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Modern Warfare 2

Discussion in 'General' started by FightClubHuBBs, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Those things are lame, it almost always seems to go in the 1887s favour.

    I tried the m16 with thermal last night (had to unlock it first). It creates an interesting hybrid, with steady aim it's still good for CQC but at the same time is effectively a burst sniper. I'd say it's good if you get your crosshairs over the guy before you ADS but if not its kinda tricky to position the sight over the guy.</div></div>
    they sup[posedly release another patch to nerf that weapon. My thing is if that weappon so all that powerful then the Shotgun would've never evolved in real life lol!! I favor the M1014 but its range should be a little better man. Dude running around with Duel 1887's looking like T2000 with the Scissor hands and shit. Tatical Knife and command is just as worst. They teleport through shots.
  2. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Yeah I reached level 67 recently and thought I'd try them out, couldn't get any kills with them. I'd heard that they were gunna patch it but not so soon. Then again I don't like shotguns but it I wasnt getting kills at the range that I had been getting killed with them from.

    Incidently it's nuts that you only need 10 kills to unlock akimbo for them.

    Also I thought I'd share something with you guys. Have you heard of modded controllers that make you reload faster? Well how they work is they automatically press Y,Y when reloading. And basically you can do the same thing just by pressing sprint, I'd been doing it for ages and not even realising it lol.


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGHxP6cIW38&feature=related this is a guy doing it without the controller

    BTW the controllers are wank, they should find a way to ban them. But afaik I havn't really come across many people who use them.

    There are some situations where sprint doesn't work; crouching behind cover cause you'll stand up and expose yourself etc.
  3. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    What do you guys think of the FAL (semi-automatic Assault Rifle) for a long-range custom class? I have a few different custom classes sort of designed around certain levels so I would use this class for Derail and Wasteland, maybe even Estate and Highrise...

    Should I just use a different gun than the FAL? M-16 or FAMAS maybe? I read about someone using the FAL as their long ranged weapon because they were bad with the sniper rifles (like me)... So they used the FAL with ACOG scope to generally mimic a sniper.

    I also tried using the Barret 50 Cal with the ACOG scope, instead of the regular one, but didn't have too much luck with that either. It's good cause it still lets you see a wider range than the normal scope but it's bad because it has much less zoom.

    I'm not very good at sniping through the regular or thermal scope and I'm trying to find a good alternative weapon load-out that would work as a substitute... I know it is not optimal due to the fact that the sniper rifles do big damage but I'm hoping it'll be close enough.

    This game is fucking awesome though. Custom classes and all the options just make this game so fun and the unlocking and upgrading is super addictive...
  4. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    I've heard the accuracy is bad on the fal (?), but I haven't used it much myself. Out of the M16 and FAMAS, the FAMAS has tighter grouping on its burst so you are more likely to hit with all 3 bullets at long range. It also has less time in between each individual bullet (quicker burst). The M16 has a shorter time between bursts and a quicker reload.
  5. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Yes! Got me a nuke bitches [​IMG]

    Unfortunately I got it on ground war, which isn't quite as respectable as TDM but fuck it. It's a nuke!

    New killstreak 32 [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  6. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Good job Boris!!!

    I've been doing some damage on Rust Domination. I got a few 30 kills, less than 10 deaths. Not streaks though.

    Hey gerns, i wouldn't suggest your FAL as a sniper gun unless you are really really good at headshots. I think it is real hard to snipe when you have to land 2 shots to kill them. I mean, you go thru all the trouble and then you gotta do it again to kill them, lol. But usually they will duck behind cover, run, whatever.

    Here is what i suggest. Use some combination of HBS/Thermal + FMJ on the Barret 50 cal. And here is the reason why. FMJ will make it even stronger and eliminate some of their cover. Aim for the chest. Or if they are behind cover and u see only their head, then aim for the head/neck. You should have enough pop to kill them.

    I've been digging the thermal/FMJ combo. THey are easy to see and when they glow like that it is even easier to aim for the neck/chest area. It takes a bit to get used to it, but it will also improve your aim.

    Now the benefit of the HBS and FMJ is the HBS will give you an idea where enemies are, theoretically you will therefore be shooting more, and getting used to the aiming quicker.

    Hope it helps. But IMO, 2-shot sniping doesn't work very well.
  7. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    The FAL is awesome, but I can't really recommend it over other guns unless you are using it in hardcore.
  8. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it just seems like you can't beat the 3-round burst with a semi-automatic...

    Why pull the trigger three times when you can just pull it once?

    I do like the FAL but it's hard to say that it's better than the FAMAS because it doesn't have any type of auto-fire. The 3-round burst is so much more deadly, especially if the guy is stationary - he's just dead. When I try to use the FAL, I have stopping power on but I still have to hit the dude two or even three times to get the kill. Up close, I'm at a disadvantage. I usually switch to my trusty M93 Raffica when I know I'm going to be battling face to face...

    I'm trying to use the FAMAS instead right now. The M-16 3-round burst isn't quite tight enough for my special long-range class...
  9. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    Its what everyone with mods use.
  10. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Really? The Famas 3 burst works better for long range? This is surprising since i usually take the longshot award after battles. IDK, i find i can basically snipe with the M-16 so long as my eyesight is good enough to see. But then, i don't suppose i usually use it a sniper rifle, meaning add a scope for extra range. Maybe i'll give the FAMAS another try.

    I'm confused as to why modding is that big of an advantage. It's just a little quicker reload right?

    And whoever posted the quicker reload, thanks. Now i always take a sprint step on the damn duel weild rangers shottys. Two shots then reload can get ya in a pinch.
  11. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    You can also use modded controllers to fire faster, turning pistols into machine guns. But those are the only two that I know of. Heck of a waste of money if you ask me because it's not like you could use them in tournaments.
  12. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    Hey, how do you guys like the AK-47? I used it and 2nd match was 31-12 and think i'm really liking it.
  13. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    AK-47 is one of the best gun in this game.
  14. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    AK-47 is a Bad motherfucker this time around.. 2 shots with Stopping power is a kill. Its not as accurate as before when you spraying off rounds but i take it of the Tar and Scar. I wish they had the secret guns also. I would love for the G36C and the Thompson to make a comeback.
  15. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i thought the AK-47 felt a bit like a light machine gun with better mobility and accuracy. Is this the feeling you guys get from it? I still have to say the m16 is my favorite. I took my game to a bit of a new level on high rise last night, just with map knowledge/traversal. I had a few 25+ kills to less than 10 deaths. It is just so fun capping motherfuckers all over the place. [​IMG]
  16. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I think the FAMAS is a little deadlier than the M-16 from longer range for two reasons:

    1)[/size] The 3-round burst's spread is tighter than the M-16.
    - It makes a bigger difference the farther away they are.
    - The farther your target is, the more the bullets will spread out by the time they reach him.

    2)[/size] The 3 bullets fire faster with the FAMAS...
    - If they are moving I think you are more likely to hit with more than one bullet of the burst.
    - With the M-16, if they are moving, I usually only land one bullet of the burst cause it comes out slightly slower.

    The one advantage of the M-16 is that it does more damage. With the M-16, you don't necessarily have to use 'Stopping Power', but with the FAMAS I feel like you do have to have it -- FAMAS just isn't deadly enough without it...


    You can have stopping power AND a silencer on the M-16 and not lose out on too much damage. Silencer cuts your damage by 10 points I believe but it can be worth it to not show up on radar...

    The other assault rifle I'm starting to mess around with is the ACR and it seems pretty nasty. It's fully automatic but it is also extremely accurate. Gives you a really tight spread for a full-auto.

    Question: Anyone use SMGs at all???

    So far, I only use the UMP with RDS/Holographic sight and a silencer on smaller maps, then I use Hardline as my perk 2 to try to rack up some kill-streaks before the enemies can spot me... UAV after 2 kills is pretty useful and then Sentry Gun after 4. I don't really use any reward over a 7-kill streak cause I probably won't ever get it. I use Harrier Strike as my highest reward.
  17. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    i haven't really used any small machine guns, mostly just cause my AR's have worked so well for me. I like to aim then fire, aim fire, so i'm not sure if the SMG would fit me well. But after using the AK47 and doing some mowing down, and a little spray and hope (not quite spray and pray, lol) i could see maybe using one. I have actaully seen a few real good players rollig with them. I think i would like it better without the silencer just cause it's heavy fire could possibly outgun two people with AR's in a tight spot. I mean, i found the AK could, so i assume the SMG would too. Maybe i'll check one out and then give my opinion. Ultimately, one weapon basically feels like the next to me to be honest, lol.
  18. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Dude I just gotta correct you on a few things here.

    The FAMAS does not have less power than the M-16, they are both exactly the same. Ditto for the range.

    As for the silencer, It only takes 10 dmg off of LMG's. AFAIK SMGs are uneffected. Im not sure about ARs but the fact that they reduce the range means that if a gun did 30dmg at say 100ft then with a silencer it will only do 30 at say 50ft.

    I use the SMGs sometime. The fact that the UMP does 40-35 dmg at long range theoretically makes it the best gun in the game. Then you take in the recoil and you see that it is not. But the fact that its dmg is not reduced by a silencer can make it a very good option for a close quarters map like skidrow.

    Btw I know certain LMGs do 40-40, I mean better than all ARs but only on dmg and mobility.

    The Ak47 I remember had some heavy recoil but I only got about 70 kills with it before I prestiged.

    Also if anyone was wondering about extra weapon slots you get an extra one the first time you prestige then another at 3rd,5th,7th and then the last at 9th or 10th. I think this will be the only time I prestige as some things take blumin' ages to rank back up for exp, cold blooded pro.
  19. social_ruin

    social_ruin Well-Known Member

    hey boris,
    when u prestige, you get extra weapon slots? or just another class?
  20. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Another class.

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