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Martial Art Styles In Future Virtua Fighters...

Discussion in 'General' started by LucidNightmare, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    If you want to talk mashing (tekken mashing in particular), let's not forget the Hwoarang, Law/Lee, Lei, Jun/Asuka/Jin, and Julia/Michelle/Wang mashers out there... Capoeira might be at "the bottom", but its still a style/art that's respected in the real world and in video games nonetheless (think of DOA4 and Capoeira fighter, Kakuto Chojin, etc).

    Me personally, I wouldn't mind having a capoeirista in Virtua Fighter... I just think that the hit boxes would not work in the capoeirista's favor... I notice a few issues with hitboxes when playing Jeffry, so I can only imagine the issues the proposed new character would have.

    If they were to make one, however, the movement would be restricted somewhat and I think that there would only be but so many moves he/she would be able to do because of the game system. I feel Tekken's movement/crush system is way more loose than VF5's, but who knows, Sega might very well blow us out of the water just to say they can do it...
  2. El_Diablo_Blanco

    El_Diablo_Blanco Active Member

    A slashing style Kung Fu like Tiger stance or something would be interesting
  3. BlackDragon37

    BlackDragon37 Well-Known Member

    VF already has the Tiger Swallow style.
  4. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    How about a Kurt Angle style Olympic wrestler(not to be confused with gay porn(south park joke)) with chain ground work. Another guy to piss off wolf and blaze.
  5. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    They should put in a brawler. The contrast against the other characters would be pretty entertaining.
  6. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Like Sumo wrestling is a viable fighting style and lucha libre. GTFO. Frankly I'm of a mind to throw most kung fu practitioners into the realm of overhyped BS too.

    I've honestly never seen a kung fu guy win in a real fight. If they were Kung fu I couldn't tell because it looked nothing like Kung Fu.


    Shit I've placed high in the US Open using nothing but capoeira in full contact sparring when most of the rules
    are against capoeiras style in the first place.

    This guy thats doing a show from my group Hudson has fought in MMA in Brazil and is undefeated in 20 fights. He does only capoeira but like I mentioned with Kung Fu despite him being a capoeira player when he fights in MMA he doesn't Ginga. Which is trademark of the sport and game. That's because when it boils down to most martial arts the most effective methods are to punch, kick and grapple in the most efficient way possible. What generally makes people win is the training in these basic areas.

    Now if I saw Capoeira in a fighting game I'd want to see the Ginga, screw it, it's a game and it looks cool. Believe me theres a lot more impractical things in a fight game than a ginga lol

    Your claims of weak and unstable are just haterade talking from getting beaten by or having to play Eddy Gordo players.

    To Master Po:
    What do you think Lei Fei is but a button mashers dream? GTFO

    To Jinxhand:
    Honestly I think they can make a sexy dynamic with a capoeira character. His main strength would be probably the difficulty to deal foot stance specific damage. Sadly I think the character should have damaging moves but otherwise be like a living breathing DMPK with special highs/lows.
    A few reversals vs kicks would be sweet as well. I'm thinking
    a character that relies a lot on fuzzy or special property movement due to always being in disadvantageous positions.

    Or they could do something sexy and base it off of Topazio capoeira which is a capoeira with regularly practiced kicking, punching and grappling [​IMG]

    P.S. Most of the capoeira community thinks we're thugs.
  7. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I think it's more that no one to see a character like Eddy Gordo in VF.

    If the did make capoeira, they absolutely have to design it to be non button mash. I have NOTHING against SEGA adding the style, it more of a fear of HOW they would implement it.

    VF doesn't need anymore button mashing than there already is, which isn't too much, but that's the way any fighting game should be. Making button mashing a viable tactic ruins any fighter for me and reduces the game to scrub-level.
  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Youre right in that kung fu isnt valid fighting style. Being valid isnt the issue here. Capoeira does not look cool.

    Also some fighting styles in VF area already far enough in the realm of fucked up hitboxes.
  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    It wouldn't be hard to make a capo fighter non noobie friendly.

    Just make him/her an input heavy character. Problem solved.
  10. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Ignorant Post. Marcus Arelio, Jean Silva, Andre Gusmao are all capoeira fighters in MMA. Even Anderson Silva who recently received his gold cord and Shogun Rua have trained it. Most likely what you are seeing when you watch capoeira videos on youtube is a roda where two caporistas play the game. The capoeira game is used to practice movements and strategy, etc. and can be compared to katas in karate or jurus in pentjak silat. A karate fighter is not gonna stand there and do katas in a fight just like a capoeira fighter isnt gonna ginga or play like they do in the roda.
  11. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Yeah it does.

    What looks good is all opinion though.

    I know I'd like to see AM2's take on what capo should be like in a fighting game.
  12. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Just in case people don't know, the ginga is the swaying dance motion that capoeira people do while you see them sparring against each other.

    The Roda is the circle you see them make when they are sparring/playing the game.

    LA is spot on. Keep in mind because of the dual nature of capoeira not every capoeira person you know trains to fight.

    There's no harm in that.

    The same can be said of many, many people in many, many martial arts. People don't make capoeira vids to show themselves kicking ass generally. They show them to show themselves doing kick ass moves or in some cases just to show their spiritual connection to the movement.

    I call the spiritual people capoeira "hippies" but I got love for all the genres shit I've been doing in for 15 years. I've gone through all the stages of capoeira personality but I just want to state that a fighting minded capoeirista can be a beast.

    I'm not trying to sound like a badass but I've been in probably 10 real fights and what I used from capoeira worked out since I've been training it. Ironically a lot of these fights were from other martial artists talking shit and even coming to my school to start shit. Generally I gave worse than I got. I did get whooped by a buddy of mine though who windmilled and caught me in the eye with a finger.

    Windmill = greatest technique.
  13. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    1)*Ahem* Wing Chun stands up and says helloooo

    2)Dude, yes it does.

    I don't see why the hit boxes would need to be fucked up either.
  14. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I could dig a brawler/boxer type, base him off of a street thug and you got me sold. Make all his throws straight street material like raking your eyes and a kick to the package.
  15. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    It would be interesting to see Capoeira in VF but I feel like because Tekken has done this already it kind of feels samey. However I have no idea how well Capoeira is portrayed in Tekken it would be good to hear from a real practitioner.
  16. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    After doing Capoeira for 15 years and being an instructor for 6 I can say Tekkens Eddy Gordo is aiight for Tekkens system. They took a lot of dramatic license in his handstand set. We never do handstands facing AWAY from you even in the game of capoeira. Personally I feel if they are going to make him Ginga (the swaying movement/dance) they should have put more emphasis on that with position specific movements.

    I think a capoeira person done properly should be designed similar to Maxi from Soul Calibur, different movements depending on what leg was front or back during the Ginga would have been hotsauce with a heavy emphasis on escaping. For Tekkens launcher heavy gameplay though I think Eddys fine.

    Afterall these aren't actual portrayals but more adaptations to the games mechanics. Like capoeira though I think a companies take on a practitioner has LOTS of possibilities.

    I have had plenty of sexy ideas for a capoeira Angola capoeira fighter. Eddy Gordo is based more on regional; Angola is closer to the ground and more ritualistic but can be played fast. Think
    of it as drunken capoeira for the uninitiated.
  17. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    No it does not.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    What looks good is all opinion though.

  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    No it does not.
  19. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    You seem to hate everything these days, don't you Manji?
  20. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Man you took the words outta my mouth!!! Capoeira Angola would be a good fit for the next VF... I think the character shouldn't be noob friendly though, but he/she should be more of a intermediate character that helps the player focus more on the fundamentals of VF without being too technical or having so many flashy combos... It would be nice to be able to play the character in different ways instead of just having one generic play style... Hope that makes sense...

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