
Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Guest, Nov 14, 1999.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: MPGs

    I honestly do believe that at least some sort of good VF revival will happen with the CDs. I think we also need to consider that whenever Jeff's away, how will the distribution be handled (to those far and away who would want to fork out the CD-R cost, shipping cost, and the donation to Jeff and fee :) ). Thank goodness that this really isn't about the money. Thank goodness that the cause is towards VF3tb. Thank goodness that international laws, especially relating to Asia are very loose (SMs *cough*, VF3tb videos from Japan--commercial and private... etc...). Thank goodness to Sega and especially Yu Suzuki + AM2. Half a thank-you to Genki (we at least got a decent port right? It could have been worse... though it also could have been so much better!). Thank goodness for us and all the VF fans!!!!
  2. resist

    resist Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what I was thinking...

    I love the thought of this idea(It reminds me of putting out diy records and such, only VF based). I am willing to do anything that I can to help. I have editing equip., a cd burner, tons of blank cds, vcr, tv, etc.

    As far as the cost of cds go, they are easily obtained for free (Legal). I have only payed for a ten pack once in the past couple of years. The way to do this is to go to your local compUSA, staples or other computer store. The almost always have CDs with a rebate for the same price they are charging. Buy as many as you can and siply send in the rebate. This is how I have managed to collect so many writable cds.
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what I was thinking...

    Gyah, you guys are getting me excited now!!! /images/icons/wink.gif

    ice-9 | Sennin
  4. Rulakir

    Rulakir Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what I was thinking...

    Yeah, you oughtta be. /images/icons/smile.gif Can you imagine once you come back to Singapore, and the availability of things just becomes SSSSooooooo much cheaper ? (Imagine, a deck of 240 CDRs for only S$90 or so. /images/icons/crazy.gif) Not to mention computer hardware after Y2K...... /images/icons/tongue.gif

    Not to mention the fact that if you can actually produce enough footage for me to erm... "enhance" the level of gameplay here, you might actually be present for a VF revival. /images/icons/crazy.gif

    BTW Jeff, if situations aren't good here on my side, we might be stuck with going to YOUR place to play VF. /images/icons/frown.gif Not my idea of fun, but if we're left with no openings elsewhere, I guess there's no other way.


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