More Customize Items Coming to VF5US

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Oct 2, 2021.

By akai on Oct 2, 2021 at 9:03 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    From the Tokyo Game Show, Sega announced additional customize items will be available in the game. Additional details will be announced at a later date.



Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Oct 2, 2021.

    1. Tha_FeauchA
      I didn't like 'special sparring too much. It was cool, but, constantly playing with all the weird rules and modded physics just isn't for me. But I don't think it should be discarded. It being with a regular quest mode would be great.
    2. masterpo
      You are referring to License Mode. There are no weird rules and modded physics in Sparring mode:LOL: And there is very very little modded physics in License Mode.;)

      Clearly you didn't play the Single Player Modes for VF5FS. So why give your 2cents
    3. Tha_FeauchA
      If I knew there were special physics in some matches, that means I played the modes. I just didn't continue to play it because I didn't like it, brother.

      That was almost 10 years ago, so, sorry if I didn't remember exactly which mode had it. I didn't care for either one. So I didn't play them much. Even still, I never said to remove them (if you read my post). I just liked the Quest Mode from VF5 better because it felt like a place you could bring a character you're trying to learn, start from the bottom and work your way up naturally through the ranks by playing many different A.I. that had certain habits or whatever, and they took that away for modes where you had to win a certain amount of matches in a row, do objectives and whatever else they had. That's why I put my opinion (or 2 cents) out there. For them to (hopefully) see.
      beanboy and masterpo like this.
    4. Auvii
      I would love to have VF4EVO Arcades/Quests back and ALL items that the US never got during the many versions of VF5 over the years.
      SSfox likes this.
    5. masterpo
      Yes! you are correct, Quest Mode From VF5 is much better than License Mode and Sparring Mode from VF5FS. Quest Mode from VF5 also includes Event Square with several Tournaments that would pit the player against the varied AI also.

      However Sparring Mode is somewhat similar to Quest Mode. Because Sparring mode does not have special objectives, and it does pit you against a variety of AI. And the AI in Sparring mode do present different habits, and spams that you have to learn how to beat. Its Just that VF5's Quest Mode has a greater variety of AI. and a much nicer presentation;)

      This stuff is fresh in my mind because I play mostly single player mode. I currently and regularly play VF4, VF4EVO, VF5, VF5FS. I got a small rank in VF5US and then put that version down. It doesn't really have meaningful single player content. And I hate the hit sparks.:mad:
      Tha_FeauchA and SSfox like this.
    6. SSfox
      All they seem to talk about is tournament tournament tournament ... I mean I enjoy competitive in my fgs but some special solo stuffs like quest mode would've been more than welcome. And even if I plan to play online the whole thing is a total mess , played for like 3 weeks until Assassin rank but it's total mess, there some great matches but some were total messy, and I felt it wasn't worth it to mess with online despite obviously i love the game. Spécially since that day where I practiced 3 hours of Sarah then goes online but then couldn't apply anything I practiced with her because of input lag, and sane happened with Aoi. I could mess a bit with the input using Shun cause I know him very well and been playing the character since quite a bit, but when it comes to new character there is just no way to properly play and learn in a fun way like in offline or like in other fgs with great online.

      SFV was release on 2016 and wasn't perfect, but Capcom still managed to make it work , play it a lot online for first 2 years and still play it to this day time to time even when I got to play new games. Sega seriously need to get their shit together and VF6 if there will be one (we can agree that great chances there will be one) they better not launch it in this kind of EWww state, A solid solo mode like quest mode, and solid online with rollback netcode will have to be the ultra bare minimum for VF6.
    7. Tha_FeauchA
      @masterpo Yeah, man. Also, I know the single player is a special place for a player like you, so I can understand your stance (y)

      Making it clearer/my opening should have been that my perspective is from someone who doesn't really care much for single player content, mostly because (at least for me) it never felt like a place to get better with/learn characters. I (respectably) couldn't care less if they added any single player in VF6. But I liked VF5's Quest Mode more than the latest modes. If they're trying to make modes that appease people that like single player and get people into it that don't, I'm throwing that out there for em.
      Last edited: Oct 30, 2021
      masterpo likes this.
    8. masterpo
      @Tha_FeauchA its all good. I know many many players have your perspective. Its a legitimate perspective to have on the game.

      In this particular case it would be worth noting that if the Virtua Fighter series ever wants to sell as many copies as any of the other 3D arcade fighters it has to have significant and bonafide Single Player content. The largest number of players online for Soul Calibur, Tekken, and DOA started out playing Single Player Modes. Yes there are thousands of players that never played Single Player modes in those games and just went straight to VS mode or Online. But there are ten's of thousands of players that started out casual in Single Player Modes and worked their confidence up for in person tournaments and online competition.

      A FG that has healthy Single Player content will ultimately have more people playing the game competitively and will have better turn out for in person tournaments.;) A FG that has no Single Player content or poor Single Player content will see its online community shrink to a small handful of loyal die-hards, and its offline tournament community to nothing but the old timers.:(

      Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown is the only 3D Arcade Fighting game that has no serious Single Player content. Its the only one:eek: This is the primary reason It has the smallest online community, and smallest in person tournament turn outs, and what community it does have dwindles every day. Soon VF player base will be no larger than the die-hard fans that's been with the game from the beginning.

      @Tha_FeauchA while the competitive players may make VF more visible, and the online players may be the most vociferous, its the Single Player fans that provide the large and growing player base where competitive players come out of, or get recruited from.

      If Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown, or Virtua Fighter 6 doesn't produce some significant, legitimate Single Player content, no one will even be talking about VF next year this time.

      VF5US so far has the weakest Single Player Content of all the console versions of Virtua Fighter. So far its left nothing but a bad taste in the mouth of most newbies, casuals, and visitors to the game.:oops: I only hope that RGG has realized that prioritizing Online Content over Single Player content, and prioritizing e-sports at the expense of Single Player content was a grave mistake. And that they take steps soon to remedy the situation before VF fades from the FG scene with a whimper:sick:
      Birthua and Tha_FeauchA like this.
    9. ICHIBANin10000
      Look at it from Sega's perspective: the Quest mode was just an offline representation of you playing matches against real players in different arcades. It was a simulation of going out and fighting other people's customized characters.

      From Sega's perspective, adding online mode totally supplanted that and saved themselves a lot of work. Really , to them, curating add customizing AI opponents for you seems redundant if you can fight a limitless amount of customized characters online.

      Some people are just too sensitive and self conscious, so their psyche can't weather taking an ass-whipping online. If you are playing offline matches it makes no difference, it's the same game
      You might bring up lag as an excuse, but since some of you don't even know frame data, it's not really legit.

      Everything that *was* in the previous franchise installments' quest mode is now in the US online mode, including tournament mode. If You want to simulate playing in 25× gravity in a match, play online against Snake-Boss.
      masterpo likes this.
    10. masterpo
      @ICHIBANin10000 You make an interesting point, as usual. And I also know that if you wanted to you could thoroughly impeach your own argument. I'm sure you've discovered by now that I'm impervious to frame traps (when I want to be), so I'll indulge you.

      There is a reason why VF4EVO will be considered the best game in the series by most folks who concern themselves with such things, and VF5US will be considered the worst.

      If its the case that VF5US is simply a realization of Quest Mode then VF5US should be flourishing and getting rave reviews right now by newbies, casuals and pros alike, but its not:whistle: Its the only 3D arcade fighting game with no significant Single Player content and the size of the active player base reflects that.:cautious:

      Playing against good human players is not the same as playing against good AI players:rolleyes: My friend do a little research on the future of AI in gaming, and the future of AI bots in fighting games. There are a few patents pending......:ROTFL:

      Out of the thousands of matches I've had on line, (and I have had thousands of matches online), I'm able to put all the players into 1 (sometimes 2) of 17 categories or types. So although I've faced many many human players online, in my experience there are only 17 different types of players. on the other hand I have between 48 - 57 different AI types when I evaluate the AI types in VF4 - VF5FS. So for someone like me I find playing the AI more interesting and more diverse.

      Also I encounter the AI executing certain moves in certain situations where humans play monkey-see-monkey-do in those same situations and just go after the Meta and would never do what the AI does. The Meta for VF and the Jedi Frame Knowledge make many of the online fights not only predictable, but boring.:meh: "kids get your calculators out!"(y) On the other hand the AI collectively presents a larger move set challenge and on balance present more, different, and surprising types of attacks and defense.

      You proffer VF5US as the real life online version of Quest Mode, but from where I stand VF5US is only a shadow of offline Quest Mode because the human players simply don't offer the variety, depth, or surprise that I find playing against the AI. I've played against human players in all time zones, for many years, my win percentage is somewhere between 70-75% over thousands of matches, and I simply find playing against the AI far more enjoyable and surprising. :X3: I enjoy my losses most against human players. But I'm always defeated the same handful of ways regardless to who I play, and it just gets boring.:unsure: In contrast, I'm often surprised by the VF AI because it can pull off spectacular wins under the strangest of conditions:)

      @ICHIBANin10000 you're right Sega saved themselves a lot of money with VF5US, and the size of the active player base reflects those savings:cool:

      The top 10 other things that distinguish offline Quest Mode from online Quest Mode

      • Offline Quest Mode has no lag
      • Offline Quest Mode has AI players ready to play all day, every day, any day
      • Offline Quest Mode AI players don't cheat
      • Offline Quest Mode does not require paid subscription to PSN
      • Offline Quest Mode AI players don't pull if they're losing
      • Offline Quest Mode AI players don't get tired of playing you
      • Offline Quest Mode AI players are not scared to play you
      • Offline Quest Mode The player can pick the level of difficulty they want to face
      • Offline Quest Mode There is no audience or spectators unless you choose
      • Offline Quest Mode The AI is more familiar with frame data than human players

      The primary reason why the player base for VF5US is not growing with leaps and bounds is because Sega/RGG failed to make a bona-fide updated offline Single player Quest Mode or anything like it. @ICHIBANin10000 you've been playing FG's long enough to know that the largest player base for any fighting game are the casuals and those into the Single Player content. You do know this right?:X3: Unless Sega/RGG properly rectifies the VF5US Single Player deficit soon we won't even be discussing this game next year this time:sick:
      Last edited: Nov 2, 2021
    11. Tha_FeauchA
      @masterpo Hey, man. I'm all for single player content. If they had a survey and asked if they should do some single player stuff, I'd hit the green button with BOTH hands. The multi player options and modes are already pretty fantastic, especially compared to the older VF games.

      Even though it's not MY main purpose of a fighting game, I still check the single player modes out just because they're there. VF5 Quest Mode was just the only single player I personally ever played where it felt like I could get better with a character I was trying to learn, so I could gradually learn and/or memorize moves and combos, and pull them off in actual (A.I.) ranked matches. And I could bring some of those things with me against people online.. They even had actual player submitted names and quotes for the A.I. characters to make it seem more of a personal match, that was pretty cool.

      And all those perks of an offline Quest Mode you listed are on point. Even if you don't know much frame data, it feels nice when all your inputs happen without delay. The game feels faster and more fluid. Some stuff isn't even 'clashes of offense' frame related. Like doing a fuzzy guard and/or evading in neutral etc.. You can even input your throw escape just after being grabbed in the dojo and still escape a throw. I haven't tested (because no mic) how much I can delay a throw escape online against the people I have great connections with, but I know at least the movement can feel nice and smooth. And when those people I don't have good connections with aren't around, the Quest Mode was a great place to go if I wanted to play some VF.

      I can talk about the stuff for a long time, lol.. Let's hope for the best in both modes (y)
      Last edited: Nov 7, 2021
    12. ShinFuYux
      So, is this like a sign that the game will go from version A to version B?

      Usually updates like these mean they are also updating something else internally within the game. No?
    13. akai
      My guess is no. Maybe some bug fixes. I think this mostly DLC related.
    14. faster 10 lightning
      faster 10 lightning
      Any news?
      Sega is going terribly slow with VF5US, and they risk to miss the chance again after they great numbers this summer...

      And they are only making simple customization items (that will be even pretty pricey for sure), I cannot imagine how many "years" would take to make a Quest mode...
    15. SUGATA
      Yes, SEGA is too slow. We were promised but still no :
      1) Team battle 2nd type - winner by points (won rounds)
      2) New 2nd customize pack dlc
    16. ICHIBANin10000
      Also where the fuck is Dural? What the fuck!! I want to Burning Hammer somebody in anger.
    17. charleypk222
      this is sad:( this game lack so much item from the old version , still no update
    18. def
      Isn't there supposed to be an update tonight/early tomorrow morning (EST)
      charleypk222 likes this.
    19. charleypk222
      yea your right :)

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