Latest VF5FS Tier Lists

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 3, 2014.

By Myke on May 3, 2014 at 3:33 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Last month saw the release of a new Arcadia mook titled "Fighting Game REMIX" in which a number of fighting game titles are covered, including Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown. In this edition, the cover the latest tier list for VF5FS.


    Tier List
    As of 2014-04-18

    SS: Akira
    S: Taka, Lion, Brad
    A: Jacky, Jean, Vanessa
    B: Goh, Shun, Wolf

    (Large Gap)

    C: Sarah, Kage, Lau
    D: El Blaze, Jeffry
    E: Aoi, Pai, Lei-Fei, Eileen

    After four years is the "Final Answer" here?!
    Four years has elapsed with this game. With such a long time and so much strategy evolving, could this be the final ranking (?)

    Points about some important characters
    There is a big gap between B and C rank. We will discuss some of the major points.

    One of Akira's main points is his jumping ascending [K]. It whiffs lows, starts combos and defeats sabaki, and is a full circular that defeats evade. It is particularly powerful during sideturned with +6 where it is guaranteed on evadeCD, and at +9 on sideturned is guaranteed on evade.

    For the characters in A rank compared to S rank there is not a large difference in their fighting abilities, but it is their basic abilities that attracts high praise. Amongst these is Taka, who was getting a lot of interest at the recent BT cup. While Taka can rely on throws and [4][P][+][K][P] against most characters, the opponent must concentrate on specific combos and untechable situations, focusing on the system side to fight Taka, so it is very difficult to have tactics against him. For people unfamiliar with Taka, he is more threatening than Akira.

    Amongst A rank Jacky stands out. The reason that he has fallen in rank is that his options to overcome a guarding opponent are finite. His returns on throws are not that high, and when his high damage throws ([6]and [4]) are broken it leaves him sideturned. Choosing the right move to throw out is quite difficult, so while he may look like a simple character to play, the value in really dedicating yourself to him is difficult. Of course, against an opponent who lacks defensive skills he is S rank.

    Amongst the lower ranks, Blaze and Sarah are well suited to tournaments, each with their attacking options from stances, and are fast so even against opponents adept at defence it can be tough. They are rarely used, and so they may be even more threatening than higher ranked characters if the opponent lacks match up experience. The other character who has ranked up is Jeffrey. His weight is high so damage inflicted is low, and his [P][+][K] and [1][K][+][G] one command moves are powerful.

    Thanks to Unicorn for the tip, and noodalls for the translation!

    Edit: Homestay Akira's Tier List
    Originally posted by Myke as a reply in this thread on Nov 23, 2016:

    So here is Homestay's tier list:

    S: Akira, Jacky
    A+: Goh, Lion, Taka
    A: Brad, Jean, Vanessa
    A-: Kage, Lau, Shun
    B: Aoi, Lei, Pai, Sarah
    C: Eileen, El Blaze, Jeffry, Wolf​

    The only additional information provided was:
    1. Lion and Goh can be S rank if the player is really good.
    2. Taka is not considered S rank because while he is strong against some characters, he is still weak against others.

    It sounded unlikely that we'll get a more fleshed-out explanation of why each character is where they are. If I do, I'll post it up, but don't hold your breath. Regardless of where your particular character lies on this, or the Arcadia, tier list I'm fairly certain there's a lot more work we can do to improve our own game.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
    Tricky, SUGATA, Pai~Chun and 5 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, May 3, 2014.

    1. noodalls
      Edited to say Akira's jumping ascending [K] and Jeffs [P]+[K]

      Akira's jumping ascending [K] is 全回転攻撃. Is this not full circular?
    2. Kamais_Ookin
      Maybe circular in the sense that it tracks.
      SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
    3. Libertine
      That guard break isn't that great. What I think makes him stronger is that his nitaku launcher leaves him safe if you defend the right way. In fact, I think he's pretty safe after a lot of his launchers in proportion to the damage he deals.
      ExzetyXat1 likes this.
    4. Zekiel
      Exactly. Which is y i dnt get y people think he's S. The only 2 moves he can use to get passed an opponents guard is SS2kk and K+GK Unblockable. Which are extremely slow. As i mentioned b4 his basic mix ups are bad. SSS is practically useless. Your command list becames limited anyway against good defensive opponents.
      i mean who really uses his K strings? ik l dont
      SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
    5. Tha_FeauchA
      Lau has a guard break too.. Just sayin.

      But we all know tiers don't make too much of a difference in VF. But it still can't be denied some characters can score a lot more damage off of correct read/launch or crumple.

      In the Pre Beat-Tribe Cup 5v5 team tournament, team Pai went through team Jacky and team Brad. And team Lau won it, beating team Akira.
    6. Libertine
      He's still a strong character; he's just below S. If you make one mistake against him then you take a lot of damage.
      ExzetyXat1 likes this.
    7. Cozby
      Instead of frowning at where a character's placed, it's easier to look at the characters placed above them and agree with their placement over the said character. Also, the more I play, I realize characters are should be played alot more diversely.

      I WOULD disagree with Kage's placement and argue he should be lower, but I know it's because I play him ineffectively. I should throw more.

      Aoi certainly has alot of options, but her risk/reward is pretty poopy, especially in certain matchups.

      Brad's ability to deal with standing guard is well beyond Jacky's. Brad's DCK P+G/P+K is pretty potent. But Brad has less range than Jacky overall. You can't compare Brad's 3p+kp to beat knuckle.

      Akira will forever have derp strength. His linearity is an issue, but not a problem. Akira's circular options are absurdly safe, even on evade.

      I agree with the Taka view. 3S Chun has transformed into a fat man.
      SDS_Overfiend1 likes this.
    8. G_A
      Mmmh, you can force the ducking P+G/P+K setup with a P+K, but it's only starting move that allow you that on guard, and the oncoming is obvious.
      Plus depending of the distance, the opponent may back dash efficiently.
      To finish, his catch throw only leads to a basic santaku, without great damage if successful or without guaranteed damage (comparing to Vaness's one for example). On the plus side, if it's escaped it leaves him at -3, like any (?) combo throw.

      Ducking is a good tool to put/keep pressure, but not really something that force a player to stop playing like a turtle, opponent is still at the very end in a santaku position.
    9. Cozby
      I mean just raw ducking into that mixup. you can't backdash away from the catch throw. I'm strictly talking about beating standing guard.
    10. G_A
      You can crouch backdash for sure.

      Raw ducking for okizeme, ok, it works well. But in other case you are just asking to be punished, except if you play against somebody with low reflex.

      And again, just to gain a santaku if you go for the catch throw. Not much different from trying a throw.
    11. Myke
      I've added noodalls' translation to the main post (thanks noodalls!)

      BTW, I tend to agree with @Chibitox on the point of Akira's jump kick being full circular. It's most likely to do with the usage of the "blank time" in the command input, described in Neko Dojo's 2AFC blog post Attack Levels part 3. The effect is that while the attack is still linear, you're forcing the opponent to perform a failed DM because of the wasted jumping frames, and they're unable to Dash or Crouch Dash cancel fast enough to guard.
      phanatik, Zass and Libertine like this.
      I told you guys Akira's hop kick is full circular!!!!

      Japan agrees with me :D
    13. Tha_FeauchA
      Also, just to add. If I remember right. The El Blaze team took out the Taka team.

      But! At the same time, like most of the VF tournaments over there (as far as I know), it's cut throat. Lose once, get up out the chair mayne.
      Last edited: May 5, 2014
    14. Chibitox
      Also I'm pretty sure he meant to mention Taka's 4P+KP and not 1P+KP.
    15. Manjimaru
      To quote Seidon: "Tiers can suck a dick."
      BeastEG and ToyDingo like this.
    16. noodalls
      Yep, edited.
    17. SDS_Overfiend1
      Jacky combos are very damaging.. but to get max damage you must be able to Iageri. That leads to high rates of dropped combos which is the main drawback... his damaging combo starters require CH and or have execution of 16 and above save for Smash upper and Bil Jee which I doubt anybody will punish with..
      Last edited: May 6, 2014
      Zekiel likes this.
    18. SDS_Overfiend1
      Im sorry for the bump but for the people qouting my post.. . I had to fix it to characters with guard crushes are S. Jacky is strong A.

      Furthermore K+GK is decent but its stance dependant sometimes.. against walls it great but the chances you risk just for a sweep is too great.
    19. Zekiel
      Especially online. %rate of dropped combos goes up even higher
    20. Unicorn
      Like Bill Jee..? :p

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