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Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Discussion in 'General' started by Leonard_McCoy, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

  2. spyder0080

    spyder0080 Active Member

    Any ideas to punish Wesker teleport abusers? I'm really struggling against that.
  3. QuickClaw

    QuickClaw Member

    I seem to be enjoying this game pretty much even most of the time I get beat badly online. It's like everyone online despite their ranking is an EXPERT at this game, but then again I find myself to be inconsistent between training/arcade mode and playing online.

    Seem to be having the most trouble against Dante, Wesker and especially Super Skrull (Super Skrull pisses me off lol).

    Teams so far seem to be
    X-23/Chun-li/Morrigan (Main Team)

    Still experimenting with teams but I'm really fond of X-23...
    Anyone know a good way to rush in with Storm? I could be wrong, but she seems like a rush in character but I fail to do that against projectile spam!
  4. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    So I'm starting to get a little bored of the game. I really wish they'd fix ranked so that I don't have to play against the random player match noobs but still get a quick fix here and there.

    What's kinda nice is that this game has been changing so much so quickly because new shit comes up on SRK.com that is pretty game-changing. I'll probably come back to this once the playstyle of the game settles down a little bit more.
  5. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I think the biggest must in this game is learning your big 70% plus combo for whatever character your using and then of course meter and Xfactor management.

    Your team lacks life points. I'd say work on box jumping with storm, and tri jumping mixups, build meter as they guard and chip them to death. The others I don't have much of an opinion on.
  6. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Smartest shit i read in this whole entire thread. Im just sitting here enjoying the feedback though cause its interesting. Good to see everybody is enjoying the game But im gonna play devils advocate because i hear a lot of people trying to make this game seem as deep as Virtua and its funny. I don't see why people think they have to be regated to a set 3 man team. Fuck all the bullshit. you won't learn unless you take your ass whoopin' with your team.
    its like some of you guys get your ass handed to you then say shit like "This team ain't working. Im thinking aout using Sent/Mag/Dante." FOH!! Find your weakness and make them your strengths. Don't tell people how balanced the game is but when the characters you use can't get ahead you ready to switch up. This game ain't final yet so stick it out with your current characters. It takes a lil time to learn the nuances.
  7. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    although sometimes you just pick up a char and realize that it just isn't fun. also in this game it is just crazy fun to try new characters
  8. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I dunno, if it takes that much time though. Like you said. It's not virtua fighter deep, but it's still fun.
  9. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Right.. some characters you can look at and tell there useless. The thing is... why would i play a game where as say Dante im gunning for the same damn combo OVER and OVER? Then if i have 2 supers bars im DHC'in' it for insane damage? I love combo's but when you doing a combo for over 20 secs with a fucking super then something is wrong. People keep saying oh Senty is not a problem but yet and still have trouble with the current team they are using and its not even against senty yet. I was a big MVC2 fan but this game is not to be taking seriously like how some people are. You take this game seriously you only lying to yourself. You can already see which character will be Whore'd to death lol!! Like i said previously. there was no Youtube when MVC2 drop so you had to learn in your respective circle but thanks to youtube.. ahh yu already know.

    I wish Millions of people could watch youtube and learb how to play VF. Maybe thats why i like VF so much.

    Any who. right now i sticking with Cap and whoever the fuck else i feel like playing. it don't take that long to learn a character in this game.
  10. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    ya thankfully it doesn't take too long to learn a char. they took the frustration mess out of it making chaining combos and launching so much simpler than any other 2d fighting game.

    see what I enjoy about mvc3 isn't the long combos. I like the crazy setups involved to start them. the movement system is decently complicated, and then theres all the move properties etc.
    for example I was playing hulk against this guys she hulk. he was RAPING ME. he would block my heavy attack and just punish alot, or otherwise just use a simple low-mid mixup that lead to heavy damage and was hard to stop. then I started doing some crazy new things I didn't before.
    I started using assists to make my attacks safer. started mixing up random jumps as i realized both her mid and low can be beat by jumping and had to use things like advancing guard to keep pressure off. it was all very interesting and this hulk-shehulk battle went from simple mixups to crazy complicatedness and I loved it.

    I too hate long combos, but honestly they are so easy to do in this game that "I only lost cause I didn't memorize huge combos" isn't much of an excuse for losing while it is for games like blazblu. and the length of them isn't that bad it goes by quicker than you would think. DHCing is also tactical sometimes as conserving super and X-factor becomes VERY strategical. in fact it adds another thing to consider when picking your team. you already have matchups, like how hulk is pretty poor against keepaways (as is haggar i hear), but rapes rushdown chars while you have teleporters like dante and super skrull in the team and now its more balanced and capable of handling alot more situations. But mvc3 gets even crazier as you also have to consider how their supers chain together and stuff on top of basic matchups and assists.

    if you feel like your just doing the same stuff over and over, try facing tougher opponents who force you to use more/all of your arsenal and strategies to win and who have hard to defeat strategies of their own.
  11. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    To the naysayers of this game: Just chill.

    I personally refuse to let VF jade me to other fighting games out there, just because I enjoy VF the most.

    There's plenty of other reasons to enjoy this game, especially if you love comic books like I do.

    Why would somebody drop a character and pick another one? Maybe because they want to feel a different style out, it's not about kicking ass or getting your ass kicked. My previous team was much better than the current one I'm rolling with(ask Lucky to attest to that), I just took like 3 steps back, but I dont care cause I'm just having fun with the game.

    I've yet to even play ranked matches, I only just play against Lucky, and 2 other friends of mine.

    I mean for real... who cares? I already got my money's worth from the game too, and then some.

    I ride or die with Deadpool, so the other 2 that fill the team is just whatever. Almost every character in the game is likable from wherever they came from, and then they cool in the game too.
  12. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Hahaha my friend said to me the other day, "Damn this game has longer combos that Killer Instinct. Call me when I hit the ground."

    I said, "That will be no good, I can relaunch you. I'll call you when your characters dead. If they figure out a reliable guard break on an incoming character. I can just lose your phone number lol!"
  13. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    awesome post.

    They can. they don't want to.
  14. Jargen88

    Jargen88 Well-Known Member

    I really like this game. I played it at my friends for a couple hours and we had some pretty intense matches. After maybe about 30 some odd games I have made up my team I seem to do the best with.

    When I want to end the game quickly: Wesker, Super Skroll and Thor

    When I know they have a solid defense: Thor, Captain America and Morrigan
  15. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Justin Wong money matches

    man, Zero, Felicia, Doom = scary, fast matches.

  16. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    GGs to cozby i thought my mag was good until i played his..nice just wasnt quite ready for his spam :p
  17. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    I love comics and i love Fighters.Period. VF did'nt jade me to this game because i play it also.I still play many fighters to this day If i spent money on it i(People) can critic it.

    Am i a naysayer? I guess so to some of the shit in this game. Ya'll dudes is hype right now and i understand that. I just refuse to take the game seriously cause its not that deep.
  18. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    It's just a relative looking thing. Since most of us here have a positive opinion on the game, and reserving some downsides, if anyone here talks about them they'll look like a naysayer just because. It was hard to tell the difference. I mean taking marvel seriously? I take mvc3 just as serious as I take VF, and that's not much seriousness at all just enjoyment if I keep playing the game, the stuff will eventually fall into place.

    You gotta go into marvel expecting the game to possibly end up only having 4 characters playable, or some game breaking glitches. It's marvel, and that's why you enjoy it. I would've been all over mvc2 but I missed the competitive train, it was far too late to hop on even back in the early 2000's for me.
  19. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Damn I just watched those Jwong money matches. Now I'm kind of kicking myself for not using the Tron assist with She-Hulk like I was going to do, after getting beat by Glory, on day 2. It was either Tron or Haggar assist, instead I just left Deadpool on the team and started using Trish for Deadpool lol.

    I'm gonna try Deadpool She-Hulk Tron, the Tron assist makes you sit still to respect it, great assist for grapplers. Glad Justin is around to bring out his marvel experienced creativity, was just what I was looking for, for Jen, and Tron assist probably get teleporters off you too, and might even knock out Sent drones. Top tier assist.

    Who knows when to throw opponents better than VF players, yeah?

    Later EDIT: Man, I feel like I need to be using Spencer, I gotta come up with some creative Deadpool Spencer stuff, I think I got some ideas too gonna see if they'll work.
  20. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I think this game is deeper than it might appear at first. Its got several fairly unique characters, each of which require very different play-styles to be effective, so there's definitely a lot of strategy involved in almost any given match.

    There's also a very strong meta-game that goes on due to all of the possible teams and assist combinations, all of which are thoroughly incorporated into combos and the overall game strategy of your team. Add in all of the character-specific match-up strategies and I believe you have a pretty good amount of depth.

    I get the impression that the general consensus says that MVC3 is a solid, fast-paced, fun and exciting fighting game; a it's really not a game that I would criticize for lack of depth in particular. The game is not perfect by any means, but I don't think 'lack of depth' is a legitimate knock on this title.

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