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Modern Warfare 2

Discussion in 'General' started by FightClubHuBBs, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Cozby, while I'm thinking about it, use pred>harrier>pavelow.

    Pred will prob get you 2 kills for the harrier which as long as you dont die will almost certainly get you the two kills for the pavelow. Also don't call in the pavelow untill the harrier has left they will steal kills from each other.
  2. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Im best on Favela, Scrapyard and Wasteland. Im bad on Derail. I love Terminal but I dont always do well. Any level where you can do damage with an LMG - Im your man. I agree about Rust, sometimes I dont get it for days. I dont like Quarry much either cause I usually get bent over on it. Oh, I own on Sub Base with my back road LMG lockdown...
  3. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    A good strategy, I used it myself in the past but now I prefer using care packages or sentries instead of predator missiles, harriers are also shot down too easily, the pavelow into the AC130 is a much more effective tactic.
  4. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    But pavelow doesn't add to your killstreak unless you get a kill before it does. If they fixed this I'd use it a lot more, it would be perfect to use if you were going for an EMP.

    I think it's good on it's own but if they fixed the glitch something like harrier-pave-AC130/CG would be so powerfull.

    <object width="560" height="340"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IfTddBO1axw"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IfTddBO1axw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="560" height="340"> </embed></object>

    This class is pwnage. Would've got a nuke using it if my CG wasn't shot down, think my streak was ended at 21. [​IMG]

    What sensitivities do you guys use these days? I'm now using 5 for pretty much everything.
  5. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Borris dude, I would NOT want to run into you online if you were on the other team. People don't even have time to realize you're there before you've plastered them and everyone nearby!

    With the kill streaks -> which ones give you kills towards your NEXT streak and which don't???

    It seems like neither my care package or Sentry count towards any further kill streak, but the Predator missile does. In fact, I don't think I've noticed any other kill streak apart from Predator helping me get to the next one... What's the deal with that?

    BTW, I'm not careful enough to get anything over 7 in a row with out dying. I might go 20-7 pretty often but it's always like 3 kills then I die, or 4 kills then I die; I can seem to just rack them up.

    I want to bust out Pavelows on the regular but it's exceedingly rare that I actually get 9 in a row without dying, I just get too bloodthirsty and then get myself capped. Or, I will start to rack it up in a nice LMG lock-down spot but then foolishly stay in one spot milking the kills and then get flanked by some dude I killed a minute ago and I die.

    My most lucrative moments are when there's a few guys rolling in a squad and they come into my sights... With my LMG I always have enough bullets and penetration power to mow them down. That's why I usually rape when I'm in/near the bunker on Wasteland, a few dudes will rush the bunker together and I'll just light up everything that moves with my giant clip. I've also ripped off like 5 or 6 kills in a few seconds with the Spas-12, I come into a room with it out and guys will try to take me on with their primaries one-after-the-other and I'll just take them all out in quick succession with shotgun-power.
  6. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Haha Gerns, I'm not that pro. my KDR is 1.59 atm. I find it hard to get nukes but usually can get CG's pretty easily with a 5-7-11 set up, I've had hundreds of those.

    The killstreaks that combo are everything except stuff from a CP and EAD, the sentry and the pavelow.

    The sentry and pavelow are glitched in that they should but don't. I think there is a way to get the sentry to add to your streak if you put it down and don't move it atall. I'm not sure, theres are lots of theories, I haven't tested any because it's quite a bit of effort and they are not my preferred KS.

    The pavelow should add if you get it from a CP I've read, which is weird. And also with the above trick I typed before. If its the first of the match and you get a kill after you call it in but before it does. Then it should count.

    If only IW had had a beta all this stuff would've been found and fixed. [​IMG]
  7. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Hey gerns,
    if you want pavelow i think you could actually get it with a regularity based on what ur saying. I mean, if you can get Pred missile you can get pavelow. Just do pred->attack helicoptor/harrier-->pavelow. You have to get 5 to get ur pred, and u should get at least 1 kill with that. then u get 1 kill and call in ur coptor/harrier. The trick here is now you hide somewhere safe and don't come out until that killstreak gets u your 2 kills, lol.

    Personally i go 5-7-11. pred, attack coptor, and then ac130. Once i get my pred, i hope to get 2 kills with it. If not i go get my next kill, puts me at 7. I call in 7 reward, and then hide somewhere safe and hope it gets me 4 more.

    but honestly, based on ur description of how u play, u may be better off in the long run with just a care package and do a 4-5-7. I would prolly be better with 4-5-7 too, lol. but how can u not love ac130 [​IMG]
  8. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Dont use the attack chopper. 1) You can't call in your pavelow untill the AH has left/been shot down. 2) It's a really poor killstreak. It does less damage than the harrier and it's possible to outrun its line of fire.
  9. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Hind has to be one of the worst killstreak rewards. Granted, this is my opinion, but I get shot up by them all the time and hardly ever get killed. I completely second Diggerydoo's suggestion.

    Great vid btw Diggerydoo. You're way nasty with that Spas. Gotta show a friend this, he loves that gun lol.
  10. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    lol, good to know. Thanks for the info boris and krsjn. i think it just worked well once or twice from a care package so i went with it. I recently did switch to the harrier tho.
  11. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    That's not me in the video man lol. I was just saying I got a 21 KS using the same class.

    Nps Social, it's weird they made it so poor, apparently the harrier even has a better targeting/general AI according to denkirson. I've even tried the AH with danger close pro, still pants lol.
  12. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    so i been taking ur advice a lil, and the harrier IS better than the attack coptor. I guess what had originally made me use the helicoptor was having to actually place that little circle on the map for the harrier was a little intimidating (what's if i don't place it effectively, what's if no one is there, etc). But man, sometimes that harrier just absolutely rakes. I think it netted me 15 kills last night!!!!!!!!! haha, i was just like damn, as there was just a constant stream of 100 points, 100 points, 200 points (double kill) popping up on my screen.

    Also, i've raised my cursor sensitivity to 4, and my sniping has definitely improved. At 3, people can outrun ur tracking if you are trying to hit a moving target. I may even go up to 5, don't know yet.

    Anyone else find it annoying that you don't get to choose what order u call in your killstreak rewards? or can you and i just don't know it? here's the deal, if i have a UAV, Carepackage, and harrier, and haven't used any of them yet, WHY THE HELL, can't a pop my UAV to see where people are and THEN pop my harrier? I mean shit, there are 4 directions on the D-Pad, just assign each killstreak reward to a different direction.

    Lastly, i am LOVING sniping. I finally started playing on my gamertag social ruin, and have done nothing but sniping. Oh it is so fun. Last night on invastion, my start spawn was the south spawn, and i quickly went to the west of the map and set up on 1 knee and waited to see who was gonna try and get a quick shot. Snap. I dropped the whole opposing team in about 6 seconds. Then i went up to the north bunker building, and the entire team tried to drop me from across the little courtyard and i got about 7 kills in 15 seconds. Just pop pop pop...better hunch ur skull down between ur shoulders, cause if i see it...pop. Oh it was wonderful.

    BTW, for anyone doing sniping, on invasion the spawns are so close, just sprint to the long straight away on the left side of the map, drop to a knee (or not) and almost always at least one person on the other team will be doing the same thing, and have urself a little shootout action. I almost ALWAYS can drop 2-3 people before anyone can get me. It's all about who can aim and shoot quicker. It is soooooooo fun.
  13. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Really annoying, it would be easy to implement as well because you have 3 spare d-pad slots. A great killstreak set up (theoretically) is cuav,pred,stealth bomber. But if you block out uav its way pressurized to get 5 kills for the stealth in 30 secs.
  14. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to clarify what i was talking about here.
    I mean the spawns are so close when the game first starts. So from the start off, just go turn towards the west side of the map, where the road stretches the length of the map, and set up there looking towards your enemies starting spawn. Usually there is a couple people on the other team that are doing the exact same thing. Now it is just a question of who can aim and fire quicker/accurately. If your a good shot, it is an easy couple kills.
  15. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i didn't really understand what u meant in this sentence. A

    Every time i've ever used the stealth bomber it has been awful. What are the strengths of this reward, and is it actually useful, or would u have to have UAV up to make it worthwhile?

  16. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Good to hear you're enjoying it Social, I gotta say I'm not atm. My internet is rubbish atm so theres like or more situations every match where I make the shot, somehow die and then watch the killcam and see I got beaten by lag. I like to be competative in games and if you're not winning I don't enjoy it half as much so untill I get my internet sorted, MW2 is pants atm. [​IMG]

    I just bought some fricken Kontrol Freeks for it as well. Anybody seen these? I'm looking forward to using these with a high sensitivity.

  17. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    You mean behind the boxes and roadsign where all the humvees are?

    Protip:if there are boosters in your FFA match they are almost always at the end of the road behind all the humvees.
  18. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    UAV definatly power up an airstrike/stealth bomber.

    The killstreak set up of counter uav>predator missile>stealth bomber is powerfull because they wont see the pred on thir mini map so theoretically wont scatter. Also sorta disorientates the team making the stealth bomber more effective. Its not my killstreak setup, I saw it in a WingsofRedemption video who was one of the first legit 10th prestiges.

    I would use that killstreak setup definately if you could choose which killstreak to use. But for it to be truly effective you need to use it all while the CUAV is up which only lasts for 30 secs I think.
  19. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i don't know if it's ur internet. I think it might actually be the game. For about the past week the lag has been getting worse and worse. It gets to the point where i will come around a corner and blast someone with my shotgun point blank, then hear a hit marker, then they knife me. Watch the kill cam and i come around the and shoot in the half opposite direction, they pause and then knife. It's ridiculous.
  20. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    so what is wrong with ur internet boris and how long is it gonna be til ur back up and running?

    gerns, will u re-add me to ur friend list--> social ruin.

    A few quick questions for you guys.

    On terminal, does anyone not like to go up the ladder by the "lobby"? The little birds nest that can reach almost the whole map. I feel like if i make it up there i can just rain down terror on the opposing team. And if you don't like it, then why not?

    Does anyone not like going on top of the highpoint building near the the middle of karachi? Again the same the deal for me there. I get up there and usually regulate.

    Does anyone like being in the bunker on wasteland? Good place to get tore up in my opinion.

    Also, i'll point out, I think being a fan of the HB sensor helps my love of highpoints. It's nice to have an idea where ur opponent is before poking ur head out.

    What is ur strategies (that work) for rundown?

    Why the hell do so many people refuse to find a good hiding place when the other team calls in air support? Drives me crazy. If you are not gonna shoot it down, then stay the hell out of its killzone.

    Couple quick 'protips'. Well, 1st, i've been using cozby's tip of using whoever clan tag is doing the best. Did it before, but after he posted up i went back to it.


    If you are killed by air support, watch the entire kill cam to eat time. i.e. stay out of the feild of play as long as possible vs those chopper gunners and AC's. This can save u a life or 2 on those wide-open battlefields.

    Post up in a doorway or hallway by a blind corner, lay on ur stomach. You can shotgun them before they can aim at their feet and kill u. Seem like a little thing, but it has it's purpose. I like to sometimes lay in the doorway leading to the roof on karachi. In free for all, even when people know ur there, you can get them 1st. Of course, if they grenade u it's over.

    Thanks guys

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