My friends' complaints about the low punch (he uses Aoi).

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by SenoB, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Yeah I remember maddy saying that he couldn't go through Lion's LP with shrm after his [4][6]+[P]+[K] gets blocked (which he does a lot). He was like, "Yeah, everytime I did [4][6]+[P]+[K] (blocked) into shoulder ram, Jerky would just LP me, and it would work. It's kinda stupid, Lion's LP is supposed to be worse, but shoulder ram can't go though it."
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Just like shun doing lp->low kick...... errrrrr!
  3. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    fucking low kick
  4. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    "Thanks for all the help guys. I love this community. Without it, I would never have gotten really into VF4Evo (nor would I have considered Goh a viable character --- Thanks CreeD!)"

    Wow, it's nice to hear someone relatively new around here that's enjoying the site, instead of saying we're all a bunch of assholes.

    wanted to add a few things about low Ps that some may have mentioned, sorry for any repeats:

    low P isn't an "easy answer" solution to being at a disadvantage, since it can be easily punished. A good example is after your rising attack has been blocked, or Akira's SDE had been blocked, you aren't throw-able, so low P seems like a good idea to stop throws or attacks, but even slow moves like Jeff's Knee will MC the low P, making a huge damage combo possible.

    Also, there's the Special High moves, designed specifically to crush low P happy people (IMO) w/ moves like Jeffry's b, f+P.

    don't forget things like Vanessa and Goh's low P sabakis, or Akira's bP+K+G, Wolf's Low Punch Cut, all things that will seriously dissuade predictable low punching

  5. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    WHOOOO... you said LOW PUNCH CUT /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    anyways ... I admit Wolf's low punch can be a bitch, but once you become familiar with the game. LP's mean nothing....ok move along
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    You can't dismiss the fact that lp is one of the main factors/concerns in the fundamental throw/attack guess game when you have the advantage.

    So umm... it's not the end all super win move, but it's still pretty high on the list of important moves if you ask me. I guess what i'm saying is... "Don't tell your friend that lp sucks and don't use it or that it's the best move, but just try to stress the fact that it's just like many other moves, it has it's good points and bad points.
  7. ValeStyle_Gove

    ValeStyle_Gove Well-Known Member

    If your friend is new at VF and using Aoi theres something wrong right there
  8. SenoB

    SenoB Well-Known Member

    I think my friends (the ones who live nearby anyway and play Evo without groaning... too much) and I are asking for abuse:

    I've played VF before... but I first went for Akira from VF1 to VF3, and now I use Akira, Goh... and most recently, Pai.

    My friend, Saikyo, chose Aoi (duh?) because she could counter. That, and he has this thing for pink costumes... don't ask, it's really stupid.

    The friend, Dev, that hasn't EVER played a console game before (only FPS) chooses Akira of all people.

    Finally, the last friend, ibdqd, chose Wolf, and maybe Jeffry... He just constantly jab and LP rushes people to throws or his screw punch thing (among other stuff). I find little difficulty in countering and punishing him... but apparently my friends do.


    LP is pretty strong back when I begain VF4 I was a LP whore and my sparring partners adobted my bad LP habbit and I went to Free training and made them wish LP never existed so what I am saying is LP is far from abuseable.
    AOI vs LP Set ups and ways of Baiting LP
    The first way to getting around lp and owning it is to predict it now and limit ur opponents options. I will list ways I bait and deal with lp that are quite effective but may not always work so read this with an open mind.


    1. p,p (guarded)
    -Low Throw/ this must be buffered right after ur 2nd punch is blocked and note u must be somewhat certain they will LP.
    -d/f+K/ This countets LP beutifully with no back dash needed plus it will prob make them stand and block instead of LP u so go for a grab of ur choice.
    -qcf+p+K/ Remember this sabuki counters all high and Mid Punches if they give up on LP.

    2. f,f+p (guarded)
    - Low Throw just like before.

    3. b,b+p+k (guarded)
    -LP/ Your LP will beat out all their standing moves except anti LP ones PLUS IT BEATS THEIR LP AND YOU GET A MINOR COUNTER.

    4.LP (Gurarded)
    - If AOI LP gets blocked you are at a disadvantage and if ur oponent reacts with their own LP which is common buffer in back dash in recovery frames of ur guarded LP and cancel ur backdash with a Low throw
    -b,f+p also works well vs LP after AOI's is guarded plus you get the JF throw.

    5. K+G (Guarded)
    - AOI's LP will beat their LP and counter highs.
    - For more damage if you anticipate LP go for a b,f+p+k which is guaranteed to hurt if they try LP to interpt.

    Those are a few basic set ups for LP and I hope this gives an idea on how to deal LP.

    INFORCER OUT /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif


    One more thing dont forget AOI has a low counter so use it also make them fear just recklessly throwing out LP.
  11. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    After most of attacks get blocked,you are at disvantage,so your LP will never beat their LP(if they LP you after he blocks your attacks) and so,never on counter too

    for ex,you said after after K+G guarded,Aoi's LP will beat their LP and on's wrong

    or maybe I don't understand something?
  12. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    THE_INFORCER said:

    3. b,b+p+k (guarded)
    -LP/ Your LP will beat out all their standing moves except anti LP ones PLUS IT BEATS THEIR LP AND YOU GET A MINOR COUNTER.

    5. K+G (Guarded)
    - AOI's LP will beat their LP and counter highs.
    - For more damage if you anticipate LP go for a b,f+p+k which is guaranteed to hurt if they try LP to interpt.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    after [4][4][P]+[K] blocked,your LP will not beat elbows......(or another fast mid attacks)
    I check the frame data,and Aoi is -13 if this move is blocked!

    As for as me,I have played against some players who tend to LP me after the [6]+[P],[P] hits
    Aoi is -1 when this double elbow normal hits,and if I try LP after this move,their LP hits me first and on MC
    So I evade and Low throw them:it works vwell but not abusable too...


    [ QUOTE ]
    kimheng said:

    After most of attacks get blocked,you are at disvantage,so your LP will never beat their LP(if they LP you after he blocks your attacks) and so,never on counter too

    for ex,you said after after K+G guarded,Aoi's LP will beat their LP and on's wrong

    or maybe I don't understand something?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Umm not to be rude but these were throughly TESTED and its not about being at a dis advantage its spacing that plays a key roll in what I posted and it was directly versus LP so pls for christ sake test the stuff ur self before posting. Go to TRAINING and click FREE and use the record feature its the best thing to happen to 3d fighters.

    So point is spacing is what makes certain moves beat certain moves and this was TESTED ON VANESSA. Now after TESTING post ur coments.




    [ QUOTE ]
    kimheng said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    THE_INFORCER said:

    3. b,b+p+k (guarded)
    -LP/ Your LP will beat out all their standing moves except anti LP ones PLUS IT BEATS THEIR LP AND YOU GET A MINOR COUNTER.

    5. K+G (Guarded)
    - AOI's LP will beat their LP and counter highs.
    - For more damage if you anticipate LP go for a b,f+p+k which is guaranteed to hurt if they try LP to interpt.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    after [4][4][P]+[K] blocked,your LP will not beat elbows......(or another fast mid attacks)
    I check the frame data,and Aoi is -13 if this move is blocked!

    As for as me,I have played against some players who tend to LP me after the [6]+[P],[P] hits
    Aoi is -1 when this double elbow normal hits,and if I try LP after this move,their LP hits me first and on MC
    So I evade and Low throw them:it works vwell but not abusable too...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Reread my post again CARFULLY and then post please I said " Your LP will beat out all their standing moves except anti LP ones PLUS IT BEATS THEIR LP AND YOU GET A MINOR COUNTER." see it ANTI LP in other words fast mids i.e ElBOWS are ANIT LP. got it good /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  15. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Hi, first of all: Who da hell are you?

    Then; You know Van's punch is basicly elbow class? You might want to include some other characters [2][P] in your "extensive" testing before trying generalisation and / or being mean to others.

    And that's just the start of it. Your post is filled with more holes then hell. Say after [4][4][P]+[K] for example; it's not just THE ANTILP MASTERMIND MOVE! that will win against your lp but basicly everything if you attempt it. Knees / whatever. Your own punch has 12frames execution so anything that comes before 12+13 = 24 frames will kill of your fucking [2][P].

    [ QUOTE ]
    I would say I am in the TOP 20 definitly I dont study this shit for nothing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    <font color="yellow">PRICELESS </font>

    Edited for correctnezznezz (mostly).

  16. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    KiwE those framestats only apply to high Ps, not low. Everyone's low P is 12 frames exe except for Lion's (13).

    And yeah, who the hell is going to low P at +13?


    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:

    Hi, first of all: Who da hell are you?

    Then; You know Van's punch is basicly elbow class? You might want to include some other characters [2][P] in your "extensive" testing before trying generalisation and / or being mean to others.

    And that's just the start of it. Your post is filled with more holes then hell. Say after [4][4][P]+[K] for example; it's not just THE ANTILP MASTERMIND MOVE! that will win against your lp but basicly everything if you attempt it. Knees / whatever. Your own punch has (Aoi has a fastpunchspeed) 11frames execution so anything that comes before 11+13 = 24 frames will kill of your fucking [2][P].

    [ QUOTE ]
    I would say I am in the TOP 20 definitly I dont study this shit for nothing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    <font color="yellow">PRICELESS </font>


    [/ QUOTE ]

    WHO AM I? Who the heck are you PAL! Thats funny anyway.

    Look buddy I am not saying this is fool proof I specificlly said that this is what I use so its not for every fucking body so calm da fuck down. First off I was trying to add some ideas for this topic nobody said I was GOD so sue me.
    Last I was not being RUDE to anyone foo I said pls and think you .

    And com on man this is a game right maybe its ur LIFE so FING GET ONE I HATE WHEN RANDOM FUCKS POST STUPID SHIT. Myke ban this fer for life for him starting shit.


    [ QUOTE ]
    Dandy_J said:

    KiwE those framestats only apply to high Ps, not low. Everyone's low P is 12 frames exe except for Lion's (13).

    And yeah, who the hell is going to low P at +13?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thanks for clearing that up dude I was too pissed to be technical man I sure hope I can get alot nicer feedback for trying to help some time.
    PS: I am calm again I apologize for anyone I offended.
  19. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Well :cry:

    If everybodys [2][P] exept mr Ghey's would be 12frames, how can he claim to win against it @-13frames? =)
    Nah, this requires some testing in the morning when brain is online more (late in Sweden and Saturday - you know), a small midget with a hammer and a piece of gum attachted to a small rope.

    Inforcer / whoever: I asked who you were cause you said you were top 20 in states etc and you're new to this board (so wanted to know if you were with a crew or something) so yeah, saying that means you're saying you're "god". And as for posting weird stuff etc... well look at your post thinking you're 2p's wins alot over others when you're at diss etc :cry:

    /KiwE (To the batcave>sleep>back after testing so there really isn't some weird truth to you throwing and winning over strikes at diss etc which there definatly shouldn't be).



    [ QUOTE ]
    KiwE said:
    Then; You know Van's punch is basicly elbow class? You might want to include some other characters [2][P] in your "extensive" testing before trying generalisation and / or being mean to others.

    .Say after [4][4][P]+[K] for example; it's not just THE ANTILP MASTERMIND MOVE! that will win against your lp but basicly everything if you attempt it. Knees / whatever. Your own punch has 12frames execution so anything that comes before 12+13 = 24 frames will kill of your fucking [2][P].

    <font color="yellow"> </font>
    Hey dude you were right about this LP crap vs vanessa it seems that b,b+p+k (guarded) LP wont beat aoi's own LP heck its free so either it pushes Van out further or like you said har LP is trash but hey thanks for the insight. I am usally a frame data fanatic but didnt even look at AOI's I just started learning her a month ago.

    <font color="yellow">INFORCER IS NO LONGER DRUNK </font>

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