N00b Jeffry looking for a consultation! Hilfe!

Discussion in 'Jeffry' started by Kamamura_CZ, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. HiryuZeroTwo

    HiryuZeroTwo Member

    My tip on TKoD, and this is gonna sound crazy. Once it hits,BACKDASH, then input the throw. You can pretty much backdash almost full distance and it will still connect if they do anything but abare attack.

    You can input a quicker throw by doing it as soon as the 44 animation initiates, but its so much fun to wait and then scoop them up from full screen. AE Gief eat your heart out.
  2. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    @Mlai - I've used the buzzsaw kick a lot in real matches, don't dismiss it so lightly. ^_^
  3. Mlai

    Mlai Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You can input a quicker throw by doing it as soon as the 44 animation initiates, but its so much fun to wait and then scoop them up from full screen. AE Gief eat your heart out.</div></div>
    I have to try this. 8o

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">@Mlai - I've used the buzzsaw kick a lot in real matches, don't dismiss it so lightly. ^_^</div></div>
    Do you have to purposely whiff the P+K in order to get the CH with P, to get the throw? Because not even mashers would keep pressing the attack button when they just got hit with the intimidating-looking P+K.

    But I guess just press the P+G as a matter of principle because you won't get some throw-whiff animation anyways?
  4. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    I find that the new tracking system helps a lot for buzzsaw kick, as long as the opponent evades towards the arm doing the hit-throw punch it usually lands for me.

    Also I practiced it so much in vanilla that my connect rate is almost 100% so I'm confident with it.
  5. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    [1][P][P] is one of the rare attacks that goes under high attacks from the very first frames, and because of this, it is useful. Combos on minor counter, so if you play an opponent who likes doing lots of [P], it leads to knock down. While yes, [6][P]+[K]/[6][6][P]+[K] also go under highs and lead to higher damage, their ducking frames are much later.

    Running [P]+[K] is good against stance characters, particularly ones with really small hit boxes. Run [P]+[K] has a huge hitbox (a rare thing for Jeffry), and is much faster than the high Run [K]+[G]. Don't use it too much, but it has it's place.

    [3][P]+[K] is soooooo much better than [3][P][P]. [3][P][P] is only useful as a 16 frame punisher.

    [4][K] used to be good when you could have just tacked on [2][K]+[G] for a combo, but now it is only useful as an alternative to Jeffry's subpar elbow as a means of dealing with certain sabakis (though attack like Lion's [2][1][4][P] covers both of these bases :/).

    [4][K] is at it's most effective near a wall (I tire typing that, but it is true). [4][P] covers Jeff's back, [4][P][K] combos leading to a low wall splat, [K] covers the stomach and leads to a high wall splat. [4][K] leads to a high wall splat on counter. And of course, Jeffery has wall throws in both directions, 70 in [6], 100+ in [4].
  6. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    Thanks for your input Sebo, actually I was wondering where you've been! ^_^
  7. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    School (Japper-knees) has been kicking my ass lately, and being primarily a Jeffry player I'm a little discouraged with how much he sucks and felt like taking a little break.

    Oh, and L.A. Noire is amazing. So until that's done, I won't be posting too much. (lol)
  8. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    I know how that feels lol. Well, I won't be using taka or anything at evo, I want to test myself and see how far I can get with Jeffry. Besides, my pride is worth more than a couple grand. [​IMG]
  9. Mlai

    Mlai Well-Known Member

    I have a general mid-tier scrub question.
    My Jeff playstyle currently is mainly "knock down opponent, okizeme, repeat until he's dead." This is because so many of Jeff's attacks just knocks down after 1-2 hits. And while lag/noobness may prevent me from linking a juggle combo, it won't stop me from dominating a fellow scrub with follow-up okizeme.

    My current tactics:
    1. If he doesn't know what P+K+G is, he will eat a 8K+G (Raiden Drop) from me every time as I input that as soon as he touches the ground.
    2. If he demonstrates use of P+K+G, or if he likes rising attacks, I will space myself and tag him with 3K or 66K+G.
    3. Repeat.

    I don't use the ground throws as they're slower than 8K+G. With 8K+G I can hit him even if he's already rising, as long as he didn't roll.

    I just read Sebo's 101 and he started to mention use of some of Jeff's big slow attacks as okizeme. This I would love to do, because currently I can't use any of Jeff's big attacks online (fighting PPP'ers) and ofc I want to. How do I use Jeff's big attacks in okizeme?

    I think the moves in question are:
    (1) 46P = A slow short-ranged high?? How is that even possible to use for okizeme?
    (2) 41236P = So... I start it up, hold it, and time it so it connects with the rising opponent, and I can stuff any of his rising attacks? Mid or low doesn't matter? Will it track if he rolls sideways and I'm holding? How can he possibly escape then, aside from rolling backwards?
    (3) 1P+K = So... time it so it connects with rising opponent, and I can stuff any of his rising attacks? Same question as for #2.
    (4) 6K+G = The slow-mo axe kick?? So... I time it way in advance, and if he blocks he staggers, and if he rising attacks I beat it out and CH? But... it's so slow how do I time it way in advance? If he happens to get up faster or slower by 0.5 second I would have mistimed it.
    (5) What about Threat Stance? What if I start it up, while standing next to the downed opponent? It's easy to just time any of the Threat follow-ups as he's standing up. Will the follow-ups stuff his mid/low rising attacks? Which one is best to use, if any?
  10. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    1. I've never used 46p as oki before, but I imagine it would be used after the opponent whiffs rising attack and you dash forward and use it. If you condition a opponent with 3k+g all the time they will want to evade the other direction so 46p covers his back.

    It also meets the damage requirements to beat a rising attack though, so if timed correctly it will beat it and you can do your max damage combo.

    2. This move can definitely stuff all rising attacks. It also tracks. In fact, it's half circular to his back similar to 46p. Besides back roll, you have to respect your opponent when using this move. If you always go for full charge, they can tech roll and get CH strike(s) on you so that's not a good idea. This is also another nice oki against whiffed rising attacks.

    3. What's the point of 1p+k to crush rising attacks? There's better options. I will say though, after opponent whiffs rising kick they will hold block lots of the time, that's when I would attempt 1p+k.

    4.6k+g is my personal favorite. It got buffed big time in FS so it's worth the risk/reward for me. You have to be extremely proficient with this one and it is indeed risky, there's no room for errors or you will eat the rising kick. It's pretty low risk high reward though considering what you get.

    5. I really despise threat stance in general so I don't like to speak of it... I'm just going to say this, Jeffry's best stagger is threat p+k, I tested it in the dojo. Even on the fastest possible stagger recovery PK is guaranteed let alone if someone sucks at it. I've already talked too much about threat stance. [​IMG]

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