don't think I've ever seen some of the truly great players do more than one 2P in a row, EVER. It really shouldn't even be in anyone's repertoire. Two people that instantly come to mind that do 2, sometimes 3 2Ps in a row would be Darthy and Addy. There are plenty more and really all it shows is that they lack the knowledge of what to do instead of the 2nd 2P.

    Whenever I critique someone I really want it be lighthearted because, again, if someone truly enjoys playing this game at the level they are at and are having fun, then so be it. I think you, Xzyx987X, have more of a passion for this game than many others so just keep practicing and getting better! You definitely don't suck, but there is always room to improve.

    Lastly, thanks Konjou for the Shun props. I remember our conversation well when VF5 first came out for XBox. Not only did I listen to your advice about drink management, I ran too far with it... I became a drunkard!!! =D

    P.S. @SDS - what does Bondulu mean? =?
  6. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Eh, the expert CPU is just too exploitable. I play quest mode on expert on my win % is around 90%. I think human opponents are really much better, even if there is lag.

    Ok, not to point fingers, but in our matches Konjou 2ped me like five times in a row on several occasions. I'm not even kidding. And actually, personally I don't think there's anything wrong with that as long as it works.

    Of course there is. I appreciate what you're saying, I really do, but I seriously just want this thread to end now. It has been hijacked and taken well beyond it's intended purpose, and I want no part of it.
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Don't exploit it, then. Control yourself.
  8. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    What i love most about Expert CPU is they go for the throw just to see if your TE'ing.. play 30 mininutes with the CPU and then go online and you should be able to see your reflexes increase a bit.

    Fake,Trash,Weak,Garbage, Not up to par with standards.

    Its pronounced Bawn-Doo-Lou! You have to emphasize the Bon to get maximum effect.
  9. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    I have, from the U.S. and from Japan. As a matter of fact, using 2P more than once in a row is a pretty legit tactic, after you've already proven or have shown that you're fully capable of fuzzy guarding and other defensive options that will protect you from some strikes(otherwise you'll just get smacked for taking the risk).

    Your opponent might attempt a try at throwing/catch throwing you, some fuzzy beating tactics, or even delayed moves to catch evades and stepping, to open you up, and that's when they get nailed into 2P CH.

    A set up to make them get counter hit, basically.

    That's the thought process behind it, unfortunately people like Addy as you're saying, they might not have these types of reasons in mind behind that. You'll know it's coming from them too, though, and that's a big difference.
  10. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    XYZ: I urge you not to dismiss tactics just because they are hard to implement online. If you utilize 'online-only' tactics, people in these boards will laugh at you.

    Low punch spamming ( I havent played you so I dont know if its the casehere) is punishable both offline and online. The reason I got to WCG 2008 final to represent Finland, was because my semifinal opponent in Finnish qualifiers, in the deciding round, tried to lowpunchspam the last pixel of life I had left. I won.

    About the CPU, if you set the level at expert, and play 'by the book', then its very hard to beat CPU. Just because you can 'cheat' vs cpu doesnt mean not doing so doesnt have benefits. If CPU triple throwescapes in every nonfuzzy situation, learn to delay throws, etc.

    lastly: lag sucks.
  11. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Haha, you are talking about next level and I'm pretty sure that's not siraddy's purpose.

    I always wish I could punish 2P spam on block with knee, but I can't...
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Dude you can take the advice or leave it, but If you learned anything from this thread it's stuff i've been said to you ages ago. Seems the consensus is that you tend to play in an online way and as i've said lots of stuff just doesn't work when you play an actual person offline. Quest is a bootleg way to experience proper offline against a top opponent, but it's better than nothing if you use it right. You've gotta decide what is more important; beating the CPU or getting better at the game.
  13. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Hi Xzyx987x.

    It's true that a thread can run wild. Christ, this topic has 10 pages now in just 3 freakin' days! There is a lot of good info (aside from slander) though in these pages.

    The reason Konjou 2P'd you multiple times in a row is something I can associate with. He was most likely just being defiant toward your playstyle and was trying to prove a point. I did this just the other day to our good friend addy, mainly because he is the king of low spamming 2Ps. I ended up winning all 3 rounds with about 80% 2Ps, 10% 2Ks, and the rest just garbage playing. Is there a point to doing this? Not really except to hope to teach addy a lesson, but alas there is no hope there. And don't think I'm putting you in the same category as addy.

    @Slide - you're right about doing two 2Ps in a row. I should have said 3 or more. I agree doing 2 of them with some kind of plan in mind can be worth it.

    This just kind of reminded me of a great tactic from way back in early VF days that I still do with Shun, and it works on even the best of the best. I usually do this at the start of the round, but it also works any other time. I start out with just one punch of Shun's 46P string, then hold forward for a lunging P, then throw. It's amazing how well this works. Very often the first punch is a major counter, or sometimes the second. The thing I like about this is that it works the way it should on good players, and also stuffs the shit out of spammers. Spammers usually button up after being hit by 2 or 3 punchs, then it's throw time!! =)
  14. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    DENNIS! Back dash then knee.....
  15. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I don't exactly get all the xyz hate. Of course his style is very annoying, but I have to believe that for many of the haters, it is the fact that he wins that makes it especially annoying. At least this is why I find his monkey slut annoying. There are plenty of people who try to find some spammy way to win that avoids ever learning to play defense or to have a textbook offense. It involves taking advantage of what I could call questionable VF design choices, especially those that give some characters many magical moves and spammable strings and dmpk and such.

    I especially do not understand the xyz bad, jhow good line of thinking. I personally think that they are cut from the same cloth, and that they essentially do the same thing even if there are some differences. They both like to be far away so that they can start strings that can still screw you even the first hits get blocked or whiff entirely. Both will nullify your advantage with weird property moves. Both can use throws pretty well because their canned strings are likely to make you quick to hit the block button while the backdashing makes you afraid to throw out an attack. And of course the most charming aspect of both of their games is that if you do have them in a position in which they have to guess whether you will do a mid attack or throw, they do not hesitate to use dmpk!

    One difference that I have notices is that Jhow is more likely to some kind of backdashy move and xyz is more likely to 2p -> property move which ends up almost functioning like a string (2p,2p,shoulder, hoppy kick). Really annoying since shoulder beats p, 2p, and elbow, i.e. all the moves you want to use to poke him out of his monkey attack frenzy. And where xyz never techrolls (to avoid having to deal with your advantage naturally) Jhow seems to roll backwards and/or backdash away after that. The net effect is the same. You do not get the initiative to make them guess as to how you will attack or throw.

    What can anyone really do about this stuff? You might say that they would not win if they played "normal" characters that couldn't rely on these techniques, but so what? You might think that it is bullshit that they can ignore the basic rules of the VF universe that were previously established, but the game is what the game is. Create your own game company and design your own game if you want to play a fighting game that has the things you like and doesn't have the things you don't like.
  16. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Happy it's apparent at this point that you like drama. You yourself even recently said that you don't care about blah blah blah but just troll on purpose to watch the posts ensue. Well, I'll set you straight (and you do care by the way).

    Your comments are indicative that while you understand VF5, you don't understand VF to its fullest. Because you are a good player I sometimes rely on your non-understanding of Shun, and especially things inherent to the VF system that come with years of experience. I say "sometimes" because I don't mind going head to head with basics and fundamentals. But when an opponent doesn't understand Shun, or doesn't understand the way I play Shun, I'm going to exploit it.

    In regard to the non-understanding of VF, this is why I can bait you with many different wake-up games. Don't feel bad - the face up / head toward situation will screw with even the very best. Other things include going into headstand (using HCB P+K, not 8P+K) for what looks like no apparent reason but there is definitely a reason. If I get hit I don't care because it makes me flop to the ground instantly in the lying position I just mentioned. At the very least it also messes with the flow of the match. These situations are just merely a couple things of many that come to mind in how I have created a certain trickery with Shun.

    I admit that Shun has deviated me away from how the game is normally played. Because of this you're absolutely right - I wouldn't rely, nor be able to rely, on certain instances that Shun has when no other character does. My goal when I started learning Shun, after years of playing Jacky by the way, was to play him in a way no one else did, in a way that I felt he should be played because he was a drunk, and something that felt separated from the rest of the cast.

    Shun indeed does have bizarre properties that no one else does, and more importantly the fact that he was extremely buffed in VF5 makes people think he's broken. Well, he's damn good no doubt about it, but so many people don't know how to play against him.

    In regard to DMPK, I think it's somewhat silly to have morals about certain things in video games. If it works, USE IT! Why in the world DMPK ever became a hot topic is beyond me. It's highly punishable so just block the damn thing! The reason I use it with Shun is because it's one of the best DMPKs in the game. It knocks down, has good range, is relatively quick, and has numerous follow-up choices, especially whiffing on purpose with 3P afterward to gain a surprise advantage.

    Whiffing / baiting is another thing worth noting that comes with experience. I doubt many people would say that they actually get hit on purpose, or at least put themselves in a situation on purpose where the outcome could be getting hit. I have many setups like this where I just don't care about getting hit because I have a plan afterward. This is where understanding VF, not just VF5 comes into play.

    Your mention of my using backdashy moves is also inherent with Shun - he has a special evade, and I'm going to use it because it frickin' rocks!

    Also Shun has a reason to stay away, two actually. He has a horrible close range game, and he needs to drink. So no one can ever complain about him staying away, unless that is all they do. You can complain that it's not fun, but if you're getting beat by it, learn from it.

    Not all of this is directed at you Happy, but if people are wondering if I'm lashing out I'm not. But some of my reasons for writing this were 1) obviously spurred on by what was just wrote, and 2) our last two matches Happy were deploreable! If all you're going to do is 80% side kicks in some cracked out way of trying to prove something why don't you just disconnect or ring yourself out when I join your game? Moreover why do you choose to rematch?! Did you choose to rematch because you wanted a second chance at winning that way after losing? If so, my victory couldn't have been sweeter!

    And the victory once again lies within what I'm saying about understanding VF. How else should I have been able to come back in the last round, get you on your back, hop close to you during my handstand, get a major counter on your rising kick with my scissor kicks, make you afraid of kicking again, and upsidedown leg threw you to your death? I could have tried for an easy win, but I prefer a showmanship one. That is where my morals are in this game and with this character.

    No matter what anyone says, and I've said it before, I'm not ashamed to admit that I take much pride in knowing that no one plays Shun the way I do.
  17. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    You know what I think? I think VF is a game, and no one should have to justify how they like to play it. If it works for you, fine. If someone else doesn't like it, that's their problem. There are no right or wrong answers.
  18. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Xzyx987X you're right. And I too didn't understand much of the hate.
  19. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Seriously ? comparing JHow77 and Xzyx987X ?
    I strongly disagree, they definitively play and understand the game in a different way.
    And about you, Xzyx987X... well we have talked about that in PM, so I have nothing to add. But I have to admit at first I thought the same thing about you as rodnutz.
  20. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Happy just likes to try to get under my skin in an effort to disguise his unsubstantiated want of not playing me. It makes me wonder if a noobie Shun has a field day with him.

    If anything his comments give me opportunity to talk about, debate, justify, and bring up interesting things about the game, my character, my playstyle, etc., all the while refuting many of his beliefs.

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