My little VF4 (test) rant...

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by feixaq, Aug 13, 2001.

  1. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    ... Wow, you can input double throw escapes for two command throws? This is news to me. That's kind of a disappointing "feature". Still, Kage's f+P+G, b,d+P+G, b+P+G, are all good, so you at least have a 1/3 chance of landing a decent throw. Have you found any new followups to f+P+G?

    <font color=blue size=11 face="Times New Roman">
    CreeD </font>(possible sig)
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Kage
    Not being able to RO from the center of the ring is OK with me, how about other Kage players?

    The double-command throw escape worries me and I hope it's not in the final version. Can anyone confirm?

    Re: Akira
    SE followup not guaranteed

    Not even the rolled-out SgPm or DblPm? These were the only guaranteed followups from VF3, AFAIK.

    RBC followup not guaranteed

    Same as TB. I don't think anyone complain here given that the RBC does decent damage anyway and puts Akira at a favourable position.

    PIT SE followup uncertain (need to reconfirm bodycheck and SJK followups)
    PIT SE RBC followup uncertain (need to reconfirm b,f+P and SJK followups)

    I never tested these when I played the beta so I can't really comment on effectiveness/usefulness but these are just extensions to the PIT setup game. A large part of Akira's throwing is based around setups with almost no guaranteed followups, and anything that is guaranteed isn't overly damaging. Oh yeah, is the DE still guaranteed after the PIT?

    d+P+G break guard followup uncertain ( SJK not guaranteed; need to reconfirm b,f+P followed by DLC OTB)

    Sounds the same as TB. What about the f+P+G break guard?

    ST followup uncertain (SJK, short shoulder, Yoho, single palm all not guaranteed, AFAIK, but I'll reconfirm)

    Again, it's the same in TB except for the rolled-out DblPm (and SgPm?) which were the only guaranteed followups.
  3. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    hey now hey now....on your wolf's 10-20 streak... the streak ya got was a lucky streak :p besides.. i was just practicing hehe...and my only excuse was that i was practicing with lei fei and just testing new stuff. hehe all in all it was still fun eventhough my butt was being beaten really bad!
  4. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    ... Wow, you can input double throw escapes for two command throws? This is news to me. That's kind of a disappointing "feature". Still, Kage's f+P+G, b,d+P+G, b+P+G, are all good, so you at least have a 1/3 chance of landing a decent throw. Have you found any new followups to f+P+G?

    Looks like we might have to start doing elbow-->(stagger)-->K (G cancel)-->throw...

    Don't know if anything is guaranteed after f+P+G, but Kyasao did use the f,d,df+P,K in the movie clip. I managed to get (f,d,df+P)x2, as well as f,d,df+P, d+P+K, K. But I need to get someone to sit down with me and try to crouch dash, dodge, dodge attack, TT punch, TT kick, TT low punch, TT low kick, and whatnot to really ascertain the... um... "guaranteedness" of anything. Either that or keep trying f+P+G followups against the CPU in the later stages (Jacky and above, where the CPU has ungodly dodging and stagger recovery powers).

    The double-command throw escape worries me and I hope it's not in the final version. Can anyone confirm?

    This is documented on Japanese websites already. You can do either P+G x+P+G or x+P+G y+P+G DTEs.

    Strangely enough, I see some new throws cropping up too... d,f,u,b+P+G and other full-circle+P+G throws... Zangief anyone? (Thankfully, you only have to input the last direction to throw escape.) Haven't seen any of these on the test version though... heck, Wolf's df,df,P+G,P+G and HCB,P+G,P+G don't exist in the VF4 test either.

    Regarding the "guaranteedness" (urgh, is there a better word for this? "viability" perhaps?) of Akira followups... I'll print this post out and experiment at SVGL, maybe later today (Wednesday evening, if any of you are in the vicinity and want to play too!). Getting the itch to play again...
  5. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Hehe, well, I did manage to rack up some long Wolf win streaks when you weren't around too =P Nice win streak with Jacky you got later that night, though /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    Um, going back to my earlier point about game balance, that's precisely what prompted me to compose a little rant in the first place. I've always thought myself to be an average Wolf player, but now I manage to get some nice win streaks going...

    OTOH, I pull out all the stops with Kage, and I barely get better than a 2:1 ratio (more likely 1:1) ratio with him. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif I dunno, I guess I'll keep working at it, but the prognosis at this stage isn't good.

    Likewise I see Jeffrey being played in a rudimentary fashion (upper x 1/2/, d+K, d+P, d+K+G, P-->powerslam,b+P+G, nothing more the ENTIRE damn match), and can barely go toe-to-toe with them using Kage (and not at all using Akira)... *sigh*

    Tired disclaimer: my impressions of VF4 have only been based on the test version. YMMV.
  6. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    f+P+G was absolute crap in tb. almost totally useless.
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    One tactic you may use with Kage that may yield more success is a very boring, very mechanical d+P game. As in d+P -> elbow/heelkick/throw type of game. I don't know if things change if the opponent blocks the d+P standing, but if they block it crouching, it seemed to be Kage's best bet from the time I played him.
  8. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    I'm slowly developing some new tactics with Kage now... will try them out this weekend /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  9. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    it's all about timing... it was coo to see how you guys were testing akira's moves and stuff. yea and now im practicing more with shun, kage and lei fei.. well there are so many techniques for each character that i forget.. and end up doing the same ole stuff.... hmmmmmmmmmmm maybe if i played 10hrs straight hehe j/k
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    His dashing punch can be grabbed also.. arrgg...

    I went to see the tournament in Kanisupo yesterday.
    Bunbunmaru, Chibita, Joe and other ppl(???) were there.
    It seems like Joe won the tournament. Sorry, I went home before it started to watch the soccer game.

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