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Michelle Rodriguez Plays Virtua Fighter?

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Well, if she starts recieving poetry we'll know who is sending it.
  2. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    You guys know she's a dyke right?
  3. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Probably wouldn't stop Kamais.
  4. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    shes bisexual i think, even better!
  5. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Alica Keys is more of a Dyke than Michelle Rodriguez. Why the fuck do people think she's a Dyke? She was fucking Vin Diesel for awhile, messed around with Oliver Martinez and Colin Farrell. And she was engaged at one point.
  6. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member

    Your knowledge is a little scary...

    I do think she's hot, but the missus has a thing for gossip sites, and I remember her telling me something about "see, I told you she was a lez..."

    Although if she was bi, I agree, she would be even hotter.
  7. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    That means nothing, some of my hottest girlfriends were lesbians . A lesbian will put anything in her mouth! Not only that but they were tighter than virgins. Shoot , I'd take another bi girl any day. That only makes Michelle Rodriguez hotter.
  8. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Panda, Panda... Panda...

    C'mon Maannn....

    On the real, what if she happens to really be a member of VFDC?
    Maybe not a regular contributor, but a frequent follower of what's happenin. Maybe she does want a little privacy that's why she doesn't let us know who she is.

    Na, here U go throwin around the dyke word [​IMG] How are we going to ever increase the ranks of our VF femme fatales if
    we victimize them right off the bat [​IMG]

    Seriously dude, what if she wasn't a member, but somehow the fact she's the topic of a forum discussion on VFDC got back to her, and she decided to check out VFDC to see what virtua fighter scene is all about [​IMG]

    And what does she click to?

    Super Panda pointing out that she's a dyke and RichKwondo letting us know all the thingz that a lesbian will
    put in her mouth C'mon Yall... [​IMG]

    I know this is public space and we're all adults here (most of us) and you can write whatever you want. But how are we going to attract our future girlfriends, and wives to VFDC if we man handle any female that has to do with VF [​IMG]

    Lesbian or not, I think Michelle would want to be known for being able to handle her own in VF or Tekken. As a matter of fact from what I know about her, she would not want her sexuality, or physicality to get in the way of her having fun
    just like one of the guys. She's down with gamin, and she kick's ass in some our favorite fighting games. I'm pretty sure
    that's the level she would want to be considered at.

    I started this post to point our that not only are there females playin VF, but famous ones. I was serious in throwin out the idea that maybe her star power could help us get VF5FS, or VF5R. Who knows maybe she's such a big star in Japan, that she has that kind-a pull.

    But b4 you know it, there are discussions of dykes, and tight vaginas, OMG [​IMG]

    Keep in mind this site has had world wide attention[/size] over the last few weeks because of our push to get a new console version, we don't know who are new guests and members are [​IMG]

    Just remember in the words of Peter Parker's uncle Ben:

    With great power comes great responsibility

    VFDC is a world class fighting game site, representing the best fighting game on the planet, with some of the most talented players ever to play a fighting game. We've all got to remember to represent and come correct.
  9. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    I'm more upset someone called Alicia Keyes a lesbian. Don't mess with my woman ( in my mind). Lighten up Po. You're getting too old , aren't you like 42? A couple of my friends were checking out this hot girl that passed by and commenting about her , and some old guy overheard , shook his head and said "That's somebody's daughter". We all looked at him sideways raised an eyebrow and laughed hysterically . That's about where you stand Po.

    Anyway, if Michelle Rodriguez wanted to check out the VF scene she would go to WCC or EVO , or more likely as her schedule permits, just play on Xbox live, you know something you never do, Po. No offense to the organizers here, but the LAST thing she is going to do is check out some obscure fan site's forum. Most of you post about VF more than you actually play it. You can't preach to me about the glories of VF, the importance of the scene, when you admitted only starting VF at VF 4( lol) and you sat on your hands the last 2 years and didn't play VF5 version C on XBL. It's a bad joke coming from you, calling yourself "Master Po" when as far as VF experience , you're more like grasshopper . I've been rocking on VF since VF1 , buddy. All the bordrline psychotic haiku's you keep writing aren't helping. And next time, quote Oscar Wilde or Ernest Hemmingway to make your final point, not Uncle Ben from god damn Spiderman. And as far as decorum, I made a point to use the word "lesbian" , not "d***" , that's an epithet.
  10. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    "She's a dyke" = "Those grapes are sour anyway"
  11. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    and some old guy overheard , shook his head and said "That's somebody's daughter".


    Okay VF1 Kwondo [​IMG]

    A few points of correction are in order:

    1) I play VF5 version B on the PS3 7 days in each of the 52
    weeks of the last couple of years. I don't do Xbox not now,
    not ever. You'd never see me on XBL I don't care what
    exclusives it has. I wouldn't necessarily brag about being
    on Xbox live with respect to VF and skillz, because every
    body knows, that VF online aint the same as VF vs live[/size]
    (which is where I spend most of my VF time [​IMG] ) So
    you might want to put your piece back in your pocket.

    2) You might also want to check your definition of obscure.
    There are many obscure web sites on the Internet. VFDC
    is not among them. Among fighting game sites, and
    fighting game fans, its well known. And has been
    referenced in more than a few gaming publications,
    also you have no idea who I am in real life. The
    fact that I know what VFDC by definition means that
    is is not obscure [​IMG] and that it will have an
    important place when the story of cyberspace is
    finally told.

    3) You really have no idea what Michelle's web browsing
    habits are with respect to fighting games. She's
    admittedly a Tekken and VF fan. You have no idea
    whether she's been to VFDC or tekkenzaibatsu or
    whether she's a member of both. Don't ASSume she's

    4) Although I appreciate Wilde and Hemmingway, Spiderman
    was a hand picked choice. It seemed to be more indicative,
    of the 'horny little boy' theme we had going on,
    you know 'the tight little virgin' talk, I felt it
    was in keeping with the tone [​IMG]

    5) LOL I'm alot older than 42, and now I determine what
    round I loose in, how much energy I have left when
    I loose, and what move I allow my opponent to win with.
    I can even dictate how many time's I'm hit during
    a match (that's a live match) not one of your
    lagfests on XBL. Of the several hundred thousand people
    that purchased VF5 for the PS3 I've lost matches
    to over 1700 of them in the last few years. My
    last 75 losses have been 'time up' 75 in a row!
    Because I chose to loose with 'time up' 75 fuckin
    matches in a row VF1-kwondo[/size]
    against more than 20 different people (live not online)
    So b4 you talk about sitting on hands, you might
    need to raise your game a little.
    VF1-kwondo[/size] I hear too much
    online XBL play makes your dick soft.
    (Assuming dick is the correct genital)

    Lastly, I would ASSume that when women or girls were around you would talk a little differently (you know, just out of respect), like for instance at a job, or in class, or during a
    job interview, or at a restaurant. I would ASSume that you would not talk exactly the way you would if you were at the club wit a bunch of your boys. Perhaps I'm ASSuming wrong.

    For all you know there are women reading these posts, daughters, sisters, girlfriends, wives. Maybe it doesn't matter to you because of how you were raised. And of course any female
    reading posts on the Internet should be prepared for the worst

    VF1-Kwondo it may seem like I'm being heavy, but its because I do know there are women members, and guests on VFDC, I have been present many many times as they've checked out some of our forum topics. Most of the times its no big deal, they get a laugh here and there. But sometimes I'm embarrassed for the site. Maybe because 4 you the site is some 'obscure fan site' thats why you don't give a fuck. And if you want to use the forum to talk about tight little virgin lesbian pussy then why not?

    I'm just sayin in this case you could potentially hurt our chances for getting Michelle to help us in our attempt to get a new console version of VF and that's where I draw the line [​IMG]
    Michelle does have notoriety and if she personally asked for VF5FS to come to the console (who knows) she might get it. And seeing that she's on a playstation in the youtube video, I'd feel real good about the chance of it coming to the PS3.

    But the talk of Dykes and tight vaginas (who knows) could
    mess that opportunity up. And I was just seeking to give
    you and Panda some advice. But to quote Oscar Wilde:

    "It is always a silly thing to give advice. But to give good advice is fatal"
  12. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Po, have you ever read his posts? I don't think he's the chivalrous gentleman type.
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

  14. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

    Yeah Plague, those were pretty much the ones I was thinking of too.
  15. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    So true! [​IMG]
    So true! [​IMG]
  16. PompeyFraz

    PompeyFraz Well-Known Member

  17. SuperPanda

    SuperPanda Well-Known Member


    Po, me calling Michelle Rodriguez a dyke is no different than me calling Lady Gaga insane. They're probably both false statements, but it's nothing more than bar-talk. They both know it comes with the territory of being a public figure.
  18. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I guess he has the right to post like anybody else, but...

    It would be nice to have Michelle Rodriguez officially endorse VF. She has already done so in a way. By mentioning VF and Tekken in her interviews. She is very fond of her fighting games, (you never really know) The CEO of Sega could have loved her performance in Fast N Furious or Resident Evil [​IMG] She might have enough star power to pick up the phone and just ask for VF5FS to come to the consoles
    and voila we're all happy [​IMG] I know I'm dreamin, but
    once movie stars are involved some crazy stuff can happen.

    and I just would hate for Michelle to log on to VFDC and run into VF1-kwondo's posts and get turned off.

    In one of her interviews she says that the game industry is bigger than the movie industry, and she's excited about that fact, because she's into gaming and she has a special place in her heart for fighting games (just look at most of her interviews where gaming comes up). And she is Web savvy, so its entirely possible that she could be a member or guest on VFDC [​IMG] or she might become one [​IMG]
  19. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    You're probably right, but keep this in mind. Its easy to think of VFDC as small clique of players, because the same people kind-a post back-n-forth all the time. But the reality is this site is global in reach, all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds and all levels of social class visit it as guests and wish to remain anonymous. Many register and never post.

    Its not my place or goal to censor anyone, everyone can write
    what they choose, I guess the point I'm making is VFDC actually plays a pretty important role in the Fighting game industry. Its highly visible, and it really is entirely possible that Michelle Rodriguez might be a member or guest
    of VFDC because of her particular fondness of fighting games.

    Now if you knew she would be reading your post, and you chose to point out the dyke facts anyway then kewl [​IMG] I guess its a man's world. But its probably not a good idea to think that she hasn't or won't log onto VFDC and therefore U can break her down if U want. That would be a mistake.

    VFDC is a well established site. Its been on the net for over a decade. Its google index is respectable. And I personally know celebrities that are guests on VFDC.
    I know its hard to believe (but i know celebrities LOL ).

    I'm just sayin a little discretion might be in order from time to time. IMHO [​IMG]
  20. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    And half-Dominican, triple win! [​IMG]

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