Lei-Fei and Vanessa on LIVE

Discussion in 'Console' started by LemmyIsTheGame, Oct 31, 2007.


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    well his point seems to be that these people are lame to play against...that's definately true.

    what you also need to consider is that in an online player or ranked match with someone not on your list, you have just 2 rounds to adapt to any cheap strategies.....that;s sometime not enough time.

    you will see for yourself when you get online.
  2. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member


    Come play me on xbl. I play vanessa and i'll show you how to play against her if you want to learn.
  3. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    In decent to great connections, it works just fine. And works very well haha.
  4. DevNullify

    DevNullify Member

    Lei-Fei was really annoying me with my jeffry... until I remembered d+K+G.

    That move saves me from those stupid mashers, makes *them* struggle to figure out what to do, then I can go for the counter hit and bash them.

    Of course, its not like that against a real lei-fei player, but its comforting to know that even jeff can come back from behind with that move and stomp a noob like he should.
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    You arent going to get better until you learn how to play against tactics. Good way to learn to deal with certain tactic is repeated exposure. I agree that mashers arent fun, but its not their fault you are falling for that tactic.
  6. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Quick guide to the three stages of scrubs:
    1. String masher.
    2. Low punch masher.
    3. The meat of the game.
    Generally, if you meet #1, do #2 and forget about throws.
    If you meet #2, don't do throws either, use quick mids only, most quick mids will stagger crouchers, so go to town for free damage since they'll probably be crap at struggling. When they figure out about the block button you finally get to stage #3.

    Yeah, its an ugly progression scrubs have to go through, and the reason many think VF is a boring game after the first number of sessions. Once you get to a high enough level yourself you'll be able to take down #1 and #2 without changing your own tactics. You'll only be wondering why this last opponent ate so many counter hits.
  7. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Ain't that the truth. I can win five round matches against mashers almost every time.

    For some of these people on this forum to play high-and-mighty is a bit short sighted. You can't win EVERY match against EVERY opponent. Being 'lucky' and being 'unlucky' plays a big part, and that's why it's so infuriating when someone comes along, bashes a sequence out (say a certain couple of strings, with an intermittent low attack) and you guess which one they're doing wrongly one-too-many times - your three combined lifebars sometimes aren't long enough to teach the pr!ck that what he's doing sucks - you can only fall for the same things a finite number of times, and just when you're onto it, you run out of road. He comes away thinking "I'm miles better on it than him." It's just missing the point of playing a fighting game.

    You'll often play this person again and then beat them, easily, but it doesn't change the fact that they believe they're good on the game. They'll go away and do the same to all the other players still believing they're awesome. There aren't enough good players around to make them realise that this isn't how anyone with any sense plays, and to force them to change their ways.
  8. MisterYao

    MisterYao Member

    Ya know........my record online is 1-9. I suck ass at this game but I still have fun with it. Do I want to win? Of course I do! It made my first win after 9 losses that much more satisfying.

    I didn't mash buttons I just learned to zone and attack a little better each time.

    As far as the current XBL community, I haven't run into 1 rude person yet. In fact, everyone is pretty quiet for the most part.

    Also, there's numerous threads floating around these forums about introducing new players to the game and building the community. If I WAS a button masher with Lei Fei and decided to google a nice VF community site, found this one, and saw this topic I'd think a lot of the VF community are elitist dickheads. I'm not insulting anyone in particular or anything like that but I'm pointing out that topics like these may end of driving away potential additions to the community as opposed to reinforcing it.

    TC, if you can handle these button masher and beat them damn near every time, why complain about it in this topic? It's VF5 Online not VF5 Professionals Only Everyone Else Stay Out Online.
  9. Zeidd

    Zeidd New Member

    PLEASE DO NOT TAKE VF5 ONLINE SERIOUSLY. Just play for fun. Today I havent won a single match...... And I dont care. I know that offline is a VERY different story. Im sure the guys I lost against wouldn't even be accepted in a real offline tourney. HAHA IIt was so hard to counter any of Lau's strings haha...Ahhh the lag,the lag. And Lei Fei was like a super character I couldn't do anything about it... YEAH let the scrubs have their party. We ALL know what happens to scrubs in real offline matches.....Worse part is I was forced to play scrubby and cheap so I could win a few times. Just my opinion.....Online DOES not represent the real VF5 competition.So dont worry if you win or lose BECAUSE ONLINE RANK DOESNT PROVE ANYTHING. Wanna prove your skills? Play offline at gatherings and tourneys. Thatis the REAL VF5 competition. REAL SKILL not LAG ABUSERS. Guess I will just stick to that. Leave online to those with T1 connections and the scrubs.
  10. MisterYao

    MisterYao Member

    See, lag didn't kill me. My opponent did. I wish I could use lag as an excuse for my 9 defeats in a row but alas........I can't hehe.

    But yeah taking VF5 online seriously like its the cream of the crop for competition is like taking Halo 3 seriously, just don't.
  11. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I disagree. I have been playing for a few years now and its a big deal to finally get a chance to play with others out there. yeah lag can be an issue, but it something I deal with. I take every match seriously and want to win each one. I think this is where VF separates the men from the boys.
  12. J6Commander

    J6Commander Well-Known Member

    If you can specify which character's move you are having trouble with, we can look into it more.
  13. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    I never said I was one of the best players of VF in the world, I am just very good at the game but not good enough to know how to beat every type of opponent. One of the main reasons for this is that I like to use all the character's throws and even attempt them against these bashers unsuccessfully. I'll have to forget about using good variety when one of these comes along and stick mid kicks in their faces and escape their strings all day. It'll look like shit but at least it will teach them a lesson.
  14. MisterYao

    MisterYao Member

    Like I said before, I want to win but I'm not gonna get upset at the way someone else plays the game. If they want to mash then let them mash.....I'll eventually find a way around it.

    People take XBL too damn seriously and forget what they are playing is a game which is supposed to be FUN.
  15. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member


    All of this can be avoided by mastering Side steps, OF and DF moves, and blocking. I love when I meet someone who just sits there and does the same combo over and over. I block the string, move out of the way, or just counter it, thus owning them in the end. Honestly if the one of those "mashing" strategy's is getting you then some time in the Dojo or advanced arcades in Quest mode is needed.
  16. Xiazen

    Xiazen New Member

    This is my first post on VF boards, I have been playing VF since number 4. Just got VF5 online yesterday but power is out in house(mainly my room only /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif ) so i cant play just yet.

    But i have played VF5 on PS3 and VF4 and in my little time of playing VF I can tell you right now...Vanessa is not masher friendly. Lei-Fei is more accessible to beginners but thats it. And since Vanessa was my first fighter i picked up , I know very well which moves she has which leave her at disadvantage.

    Whats interesting is you have stated your experience in VF and how long you have played it. Plus you state you use both of these fighters, if that is the case then you should be well aware of there disadvantages as well as there advantages. Button mashers and scrubs should not be a problem to you. I believe You may just need some more pratice in training to deal with certain tactics.

    I also think it may have been better to say "Players on Live" as your topic and talk about the kind of players that buttonmash and are scrubby, instead of your current topic which eludes to you not being a very good player or you being a new player. Every game has button mashers and scrubs, yet in VF I rarely see a button masher or scrub give good players a hard time.

    I will also wait till I also get online, to see what kind of scrubby players there are.
  17. Logos

    Logos Well-Known Member

    You're not very good if you can't figure out ways to beat someone abusing the same strings over and over. That's all there is to it.
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Check in dojo mode what string that character is using. Then check the movelist and framedata from this site to figure out a good moment to counterattack against the string. Also, if the moves are possible to evade. Then figure out the best possible punisher according to frame data. (This is why people were miffed for the training room record feature not making it to 360)

    Test, learn, practise, win.

    A vast majority of the cheap shit can be punished already but distancing yourself from opponent and doing a longrange move. The play may not be beautiful, but only wins count.

    Demanding other players to play certain style never leads to anything good. Only part of the world that you are guaranteed to be able to better is yourself. Once you learn how to punish the cheap shit you will be laughing at the antics of the beginners..

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    this thread is getting tedious.

    every second reply seems to be of the nature "you must be a scrub if you cant defeat a pppk spammer". that's not what tyhe OP is talking about.

    he did not say he couldn't beat these cheap players, he's expressing his annoyance at their tactics and how some characters are easier to abuse than others. that's a fact.
  20. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    And on this basis the purpose of the thread is? Asking advice? No? Whining?

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