Lei-Fei and Vanessa on LIVE

Discussion in 'Console' started by LemmyIsTheGame, Oct 31, 2007.


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    i dunno, the dude was just expressing his frustration with cheap tactics. does there need to be a specific point?

    in response he got a deluge of replies from self proclaimed "robot chibita's" claiming they can deal with such tactics 100% of the time.
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    it's mainly that I'm sure the rest of you feel the same when people say such things it rages a fire inside us all that makes us want to smack the *&#$ out of someone. Then we realize it's time to turn on vf5 to beat on some n00bs. lol
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    My point was that a post thats content is just venting frustration is completely pointless and will get flamed at the worst situation and ignored in the best. Q.E.D btw. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/tired.gif

    Climbing on top of your apartmentroof and yelling AAAAAAARGH is about as productive /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    There are no cheap tactics in this game.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    if there's no sense of cheapness in vf5 how can say what's a good win?
  6. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    The problem with the thread is that the original poster doesn't give any concrete examples of moves, strings and such that he has trouble with. Never does he ask "how can I deal with this?". Which means he's not really out to get anything productive out of this, he simply wants to whine over how his wins are worth more then the "scrubs" he gets beaten by.
  7. duce

    duce Member

    thank you my friend , now lets hope he has acknowledges the truth , you dont know what ur doing. tho i do agree the command inputs are noob friendly 4 deez characters but pai has been this way since 1
  8. duce

    duce Member

    this is where that doa 4 watch option is badly needed n rooms of only 3 or 4 people u can watch ur opponets tactics n cum up with a defensive,offensive scheme goin in.n 2 all u so called high level offline players STOP EFFING CRYING !!!! nitaku, yomi are all options that u must create n the vibe of a match. its hard but if u block a string n the opponet tries to start anutha p string im no expert but im sure 2 p beats this every time n sets up at least n elbow on Mc this is according 2 all the post ,.n threads hopefully they will still b mashing sop that elbow sets up a Mc that can lead 2 33k dragon smasher which ducks highs ,xperts know this !! only the weak would complain about strings !!! opponents finishing STRINGS !!!stop running straight to xbl complete quest mode hit the dojo practice the options mentioned here, the key 2 VF5 is Mc hits!!n how do u get deez !!!!! by hitting n attacking opponent mashers r the easiest characters 2 beat playa u r not high tiered at this, not at all. n after reading a 7 page thread with posts from guys whom i considered tru heavies at this makes me think im givivng out 2 much credit. but enjoy the game admit that this online thing is new 2 vf5 the only bad thing i see so far is the throw game is frustrating but knowing how to get Mc hits with wolf ,jeffry or akira is trouble 5 days stop complaining lets use this thread 2 report glitches n new tactics not entertainin scrubs !!n 4 sum of u guys on here jus FLAMING the noobs i rather show em online . xbnl gamertag MONEYHUNGREE22 all add ons will b acceped noobs n all
  9. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

  10. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    There has to be cheapness around for two players to play well and have a good match?
  11. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Define cheapness
  12. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member


    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    lol...my hat's off to you for finally lightening this thread up!
  14. Sunabozu

    Sunabozu Member

    About the only cheap thing I can think of that you could do in VF5 is intentionally cause your game to lag to create some kind of advantage, or yank your opponents controller out in the middle of a fight.

    Other then that, nothing really.
  15. Virtua_Z

    Virtua_Z New Member

    There is nothing cheap in a fighting game. There are only winners and losers. The game doesn't care about HOW you got the win. It doesn't give a damn how stylish you won, all it knows is that a person won and a person lost. Everything within the rules of the game are fair.

    Intentionally lagging like Sunabozu said would be considered not in the sphere of rules of the game. David Sirlin (pro street fighter player) talks about this concept in his free online book. "Playing to Win." He even mentions VF. Every fighting gamer should read it.
  16. neonxaos

    neonxaos Member

    I'm with Leonard_McCoy on this one. Never mind rank. Skill and execution are vital. I'm an Aoi scrub and a VF newcomer, so I pretty much set myself up for the beating of a lifetime once I get my game online next week, but I will persevere, and it will be glorious when I'm able to pull off some of the stuff that I've seen Aoi players do in vids.

    And as for button-mashing - I played DOA a lot. About 7000 online matches. And good players would punish me each and every time I did the slightest bit of mashing, even at the peak of my 'career'. People always tell me that DOA is a button-masher, and maybe it in for beginners and intermediary players, but in essence, once you really get into it, mashing = death. And VF players have so much more at their disposal, so I can't see mashing be much of a problem here. I might change my mind when I go online and get flattened by Lei-Fei and Vanessa noobs, but in my heart of hearts I will know that the problem lies in my own skill level.

    The tiers put Aoi in the lowest bracket. Let's see how much they really matter. In Tekken 5, I've seen one of the best Steve players in my country get wiped out by a Kuma player who was barely trying. So to hell with tiers. Just have fun.
  17. vosor1

    vosor1 Well-Known Member

    Van is by no means cheap.........Infact, quite the contrary. Learn abit more about her movesets and you will have a much better chance.

    My advice is train up to chalk up the wins. Every character can be played cheap-ish, you think the one doing it is going to change lame play because someone doesnt like it? If the move is waaaay to good and killing you, it`s in the game to be used, so learn to adapt / avoid it.

    Nuff said.
  18. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    wtf seriously! VO your ALIVE! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
  19. Jeffahn

    Jeffahn Well-Known Member

    "...you know what I'm saying..."
  20. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    MAXIMUM is right, it is getting tedious. Since when have the majority of users of this forum surmised that I always lose on mashers? I wouldn't win seventy-five percent of my total matches if I couldn't beat them. I almost ALWAYS beat them, but how is it that whenever I don't, it's a Vanessa masher, not any other character? Her techniques don't differ radically enough for you to just say; "You don't know how to play against her" - plus, if I use her myself I think I am aware of what moves she's capable of. So she gives them an advantage, and that's all there is to it.

    I had around thirty matches this morning - I lost twice, a close-enough loss to what seemed like a good Lion player, and once to a Vanessa cheese fest...

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