list of Ver C quest items?

Discussion in 'Console' started by MAXIMUM, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    ok thanks Gerald. I thought it was. Looks like the items might be in there after all. I had a few(3-4) rare item battles where the dragons were gold but tiger colored like. Don't really know how to discribe them, when you see it you will know. Its not the normal silver or rare gold ones you normally see. its all jazzy and colorful looking. Hopefully I get some more and another version C item. Something neon would be nice.
  2. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Seriously, how could anyone possibly care about getting achievements?
  3. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    Are the people who don't understand/appreciate the Xbox achievement system for games NEW to Xbox Live (ie those PS3 players who went for a 360 just for the online play version C)?

    I mean, seriously guys. WOW. I'm sounding like an achievemnt whore, but if anyone looks at my gamertag they'll see i'm not.

    I do however think that achievements are a cool unlock feature.

    Sure it sucks it brings in save file restrictions, but believe me when i say while this conservative fight community might not understand the fuss of it because VF may be the only game the hardcore ever play - I can assure you that average gamer type DOES care about their gamerscore. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  4. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    I've had a 360 for a while, and I just don't get achievements. If I get them through normal play, cool.

    Some people just buy games to get "an easy 1,000?" That's nuts!
  5. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, i've never understood that! I think that's quite pathetic, infact.

    But more specifically for VF5, even while getting to 7th Dan with Shun on Quest mode, i've unlocked about 8 or 9 achievements and i've noticed some on my friends list have even more. But it's a nice thing to unlock as it's yet another way to compare game progress or skill with a friend.
  6. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    I'm glad that there isn't an option to download the all the items. That would nullify all the hard work I put into making my character look badass when Joe Blow steps up day one with all the things I have. When you play other people and see the things they have it's a dividing barrier. It's special because they earned it.

    Achievement points aside I get a bit of pride when people see my Vanessa looking like a white, lesbian, biker chick.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    that's an extreme example you've produced there, where someone buys a game just to boost their gamescore. i think most people would consider that OTT.

    achievments can be cool tho. at the very least they offer you a window into your friend's playing habits and their progress through various titles.

    i don't go out of my way to unlock them but they're a nice addition nevertheless.
  8. ViperExcess

    ViperExcess Well-Known Member

    You can do that in this game? That's awesome then. Can you change everyone's skin color? Shows the extent of customs.

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