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Mortal Kombat 9

Discussion in 'General' started by Mackfactor, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you're trying to start a pointless online argument, which I have no intention of being a part of because a) I'm not 12, and b) I'm not a dick.
    I simply said I don't like Mortal Kombat and gave my reasons for it. Why you feel the need to defend the game because you think differently is unknown to me. This is the first time in a few months since I posted anything on a forum and I remember now why I don't use them. Laters.
  2. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    And in answer to that, I've never played VF2 so it's irrelevant.
    I don't think you have to be a national champion to do easy combos on MK, it's just a case of pressing two or three buttons over and over in the corner. Anyway, who cares.

    Thanks for the nice chat,
    WCG UK national champion
  3. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    Love it.
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    MK's had it's fair share of broken shit, not had the chance to play it but it looks like fun to me.

    Rayne is entitled to his opinion chaps.
  5. def

    def Well-Known Member

    PLAY IT! Like I had said in one of my previous posts, it is the MK game we all deserve or something along those lines. And check on amazon.com if ur interested, I think last I had checked, they are selling it for $50 as opposed to $60, not to mention FREE shipping on orders over $25.
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I've seen it for pretty cheap in town [​IMG]

    Like I said game looks good to me, it reminds me of MK2 and UMK3. They were always my favourite MK games even if I was young when they came out.

    Still, it'll be nowhere on the same level as VF for me but i'm gonna pick it up as soon as I get the chance.
  7. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Man, that can be said about a bunch of games... Hell, you can do easy combos in VF, using 2 or 3 buttons over and over in the corner a.k.a. wall combo... Do you only play Time Killers and nothing else??? Just curious...
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter


    Posted on NeoEmpire. This game seems hilarious. I may get it when the price goes down and like Marvel, play is super casually.
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm going to pick this up, but I might wait for a price drop.
  10. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    All you do is post in these threads to downplay the games, avert or subtle, and make it a point every single time to say you're either playing them casually or aren't taking them seriously, without even diving in to try it.

    You do realize that somebody could do the exact same thing with VF, as what you're doing right now. And as a matter of fact, they do, all the time, and it's their faults for missing out on such a great game or atleast enjoying some other game.

    If someone somewhere else is downplaying VF with a completely naive or unexplored mindset, it makes me feel pretty apprehensive about playing the game they consider superior.

    An MK player could also probably stumble upon your post and not even want to get into VF because a VF player is looking jaded as hell every single time.

    Not even gonna lie, I have turned off some people from ever wanting to get into VF because it was the only fighter I wanted to play for a long time, they didn't want to end up with a lack of enjoyment for other fighting games. And I'm actually disappointed at how jaded I was.

    Playing videos games(fighters) isn't a job, but it gets real silly when people repeatedly say certain things, as if there is only one answer or one way to enjoy themselves, or that these games are putting dinner on the table and their time is precious because of it.
  11. DurViener

    DurViener Well-Known Member

    Game is good, online is shit
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Slide, I didn't always see it like this, but you are dead right. Its easy to become to self righteous playing VF and not give other fighting games the credit for what they do right, and for the inherent fun there is playing them.

    I am still in the process of relaxing and changing my attitude on the whole subject matter.
    But essentially, on this site, we should celebrate all fighting games. SF, MK, KOF, Tekken, DOA,SC etc. Of course the site is dedicated to VF, but the fighting game community is too small to divide it up, and there is too much overlap in
    terms of who plays which games. There is room for everybody, and each game has its strong points and weak points, and each game has a niche that other games don't quite do as well.

    Nothing wrong in playing and enjoying them all, and welcoming players to this site regardless to which fighting games they prefer should be okay [​IMG]
  13. combo2008

    combo2008 Well-Known Member

    I think mortal kombat 2011 is a very good fighting game, loads of challenges and content and good gameplay.
  14. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Been a MK fan since day one. First fighting game I took serious(MKII)This is the BEST MK, period. The Mix-Up's, the resest and oki setups are amazing for a 2D fighting game. So much fun with this game. I'm rocking Scorpion, Jax, Smoke and the Wu-Tang(Liu Kang and Raiden)
  15. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I with a lot of this post. I spend a lot of time trying to get people to play VF and to be honest, even then playing it casually would be a big [​IMG] from me.

    I posted the vid, cos it's good. I said i think the game is hilarious because i genuinely think it is funny and it fills be with amusement and merriment. I don't think i've done enough in this thread or any other (I just checked) to deserve an "all you do". It's only my 2nd post in the thread. Did you read my first post? have you confused me with someone else? Please explain to me where

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">All you do is post in these threads to downplay the games, avert or subtle, and make it a point every single time to say you're either playing them casually or aren't taking them seriously, without even diving in to try it.</div></div>

    comes from? Because i said i'd wait for price drop or will play it casually i'm jaded?
  16. Sharp7

    Sharp7 Well-Known Member

    I think its guaranteed to get less fun.
    Mostly cause the long comboing will get old, however this game has combo breakers so who knows.
    I base this on MVC3, which was really fun early on, then when most people start doing really long combos and assist abusiveness it gets frustrating, even if your the one doing the combos its tedious doing the same combo for the 200th time and overall it became unenjoyable.

    I just can't help but feel as time goes on a few things will be clearly superior to others (maybe saving your meter for combo breakers always) and other things that might make the game less fun.
  17. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    For a MK title the game is great... enough said! It's no VF, but if that's gonna be people's only reason for not trying it then they are lame.

    All these long combos mean nothing with the breaker system in place and any smart player is always going to keep a breaker on hand. As time goes on and everyone learns to deal with the shenanigans and spot the insanely long combo starters that's when breakers will be used. People will adapt by eating 30%-50% combos which is normal in most fighting games anyway and just break anything of higher value. Plus if NRS is as serious about this game as they have stated then most of this bullshit should be patched in the coming weeks / months. with that said, as time goes on this game will only get better.

    Unfortunately what kills the game at the moment and could possibly kill it altogether is the terrible online lag. If they don't fix this very soon MK will go back to it's underground following roots and lose it's well deserved chance at finally being mainstream again and people taking it seriously. I can only speak for me, but the only reason you see me playing Gears3 beta or VF is because MK's online is just so bad, I have no one to play with at the moment and playing against the CPU get's old very fast because of the way NRS programmed the AI. I love VF, but right now I really want to play some MK online, but I can't. [​IMG]

    @ Slide

    GREAT FUCKING POST! It might have been a little off from what Marly was getting at, but the way you write and explain things are great! [​IMG]
  18. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I don't think long combos are going to be the issue, there's nothing MvC3-long in there, even in the corner. Plus, there such a better system of attack and punishment that's not in MvC3, it really does remind me of VF where you end up face to face blocking, trying to out time your opponent to throw out a quick strike. It's not in the vein of MvC3 in any way where there's unblockable setups into long combos.

    MvC3 just seemed like unpunishable rushdown hell to me. The fact that MK has a block button completely changes the game, it's not about crossing up and it's much more based on a mid/throw mix-up.

    I'm just NOT an MvC3 fan, I got frustrated with it one day and it never went back into my XBOX after that. I bought the game so Capcom got my "support" but they're not getting any more of my time with that title.

    ALSO… NR announced a patch within the next two weeks which will address the lag/online issues.

    The patch system they have really should minimize any long-term balancing issues or other brokeness.
  19. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    One of the best posts on this whole site for 2011!!! Straight up!!! Why can't cats ever just have this mentality... Sure some games you can see aren't gonna be too great, but not every fighter is in that category, and MK9 definitely is not... Either way, you can't knock the game til you try it...

    Not trying to be biased though, but I'm glad its a good and solid fighter that's NOT from Japan. It could've been made in Iceland for all I care.

    Those cats crying about long combos on this game should get Splash Mountain'd!!! A bunch of this stuff is avoidable, and they gotta understand, especially now, either you're gonna have a game with extended combos or you're gonna have a game with a few hits that do massive damage... Shits been like that since SF2, ain't nothing new... Cats are always gonna cry about something nowadays... Learn to adapt and overcome, or just drop fighters altogether and play COD or some other non-twitch FPS...
  20. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    comes from? Because i said i'd wait for price drop or will play it casually i'm jaded? </div></div>

    You seem to have trouble with how your own post interpret when it's pasted, due to context clues. You post a video up with giant sized combos that do large damage, say the game is "hilarious", and then mention that you'll get it when the price drops like Marvel(which you also downplayed, making posts with no written text but only a video link to glitches) and that you will play the game casually. Everyone has said they'd take a game casually before, but to keep saying it is redundant, and comes off as being jaded. To display jadedness public on the forums for every new fighter, it inadvertently doesn't reflect well, and I already gave you a reason why. I changed my tune, cause I was starting to get real jaded myself but realized I was the only one losing out.

    It reads like, 'This game is funny to me, and not worth my time to take seriously, or worth my money to pay at full price'

    Why should I even go into your posting history to see how you did that with Marvel? It'd be a waste of my time to go read them again, your posts are "hilarious" and I'm only taking them in "casually".

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