Lag tactics...?

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by CheekyChi, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    slurp slurp
    IcKY99 likes this.
  2. leftylizard

    leftylizard Well-Known Member

    blue mouthwash
    I think he is retired from VF.
  3. JacobEvo

    JacobEvo Active Member

    Im Rock Lee
    I like how you know about slumping on dicks like that, i thought that you only give reacharounds, i see that i was mistaken. I noticed that you was the first one that brought up some dick, is there something we don't know about you shiny gay fuck brentford? Talking about me dick riding dention. I bet you would like to see gay stuff like that you sick f++king freak. I bet you like all kkkkkinds of mushroom tips. I wonder what would a special someone would say about this dick feitsh you have? About how you like to see dick? About how you would like to see one man dick riding the other. This came out of your (brent moreland's) mouth not mines. We (the VF community) did not need to know that about you brent moreland.
  4. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    Oh, no! I call for an embargo on all penis/gay references. I know I have some guilt with the Circle Jerk of Two metaphor, but in my defense, I feel that it captured the essence of what I was talking about. I have Shiny blocked, but I can only imagine what sort of violence he is doing to the English language with every post. :'(

    And what about Ichiban? He had so many good points to make about anybody who's anybody and whatnot... What an interesting post to make from out of nowhere! I want to know more about this insightful and mysterious fellow who is definitely not a sock puppet.
    Pai~Chun, SDS_Overfiend1 and JacobEvo like this.
  5. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    LOL.....Stay mad scrub. LOL.

    BTW You can talk about me all you want, but don't bring up my wifes name in this thread when your talking about me. I suggest you edit it out cause I do know what you look like and will beat the shit out of you in a meet up. That if your not to pussy to come to one. Thanks.
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Play nice guys, thread is mad silly :oops:
    phanatik likes this.
  7. gastinell

    gastinell Well-Known Member

    So much name calling and penis talk its like grade school all over again.
    Tricky likes this.
  8. JacobEvo

    JacobEvo Active Member

    Im Rock Lee
    Lol.....Stay mad derrr scrub. Lol.
  9. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    I suggest you edit her name out of the post. I'm not kidding.
  10. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    Good job on making me stand up for this shithead. You already screwed up by letting him get to you, but now bringing up his family into the argument shows how much of a class act you truly are.
    Pai~Chun likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager


    wow, i'm surprised and saddened. you totally crossed the line. please edit your message before you make things worse
  12. JacobEvo

    JacobEvo Active Member

    Im Rock Lee
    No worries i edited it. Surprised.. really. We are talking about shiny moreland brentford here, if anything he crossed the line with me first. He the one that called me out and started talking trash about me. Disrespecting me. Telling me things about himself. About what he likes to see two guys do, and in what way. Or his fascinations with a certain part of the males anatomy. And o yea.. the slurp slurping as well. Me and the rest of the VF community did not want or need to know that. So many people do not like him that i am shocked that this would bother certain people. And technically speaking i really did not say anything about his family, and i did not disrespect them period. I just mentioned a name. What i did this whole time (even before i posted that name) was tell the truth, everything i said was the truth. He on the other hands say stuff wither its the truth or not, aka out of his ass. And considering that he is somewhat bisexual at this point, it really probably did come out of his ass.
    SDS_Overfiend1 and leftylizard like this.
  13. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Lol, nerds gone wild. Each one of you cares what I think otherwise you wouldn't expend so much time and energy on me or my computer persona. Each one of you wants confirmation from one another about how you feel about Tim, lol. You call me crazy and you look for imperfections to throw sticks and stones at me, but in the end without me vf would be dead. I breathe purpose into each and everyone of you and that you can't deny, because you continually post thinking that one post has more meaning than the other.

    Not just a losing battle...
    Just keep feeding me Seymour..

    Btw-ask all my students if I have been feeding them lies or leading them astray with my fraudulent ways. Better yet Mr. Jacob I challenge you to one of my students to prove to you how my teachings work. I will ask kindly to one of them if their up for it? You game?
    IcKY99 and leftylizard like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    First, you don't have to explain to me, because I'm a nobody. But since you are tellin' me this, then weeeeeeell...... :p

    Second, trash talk is nothing new on VFDC, though not necessarily welcomed. At the same time, you have every right to be mad/pissed off, since Shiny disrespected you, even if through insinuation.

    Third, you did cross the line by mentioning his wife, even if by name only. And last I checked, wife is also part of family. Even aside from that, calling anyone out by name without reason is plain disrespectful. Totally uncalled for in what amounts to a silly and pointless internet flame war.

    Fourth, thank you for editing your post and fixing the situation. You guys can continue verbally abusing each other, but don't cross the line and make it personal, man. That's how people get put in jail, among other things
    ShinyBrentford and Tricky like this.
  15. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Rock lee I understand it frustrating to deal with me. You can't beat me offline/online and your mad. Here a idea get out of evenpits carebear room and play with some big boys. Maybe you will lvl up. I don't know if your insulting me or trying to show me your new gamer erotic fanfiction with you comments, but thanks for editing it.

    I also love that you said you missed your ride. lol. I wonder how many players had to spend over 300$ to even make it to sega cup and you couldn't even pay for a taxi. My new favorite thing is when you join my room you just let everyone skip until there is a player you might beat play(leftylizard).

    P.S. HappyFriend when are you going to stay in are room whenever you join. Sorry the games never go your way, but that's how you get better. From your losses.

    Anyway this thread has become boring. I get tired of arguing with posers.
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Yeah folks have been put in jail for 6 months for that kinda stuff.
  17. JacobEvo

    JacobEvo Active Member

    Im Rock Lee

    See.. i try and try to just leave and let it be, but you want me to come back. I see that you need more of the truth.

    I have no frustration with you (anymore), and when i did it wasn't because i could not beat you, it was because of your constant complaining and bitching to me and to everyone else about everything under the sun, especially when you lose a match. See when normal people lose, they lose pick themselves up and try again, ask about things, say Good Game, overall have a good friendly time. You on the other hand. When you lose a match, a baby cries, or should i say babies cry, identities are revealed, stars will fall, things will burn, controllers will be broken, names will be forsaken, and if all else fails you will trash and disrespect the very game that you play like as if it was the plague (no pun intended plague).

    And why o why do you keep talking out of your ass about things that you do not know about? Why? If you do not know what you are talking about then shut your queer ass up. How do you know if i join evenpits room or not? And i have never even seen leftylizard until today in this chat, i have never played or talked to him. I barely.. And i mean just barely gotten to meet let alone play with evenpit. I have never ever joined his room, he has always joined my room if anything. So much for you knowing it all.

    And you would know something about big boys wouldn't you you sick bi sexual freak, i do not mean to judge you or your personal life, or your sexual perferences/tendencies. But me myself.. i do not wanna play with any of these so called big boys that obviously you enjoy on your personnel time outside (and in some cases while playing) VF. Keep the homosexuality things to yourself. You almost talk about boys and strudel as much as a women.

    As far as good players is concerned, i have alot of them on my friends list, and in other places. That actually know how to take a loss when they actually do lose, unlikely some people.
  18. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    All your doing is going in circles about how your trash. 1st point is that the only reason your mad is that I called you out for oversleeping segacup when your in the same state. We all know you would have gotten taken out but you could have at least showed up.

    2nd point is from "slurp slurp" comment all you have been doing is think about me having sex with dudes and then saying some dumb no homo shit. Even as go as far as look me up on facebook to only get your heartbroken by seeing I was married. sorry scrub I know how to get pussy. BTW since when does being gay make you a bad VF player? I guess my gayness has no problem taking you out.

    3rd point is that the only time I yelled at you was when you asked all these question on how to play the game, then the next day you do the same dumb shit and I called you out on it and you got but hurt. You even went as far as join in on me in Tim room. Just standing there wasting space saying dumb shit like telling us how to play, your not even playing the game. So I kicked you the fuck out and kept fucking Dention of all the players in the world cause he was fucking playing.

    So join our stream when we have it up. I will gladly beat the shit out of you over and over. I will even give commentary on why you suck so you can watch and maybe learn something, but I doubt it.

    Cause you can lead a scrub to water, but you can't make him think.
  19. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Now this is what I call entertainment! More!
    PS. shiny got *a*e* by a few of those "carebears" ex: (caugh UndreamAlarm caugh)
    Carebears too strong for shiny!
    IcKY99 likes this.
  20. JacobEvo

    JacobEvo Active Member

    Im Rock Lee

    See i have no problem getting called out for not going to sega cup, the problem is when a dumbass thinks he knows the reason why i did not go. I am glad that you still think i overslept sega cup, obviously people are dumb enough to still have a wrong opinion even those the truth has been said again and again.

    Did you just say that i think about you having sex with other dudes? Really? Really? Wasn't you the one that said (( Why don't you go to a room match and just sit there and watch matches like you always do. Maybe dickride Dention. LOL.)). Wasn't that you that came out talking about dicks and dick riding out of nowhere? Then after that i was talking to chief flash and you out of nowhere said and i quote (slurp slurp). You and your nesty sick little i mean bi sexual feitches. I tell you guys.. stay away from this sick freak, especially in person, because he might act out these sick thoughts that he have. Then you said (Here a idea get out of evenpits carebear room and play with some big boys.) Big boys? Right after you suggested that i dick ride dention, and you slurp slurping out of nowhere? (Facepalm). Yea motherf++ker you are a fruit if i never seen one. By the way you being married does not mean you are only interested in women, you have proven on three occasions that you do indeed like or that you are somewhat interested in dicks, i am surprised that you even have a wife, with all of the d.. nevermind. Sorry it is just the truth. Don't believe me, look at your own posts about it and how you brought it up to begin with out of nowhere (twice). I only bought it up after you briskly came out of the closet.

    Cause you can lead a scrub to water, but you can't make him think? Think? Really? Doesn't that suppose to say but you can't make him drink? That is the original (and better) version of the saying. But i like my version better. Cause you can lead a moreland to a loss, but it will never be his fault.

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