Looking for a sparring partner? Post in here.

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by IkariWarriorKH, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. Sistin

    Sistin Member

    i would really appreciate the help
    gamertag: Sistin
  2. Pai_Lover2

    Pai_Lover2 New Member

    I'm new to the game my rank is warrior the only way I got to become that rank is by doing the same moves with Pai i want to be so much better with her Pai is my Favorite I really need a Sparring Partner my Gamertag is Running Shinobi.
  3. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt say I'm 'high' level, but I'm a farily competent player =)
    What do you need help with?
  4. jerichompm

    jerichompm Well-Known Member

    Look for Jide he might help you also.
  5. Sistin

    Sistin Member

    i just need someone to play with so i can kinda copy there style of play
  6. Sistin

    Sistin Member

    ive been spammin low attacks too much
  7. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Watch Chibita.
  8. Sistin

    Sistin Member

    i want hands on kinda
    i dont think chibita will play with me /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  9. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    lol, nice and helpful..

    Well there are many high level Lion players that frequent the site, some more than others.
    I'm sure if you ask them nicely enough they may help you out.

    First things first though, you should read up on Lion's Wiki (or the VF system Wiki) for Strategies & Combos its always a good starting point.

    It also might help to tell people where you are from, that way if any player wants to spar with you
    they'll know what sort of connection to expect.

    Hope that helps /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Are there any problems in particular?
  10. Pai_Lover2

    Pai_Lover2 New Member

    I need help with throws the snake sounding sway and hit and everytime i dothe throws that need Stick Swirling it always gives me her first lame trip up throw
  11. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Sistin i was playing with u today, i noticed u only do couple of moves in ur move list.. try memorizing all of the moves... then learn the combos from the blackbook.. once u can get a good feel of all ur moves and memorized them, the most important part is to know when to use them. Knowing what moves are quick to execute, what moves are safe, what moves are punishable etc. Print out the command list for lion... and if ur willing to memorize the frame data that would improve ur game. The ones u should look for in the command are.. how fast it executes.. how punishable a move is on block, what adv u have on hit etc...

    When i was playing with u. u threw out very punishable moves.. especially his lows.. which i could shoulder ram each time.. u have to play a little safer.. with more pokes.. and throws. but ya, i dont know lion at all.. and im new to VF myself about 3 months now, but i could teach u the basics of the game and after that u could ask some good lion players to show u how lion is suppose to be played.. but u gotta learn the basics first, i say print out the command list and memorize the frames of ur moves.. then combos to maximize damage. and then branch out from there, theres alot to this game dont be discouraged. I had to lose alot... and ask alot of questions from several good players to have my goh where it is now.. And my goh is still garbage. but feel free to add me. I usually have a party session up with couple players on mic, assassinCP, wei, kamanari oyaji, silent neph, etc etc, so feel free to join.
  12. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    well i was directing it to Sistin, but all the stuff i previously posted applies /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Sounds like your having trouble with general move inputs.

    Just practice her command list and get the timing down, dojo is your friend.

    I'm not sure what the 'snake-sounding' move is...

    But for throws, make sure you input the motion first then the /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif, it sounds like your pressing the throw command too early..

    I'm suprised you got to warrior yet don't seem like you have a good grasp of your character...
    says much for ranked these days /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
  13. Horror

    Horror Member

    Hey, just thought that I'd throw it out there, I'm a somewhat beginning player (as in, have a good idea what I'm doing, but still have very many thing to improve upon) and I was seeing if there'd be anyone willing to go a few rounds, since the CPU isn't a very realistic opponent.

    As of right now, I main with Kage, but I'm also looking into other characters to see who would fit my playing style. If anyone wants to have a match, my gamertag is Gromkii!
  14. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Hey add me, kamais ookin, and we can play sometime in the next couple days. I like your name 'horror' btw lol /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  15. Horror

    Horror Member

    Added you! Look forward to some matches. :]
  16. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    Lei Fei mirror matches, anyone?
  17. CharismaCC

    CharismaCC New Member

    Im new to forums and all, and when i play theres no one online so i looked online for forums to see if there was anyone in canada who wants to spar wit me...

    i aint talking about no 2 second stuff, i mean an actual challenge...

    post here...
  18. CRASHEM8000

    CRASHEM8000 Well-Known Member

    Hey, I've been playing VF for a while, but I need to work on defence and evading. Hit me up on XBL if you could help me out. GT: CRASHEM8000
  19. Godsbrothernate

    Godsbrothernate New Member

    Yo, i'm looking for some peeps who are willing to throw down!! I love a challenge win or lose, always looking to get better. So challenge me on xbox live anytime, for fun of course and i'll always give you my best, unless i'm drunk, then you'll get my drunken best lol. I use Lei Fei, GET SOME!

    Gamertag- Godsbrothernate! :) duh
  20. R4P7ORWong

    R4P7ORWong New Member

    Hi guys im r4ptor i need good fighters for play nice match i think that im good but not adamy and balckb so if you have a high level take me a friend please i play all days this is my gamertag R4P7OR Wong.
    I dont want win people i want nice match for training my kage.
    If you dont take my a friend send my a message.

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